The improvement of the polybasic furin cleavage site explained

So, I feel obliged to explain concisely and seriously the situation we’re faced with. SARS-COV-2 is in the process of improving its polybasic furin cleavage site, which is not what anyone will particularly enjoy to hear, but it’s important to be aware of this.

We’ll start at the basics. The polybasic furin cleavage site, is a region in the Spike protein of SARS-COV-2, between S1 and S2, where a bunch of basic (opposite of acidic) amino acids are found. Those amino acids encourage enzymes produced by our cells to bind there, that cut up the protein in the right way for it to perform its task.

It’s somewhat mysterious for this virus to have a polybasic furin cleavage site in the first place, because sarbeco viruses normally don’t have a polybasic furin cleavage site. It sits alone in the family tree as a black sheep, uniquely different from its relatives.

It’s not easy for a virus to just suddenly develop it either, because when it does, there will be antibodies developed against it, as it’s the sort of unusual thing associated with nasty behavior. But in case of SARS2, it’s shielded on both sides by O-linked glycans (sugar molecules), that make it difficult to develop an antibody response against it. That seems to be why its close relatives never figured out this trick in nature: Without the glycans the polybasic cleavage site is useless, without the polybasic cleavage site the glycans are pointless.

Now SARS-COV-2 is far from alone in having a polybasic cleavage site among viruses that infect us. That is in fact, how we know that polybasic cleavage sites can cause trouble. In Influenza, it has been well studied. With one basic amino acid, the viral Hemagluttinin protein that gives it entry into your cells is only going to be cleaved by an enzyme found only in your lungs (trypsin-like proteases), so it stays pretty mild.

But in the rest of your body there are all sorts of other enzymes that can cleave a protein. Those enzymes need more of these basic amino acids close together, to cut up the protein. What you see in Influenza viruses is that as they evolve more of these basic amino acids, in their cleavage site, they grow deadlier as a result:

The three basic amino acids in nature are Lysine (K), Hystidine (H) and Arginine (R). So you can just count here. We start out with just two basic amino acids apart from each other and so it’s mild. They turn threonine into Lysine and it remains mild. Another Lysine is added and now the pathogenicity increases. Finally, there is an insertion of another Arginine and now you have your five basic amino acids in a row, triggering fireworks. For another unrelated poultry virus, Newcastle disease, you see the same principle, where virulence of these viruses is reduced by removing basic amino acids from their polybasic cleavage site.

Alright, so that’s H5N1 Influenza. But do we have any reason to think it works like this in SARS-COV-2? Well, we do. The SARS-COV-2 polybasic cleavage site was known to be suboptimal and it’s a bit of a mystery why it ended up with a suboptimal variant. But when Delta emerged, its main difference was that it improved the furin cleavage site by turning 681 from Proline into Arginine. That’s what makes it more lethal. It increases its fusogenicity, its ability to spread by fusing cells together (you don’t want your cells to fuse together, unless you’re trying to have a baby). Even so, the Delta version is still considered a suboptimal cleavage site for Furin, as it needs more basic amino acids to function optimally. In H5N1 you now tend to see QRERRRKKR, so seven basic amino acids.

And so as people began to notice over a year ago, the new BA.2.86 variant had the tendency to start changing the furin cleavage site further. Like Delta, it had turned Proline at 681 into Arginine. But then in addition to that, it started changing the amino acid at 679 to Arginine. And now we see that there’s a global replacement happening, with Lysine at 679 being turned into Arginine:

They’re both basic amino acids, but Arginine at -2 tends to work much better than Lysine for cleavage by many enzymes.

But this is not the only apparent improvement to the furin cleavage site we’re now seeing emerge on multiple lineages independently. One amino acid to the right, you have serine, which is being turned into Proline and Phenylalanine. This seems to result in loss of an o-linked glycan, which would make it easier for the protein to be cleaved. Except for the ones making the change to 679, the fastest growing lineages right now are those that change 680 to either proline or phenylalanine. So to me it’s pretty obvious: It’s improving the furin cleavage site.

