The Grand Work

So today, Wednesday, is a good day to announce that this blog is approaching its completion. As I have announced before, I wish to start drawing less on saturnian influences.

When a musician performs, she draws upon the energy released by her audience. Similarly I draw upon the Martian and Saturnian energy released by my audience here.

I use this energy to gain insight and set limits. Rintrah is a name William Blake used as a personification for revolutionary wrath. That wrath is almost complete.

In the coming months you’re going to see the emergence of new variants of SARS-COV-2, characterised by deletions in and around the immunogenic N1, N3 and N5 loops of the N-Terminal Domain, along with the addition of new glycans around these areas.

This will result in a tremendous increase in its virulence and render people’s antibody response mostly useless. You should expect this to affect people’s brains more than their lungs.

The problem will heavily and disproportionately affect North America. It will lead to a lot of sickness, concentrated among the heavily vaccinated, whose brains have so far been effectively protected by their antibody response.

Even if people survive, they will be heavily affected by exhaustion, confusion, depression and psychosis.

There will be rapid and immense economic consequences. It will essentially begin the end of America’s global dominance.

The effects of the bird flu will be similar and follow not long after. It will essentially just become impossible for humans to use animals for food production.

The virus will become more virulent as it adjusts to mammalian hosts and future infections of farm workers will be more severe than what you have seen so far.

There is going to be a great humiliation of the American tech elite, you will be grateful that you are not them. As stock portfolios are wiped out overnight as their fraud is revealed, people will go to jail if they are lucky, others will be lynched in broad daylight.

Artificial intelligence has bumped into the limits of what it can do. More processing power will result in diminishing returns, it will begin to feed on its own mediocre output and the Internet will increasingly become a disturbing hall of mirrors, useless for any serious purposes.

This is why I made my videos, in hopes of proving to you I am a real person.

Anyone who is aligned with the American upper class is going to regret these unfolding developments. Try to distance yourself from these people.

It’s going to be something akin to the fall of Babylon the Great in the Book of Revelation.

This cataclysm is necessary for multiple reasons. It’s necessary to end the suffering of animals, it’s necessary to keep our planet within climatological boundaries and it’s necessary to avoid humanity from ending up as slaves to artificial intelligence systems owned by American billionaires. Zuckerberg prematurely declared victory, that is why his company is now named Meta.

In a broader sense, the scientific materialist paradigm is approaching its limits. Empirical science will be able to tell us increasingly little about how our world functions.

The emerging inability to practice animal agriculture (look up the blood-shot eyes of the farmworkers if you wish to lose your appetite), will result in vast wide open spaces across our planet, where carbon dioxide will be absorbed, along with excess moisture from downpours.

It takes nature a few years to adjust its arsenal, but it’s now here. The innate immune mechanisms that protect against SARS-COV-2 also protect against the bird flu, as both are prone to seek out endothelial cells in the brain.

The first thing you will see in the upcoming months are lineages of SARS-COV-2 with these new glycans and deletions in the N-Terminal Domain. None of this would have happened without imposing homogeneous antibody pressure on Spike.

My recommendation is to avoid eating the flesh of animals. This is very important, the flesh of chickens, cows and pigs turns you into an optimal host for this virus.

In addition, I recommend taking good care of your brain. Tobacco, cannabis, psilocybe mushrooms, salvia divinorum and mescaline cactuses all help people with this, as I have abundantly demonstrated.

Stock up on these plants, not just for yourself, but for anyone else you care about.

Anything that protects and repairs your brain, is something that will affect how you experience reality, that’s just something you people will have to learn to accept. There is no magical bullet, if Ivermectin was a miracle cure we would have known by now.


  1. Yikes, please don’t abandon us, Sage.

    Not sure why you singled out North America especially/specifically, and not Western Europe, which on average has higher vaccination rates than the USA.

    But yes, I suppose that Americans are on average in considerably worse health than Europeans. Also they have more to lose from this cataclysm, considering they are (just about) still the dominant superpower with global reserve currency status.

    I’ve been considering places to move to. Romania and Bulgaria have the lowest vaccination rates among the EU member states, so they will be (relatively) unscathed compared to other European countries.

    Unfortunately, because of the relentless media and pharma propaganda all through 2021, there doesn’t appear to be many good location candidates in Central/Western Europe.

