The Glycans Are Coming

Me, explaining that the glycans are coming.

There are certain things you can just predict. I try not to obsess about this stuff, but I just find evolution sincerely interesting, it’s one of my autistic pet interests, you should see me spend an evening trying to simulate island speciation in Sim Life. I have just kind of grown to accept over time I find this stuff genuinely interesting.

I wrote about half a year ago:

As I have said before, you can now expect deletions to emerge, around these regions:

14-26 (N1), 141-156 (N3) and 246-260 (N5).

These three loops in the N-Terminal Domain are unusually long in SARS2, compared to its close relatives in other animals. This unusually long region allowed the virus to spread across the world, by stabilizing its Spike in a form that promotes infection of cells. As amino acids are deleted from these highly immunogenic regions, the intrinsic infectiousness of the virus declines, but this is masked by the fact that it allows it to escape certain antibodies.

I was right, the big mutation that emerged convergently in multiple lineages, including the now dominant KP.3.1.1, was a deletion of amino acid 31. That puts a Glycan on 30, shielding the N1 loop from antibodies.

I think I may have underestimated how functionally important these loops are. But the general pattern holds, they’re very immunogenic and these parts of the N-Terminal Domain are under strong pressure to change. The route the virus seems to mainly settle on, is adding glycans.

For the N1 loops, there’s a secondary solution that’s very popular. Lineages that don’t delete S:31, tend to change S:22 to Asparagine (N) instead, so you get a glycan right in the middle of the loop, at 22. That’s a less popular strategy. A small number seem to add both glycans, but that seems excessive. And a handful achieve the glycan on S30 by deleting 32 instead of 31.

So then you have the N1 loop covered. What happens next?

Well it seems that the virus adds another glycan. This time it changes P139 to Serine. That allows an N-linked glycan to be put on 137. S and T can also have O-linked glycans of their own, but N linked glycans tend to be more useful, because they’re generally bigger. I explained it here.

There’s also another lineage that already dealt with N1, where a glycan is put on the other edge of the N3 loop, at 155.

Keep in mind, a glycan doesn’t just physically block an antibody. It also blocks T cells from recognizing their epitope. The T cell epitopes are generally somewhat longer than the region an antibody binds to. So when you have CD4+ T cells that have this glycan blocking them from recognizing their epitope, those T cells can not activate B cells, even if those B cells could still produce antibodies that would manage to bind there.

In other words, the glycan shield does not have to be very dense, to start causing trouble. So N1 is dealt with, N3 seems like S:P139S and/or S:S155N will deal with it, then presumably there’s N5. When it has dealt with all three of these, there’s not going to be much left to target on the NTD. The antibodies against the RBD are what you normally want to have doing the job, but they shifted to IgG4 and IgG2 in most people.

Keep in mind, it seems to be IgM antibodies that are causing these glycans to be selected now. IgM antibodies are already kind of a half-assed way to deal with this virus, they’re generally not able to enter tissues to prevent cell to cell spread, they circulate in the blood and mucus. So they keep the viral load low, but can’t eliminate the virus, that’s what IgG has to do once IgM has already reduced the viral load.

If it’s the IgM antibodies now doing the job, it’s reasonably to expect that recent waves have led to a much greater share of persistent infections than previous waves.

The glycan shield on the NTD is going to grow increasingly dense and the vaccinators already wasted their ammunition on the RBD, leaving most of humanity with an IgG4/IgG2 dominant antibody response against it. So then what happens? Well, trying to vaccinate against this virus, becomes a bit like trying to vaccinate against HIV. Every attempt at vaccinating against HIV failed miserably, generally increasing risk of infection among the unfortunate human guinea pigs by teaching the immune system a strategy that won’t work, because it has such a dense glycan shield:

The worst part of course, is that most of the human population is stuck with an immune system increasingly focused on a strategy that’s inevitably going to fail (antibodies against the NTD). There’s just not really anything prohibiting this virus from pasting a bunch of extra glycans on its N-Terminal Domain.

So what’s going to happen, is just basically what we’ve seen in just about all the viruses we tried vaccinating chickens against: It eventually fails, results in more virulent variants and makes everything worse. You can just look this up for yourself, what happened to H5N1 (grew more virulent) to Marek’s disease (grew more virulent), to Newcastle’s disease (hypervirulent strains emerged) and to Infectious Bursal Disease (hypervirulent strains emerged).

The now well-known Belgian veterinarian and vaccinologist, Geert van den Bossche, would have known about this stuff. He would have seen it happen during his lifetime and realized vaccines that fails to stop a virus from spreading can eventually backfire. I’m glad he opened his mouth, it led me to look into this topic.