The reason I think this will cause trouble, is because this is what we saw after H5N1 emerged in chickens in the late 90’s: It began steadily improving its polybasic cleavage site with new arginine and lysine amino acids over a period of a number of years and vaccination proved futile. And as it did, it grew increasingly deadly. It seems to be something respiratory viruses do to improve their systemic spread, that is, their ability to move beyond the surface layer tissues they would normally depend on.

It’s worth asking ourselves why this is happening now to SARS-COV-2. Why didn’t this change emerge before? Part of the answer seems to be that the virus is currently going through a bottleneck. There are relatively few people currently catching it, it has to compete with influenza and other viruses affecting the same respiratory tissues. This should now favor variants that spread systematically, hiding from the antibodies by fusing cells together and spreading through the body.

You can’t expect vaccination to stop the polybasic cleavage site from improving. This was tried in chickens, it didn’t work. In humans it may be worse, due to original antigenic sin: The ability to develop novel antibodies against the polybasic cleavage site would be hampered by pre-existing antibodies to overlapping epitopes. This is what I mean, when I say that through mass vaccination you prohibit the population from discriminating against virulence associated epitopes.

With a better polybasic furin cleavage site, you’re going to get a deadlier virus.

This is not a very digestible story, there is no villain identified, there’s no conspiracy uncovered, it’s not going to earn me any money, it doesn’t have anything to do with Zionism or the World Economic Forum and it doesn’t mention Anthony Fauci. Three people are going to read it.

But I explained it to the best of my ability and I show you my sources, I didn’t just make it up.

And it doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out either. You just have to take a look at what happened to the viruses that we began vaccinating chickens against: Those viruses did not disappear, but instead gradually grew deadlier and began to jump over into other species thanks to the new mutations favored by the antibody response the chickens developed.

This is not something that happens overnight, it’s a process that takes a number of years to unfold, if the problem we saw in chickens is to be our guide. We’re still in that process. The studies show that since the first Omicron wave, SARS-COV-2 has steadily been growing more virulent again, as it’s becoming steadily better able to fuse cells together again. The improvement of the polybasic cleavage site is part of that process.

Fusing cells together allows it to spread undetected by antibodies. And so, vaccination is a great way to encourage this path of evolution towards greater virulence. As most antibodies don’t manage to pass the blood-brain barrier, it also encourages greater neurovirulence. This is what you saw with H5N1: It evolved to become a very neurovirulent virus, it now kills cats by destroying the brain.

I understand none of this is very interesting to most of the population, but it just surprises me, that we see the same thing happening to SARS-COV-2 after vaccinating against it, that we witnessed happening to H5N1 after vaccinating poultry against it, but nobody seems to be very interested in where this is headed.


  1. The vaccine designers seem to have forgotten that immune systems have been evolving to be optimal for billions of years. There’s no money in natural evolutionary changes or in robust natural immunity. The same thinking applies to the pharmaceutical merchants. The hubris involved – thinking we are smarter than billions of years of tested, tried and true evolution – is astounding. And the people who believe these ignorant scientists and doctors who tell them wonder drugs can save them pay the price for their faith in the medical technocracy. Get surgery, pop this pill, but don’t do what worked for countless organisms for millions of years. In the end, when the death toll from the lunatic-mainstream covid genetic experiment runs its course, humanity will have been selected to be more skeptical of ideology and more resistant against conformity. In the meantime we have to get ready for the illness and death tsunami that is likely coming. After all, the virus didn’t believe the hype about safety and efficacy. The virus has its own agenda. The virus will continue to evolve. Modernity brought some forms of progress but also unprecedented forms of disaster and stupidity.

  2. Thank you for your analysis. You and Geert seem headed for the same endgame. I have a lot of respect for both of you. Guess I’m one of the 3 people that read this.

  3. The authors and reviewers of the various publications Radagast has been referencing over the last few years are undoubtedly aware of all these issues. So must be their work colleagues.

    If one assembles the list of such persons, there must be hundreds of them. Add to these the scientists in countries or institutions where they are not allowed to talk about this.