    Take Germany for example. The region with the lowest vaccination rate is Saxony. Vaccine uptake was around two thirds. Cheap rent, and support for AfD is very strong over there. Or maybe I’ll just stay where I am and try and ride out the storm here.

    Almost as terrifying as these future variants is just how “full retard” the public health authorities will go. They caused this giant mess, and God only knows how they will react and what they will do. I fear a full on “scorched earth” policy. Although I remain hopeful that they will receive the justice that they deserve.

    There are still many unknowns regarding what the “R naught” of these variants with the drastically re-arranged N-Terminal Domain will be.

      • Appreciate the kind words, Apollo. Likewise, I will also miss your (and everyone else’s) comments, I have learned a lot about religion from reading them.

        I don’t currently comment on any of the Substacks that I follow. To be honest, many of the “anti-vaxxers” who lurk over there annoy me almost as much as the “pro-vaxxers”. I’m kind of burned out on that whole thing now. Back in 2021 I was very interested, now, not so much.

        Of course I made an exception for this website, because Rintrah’s analysis went a step further, examining the interplay between the virus and the vaccine, and the whole evolutionary trajectory which I found (and still find) fascinating.

        Very few of the Substack crowd went deep into that type of complex analysis. They just focused on VAERS, “turbo” cancers, myocarditis, “died suddenly” et cetera. The comments section of those Substacks were full of conspiracy nutjobs and cranks.

        Maybe Rintrah will leave the comment section of this site open, we’ll see. In the meantime I’ll print out copies of some articles that I find interesting and relevant (mostly COVID and climate related).

        Here’s one I recently discovered which I found absolutely hilarious:

        • I will miss you all frens, I don’t think anyone stays separate forever however. May we meet again in grander times! Fate goes ever as she shall!

          • I hope that you are feeling rejuvenated and healthy after your epic fast @SYM.

            “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.”

            ― Bill Hicks

          • >I hope that you are feeling rejuvenated and healthy after your epic fast @SYM.

            I feel the greatest I’ve felt in a long, long, time. I went from 270 pounds to 210 if you can believe that! (Well, that’s what my shitty scale says, might be slightly inaccurate) Now I’m focusing on just removing the rest of my excess weight while eating healthily but low calories, it really has made me so much happier. Thanks for caring!

            Nice quote btw.

          • I’ve also been going on walks, ten miles a day, and that makes me feel a lot better too.

          • I am gonna miss all of you too! My bigger farewell comment is awaiting moderation. I hope it shows up.
            + + +
            Sean, I don’t hang out a lot in Substack either. I mostly read GVB posts, and Igor’s.
            + + +
            Here’s a hilarious stand up comedian from Ireland (Sean probably knows him).
            Everyone needs a good laugh when parting.

    • I don’t want to abandon anyone.

      But I realize I have drawn in a whole lot of saturnian energy here. I will have to make some sort of clean break at some point. Maybe I will just eventually post a link to a new website. I’m not sure how to solve this.

      But my point still stands, there is just an immense transformation approaching.

      Whether that transformation is going to be physical or psychological depends mainly on how we decide to approach it.

      I know people do not believe me. I know people do not take me seriously.

      But I am just explaining it to you, that this global transformation is going to happen and it will first reveal itself in North America.

      When people’s brains are infected by something, the body starts producing an innate immune response that shuts down serotonin production. This is thought to be a main cause of long COVID symptoms. It is however also an important aspect of how the brain protects itself.

      But if your brain’s balance of neurotransmitters changes, it starts to affect how you see and experience the world as well.

      So what we can expect is that people will start to relate less to other humans and more to non-humans like cows and pigs. And generally this will be accompanied by anxiety and other distressful symptoms.

      We know it works like this in insects, grasshoppers become highly social and turn into locust swarms when their serotonin concentrations get very high. MDMA also has the same effect on octopuses as it does on us humans.

      But if people do not prepare for this global transformation we will see a lot of people get severely ill and die.

      • >I don’t want to abandon anyone.

        Glad to hear that! I’ve enjoyed interacting with you and the other LSWMs immensely.

        >But I realize I have drawn in a whole lot of saturnian energy here. I will have to make some sort of clean break at some point. Maybe I will just eventually post a link to a new website. I’m not sure how to solve this.

        However you want to do it my man, I wouldn’t blame you if you felt like you had to abandon the internet entirely, though if you wanted a new site would be cool.

        >I know people do not believe me. I know people do not take me seriously.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if you were correct. It makes sense honestly.

