Sorry, I need to get this off my chest.
You have a lot of people who simply hate white people, often despite being white themselves. As Israel rapidly became a developed country, Israel began to be perceived as white. And so whenever Muslims decide to slaughter Jews in Israel, people make excuses for them about the “Israeli occupation of Palestinian land”.
Success draws hatred, because it makes failure more shameful. Hatred of Jews in particular is just a particular expression of the general hatred that low IQ people feel towards high IQ people.
Note how successful places don’t hate the Jews: India, South Korea, Japan, China, the US of A. And before you say India is not successful, keep in mind the British milked the continent for centuries. Before the British showed up, India was an economic powerhouse.
But have a look with me, at what happened yesterday:
The terrorists could move about 20 kilometers deep into Israeli territory, in a single day.
Now look at a map of Israel with the occupied Palestinian territories:
At the most narrow position, Israel is just 15 kilometers wide! The terrorists could split the country in half, in a day! Israel has no other choice than to occupy the West Bank, to defend itself. And if there was any doubt about that, that doubt should now be gone. Tel Aviv, capital of Israel, is as far removed from the West Bank, as Ofakim is from the Gaza Strip.
The Western policy towards Israel is to promote a “two-state solution”, while condemning the occupation of Palestinian land. Well if there was any doubt left, that’s never going to happen. The “two-state solution” means you’re always a few days at most removed from mass slaughter of Jewish families, with children executed in front of their siblings and parents, before the whole family is taken to Gaza or some other Orc hellhole to be abused.
With a bit of luck, we can finally live to see the day when the “Palestinians” become Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians and Egyptians and this whole miserable “two state” delusion comes to an end. The “Palestinians” continue to live as second class citizens in refugee camps surrounding Israel, as the other Arabs wait impatiently for the day when they destroy Israel. These people just never accept a part of the Dar al-Salam being lost.
In any other part of the world, you eventually accept that you lost a war, that you lost territory, that a population exchange took place and that it’s time to bury the hatchet. Do Belgians and the Dutch hate each other? No, we don’t. We still occupy a portion of Flanders, where Catholics tried to join the Belgian revolution. Limburg is barely Dutch too. Do we all continue killing each other over this stuff? Nope.
Arabs are losers, their only real talent is for losing. Everytime they all conspire to attack Israel they lose. But rather than accepting that they lost, they have to keep endlessly repeating this same misery over and over.
You could just accept a simple population exchange: You kicked out all the Mizrahi Jews, so they became Israeli citizens. Now it’s your turn to take care of the Palestinians. But that would require Arabs to swallow their pride, so it’s not about to happen.
If I could have one wish come true, I’d wish for Western leftists to stop gobbling up Muslim propaganda about Israel.
Quote: “The terrorists could move about 20 kilometers deep into Israeli territory …”
Isnt’t that the same situation like in Ukraine?
We should send some trillions dollars, like Zelensky got, and send tons of best hightech weapons. Because Ukraine.
>Isnt’t that the same situation like in Ukraine?
No… Ukraine and Russia are both massive countries.
That’s sizeism. Small Countries matter.
You don’t get the point: Every country surrounded by enemies needs a defendable border.
The Palestinians just showed that the two state solution leaves Israel with a border that can not be defended.
Ukraine wasn’t surrounded by enemies but with a border that can not be defended (because it’s too big).
Well said my dear High Status White Male (honorary Noachide). Please remember the truest of maxims:
One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.
Blessings of HaShem be upon you and your blog.
Interestingly, the signing of the “Balfour Declaration” in 1917 by the British Government was an attempt to prevent this complicated and tragic mess from ever happening in the first place:
Unfortunately, political reality is far more complex than simple political theory.
Benjamin Netanyahu has an iq of 180 and now he has a free hand to solve the problem.
God I hope so.
Get the hostages out and then turn Gaza into a wildlife reserve.
Establish Greater Israel.