    Radagast is kindly sharing with us what the relevant specialists in the field are undoubtedly aware of. The unknown here for us peasants is: (1) Are decision-makers aware, or are they so steeped in lysenkoism that they have discouraged anyone from telling them the truth? (2) If aware, are they doing something evil (planning to use the coming disruption for their own ends, or blame it on a false cause)? Or are they making contingency plans using purebloods, and training them? If they want to keep electricity on and the nuclear fuel dumps from boiling, they should have started yesterday.

    History showed some are able to learn, and regain the trust of their subjects. Stalin in 1941-1942 is a great example.

    • Honestly I think a lot of the virologists and immunologists are in denial about what’s happening, and there’s a psychological explanation for their bizarre behaviour. They are complicit in pushing the vaccines, they themselves are vaccinated, they encouraged their friends and family members to take the vaccine, they even vaccinated their young children despite possessing the knowledge that every single previous attempt to vaccinate against SARS failed due to ADE. So for them to acknowledge that the mass vaccination experiment has failed catastrophically, would be to acknowledge that they have harmed themselves and their loved ones, which is a very heavy burden to carry. So they will likely remain in denial all the way to their graves. Here’s an example:

      A pro-vaxx scientist trying to argue that the IgG4 class switch isn’t a bad thing.

      And as Vanden Bossche has stated in an interview, if the public health authorities were to admit that the mass vaccine deployment was a huge mistake, they would be “stoned in the streets”.

      • It is super-ironic that even fully dedicated Communists were able to acknowledge the truth and change their behavior in the face of dire circumstances — starting with Stalin who ordered the churches to open in June 1941 immediately after the Axis attack. The midwits who gamed their way to the top of our system seem incapable to do that however. It looks like the only thing we can do is prepare as individuals, families and groups of friends for the collapse of society, and read Radagast’s blog to continously refine our understanding on when the Red Deer may arrive.

      • I did a quick read of that deplatorm guy. He admits he doesn’t fully understand IgG4. Not stated, but I’m sure he would admit it wasn’t an expected outcome. After all everyone knows the vax was only tested for a few weeks. So he’s saying, best case this totally unexpected result may not be “so” bad. Worst case, of course unstated is that it is an unlucky disaster.

        Yet he still thinks taking the vax and boosters are a wonderful idea. Some really huge mental gymnastics to justify total insanity.

    • I have a close friend who is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and he reviews loads of journal articles for publication. He is a very smart guy. However, early on, when I told him I was worried about the vaccine, he assured me that the vaccine stays in the arm. No, he wasn’t trying to kill me by getting me to take the vax. He simply believed what he read in Nature. You are greatly overestimating the intellectual breadth of people in the field. That is why Rintrah is able to see things that specialists don’t see. They are not conspiring; they just can’t piece things together like Rintrah is doing. It all seems obvious to us since we are reading Rintrah, but it is not obvious even to smart and well trained people. And the politicians are just morons.

      • Just because most people aren’t in on the conspiracy doesn’t mean there aren’t people conspiring. It’s called compartmentalization and restricting information on a need-to-know basis. You only need a few people, perhaps less than a dozen people in total at the head of the chain-of-command conspiring behind the scenes with the majority of people just following orders and only given limited information.

        There is also the issue of spies and double agents, a small group of people embedded in academic settings, perhaps working as high level research scientists that are actually there to commit acts of sabotage, perhaps manipulating the vaccine at the behest of a foreign power, also acting as gatekeepers, concealing evidence, disseminating propaganda, with the ultimate purpose of committing an act of biological warfare that remains undetected by most, because most of the people working in these academic institutions really have no clue, and are little more than overpaid and overeducated useful idiots.

        • I didn’t say there was no conspiracy. IV suggested that there were lots of scientists who “knew the truth.” I don’t think there are. People specialize. They can be extraordinarily good at what they do, and well intentioned, and they assume that their colleagues are the same. However, I doubt that any of the conspiring/development was done at high level academic institutions. It’s a lot safer and easier and quieter to just cook something up in Wuhan or some other out of the way lab.