There are probably a bunch of other scientists his age, who would have considered the same, but failed to open their mouths. For people like me this is an esoteric discovery, but if you’re a scientist who has been involved in keeping these poor chickens alive with new vaccines as mother nature tries to end their misery, you would have known that vaccinating against viruses with vaccines that fail to stop infection generally makes everything worse after a few years.

Allow me to just quote some studies on these chicken viruses:

Here’s how vaccinating against IBD went:

IBD was first described more than 50 years ago and continues to be an important threat to the poultry industry throughout the world (Eterradossi and Saif, 2013). There are two serotypes of IBDV, serotype 1 and serotype 2 (Wang et al., 2007). Serotype 1 strains are pathogenic to chickens and differ from each other in virulence and antigenicity, whereas serotype 2 strains are avirulent to chickens (Ismail et al., 1988, Wang et al., 2007). Since the first report of IBD in 1957, the isolated strains were of limited virulence and sufficiently controlled through vaccination, however, the antigenic variant strains, which could escape from immunization of chickens with classical IBDV vaccines, were recognized in the USA in 1985 (Snyder et al., 1988). These strains were of different subtypes to that of classical strains as determined by virus neutralization (VN) (Jackwood and Saif, 1987) and monoclonal antibody (Mab)-based antigen-capture ELISA (AC-ELISA) assays (Snyder et al., 1988). As of 1987, very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV) strains have been identified in several European countries and have spread worldwide (van den Berg, 2000). These vvIBDV strains could break through high and normally protective levels of maternal antibodies and cause mortality at least twice as high as that induced by the classical virulent IBDV (cvIBDV) strains (van den Berg et al., 1991, Eterradossi et al., 1992). Until now and based on a combination of pathotypic, antigenic, cultural and genetic traits, the serotype 1 strains are commonly subdivided into four groups: classical virulent strains, antigenic variant strains, cell-culture-adapted attenuated strains, and very virulent strains.

IBD has been a major poultry disease in China since 1982 when the first IBDV strain, CJ801, was isolated in Beijing (Cao et al., 1998, Liu et al., 2002). Although the IBD situation was well controlled by a range of conventional attenuated live and inactivated IBD vaccines, the very virulent and antigenic variant IBDV strains have also emerged in China since the late 1980s and early 1990s and spread continuously in many regions (Cao et al., 1997, Liu et al., 2002), resulting in severe economic losses to the poultry industry. The Chinese vvIBDVs isolated in 1990s were shown to form a continuum in the pathogenicity between European cvIBDV and vvIBDV strains (van den Berg et al., 2004). However, IBDV strains with new properties could emerge later on due to the high mutation rate of RNA viruses and the high selection pressure generated by intensive vaccination of birds. It is therefore essential to identify new IBDV isolates and compare them with previously described viruses (van den Berg et al., 2004).

The aim of the present study was to characterize some representative IBDV strains isolated from field outbreaks in various regions of China between late 1990s and recent years at the genetic, antigenic and pathologic levels, and to compare them with other European IBDV strains with a classical or very virulent phenotype. The data obtained in this study suggest continued evolution of both segments A and B in the recent vvIBDV strains isolated between 2005 and 2011 that exhibit an increased pathogenicity. These results could help in the effective control of IBD in China.

So they started vaccinating the birds and the high selection pressure it generated enabled the birth of new strains with new properties, like increased pathogenicity. That is, increased ability to kill the birds. I just feel like spelling it out for you all.

Marek’s disease, well, that’s the classical example. I’m sure it has been discussed at lengths by every schizo chasing the substack bucks already, so allow me to skip over it. But then there’s Newcastle disease. They began vaccinating against it in the 50’s and hypervirulent strains began to emerge independently around the world.

They don’t vaccinate chickens against that many viruses. But almost every virus they have been vaccinating them against for at least a few decades, you can look it up and the viruses just became more virulent eventually.

It’s not a far-fetched scenario, to think that vaccination with inactivated vaccines that fail to prevent infection would result in more virulent antibody-resistant versions of SARS2. It’s a logical expectation to have, based off what we know about vaccinating chickens. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.

You don’t have to go to the forest to smoke salvia every day to come up with this idea. It wasn’t the pipe dream of an obscure Belgian veterinarian either. It was just something that was pretty logical to expect, based on what we know about our collective human experience of vaccinating chickens against viruses with vaccines that don’t work very well.

For everyone who is reliant on an adaptive immune response against this virus, these antibody-resistant highly glycated SARS2 variants are bad news. Elderly who were not vaccinated should at least still have an IgG3 response against the RBD, but this is just inherently a nasty situation, to have a SARS virus circulating in the population that was taught by a homogeneous(!) poor-affinity antibody response to cover itself in glycans.