I am not convinced old Bibi did not have a hand in this. He had motive and opportunity in saving his own skin and pulling Israel back from the political division of the past few years. The Israeli government has, like many countries, organized attacks on its own citizens and Jews abroad before as well. They also had a hand in developing Hamas to use against secular and socialist groups like PLO and PFLO. The timing just seems too convenient. The real question is what if any long term effects there will be in the region beyond Israeli national unity government and more deaths and a few peopled thrown under the bus.
Bibi would not give up hundreds of secular Jewish Israeli lives for this. Israel was just caught completely unprepared for this.
>Israel was just caught completely unprepared for this.
This Jewish guy living in Israel believes that this is a coordinated “false flag” attack between Israel and Hamas against the people of Israel, and backs up his claims pretty convincingly. WATCH:
Possibility but I don’t think so. I’ve worked in government, and the level of ruthlessness over trivial things is shocking, this isn’t a trivial thing. I don’t think you can be Israeli and secular by definition really, and Bibi’s core supporters are not particularly secular in outlook, though more nationalists than theocrats.
From a pure strategic view this is really the best time for the enemies of Israel to attack:
The USA is totally exhausted from the Ukraine war, their ammunition depleted, their army broken from the vaccine mandate, their president a senile idiot, their policy focused on the next election … they were never so weak as now.
And we have to expect that they behave like a wounded animal and totaly freak out.
The attack took place on Putins birthday, coincidence?
Exactly. I am sure that Putin also planned the 1st Yom Kipur war to also start on his 13th b-day. Putin is such a deviois creature. I am sure satan has gifted him with super powers to fuck over the lswm populations
And the strategic petroleum reserve was drained to keep gas prices down to buy votes. If Saudi Arabia wants to show solidarity by cutting our supply we’ll need a new digit row on our gas pumps.
Rin, you need to go defent Israel.
I would if I could, but this war should not even have to be fought.
Just get the hostages out, shut down the electricity and water supply to Gaza and start spraying Anthrax all over Gaza.
If shitlibs dare to complain, call them antisemitic right-wing extremist conspiracy theorists for daring to suggest it was not just a Hamas pile that blew up prematurely.
Literally, Palestinians only exist because we have mercy on people who have no redeeming qualities that would justify mercy.
accept that you lost a war, that you lost territory, that a population exchange took place and that it’s time to bury the hatchet. Do Belgians and the Dutch hate each other? No, we don’t. We still occupy a portion of Flanders, where Catholics tried to join the Belgian revolution. Limburg is barely Dutch too. Do we all continue killing each other over this stuff? Nope.“
So you think people should just bend over and take it when someone invades their land?
When did you become a neocon? Israel has nothing to do with the Jews or Jewishness, it’s another fake outpost of the American military— like Ukraine, Japan, Vatican II Rome/Italy, South Korea, and so on.
“I oppose the current thing!” -LSWMs
I don’t give a black life about Israel or Palestine. I’m completely indifferent to the current thing. I don’t even consider myself to be a modern American at all, culturally speaking.
“I pretend to be indifferent to the current thing, just like my messiah Ron Paul (pbuh)!” -LSWMs
Is ron paul a racist pagan feudalist?
I am completely indifferent to ron paul. Keep guessing sperg. I’ve laid myself out in no uncertain terms a dozen times, if you don’t get where I’m coming from by now then you really must be a dyed in the wool CWC-tier autist, because you completely lack a theory of mind.
I’m curious, where are Jews and Muslims positioned in your racial hierarchy belief system? Which group comes out top, or do you hate both equally?
Yes, he is so lost. He can’t reconcile the fact that both arabs and ME jews are semite tribes. Basically cousins.
This blog has become so funny. I come here for the laughs and the cognitive dissonance of the author. Am i bad for that i take pleasure from the massive incompetence of self thought intellectual? Nah, i am sure YHVH also laughs out loud when observing such people.