      • The problem is the compartmentalization and not so much luck of intelligence. MD/PhDs and PhDs are only expert in their extremely narrow filed. I know because I was trained in academia. I have a PhD but it means very little outside of the narrow field I was trained. Because of this it is very hard for many scientists and doctors to understand what is going on. The only way scientists/physicians will understand the Sars-Cov2, vaccines and what these 2 have done to the population and what the short and long-term outcome will be if they have a curiosity/discipline to read and understand different arms of Immunology, Epigenetics, Biochemistry etc. No one that currently has a job is going to put that much time and effort in understanding all these just to be canceled at the end. It requires high level of intelligence and almost like one has to be obsessed with this to be able to piece this together. It is extremely complex and no human being is capable of understanding or predicting the outcome of this in the next 5, 10, 100 years. And that is because epigenetic changes are also happening at the individual/population level real-time, other viruses, bacteria and fungus are mutating and co-operating with Sars-COV-2, animals are part of this as well. We have sequences in our genome that are jumping from one place to another. Retroviruses that are part of our genome are being activated and causing all kinds of trouble. I do not think GVB is fully right and there is a reason his predictions did not occur. He is very smart and hard working and put a lot of time into this. My main issue with GVB is that he considers this as a virus and not bioweapon. His advise to get exposed to it to train our innate immune system frequently with new variants is rather reckless in my opinion.

  4. Thank you Radagast! Immunology is such a wide-ranging field. This immunologist learns something new whenever you write on the subject. Are you a teacher? You have a great gift for pedagogy. This type of article is so fulfilling. As you say, there may be only three people who care but I am one of them and I thank you for making the effort.

    So what’s fascinating to me here (PhD’s seem to start sentences with ‘So’ more than the rest of the population) is that there seems to be an interesting balance between the benefits and costs of a virus using O-linked Glycosylation to protect it’s proteins against antibody discovery (something you mention early on) versus ridding residues of O-linked glycans so that the protein can be cleaved (case in point what you discuss later on in the Serine (S) to Proline (P) or Phenylalanine (F) mutation).

    This virus seems to know when to tap the brakes and when to hit the gas on that issue and others. I wonder if this discernment, which would seem literally a deadly asset and one not normally present in normal virus evolution, is a result of the massive, species-wide, and never before seen vaccination of homo-sapiens into a pandemic with the absolute wrong strategy – that is, one targeted in the humoral realm, geared completely towards adaptable/acquired immunity, and facilitating utterly uncontrolled expression of the antigen (“truckloads” as McKernan states).

    SARS-CoV2 is a bomb maker who is given complete quiet and prolonged protection to go about its work in the bomb-maker’s shop, rather than the normal harassment from the police resulting in an inability to complete its work represented in the usual barriers to viruses in the forms of innate immunity and normal naturally-acquired herd immunity.

    You often ask what can be done. Even under ideal circumstances, I can’t imagine a solution. I have an inclination, and maybe it’s just a sense, that Ivermectin may be a key or at least an element of the solution, with it’s seeming ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

    Thank you again, Radagast. I pray for you and for all members of your community, especially the vaxxed. For those folks, go to FLCCC for some answers.

    ALL should go to the Gospel of Jesus Christ for comfort.

  5. Thank you for being one of the only voices trying to understand what is going on.

    This is my big picture summary:

    – We created a problem with illegal gain of function research, and did nothing to punish the criminals to prevent a recurrence.

    – Then we transfected billions of people with a fix that that did not work, and that damaged their health, for a problem that did not require a fix, but did motivate the virus to become more deadly.

    – Then we denied what we did, and learned nothing from the mistake.

    – Now we are denying the future implications, and doing nothing to prepare.

    – We deserve whatever happens.

    • I understand, you are speaking generally. But there some of whom did not go along or even protested. We lost our jobs, could not travel, could not go to some places, had to undergo many, many nose swabs. I was told I had a brain deficit for saying Fauchi was a politician, not a doctor.