Other than an intact and properly trained innate immune response, the unvaccinated have the benefit of having had three years, to go through the cycles of damage and repair that our bodies go through upon exposure to respiratory viruses. I have written about this before. There are lymphatic and vascular adaptations seen from respiratory infections, that protect people against unrelated respiratory infections. We know it works like this from the 1918 pandemic.

This is why I say: Take good care of your body, eat your natto, take the occasional dose of psilocybe mushrooms, take cannabidiol, go jogging, andsoforth. Your body has to go through those cycles of damage and repair. The body recovers and grows stronger, from mild insults. I don’t think this idea of wearing masks and just ending your exposure to the population of respiratory viruses that has co-evolved with our species over many generations is a sustainable solution. I also personally consider it an undesirable development, if I could never again stand in a club with a bunch of people I might as well die.

I have also recommended people who were vaccinated, to try to suppress your body’s overreliance on an improper adaptive immune response, through use of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, suppress the adaptive immune response, thereby helping the innate immune system to keep doing its job.

I should probably have recommended taurine much earlier too, but alas, I am fallible.

I don’t necessarily think that once we have the properly glycated antibody-resistant variants of SARS2, everyone who was vaccinated just drops dead. Frankly, my suspicion is that once the vaccination experiment truly fails, you’re going to see a whole bunch of people develop long-covid type symptoms that get progressively worse.

We may already be at the start of this, nobody has numbers on how many of the infections currently happening are going to be persistent. We know the virus has more glycans now and we know that viruses with a better glycan shield tend to establish more persistent infections. You would expect that with every added glycan, a greater share of the population will no longer be able to eliminate the virus.

There are solution to this, I have covered those before. Psilocybe mushrooms produce Psilocybine and psilocin, which bind strongly to M-protease. It basically tells viral particles that linger in infected cells that the jig is up, they have to go. You can just look it up, people take the mushrooms and they recover their sense of smell.

I am inclined to think there is some sort of order in our universe. Maybe we are all more or less being forced to progress towards a state, where everyone undergoes this process of consciousness transformation, that involves expanding your circle of empathy towards sentient beings less related to you.

I hope that’s how this works. If the worst case scenario unfolds and the vaccinated all just drop dead in droves, then we’re all screwed, because you can’t build a functional economy around paying for each other’s substack and complaining in the comments that the world is flat and ruled by satan-worshipping pedophiles who want to force us to eat bugs.

Part of the problem you’re dealing with, is that when everyone ends up persistently infected by this virus, you end up with the whole population suffering a degree of acquired immunodeficiency. That’s how you end up with syndemics, like in South Africa, where widespread HIV resulted in the spread of tuberculosis, including in people who did not have HIV themselves.

But to summarize, what’s happening right now is fascinating to watch, in the same sense as a category 5 hurricane approaching a major coastal city is fascinating to watch. But importantly, what’s happening now is something we could already have known would happen back in 2020, if people with experience in this field had bothered to connect the dots. My intuition suggested to me at the time that this would happen, but now I have a pretty good picture of what the underlying mechanisms are.


  1. I think as I keep making these posts, documenting what was already known in 2020, showing how things are just unfolding in accordance to the predictions, some of you will have this moment when the quarter drops and you realize:

    This is actually happening.

    In your head it’s not really real at some level, because you don’t hear it on the news, you read about it on obscure blogs.

    But yes, this is really what’s happening and we’re about to live through the disaster. Based on the pace it’s going, I think it will probably start to get really nasty this winter.

    And the real tragedy, is that it didn’t have to be like this. If they vaccinated the elderly and didn’t do something crazy like the mRNA experiment, I doubt you would end up with enough antibody pressure to make all these glycans pop up all at once. Elderly people don’t travel much and nursing home residents are dead within two years of admission anyway, that’s the reality of being trapped in this mortal coil, so the pressure would spontaneously diminish.

    But no, they had to vaccinate EVERYONE, ages 0 to 100, under the threat of social ostracism if you failed to submit. And they had to give so many shots, they broke the antibody response (IgG4).

    Even myself, I just have these moments where I snap back to reality and realize, yes, this is really happening, it’s not just a LARP, it’s not just my personal doomsday fanfic. You can just look at how it’s suddenly piling on all these glycans on the N-Terminal Domain, exactly in accordance to predictions, exactly in the most immunogenic regions.

    You can just look at how it’s the only respiratory virus suddenly infecting the whole population in the middle of summer. No Influenza wave, no RSV wave, none of it, just one single respiratory virus, suddenly making people sick in summer.

    It’s really happening, we’re witness to the real consequences of a real failed experiment, that they doubled down on once it became clear it was starting to fail.

    It still blows my mind.