If that one was for me, the best summary is that they are differents.
The way it works is less a “hierarchy” and more whether or not someone is similar enough to be considered part of my own extended tribe or not. For example, our host for all his flaws still falls under the broad umbrella of norse-germanic and thus is eligible to be considered a person. Even if some of his ideas are sonichu tier retarded, he could still theoretically become a viable member of my own extended tribe, therefore the effort to talk sense into him is not a waste.
Those sand monkeys are a different species, so I am indifferent to their existence. They are like a kind of local wildlife one finds in certain deserts, which insane idiots have also transplanted into the giant open air zoos known as “cities.”
Again, it’s not hierarchy, it’s pure tribalism.
Yes Fucko, my question was directed at you specifically. Thanks for the reply (even though I don’t share your “interesting” theories and beliefs).
Are you allowed to disclose the name of this religion or “tribe” to which you belong, or is it secretive? I’m interested in learning more about it. Is it a worldwide organisation, or strictly U.S. based?
You’re a bit weird WITH YOUR EXCESSIVE NEORONS but you hit the nail strongly on the head when it matters.
Yeah, the Fakestineans are going to PAY for their crimes for years to come and I’m looking forward to it.
Your feelings and thoughts regarding “survival of the fittest” and “might makes right” are quite fluid.
I believe in survival of the autists and non-survival of the normies.
Reminder that Israel almost started WW3 when they attacked the USS Liberty in a effort to get the U.S to attack Egypt, which was under the protection of the USSR at the time. This was a comparable situation to the Cuban missile crisis yet no one talks about it. Israel has only been a net drain on the west. I say let the Jews and Arabs kill each-other, both peoples are garbage.
>You just dislike Jews because they’re successful!
No, they’re mediocre people. Mercantile people like Semites (Both Jews, and Arabs) are of a low class character; all they’re capable of is endlessly striving for more wealth and prestige, or creating retarded materialist ideologies like marxism (In my view philosophical materialism often correlates to the colloquial understanding of materialism as greed.).
The over-emphasis on Jews in Right Wing discourse is annoying and a little dumb; however, Jews ARE over-represented in the upper echelons of our economy, but that’s because they’re neurotically obsessed with such things. If you’re not devoting yourself 100% to getting the best degree you can get so you can slave away in a more prestigious wagie cagie; that doesn’t make you a inferior person, it just means you aren’t as neurotically driven to be “successful” i.e, a richer slave.
Jews as a people are the racial equivalent of Asian children who are forced by their parents to get the best grades, play the piano, etc, in a endless strive for prestige; yet for all their work said strivers are still profoundly mediocre at the end of the day. Who listens to the music created by Chinese strivers with overbearing parents? Jews are the same, they’re great lawyers and bureaucrats, but can you name a Jewish artist that created something profound and beautiful? Jewish “art” is movies like Sausage Party, it’s vulgar and stupid. The best kike art is satire where they make fun of gentiles, such as Borat, which is admittedly funny, but still low brow.
There’s nothing to be envious of Jews of, they’re natural middle managers. In our traditional medieval societies they were tax collectors. Jews are miserable ugly people who can’t make anything by themselves, only copy and satirize. The only reason why Jews have any influence at all is because white people gave it to them out of a misguided sense of individualism. Jews are not beautiful, or creative, or strong. Being a philosemite is the same in my eyes as being a philolaywer or philocaptialist, why are you celebrating these worthless people?
And don’t forget the Jewish love of usury which goes all the way back to the despicable greedy character Shylock in The Merchant Of Venice. Islamic finance prohibits the charging of interest on loans. The author of this site doesn’t seem to grasp that the world would be a far greater place with more peace and prosperity if we got rid of the evil Jewish bankers and went back to a classical gold standard. No more theft of our savings using the “stealth tax” of inflation:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” – Thomas Jefferson
>And don’t forget the Jewish love of usury which goes all the way back to the despicable greedy character Shylock in The Merchant Of Venice
Woah, the Jewish love of usury goes back to a fictional character!