    • Pretty spot on to me. Though you might want to consider assigning more malicious intent to these actions. I’m getting tired of everything always being called an ‘accident.’ It’s kind of like when brothers fight and one says he punched the other one in the face by ‘accident.’ The cascade of ‘accidents’ related to SARS-COV-2 and vaccines is statistically impossible. It’s like flipping a coin 1000 times and getting heads every time.

      But more or less yes, we deserve it. In an interesting parallel, we are finding that evil acts much like a virus on a population. If a majority of people in a society allow themselves to become amoral, selfish, and disconnected (like in our modern world), evil takes over, spreads, and eventually consumes that society.

    • >we

      But for the laws prohibiting murder, I would happily shoot people like bat lady (and that is just the first in line) in the face, and sleep soundly afterwards.

      So I would suggest that you indict “people in the government and those who support having a government”, and not “we”

  6. In GVB’s recent substack, he claims the reason SC2 is on the down low is because the virus variants are absorbed onto (not into) migratory dendritic cells so they’re just riding and waiting for something to cause a shift in this current metastable condition, which he thinks is added immune pressure coming from other viruses (i.e. flu).

    The current growing variant (LP.8.1) is at about 15% ( apparently because of a stronger AC2 binding mechanism ( from what I gather from @LongDesertTrain.

    • >which he thinks is added immune pressure coming from other viruses (i.e. flu).

      Yeah I do think that’s probably what’s going to change things. Why stick in the lungs and continue to compete with the other respiratory viruses there that are forced to use those tissues, when for SARS2 with its polybasic cleavage site there’s a whole body to explore?

      • Given Sars Cov-2 still spreads via initial infection in the respiratory system, surely it needs to still establish a new infection in this area before possibly breaking through to circulatory systems, regardless of competition from other viruses. Is this why it is such a slow development and won’t a reasonable proportion of people still be able to fight off infection within respiratory surfaces? Also I’ve seen you discuss a risk of the virus getting into the brain via the olfactory bulb – is this likely a growing issue?

        • Ok, I re-read the post as no doubt you thought you’d answered my question in the text (which you did – kind of). I guess I’m wondering just how likely it would be that a virus that up to now has done perfectly well as a respiratory virus starts to experience a pressure to bury itself deeper in the body. I guess finding a reasonably easy option to break through deeper in those people who have little mucosal protection with the extra ‘push’ of more respiratory competition from competing viruses fits the bill!
          Now I get it.
          I’m not so sure it will cause quite the tsunami GvB is still proposing though, rather than a rising tide of ‘illnesses’ that will lower again once the ‘easy pickings’ have been, erm, picked and only then will things settle. But this thing will then endemically add to the viruses that can and will hit mortality at both ends of the age range of humanity – early childhood and older age.

  7. I am honored to be one of the three people who read this excellent post all the way through.

    Just kidding. I’m sure there are at least five.

    I hope we purebloods have NK cells and/or antibodies that recognize enough non-vaccine epitopes to give us a fighting chance against new variants. But if I understand your recent posts right, the virus is learning to hide those epitopes?

  8. Interesting stuff. I am ready to witness surprises from Sars-Cov-2. But I must say that the fusogenicity of Covid variants has been discussed since quite early on, but dire predictions based on fusogenicity have never materialized despite sounding plausible.

    The World Economic Forum, sadly, stopped publishing its agenda articles, so detecting new WEF conspiracies became exponentially more difficult. They might just be giving up on stuff or just going secretive.

  9. The Coooooooooooof started off as a codon de-optimized DNA virus, which was then transcribed into an RNA infectious clone. The de-optimization will slowly unravel into its full killing glory, in the fullness of time.


  10. Part of me is panicking like shit over what this could enthral, and what timeframe we could see these things take place, though Geert seems to indicate he’s stopping with timelines.

    • No need to panic.