      • With his background, if you scare people like he did and still does to this day, then sell a book for $50, a course for $120, what did you expect?

      • If you were on his substack, that was free, you would understand why he did the paywall. He thought the low IQ LSWM would not pay to come argue silly stuff with him. But, they did and now he hasn’t said anything on his forum for many days. He is deciding what to do.

    • “In your head it’s not really real at some level, because you don’t hear it on the news, you read about it on obscure blogs.”

      Yeah, this is still me to an extent. That’s not a knock on you; it’s just …

      There’s been so much previously unthinkable crap that has gone down since Corona-chan showed up, but the most extreme stuff has been psychological and behavioral: locking down the planet, virus terror, hysteria over masks and vaccines and on and on.

      Meanwhile the biomedical aspect has been crappy, but comprehensibly so: they whipped up this bug in a lab and it got out and made a lot of people sick; they came up with some untested, experimental, but highly profitable injectable goo, and it doesn’t work and makes a lot of people sick, big surprise.

      All that sucks, but somehow it hasn’t outraced my rapidly shifting sense of the possible.

      But if it really goes this way of new virulence meets crippled immune systems … like a binary chemical weapon where two somewhat toxic ingredients mix, and only then become massively lethal …

      It’s hard for me to map it onto the real world, even after reading your careful reasoning, and even as it’s beginning to show up in the normie news in bits and pieces.

      We’ll see. I mean, Nvidia hasn’t crashed and burned yet, so there’s still hope, right?

      • ““In your head it’s not really real at some level, because you don’t hear it on the news, you read about it on obscure blogs.”

        Yeah, this is still me to an extent. That’s not a knock on you; it’s just …””

        Well, the doomsday virus and body count aren’t there yet, after years of anxiously waiting, so perhaps the inescapable doomsday virus/”vaccine” interaction isn’t so inescapable after all?

        Are we becoming a doomsday cult?

        Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that the virus doesn’t arrive this winter, well, some people here will give up on this and move on, but others will double down.

        Which is exactly what happens with cults.

        Most will leave the cult when doomsday doesn’t eventuate (perhaps helping to explain the waning interest in this topic), whereas others become even more fervent and deluded in their beliefs.

        Intelligence alone is no defense against this phenomenon as plenty of smart people get sucked into cults.

        So, let’s say we choose to base our beliefs on science instead. Well, how many of us are equipped to understand the science behind these concerns? And if we don’t understand it, what are we basing our concerns on?


        What is that starting to sound like?

        • >Well, the doomsday virus and body count aren’t there yet, after years of anxiously waiting, so perhaps the inescapable doomsday virus/”vaccine” interaction isn’t so inescapable after all?

          Well we can quite clearly tell something is wrong, because there’s only one single respiratory virus out there, sickening droves of people in the middle of summer.

          That’s not supposed to happen, when a virus transitions to endemicity.

          It illustrates quite clearly that they broke something. That takes time to reveal its effects, but it will.

    • I never got explained what happens in areas with 30 to 50% vaxcinated populations. Yes the pressure will be high, but in 50:50 areas?

      • >I never got explained what happens in areas with 30 to 50% vaxcinated populations. Yes the pressure will be high, but in 50:50 areas?

        You don’t get everything explained because… nobody knows everything.

        What happens in 30 to 50% vaccinated populations? Well, this process is unfolding globally, so I doubt they just manage to avoid exposure to the new variants. That’s my best guess. Maybe if you live in some rural part of South Sudan or the Central African Republic, those new variants never happen to reach your place, it’s possible.

        But I just have to emphasize this: There’s nobody out there who knows exactly what’s going to happen.

        All we know is:

        -Corona viruses have left their genetic imprint in the human genome, so they had to kill a bunch of people in the past.

        -Vaccinating against viruses with vaccines that fail to stop transmission generally goes terribly wrong in chickens after a few years, with new far more virulent versions of those viruses emerging. People tell me “we’ve been waiting for years!” But we have really only been waiting for three years and it’s already severely escalating now, which is much faster than it went wrong in chickens.

        -This virus has suddenly started piling on a bunch of glycans, that allows it to avoid a whole bunch of antibodies (and prevents the immune system from deploying different antibodies, unlike previous variants where that was still possible).

        -Most of the human population is stuck with a broken IgG4/IgG2 antibody response, against the only part of the virus where you can actually expect proper neutralization to happen.

        If you just put this stuff together, you end up with a medical horror story that effectively writes itself.