      • I’ve been thinking, if you wanted to Rad you make a new site and design it in a specific way to generate specific types of energy (I feel there should be a better term for it out there.) For example, setting rules to filter out say, discussions or vibes that generate Saturnian energy or whatever; while encouraging discussions and vibes that generate Solar energy or any other energy sources you prefer. I’m not entirely familiar with these energy sources you talk about except as to how they relate to basic bitch astrology, but I’d be willing to help out, if mostly out of liking you and wanting to see if there’s any truth to the whole deal through observation and experimentation.

        I will say, what is green energy? The other day I was lying in bed, and hallucinated a jade green mask, I felt as though I was speaking to the “energy” being that the mask represented in some kind of school or other place of learning, but I couldn’t remember about what. My body was vibrating during this experience until eventually the mask morphed into the roof of my room and I returned to my normal perceptions. The being behind the mask felt like a pure green energy, like a hippie almost, the mask was sorta scary looking but the actual being was not threatening. I would be interested in knowing what sort of energy you would consider it to be.

        • I also know an acquaintance of mine who is a fellow Templist Harbringer, and he had a dream at about this exact time I had my hallucination; that he believes involved a being that he refers to as a member of the “red cult” All this guy had to say about his experience is that he couldn’t remember much of of his dream, other than that there different cults of different natures represented by different colors; and that the cults were different but they all knew the same profound truth, though he couldn’t remember what that is.

          • >Really depends on the emotional associations you had with it.

            Well, it felt like a being of great intellectual prowess, but also compassion, like I said he felt like a hippie; but a brilliant hippie philosopher. I wouldn’t mistake that for weakness however, I also felt that it was strong and deserved respect, and that it did not take challenges lightly. Don’t know if that helps.

            It was also masculine in character.

            Thank you for your time.

        • Really depends on the emotional associations you had with it.

          Colour alone makes it hard for me to say what it might mean.

  2. Yes, we’re in the Great Restructuring, or Great Reset, or whatever anyone wants to call it.
    Whatever the excesses (and there are many), gonna miss this comfortable life.

  3. I believe what Rad is trying to do here is a type of epochal magic, from Templist Canon.

    “A Templist knows that falsehoods, such as those mentioned above, can often be used. This lie can be used, such that “epochal magic” is part of the Templist practice of psychological magic. It consists of exoteric epochal magic and esoteric epochal magic. These different forms exist to appeal to different types of people. The purpose of any form of epochal magic is to give people a sense of certainty about the
    future of society and humanity at large. It is necessary to give people such a sense of certainty: to motivate them to stay with a social movement that appears to be failing, to motivate a social group to wait for a favorable chance to act before quitting or acting (“our time will come”), to increase the fervor of their support for a social movement if
    they are not strong willed (as, if they were, epochal magic would decrease their fervor), to create self-fulfilling prophecies (such as, to foretell war, causing nations to mobilize for war, causing the same nations to feel threatened at their borders, causing war), to demoralize an enemy social movement whenever it appears that the epochal
    prophecy might be true (though, it encourages it when it appears to be false), to demoralize an enemy social movement in general by causing it to think often of its own failure, to encourage a social movement to maintain hope despite losses, to spur people to action by telling them a new prophecy of that which they thought to be impossible, to cause people to act in a certain way as if prepared for a certain outcome regardless of whether it materializes (for example, to prepare for Ragnarok, thus becoming warlike), and many other reasons.

    Exoteric Epochal Magic | Exoteric epochal magic is to claim or publish apparently non-magical statements or theories about “why X epoch is inevitable”. This is especially effective if it is done in the context of a larger academic theory. To influence more people subtly, the conclusion “X epochal outcome is inevitable” is inferred from the theory. To influence less people greatly, “X epochal outcome is inevitable” is stated in bombastic terms.

    Esoteric Epochal Magic | Esoteric epochal magic involves the use of psychological magic to advance a certain epochal theory, to hasten an epoch, or to manifest an epoch. It is legitimate to “manifest” an epoch despite its predestination, because everything that happens is revealed fate, therefore the manifestation is also part of the epoch’s destiny. Rituals and workings to “manifest” epochs are especially powerful, as, they can also spur people who interpret things according to “the truth” to action, by enacting a will-spell upon them to act so as to advance an epoch, regardless of its predestination. “Epochal space magic” is a subtype of esoteric epochal magic, which involves the working of true magic to actually manifest, hasten, or advance a theory of an epoch. To do this, one
    performs space magic as described in Templist Meditations, and, once possessing control over a large amount of space, that space is directed to the minds of as many relevant people as possible, to cause them to think and act in a way that advances the epoch or which is according to the epoch itself. This (and any space magic spell) is more powerful when directed to nearby people, so a crowded area is desirable. Or, the space is directed to enhance the good fortune of those who are instrumental to the epoch, or to harm those who are hindrances to it.”