      Here’s ChatGPT’s assessment of what might happen with a 30% culling of the population:

      The sudden loss of 30% of the U.S. population within 2-3 months would have profound and catastrophic impacts across various dimensions of society, economy, and governance. Here are the potential major impacts:

      ### 1. **Healthcare System Collapse**
      – **Overwhelmed Medical Facilities**: The sudden surge in critical cases would overwhelm hospitals, leading to resource shortages, staff burnout, and a breakdown in healthcare services.
      – **Loss of Healthcare Workers**: A significant proportion of healthcare workers might succumb, further exacerbating the crisis.

      ### 2. **Economic Devastation**
      – **Labor Force Reduction**: The sudden loss of workers across all sectors would lead to a massive labor shortage, disrupting industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, services, and logistics.
      – **Economic Recession/Depression**: A significant drop in consumer demand, coupled with supply chain disruptions, could trigger a severe economic downturn.
      – **Loss of Tax Revenue**: Government revenues would plummet, limiting its ability to provide services and respond to the crisis.

      ### 3. **Social and Psychological Impacts**
      – **Grief and Trauma**: Widespread grief and psychological trauma would affect survivors, potentially leading to long-term mental health issues.
      – **Social Disorder**: The sudden loss of a large population could lead to panic, social unrest, and a breakdown of law and order in some areas.

      ### 4. **Demographic Shifts**
      – **Population Imbalance**: A loss concentrated in certain age groups or demographics could result in long-term demographic imbalances, affecting future workforce, dependency ratios, and cultural dynamics.
      – **Generational Impact**: The loss of a significant portion of the younger or middle-aged population could impact the birth rate and generational continuity.

      ### 5. **Infrastructure and Services Breakdown**
      – **Critical Services Disruption**: Essential services such as utilities, transportation, and emergency services could be severely disrupted due to the loss of skilled workers.
      – **Supply Chain Collapse**: With fewer workers to produce and transport goods, essential supplies like food, medicine, and fuel could become scarce.

      ### 6. **Political and Governance Challenges**
      – **Government Instability**: The loss of key government officials and a decrease in tax revenue could lead to governance challenges, policy paralysis, or even collapse in local or state governments.
      – **Emergency Measures**: The government might need to implement drastic measures such as martial law, rationing, and conscription to maintain order and manage the crisis.

      ### 7. **Cultural and Community Impact**
      – **Loss of Cultural Heritage**: The sudden death of a large number of people could lead to the loss of cultural knowledge, traditions, and community structures.
      – **Community Disintegration**: Communities could struggle to cope with the loss, leading to weakened social bonds and community support systems.

      ### 8. **Global Implications**
      – **Geopolitical Shifts**: A weakened U.S. might lead to shifts in global power dynamics, affecting international relations, trade, and security.
      – **Global Economic Impact**: The U.S. is a major player in the global economy, and its collapse would have far-reaching economic consequences worldwide.

      The combined effects of these factors would result in a prolonged recovery period, with potential long-term changes to the fabric of society and the global order.

      • I think Geert needs to clarify what he means by 20-40% of populations. Is he saying that in regards of the amount of those vaccinated, or the entire population? That and how would the unvaccinated survive given how Marek’s disease kills all unvaccinated chickens?

        If we see this happen:
        All of industrialized society would go into free fall, while the undeveloped countries descend into anarchy. Western countries (Mainly Europe) would probably descend into fascism as left-leaning individuals would be the most affected in the scenario as it pivots hard to the right.

        • Dr. GVB speculates that one third of the ENTIRE POPULATION in highly vaccinated countries will sadly succumb to HIVICRON. But since he believes that the deaths will overwhelmingly and almost exclusively be concentrated among the vaccinated** (with just a mild to moderate acute course of illness in the unvaccinated, assuming that they are in reasonably good health), this means that in a country with an 80% vaccination rate, just over 40% of the vaccinated will die.

          ** He is referring to those vaccinated prior to their first infection. He believes that those infected prior to vaccination (which includes many healthcare workers), as well as those who did not complete their full primary course of vaccination (e.g. those who only took 1 x mRNA but did not come back two weeks later for their second dose due to a bad reaction / side effects) will also survive like the unvaccinated, with just mild to moderate illness.