        • “if you just put this stuff together, you end up with a medical horror story that effectively writes itself.”
          Have you seen the FEAR in the eyes of people recounting how they finally recovered from their 2024 summer infections?
          People know when they are near death. They are saying that they were.
          And, no, they did not go to the ER. Stories like “105 degree fever for 5 days; I could not move out of bed”.
          I have never heard people talk like this.
          I have rarely heard of people getting the flu in summer.
          The news keeps gaslighting me saying that covid has been like this every summer.
          So, I am concerned about the actual cold and flu season arriving now coupled with election hijinks.

          • >I have never heard people talk like this.
            >I have rarely heard of people getting the flu in summer.

            Yep. We’re being gaslighted into pretending this is normal, to have people everywhere coughing their lungs out in the middle of summer.

            It wasn’t like this in the summer of 2020. Then in 2021 these summer waves began and as I showed before, they’ve been getting steadily more virulent since the first Omicrons emerged.

        • > But I just have to emphasize this: There’s nobody out there who knows exactly what’s going to happen.

          Exactly. In fact, the chances that a rare phenomenon will occur based on overly simplistic evolutionary ideas are very low. The current situation does not have to inevitably lead to highly virulent strains e.g. evolution can be random.

  2. Last night I was at an overdose awareness event and talked to a few different people over only a few hours. Here is what I learned: A guy that I have worked with in the past-a very healthy guy in his mid-60s, into running and kayaking with his wife (similarly into healthy activities), lost his wife of many years to a “mystery illness” with weird neurological symptoms about 6 months ago. He has totally gone off the rails. A woman I have known for a few years was just found dead 2 weeks ago-she seemed healthy, mid-60s. Found dead sitting on her couch, no previous signs of illness. I also spoke to the local public health doctor in his late 50s, maybe early 60s-I hadn’t seen him in a year or two and he looked like hell. He told me that he was “on my second day of a negative covid test” but still felt “terrible”. This was after he gave me a hug (!). Who knows how many times he has been infected. Lots of people from public health there, probably all multi-vaxxed and many looked awful. It’s happening.

  3. “HIV” in South Africa got a nice kick start with the help of Wouter Basson aka Dr Death vaccinating millions. Tell me, what does a bunch of kids in Africa have in common with sodomites in San Franciscan bathhouses? It’s not sodomy, more like a carefully crafted plan by nefarious Malthusian eugenicists to get rid of a large group of people with minimal blowback. Kind of like what you see going on today.

    Ps. The day you wake up to the fact that we don’t live on a globe will be a beautiful one Rint 🙏 one day 😁

  4. Thank you for this piece, and for the others on covid. No-one else that I’ve found is writing anything like what you are writing.

    This was posted in the comment section of the August 28th Naked Capitalism Water Cooler by IM Doc, an internal medicine doctor who often posts there:

    “I had three patients who attended the RNC a month ago – 1 as a delegate – the other a spouse, the other in another role. One of these people was vaccinated once with the J&J vaxx – the other two have gotten no vaxx at all. I just called them all 3 today – no COVID – no illness no anything since their arrival home. All 3 have had COVID one time only – 1 during Delta, two during the first Omicron wave.

    I have 4 patients who were at the DNC. 2 delegates, one spouse, and one in another role. 3 of the 4 have been diagnosed with COVID this week. Previous infections of COVID among the 4 – 2 times, 3 times, 5 times, 2 times. All 4 have been vaxxed and boosted a minimum of 5 times. One has been vaxxed 8 times. 1 of these patients is quite ill, but not quite hospital level, the other 2 are not as bad but still not good.

    I may have had other people at either convention that I just do not know about. This is an important issue when no one seems to be doing any kind of investigating – and local MDs and health officials have to rely on their own wits and observations.

    Having nothing to do with the DNC – Since Monday – I have admitted 5 people to the hospital – all multiply vaxxed and multiply infected over the past 4 years.

    I have mentioned this before recently – and will say so again – the “archetype” patient in this wave is just like Biden, Fauci and now Hillary Clinton – over 60, multiply vaxxed and boosted – and with multiple previous infections. And indeed with predilections for other severe infections. The pattern is becoming hard to ignore. I do not know what else to say.”

    My 35 y.o. Oklahoma cousin-once-removed decided not to work in the Google facility near her home because they required the vax, which she and the rest of her extended family declined. She decided to work in a toilet paper factory instead. They all caught covid early on and haven’t had it since. She looks amazingly healthy.

    • “They all caught covid early on and haven’t had it since.”

      Makes me wonder. . .

      I’m not vaxxed and I’ve had it twice; my partner, also unvaxxed, has had it three times. Perhaps the fact that we’ve caught it more than once is due to 99% of the rest of the population in our city being “vaccinated”? Perhaps there’s more of the virus circulating here than elsewhere, so it’s harder to dodge, even with an immune system that isn’t gorked by “vaccines”?