    It’s obvious if you look at Rad’s blog here that he has been performing both Exoteric and Esoteric Epochal magic for a long-time now, I had a feeling something like this was going on here when I was high; though I wouldn’t be able to put it into words like TC is able to. I do not disapprove.

    >I use this energy to gain insight and set limits. Rintrah is a name William Blake used as a personification for revolutionary wrath. That wrath is almost complete.


    >There will be rapid and immense economic consequences. It will essentially begin the end of America’s global dominance.

    Perhaps, if this were to happen many opportunities for Templism and Ultra-Militarism will be created. Whether America actually ends up as a world power is not as important as ensuring that Dharma is re-established, that a monarchy is eventually established, and that Templism is the new religion. Revanchism is a useful tool to help us eventually achieve those goals but the long-term establishment of Dharma and the survival of my race is what is actually important; even if that’s not what the masses need to hear for us to actually achieve that. Though that is not to say we are not patriots who wouldn’t enjoy the return of American dominance.

    >There is going to be a great humiliation of the American tech elite, you will be grateful that you are not them. As stock portfolios are wiped out overnight as their fraud is revealed, people will go to jail if they are lucky, others will be lynched in broad daylight.

    Good, fuck those people.

    The humiliation of the old elites is what will lead to our rise.

    >In a broader sense, the scientific materialist paradigm is approaching its limits. Empirical science will be able to tell us increasingly little about how our world functions.

    Science, especially the physical processes, has gradually shifted away from empiricism (direct observation) to theoretical. Materialism is not actually empirical, as one can empirically observe that they have a immaterial consciousness. Perhaps we are getting to the point that the scientific method will tell us less and less about the world; simply due to exhausting that methodology for all its worth, I cannot say. In any-case, a empirical RELIGION is what shall be leading the charge in the pursuit of truth in the coming centuries. You’ll all see.

    I’ll see you all on the stage.

  4. Rad, best wishes to you. You are obviously a troubled soul. Nobody takes all those drugs if they aren’t hurting. You don’t have to post something every day if it doesn’t spark joy.

  5. I will miss the posts (and the comments). I’m gonna miss all my fellow LSWM’s here. Especially, Kareninca (the lovely and kind female touch), “LSWM’s lives matter” whom I like to call “Sean”, Mehen of course, our Sensitive guy, Wombat from down under, and others with whom I haven’t interacted, like Diogenes, Keith, Fucko…
    And I will reading Rad’s posts, which usually let me know that he’s doing well.
    If u hang out in a substack, e.g. our Igor (Chudov)’s Newsletter, I may see u there!
    If u ever wanna drop me a message, you can combine my First and Last Name, with a dot between them, at Gmail.
    (I hope it’s not the end, but just in case)
    Take care, y’all!
    May our Lady Theotokos, and our father Saint Patrick, who evangelized Western Europe, and our brother Jozef van den Berg, a contemporary Western Ascetic, and Saints Cyril and Methodius, and all the Saints, pray for us.

  6. You’re blaming your commenters for their “Saturnian energy” and predicting the end of the world but to be frank I think the issue might be closer to home. I don’t know if it’s Saturnian energy or you’re just taking too many drugs. I suggest a detox of a few weeks and maybe try to go to the gym or something.

    I’ve been deep in the tobacco/cannabis trap, I suggest Allen Carr.

    • I actually already regularly go to the gym.

      I actually just stopped cold turkey with all entheogens for a few weeks a while ago, it made me feel terrible and frightened.

  7. I must admit that your description of a Saturnian fits me eerily well.

    We tend to dress in black, untethered, and spread freedom. We refused the shots and the lockdowns, and yet you find our energy too dark for you at this time so we’re driving you off? Even your girl Zheani?

    I like to express myself here, uninteresting as it may be, but you can always stop me from posting.