          Of course, this is a very “black and white” way to analyse the final outcome of the pandemic, and what really happens is anyone’s guess TBH.

          • Is GVB referring only to the mRNAs, or including other versions, e.g., Novavax and J&J in US, as well as more traditional attempts in other countries, with respect to his warnings and distinctions between pre- and post infection vaccination? Are you, Radagast or others aware if he has specified that issue?

          • @Jon:

            Well, with regards to his belief that those who only took 1 x mRNA will be fine, I don’t think that this applies to the Janssen/J&J vaccine because that was a “one and done” vaccine. AFAIK, he believes that ALL countries with high vaccination rates will be dealing with a catastrophe, whether they used mRNA vaccines, adenoviral vector vaccines or whole inactivated virus vaccines, because all these different vaccines are still resulting in the same outcome, that is, viral immune escape. Although he does seem to believe that the mRNA vaccines are particularly bad. Skip ahead to 33:33 in this video interview to hear him explaining why:


            Therefore, it seems that countries that adopted a #ZeroCOVID approach (so very few infections prior to inoculation) and then used mRNA vaccines will fare the worst. So, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Japan.


            The glycosylation of the spike protein is basically experimental verification of Geert’s predictions, so I’m not sure what your point is. His timeline is way off though because of the “stearic immune refocusing” phenomenon that he has written about.

          • > with respect to his warnings and distinctions between pre- and post infection vaccination?

            AFAIK, regardless of which vaccine type was used, the innate immune system becomes “sidelined” once someone is vaccinated prior to their first infection, in favour of the adaptive immune response. So, when this person then finally gets infected post-vaccination, the vaccine-induced antibodies bind to the virus spike protein expressed on the surface of an infected cell, which then prevents the innate immune cells (e.g. NK cells) from being trained. Then, whenever this person then gets re-infected, the antibodies are recalled and they “win the race” to bind to the spike protein of the virus, thus blocking the NK cells and preventing them from learning to join the fight. See:


          • So, with their innate immune system not receiving any training, those vaccinated prior to their first infection become ENTIRELY reliant on their antibodies. We know this because when you compare the antibody titers in the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated, the antibody titers are much lower in the unvaccinated because the trained innate immune system brings down the bulk of the viral load. But the woke they/them vaccinologists then say “SEE! MUH ANTIBODY LEVELS ARE HIGHER IN THE VACCINATED THAN IN THE UNVACCINATED SO VACCINE IMMUNITY IS SUPERIOR TO NATURAL IMMUNITY!”

            So, if the vaccinated are reliant on their antibodies and have no training of their innate immune system, once the virus evolves to shield the surface of its spike protein with glycans (which blocks the antibodies from binding, rendering them useless), they become sitting ducks for future variants. Whereas the trained innate immune system in the unvaccinated can still recognise and fight these variants with glycosylated spike proteins.

          • One last thing. I’ve been thinking of obtaining antiviral prophylaxis in case this happens, and I only can use money from amazon gift cards. I’ve been debating whether to get duramectin (IVM) or chlorine dioxide (suggested by one of Geert’s followers), and am not sure what to do so my parents can be covered. I’m not sure what type of IVM to get (Pills or paste?) and if ClO2 is good on its own.

        • Don’t forget chicken populations ‘turnover’ much quicker than humans so over a year you have a completely new population of individuals with no ‘immune memory’. I also think Geert has overestimated the number of people who were vaccinated before any infection. A version of COVID was in Europe months before the pandemic announcement in 2020 e.g. I’d guesstimate a third to a half of the British population were infected before we started vaccinating in Dec.2020 into 2021.