      Fortunately for us, the virus has been pretty much the worst health impact that we’ve have suffered from this pharma-Chernobyl, which like Chernobyl, seems to be an endless cancer-causing disaster among other consequences.

      I’m still amazed that there doesn’t seem to have been any blowback on the creators of this virus etc. or measures halt ongoing “”activities”” in the pharma-doomsday-virus-creation space.

      I’m guessing that some individual has yet to make the ultimate sacrifice, for the greater good, to get the news out there.

      Clearly, someone on the inside, who has heretofore been suppressed into not letting the truth get out, needs to commit suicide to lend credence to the tapes that they’ve already provided to a publisher.

      • Well, they don’t do a lot of testing in Oklahoma. The only reason she knew she ever had it was because they were all sick at the same time early on and one family member bothered to test and it was positive. Maybe she has had it more than once and didn’t notice. And although she looked very healthy to me, I don’t know how she would have looked without ever catching covid. She didn’t at any rate have the funny look of the people where I live, who look like they’ve aged prematurely. They get a lot of sunshine in OK; maybe that helps. Or maybe you are right that being around a lot of vaxxed people makes things worse; definitely in OK a lot of people declined the shot.

      • I’ve always been intrigued by these anecdotes, so I ask people non-vaxxed people these questions whenever we’re talking about it. I know many non-vaxxed people who have had covid 3+ times, as well as non-vaxxed people who consider themselves to have long covid.

        • I may have given the impression that I think the unvaxxed will be just fine. I don’t. The dog study in Korea showed severe brain damage, without symptoms.

  5. It became real for me last August. My eldest brother died of bowl cancer. Two weeks later a neice is diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. Two of my wife’s close friends get different cancers- the one with leukemia has a heart attack (dead in two weeks), the other gets brain cancer and dies of a stroke. On and on.
    Getting old real fast. And my family is somehow still unwilling to talk about it.

    • I’m really sorry Bill.

      It’s miserable. So many cases of rapidly progressing cancer now.

      We now have a whole bunch of people, with an improper antibody response to this virus, that’s known to interfere in the immune system’s ability to properly fight cancer.

      I’m sure there are things that could be done, but that requires the system to first acknowledge something went wrong.

    • Sorry for your loss Bill. Sadly it’s starting to become real for my extended family as well. Back in July my cousin in his 20’s was admitted to hospital for sepsis, he has Crohn’s disease so I think it was a perforated bowel that caused bacteria to leak from his intestines into his bloodstream. He had surgery to remove an abscess but then his condition deteriorated, he developed pneumonia in his lungs and was sent to ICU in an induced coma. Thankfully he’s on the mend now and is back home recovering but it was a close call. He had 4 x mRNA (full primary course and two boosters) because his Crohn’s medication suppresses his immune system so his doctors advised him to keep getting vaccinated. That’s what his brother told me. Honestly it’s (thankfully) amazing how the healthcare system isn’t already overwhelmed and at risk of collapse considering how immunocompromised the entire population is. We humans do tend to be a resilient bunch.

    • That is terrible. I am very sorry about your brother and your niece.
      Most people are too overwhelmed to want to look at a scale bigger than their own situation; I can’t blame them. People don’t want to believe that they are victims of stupidity or malice; I don’t blame them for that, either.

    • A fully vaxxed friend – super healthy – gets pancreatic cancer… they give him a booster as he’s about to start chemo… some days after has a heart attack. They do a full cardio exam – no blockages .. cannot understand why he had a heart attack so they tell him it was the chemo.

      He believes them.

      He is now in palliative care

  6. Great post Radagast.

    > some of you will have this moment when the quarter drops and you realize: This is actually happening. In your head it’s not really real at some level, because you don’t hear it on the news, you read about it on obscure blogs. But yes, this is really what’s happening and we’re about to live through the disaster.

    Yup, it’s surreal, everytime I go out in public I look all around me at all the clueless NPCs/normies who have no idea what’s coming.

    In one of your February posts you wrote the chilling sentence: “So the selection really seems to be happening, in highly mRNA vaccinated countries that have had their first BA.2.86 wave.”

    So this weird 4 amino acid insertion of BA.2.86 that you’ve described previously, which seems to stabilise the NTD and allows the deletions and glycans to start appearing, am I right in saying that all the current variants being selected for with these worrying NTD mutations are all descended from this common ancestor? Because you’ve explained before about the convergent evolution due to massive selection pressure on NTD, meaning they are evolving independently. Sorry I get confused with all the different serotypes/lineages. Is there some sort of evolutionary tree map/chart you can point me towards that illustrates all the major variant families of the last few years (BA, XBB, JN, KP, FLiRT etc.) and which lineages spawn which sub-lineages, and when all these different serotypes/lineages/families split from their common ancestor?