    I was looking forward to hundreds more fascinating posts and some livestreams. Maybe it’s just your inclination at this time, I don’t know. I hope you keep going and don’t call it quits because you have a lot who appreciate what you do.

  8. Are you sure you want to wind up the saturnalia? Looks like dawn will be here soon enough to break up the party. . .

    But if you must call it a night, then thanks for being a good host, and I wish happiness and good health to you and everyone else.

    Who knows? We might even meet on the other side of what’s coming down the line.

  9. Yes we all love the cute fluffy tasty animals and hate humans, but how are we all planning to profit from all of this brain rotting chaos? Disaster capitalism is all the rage nowadays.

    This is not advice. Anybody that follows my view on things is a complete 100% brain dead fucking moron. This is just how my retarded head thinks. When it comes to money, I think like a Jew.

    For me, I am now 100% out of the market and sitting 50% cash and 50% government bonds. Hedgies are now selling, so that means I am out. If the Jews are out, then I am out too. There is no shame in Amalek taking a profit.

    When the SHTF starts, I expect debt markets to collapse first and then a share market drop shortly after. Then I expect the corrupt fuckers to print and print and print to the fucking moon. Rates will be slashed and then I will liquidate my bond positions and go all in.

    Remember, we live in clown world. The faster that the economy crashes, the more that these fuckers will print and the more that this fake and rigged share market in my view will go to the moon.

    As soon as all humans are dead, I will then own everything. If you think that they went mental last time, they will go 1000 times more mental this time.

    See you at the other end.


    • When things fall apart, all that you will care about on most days is the agonizing toothache that you can’t get treated anymore. I just ordered a copy of “Where there is no Dentist.” I really need to order some dental cement, too.

      Fairly early in the pandemic, I had several periods of odd exhaustion. I never tested positive for covid (I tested relentlessly, since I have an old person at home), but never tested positive. However, more or less corresponding with the exhaustion, I had two teeth die and I needed two root canals. That was really strange; I’d never had a root canal prior to that. When I saw the dental assistant after that, she told me that tremendous numbers of people were needing root canals all of a sudden.

      About three weeks ago I had the strange exhaustion again. It went away, but then I got it again last week. And now I have a tooth that has that distinctive feeling. I’m testing negative for covid, of course.

      So I think that the pandemic is starting up again; a new phase. As Rintrah says. But it will be working on a weakened population. I have a family friend whose mother just died of pancreatic cancer; she went from diagnosed to dead in a month. I know a young person (indirectly) in his late 20s who now has covid and it is not a good case; he is having real respiratory problems; he was inclined to respiratory problems before covid but it is still pretty bad. Plus there are the strange spikes in the influenza wastewater numbers in Northern California.

      If things go as Ritrah says, there won’t be an internet for long. We will wish we had his insights, but instead we will just have to try to have insights ourselves. We will have to remember one another, and continue to know one another spiritually.

      • Yeah the unavailability of dentists in the future will be a big problem unfortunately.

        Lots of people (myself included) neglected dental hygiene/health during lockdowns. This has continued with the new “work from home instead of the office” phenomenon.

        I had some small cavities at my last checkup, but there is pretty good scientific evidence that fat soluble vitamins can repair existing cavities. So, natto (highest dietary source of K3) and D3.

        Ideally most people would get sufficient D3 from the sun but I learned recently that even in sunny California where you are, a lot of people are still deficient in D3 because apparently the high levels of non-native EMF radiation from the high population density can somehow interfere with D3 synthesis in the skin.

        Another option is to buy a Sperti UVB lamp or use tanning beds, but this is obviously not without its risks.

        • *K2

          Also, there seems to be some evidence that fasting may heal gum and dental bone infections (see August Dunning’s work which I have shared here previously).

          And yeah, a world without access to the internet doesn’t sound too appealing to me.

          Presumably, there will be no more chocolate either. Damn…

      • Might be time to book an appointment.

        The worst pain of my life was from an inflamed nerve caused by an infected tooth.


        Worse than any bone I’ve broken, or anything else.

      • When the SHTF, so long as you are friends with a veterinary nurse, all will be OK. Rotten teeth, broken bones, urgent surgery, cold in bed – no problem.

      • Simple aspirin will be precious. It doesn’t keep well; it smells sour after some time in storage. I’ve read conflicting answers to the question of whether that affects its efficacy.

  10. > But my point still stands, there is just an immense transformation approaching.