          • I tend to listen in case because I’m afraid more than anything else. Given that I’m autistic with OCD, I tend to cling to thoughts of these things happening, and a whole variety of varying timelines depending on whose interpretation of the situation is right, such as Fast Eddy’s take in which everyone dies no matter what. I’m in a panic spike RN because I have the feeling that it will happen under Trump less because of viral fluctuations, but out of sheer irony towards the people that think he’ll save the day, and with RFK Jr. being potentially in charge of public health, it adds to that thought as well, because Geert seems optimistic about Kennedy in Public Health, and that adds extra layers to the irony factor if he makes it pass the Senate vote. Part of me wants to let go and I feel like my patience will have had it by the end of this year, but I know science can sometimes take decades to transpire, and things just can’t happen because I will it not to.

  11. So the virus is trying different ways to alter our immune response by messing with the urea cycle. Neurological effects of a viral infection come from the increase in ammonia. Hence the focus should be on reducing ammonia. COVID-19 patients have a low arginine-to-ornithine ratio.

  12. @LSWM Lives Matter glycosylation is very common, how does this relate to Geert’s prediction? I’ll answer for you; it doesn’t. You have no clue what you’re talking about and just repeat Geert’s BS. He’s delusional, just go over his posts and it’s easy to detect.

    • > glycosylation is very common

      Nah, as Radagast has explained, glycosylation of spike is usually a dead end strategy because it makes it easier for the innate immune system to recognise the virus. Therefore, glycosylated variants only have a fitness advantage in populations whose innate immune systems have been sidelined i.e. highly vaccinated countries!

      And see:

      > You have no clue what you’re talking about

      Then please enlighten us. What is the end game here? What will happen over the next 5 to 10 years? You remind me of the commenter Genomir. You both have stated several times with extreme confidence that Geert is dead wrong WITHOUT OFFERING AN ALTERNATE EXPLANATION OF WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

      So please, enlighten us swizzlestick.

      • Geert should concede that his thesis was fundamentally incorrect. An alternative theory doens’t have to be provided, that’s not how it works. His “timeline” as you and others call it is a fundamental part of his theory (as per Geert’s course, now $160 I bought it for $100, quite a increase in price). He can’t lean on 1% to keep his thesis valid anylonger. That 1% gave him a few months at best.

      • “What will happen over the next 5 to 10 years?”
        What has already happened – suppression of immune systems at population level. We will see opportunistic and exploitative behavior from all the known and unknown pathogens such as Flu, RSV, TB and the rest. Chronic inflammation, damage in different organs such as brain, heart, vascular system, pancreas leading to increased cancers, cardiovascular related death, neurological events, reduced fertility. Increased death in a slow but steady pace which will be accelerating as years pass… People with superior genetics will adapt and survive. People with weak to average genetics will succumb and it will not be strictly based on vax status as some people hope. Virus is dangerous as well; it’s not just the vax.

        • Right, the folks that continue to follow Geert are unvaxxed and feel good about his theory because they will be saved under his scenario. That’s why it’s also a cult-like group of people, quite a few probably think God has chosen them to survive. Geert is manipulator, a bully, not a credible scientist. If in doubt check his scientific publications online and (re)read his posts or check his forum. The biggest issue in my view is that we have a new virus circulating and co-infections are causing increased mortality. People are now getting the flu and covid, and if you’re older or have underlying health conditions it’s obviously going to be a bigger health challenge. Increases in cancer cases are also a direct result of another virus circulating.

  13. I just want to state here for the public record that Rintrah’s number one fan, also know as Kareninca, an anonymous troll pretending to be a female “Yankee Quaker” Bostonian transplant now living in the San Francisco Bay Area, the gayest most transgender friendly city of the world, has publicly implied on this blog that it thinks the Covid-19 vaccine is great!

    “My husband’s chess score is better than it has ever been, and better than his tutor’s (an old friend, and a pro), and is up where it shouldn’t be. So if that is the result of the vax, I guess any shedding will be a plus for me.”

    • You should dress up as an anime girl and squirt all over the camera while figuring yourself to yaoi. You should film this and post it here for Mehen the Mexican Jew to enjoy.

      I remain loyal to my anime wife Mikasa always, so I myself would not jerk my sausage to your sacrifice of milk and honey, but I know the jews among us really want to see you partially dressed like an anime girl while masturbating.

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