    > I don’t necessarily think that once we have the properly glycated antibody-resistant variants of SARS2, everyone who was vaccinated just drops dead. Frankly, my suspicion is that once the vaccination experiment truly fails, you’re going to see a whole bunch of people develop long-covid type symptoms that get progressively worse.

    Yeah you wrote about how this could happen when the vaccinated start deploying antibodies against the glycan shielded NTD which would cross-react with healthy tissue. Dr. Philip McMillan has discussed a similar phenomenon which he has dubbed as STORM (Spike Triggered autOimmune Response Mechanism). So, different to Dr. Geert’s “Tsunami” prediction that the vaccinated will succumb very quickly. Either way, it’s horrific.

    • >am I right in saying that all the current variants being selected for with these worrying NTD mutations are all descended from this common ancestor?

      Yup, everything now circulating is descended from BA.2.86 with the odd insertion.

      That’s the other thing worth keeping in mind: We don’t have a situation yet with multiple serotypes circulating simultaneously. That’s another way vaccination can go very wrong.

      • Ah, I found the evolutionary tree which maps out all the clades, this is exactly what I was looking for:

        You can see that from late 2023/early 2024 onwards, the rate of viral mutation goes exponential, with now massive genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2.

        And in a recent ANH forum post, Dr. GVB stated “it’s important to recognize that the co-circulation of multiple viral variants can lead to multiple co-infections within the same person, thereby generating quasispecies.”

        Very concerning. Also, I was re-watching some of the interview that Dr. Vanden Bossche gave to Steve Kirsch from last December:

        At 1:00:55, Geert discusses the epigenetic training of the cellular innate immune system in the unvaccinated. He said that if the unvaccinated go two or three months without being exposed to SARS-CoV-2, their innate immune system is essentially reset and that they have to start retraining it again from scratch. This surprised me, I was under the impression that these NK cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells that migrate/proliferate into various organs and tissues were long lived, as you have described in many previous posts.

        Because Geert has said on many occasions that “Africa will win” because they didn’t vaccinate. But Africa has had herd immunity since their Omicron wave in early 2022. Imagine rural villagers in Kenya or Uganda, many of these people will have had zero exposure to SARS-CoV-2 for the last two years. So according to Geert, these people have lost their trained innate immunity? I find this hard to believe. So, if a wealthy mRNA-transfected she/her millennial/zoomer travels to one of these villages to volunteer so that she can virtue signal to her Instagram followers and inadvertently infects the poor villagers with HIVICRON, she is going to kill them all?

        • >At 1:00:55, Geert discusses the epigenetic training of the cellular innate immune system in the unvaccinated. He said that if the unvaccinated go two or three months without being exposed to SARS-CoV-2, their innate immune system is essentially reset and that they have to start retraining it again from scratch.

          There are aspects of trained innate immunity, particularly the proliferation of a specialized population of NK cells, that are known to require relatively frequent exposure to be sustained.

          This has been observed in malaria:

          After elimination of malaria, the specialized trained innate immune NK population responsible for protection significantly declines after about two years and seems to be mostly gone after four. To me that’s long-lived, although it’s not as long-lived as the antibody response after infection by a new pathogen, which can last for decades, as with 1918 influenza.

          But starting from scratch after two or three months without exposure, I’ve seen nothing to suggest that. I’m sure there are other aspects of trained innate immune response that decline faster than the redistribution of the NK cell population though. I would imagine he’s referring to other aspects of immunity.

          • >So, if a wealthy mRNA-transfected she/her millennial/zoomer travels to one of these villages to volunteer so that she can virtue signal to her Instagram followers and inadvertently infects the poor villagers with HIVICRON, she is going to kill them all?

            Honestly, it’s kind of a LARP to argue that people who are young, healthy and regularly exposed to pathogens like dengue and malaria are suddenly going to die of SARS2 in droves anyway.

            Right now the IFR in young people seems to be two per million for Omicron:


            So something would need to happen, that suddenly increases the IFR of a virus like this by 500,000 times in healthy young people, overnight.

            That’s just not very likely.

            When the problem strikes, it’s still going to be mainly the elderly who get severely ill and die.

            But if you have most of the population suddenly ill, you don’t have enough people to treat them and critical services just start breaking down, if the 50 year old at the local power plant is coughing his lungs out he can’t go to work.

            And importantly, as with the Infectious Bursal Disease, when you vaccinate, you get very virulent strains that evolve and increasingly damage the immune system, interfering in protection from other pathogens. Chickens that get these very virulent infectious bursal disease strains that are able to cause breakthrough infections have their immune systems damaged, that’s how H5N1 seems to have originally jumped into chickens.