    Can you please tell it to approach faster, I am stuck in a soul-draining job rife with bullying and false accusations

  11. First it was that suddenly stopped posting. Then rooshvforum closed its gates. Now rintrah is leaving too. Guess its time to live off grid entirely.

    Nonetheless, I feel a profound obligation to acknowledge the debt of gratitude I owe you and your blog for setting me personally on a transformative journey, which has significantly reshaped my worldview. All the best.

  12. This ingant nig still believes in COVID. Come back to this post in a year folks and realise what a big nothingburger this shit is.

    Fear is the mind killer.

    Rintrah sees all the red doors and he wants to paint them black. He doesn’t even realise that his whole world is flat.

  13. Two requests:

    1) I would be interested to know if you’ve read Dune and what you make of the Butlerian Jihad, which, perhaps surprisingly, does not feature at all in the recent movie adaptations? (And just noticed Rollin Stone quotes the Litany against Fear above)

    2) Any thoughts on this development? Good luck to Pfebve…

    And I just want to echo that this blog is a rare (and uniquely uncanny valley) oasis of sanity, much appreciation

  14. How about a new blog which keeps an eye on developments concerning the immune system status of the v@xxinated?

    You could call it something like, “igG3 DOT COM”.

  15. LSWM Lives Matter:

    >“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.”

    This Bill Hicks quote was immortalized in the Tool
    song “Third Eye” from the album “Aenima”

    The song catalogues the vibe of a heavy duty acid/shroom trip: both light and dark.

    I have concluded that this particular fanfic visualization of the track is the best version. I strongly urge anyone under the influence of psychedelics or strong THC to sit back and watch this. It is merely CGI shapes and movements, but it truly captures the emotional contours of the journey (a long track)

    (Looking at you SYM)

    • Thank you Mehen for the recommendation.

      Just regarding a previous comment you wrote on here a couple of months ago where you talked about the potential for bad trips to cause crippling PTSD, are you aware of any case reports of someone getting PTSD from a moderate dose of psychedelics, or was it always a “heroic” dose that caused these people to subsequently lose their minds?

      • >Just regarding a previous comment you wrote on here a couple of months ago where you talked about the potential for bad trips to cause crippling PTSD, are you aware of any case reports of someone getting PTSD from a moderate dose of psychedelics, or was it always a “heroic” dose that caused these people to subsequently lose their minds?

        As I recall, the danger I warned about had less to do with the dosage or substance, and more to do with the particular elements which constructed the individual imbibing the drug.

        My warning was simply meant to say that the assurances (one sometimes reads) that if one only pays attention to “set and setting” that blissful experiences will be guaranteed, are limited in perspective.

        Yes, dosage is a large factor in considering the probability of a “bad trip”. This is why neophytes should start with wading into to the shallow end of the pool before trying “heroic doses”

        The “usual rules” apply in the shallow end of the pool.

        Once one has the confidence to dive deep into the depths with “heroic doses” the usual rules seem to break down an there is an increased risk of “bad trips”

        But I might have mentioned before that old acid-heads will tell you that even your bog-standard “bad trips” can eventually turn out to be “learning experiences” in one form or another

        But there is a small but significant percentage of bad trips that result in some serious PTSD and existential depression among those jump in with both feet first into the depths.

        I don’t get the feeling you are someone who would ever have to worry about that.

    • Dreaming of that face again
      It’s bright and blue and shimmering
      Grinning wide and comforting me with it’s three warm and wild eyes

      On my back and tumbling
      Down that hole and back again
      Rising up and wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye


      A child’s rhyme stuck in my head
      It said that life is but a dream
      I’ve spent so many years in question
      To find I’ve known this all along

      So good to see you
      I’ve missed you so much
      So glad it’s over
      I’ve missed you so much

      Came out to watch you play
      Why are you running away?
      Came out to watch you play
      Why are you running?

      Shrouding all the ground around me
      Is this holy crow above me?
      Black as holes within a memory
      And blue as our new second sun
      I stick my hand into his shadow
      To pull the pieces from the sand
      Which I attempt to reassemble
      To see just who I might have been
      I do not recognize the vessel
      But the eyes seem so familiar
      Like phosphorescent desert buttons
      Singing one familiar song…

      So good to see you
      I’ve missed you so much
      So glad it’s over
      I’ve missed you so much

      Came out to watch you play
      Why are you running away?
      Came out to watch you play
      Why are you running away?

      Prying open my third eye
      Prying open my third eye

      So good to see you once again
      I thought that you were hiding
      And you thought that I had run away
      Chasing the tail of dogma

      I opened my eye
      I opened my eye
      I opened my eye
      I opened my eye and there we were

      So good to see you once again
      I thought that you were hiding from me
      And you thought that I had run away
      Chasing a trail of smoke and Reason

      Prying open my third eye
      Prying open my third eye
      Prying open my third eye

  16. Can you please tell it to approach faster, I am stuck in a soul-draining job rife with bullying and false accusations“

    I’m in the same position, a big part of me wants this to happen. However, while things do seem intricately wired up for detonation, I remain doubtful. I was a peak oil enthusiast about 12 years ago, I was certain that by now I would be living in a tent with a shotgun; no internet, no dentist, a beautiful bleak anarcho dystopia. Unfortunately it didn’t happen and I had to get a job.

    Maybe I’m too invested in the system now or I just don’t want everyone to drop dead like I did when I was younger. I do get the same vibes from many antivaxxers that I got with the peak oil crowd. One prominent peak oil writer commited suicide after the fracking revolution.

    I do hope you carry on blogging. There aren’t many blogs out there as interesting and honest as this one.

    • > However, while things do seem intricately wired up for detonation, I remain doubtful.

      I was aware of the predictions of Dr. GVB since early 2021. Initially, I suspected that he would be proven correct, his argument did indeed make sense.

      And his prediction that homogenising the population’s immune response against Wuhan spike would cause an adaptive radiation of new variants turned out to be true. Massive genetic diversity of the virus, eventually culminating in multiple serotypes circulating simultaneously.

      He also correctly anticipated in advance the phenomenon of “negative efficacy against infection” if I remember correctly (as did Radagast, who also correctly predicted that this would happen).

      But once 2022 came and went, I became more skeptical of his “mass die-off” predictions. That’s when I decided to get a job, realising that things would (somewhat) return to normal after the medical tyranny nightmare.

      But then I discovered this blog once Radagast’s IgG4 post went viral (December 2022). Again I became extremely pessimistic about the future.

      But by the end of 2023, I was (somewhat) assured from reading this blog that “collapse” would be slow and gradual, not rapid. So a bit like the collapse of the Soviet Union, as Rintrah described in his reply to one of my comments.

      But it was in February 2024 that things changed for the worse, and my worldview once again soured and became extremely pessimistic. For me the big wake up call was when Rintrah presented evidence of CONVERGENT EVOLUTION, that these variants with very worrying mutations in the NTD were emerging INDEPENDENTLY and being selected for all around the world.

      First they showed up in South Africa, then Korea, Japan, Europe and North America. That’s when it really sunk in that this was basically experimental verification that Geert’s horrifying predictions were indeed correct.

      And like Radagast said, most people who read this blog don’t believe his “fall of Babylon the Great” predictions. But I do, because I have Asperger’s, so I have the ability to change my mind when new evidence presents itself. Just like how I was a former climate change skeptic, but not anymore.

      So, I realise that there will be an inevitable mass die-off of humans this century, either from climate change or pathogens. But the former scenario will also drag down with us the rest of the animal Kingdom. Which is why the latter scenario is preferable, because it will cause less suffering in the long run.

      • I should clarify that Rintrah also correctly predicted that homogenising the population’s immune response against Wuhan spike would cause an adaptive radiation of new variants, credit where credit’s due.

        And an additional piece of evidence that this pandemic would culminate in a horrific way is the fact that analysis of our genome reveals clear evidence that our ancestors were decimated by coronaviruses throughout our evolutionary history, both before and after our split from chimpanzees and bonobos. See the following:

        Hmmm, maybe Rintrah is right about concluding his blog. We could all do with more positive thoughts in the months and years ahead of us…..

  17. “We could all do with more positive thoughts in the months and years ahead of us…..”

    I agree, but it seems to me that this is a good reason to keep the blog open.

    What is coming will be horrific. In spite of this, for most of today I was in a pretty good mood. Why was that? I don’t know.

    I know we’re headed for disaster, and I’ve known that for a long time now, and been through the wringer emotionally about it, but today I was feeling pretty good.

    Like I said, I don’t really know why, but maybe having a forum to talk helps. If for no other reason than it’s just plain cathartic to confess.

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