            So once SARS2 gets its glycan shield, you can reasonably expect something similar, you would expect a vast portion of the population starts suffering immunodeficiency, as they suffer these persistent infections that exhaust the immune system.

            And in case you wonder: “How do we know it won’t just be a nothingburger?” Well, we have seen coronaviruses jump species before. It left a genetic imprint on our population, over multiple generations.

          • OK, makes sense, thanks for the detailed replies.

            Yeah, I was kind of LARPing about Sally Soccerdaughter in an attempt to introduce some humour into an otherwise sombre topic.

            > these parts of the N-Terminal Domain are under strong pressure to change. The route the virus seems to mainly settle on, is adding glycans.

            I’m trying to look for positives in this bleak situation, and I suppose that the fact we’re mainly seeing glycans instead of deletions in the NTD is preferable. Of course, the glycan-shielding will still mean that the remaining non-neutralising IgM antibodies will cease working, but if the immunogenic loops don’t get shorter due to lack of deletions, then maybe these future variants won’t be as fusogenic (and thus virulent, resembling the original SARS) as you were originally predicting back in February.

        • HIVICRON will appear so quickly according to Geert that people will succumb to it faster than they can spread it to someone else. It will hit the lower organs and there will not be anything their body can do to fight it. It will be a tsunami more than a storm like Phillip MacMillan believes.

  7. Just an observation. I was looking up appointment schedule for LabCorp and most sites are 2 weeks out. This seems like a lot of sick people out there.

  8. > ..take the occasional dose of psilocybe mushrooms, take cannabidiol,..

    Unfortunately, these things are banned in most parts of the world.
    You don’t know which quality you can get in “dark places”. It may be “improved” with other drugs.

    So, I wonder if there are more “legal” and safe alternatives. Some herbs, for instance.

  9. > If the worst case scenario unfolds and the vaccinated all just drop dead in droves, then we’re all screwed, because you can’t build a functional economy around paying for each other’s substack and complaining in the comments that the world is flat and ruled by satan-worshipping pedophiles who want to force us to eat bugs.

    The worst case is that the vaxxed develop low grade dementia and don’t contribute, but remain a burden.

    Personally, I think a collapse of the current bullshit is good, even if it’s painful. I fucking hate what society has become.

    By the way, I would like to give you a gift.
    How to convince LSWMs to eat less meat:

  10. >I have also recommended people who were vaccinated, to try to suppress your body’s overreliance on an improper adaptive immune response, through use of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, suppress the adaptive immune response, thereby helping the innate immune system to keep doing its job.

    You know what women with menstrual pains take since a few years? CBD oils. And many shops mix them freely and add “more wink wink nudge nudge” to make the pain really go away.
    Many older folks take them to alleviate back pain. Totally overpriced, but in the end it will be a fascinating sorting algo. Those who just try out live better overall.

    • My 99 year old father in law eats 3-4 gummies a day for his back pain and he is totally cognizant and to be honest wittier than me and my husband. He had mRNA four shots, total.

  11. Quran 4:118 and 4:119 informs us that Satan told God:

    “I will certainly take my due share of Your servants; I will mislead them and incite vain desires in them; I will command them to slit the ears of cattle; I will command them to tamper with God’s creation”. Whoever chooses to make Satan a patron instead of God is utterly ruined.

    The neon green hair, tattoed, pierced, body-modded crowd certainly have tampered with God’s creation. So have those that have willingly modified their genes with the diabolic mRNA therapy. The faithful who have read their Quran have always known this and did not take the poison shot.

    Israel did.

  12. This is how civilization operates. The captain of the SS El Faro took it right into a hurricane with no one questioning his command. You have audio of the first mate putting artificial sweeteners in his coffee even though he would be dead in a few hours.

    • Oftentimes people know better, but self-censor, or get bullied into compliance.

      Groupthink. Plus, idiots in charge who think in logical fallacies, etc. It can be useful, but it does lead to disasters time and again.

      Someone will make one of those documentary drama shows about this one day, like they have for Chernobyl, and the audience will be writhing inside as they watch while reason-incapable, aggressive pig bullies their concerned and freaked out underling/s into suicidal compliance.

      The biggest example of this going right now though is overshoot, so I guess you are right, this is how civilization operates.  

  13. The other insidious fact about Marek’s disease is that the vaccines raise the viral load on the entire population to unaturally high levels. This means that unvaccinated chickens don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of longterm survival. Being unvaccinated may carry its own unique dangers if a similar situation evolves in the human population.

    • Yes, but the difference is that the unvaccinated chickens have never been exposed to it before, as chickens only live for 48 days before being slaughtered.

      If you’re unvaccinated against SARS2, your immune system has had the time to adjust to gradually rising levels of virulence.

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