Is this like some Salvia-type interpretation of reality, where everything we experience is just fiction produced by cartoon clowns?
>Being a philosemite is the same in my eyes as being a philolaywer or philocaptialist, why are you celebrating these worthless people?
My best guess: Radagast is obviously preoccupied with the role of status in society (understandably, I suspect). This preoccupation compels him to pay attention to those in the upper echelons of the hierarchy.
But as an autist, his appreciation for “the finer things” is somewhat lacking. This is the area where his big brain encounters “RUNTIME_ERROR” (or whatever the appropriate programming metaphor is).
>But as an autist, his appreciation for “the finer things” is somewhat lacking. This is the area where his big brain encounters “RUNTIME_ERROR”
Normies are the one who lack a sense of taste, they’re the ones that care the most about status, and endlessly strive, while autists just do their own thing. People doing their own thing is where all true greatness can be found. Mozart didn’t perform for status or wealth. Mozart was closer to an obsessed autist than a normie.
Jews are the normiest of the normies. Normies wish they were Jews because Jews tend to live the ideal normie life which is that of the lawyer class. Lawyer class people have fancy “prestigious” titles and have more money that they can use lord over the other normies. The lawyer life is the ideal normie life, and it’s what Jews all covet. Also, Jewish “comedic” movies like the aforementioned Sausage Party are normie humor, insipid and plain.
Radagast’s nature as an autist should mean he sees through the outward prestige of the lawyer life and striving, not that he should venerate those things.
>Radagast’s nature as an autist should mean he sees through the outward prestige of the lawyer life and striving, not that he should venerate those things.
Guess it depends on the particular “flavor” autism.
Turbo normies.
Amen bro. Let the semites kill each other. We don’t have a hirse in that game. It is senute conflict created by semites. So let them sort it out between themselves. Why the world should be dragged down at this cesspit of conflict everytime it reignites? Fuck them. They deserve each other and we deserve to enjoy it from afar with bo strings detached
*it should be ‘no strings attached’
>Amen bro. Let the semites kill each other. We don’t have a hirse in that game.
Injustice anywhere, is injustice everywhere.
And when you allow injustice to fester elsewhere, you’ll soon find out nobody has your back when it affects YOU.
You Americans think you are invulnerable. Spoiler: You’re not.
Dumbass American morons.
>Jews as a people are the racial equivalent of Asian children who are forced by their parents to get the best grades, play the piano, etc, in a endless strive for prestige; yet for all their work said strivers are still profoundly mediocre at the end of the day. Who listens to the music created by Chinese strivers with overbearing parents? Jews are the same, they’re great lawyers and bureaucrats, but can you name a Jewish artist that created something profound and beautiful?
How to tell people you don’t read, without telling them you don’t read.
As an autist, you have something the vast majority of people lack, the power of observation, use it. Can you actually name any Jewish artists of worth? I suppose Jews do practice a form of performance art, where they create the most hideous ideologies imaginable, Objectivism and Marxism being two examples of this phenomena. So they do make history more interesting if anything else.
If you ever actually listen to Jews talk about themselves they all complain about their overbearing parents, especially their mothers. This isn’t some conspiracy theory, Jewish culture is very similar to Asian striver cultures. Jews as a people are obsessed with status and material wealth, and force their children from a young age to pursue those things to the detriment of everything else, just like the Asian striver parents. Jews suffer over twice the amount of depression of gentiles, they’re 40% more likely to end up as schizophrenics. You wanna know why? It’s not because of an ancestral memory of the holocaust, it’s because they live shitty fucking lives. No human being can actually be happy living in a striver culture. It’s the same reason why striver Asians are so fucking miserable. Striver culture nothing to celebrate, it’s fucking sad, but it’s the only thing Jews have going for them.
Strivers of all cultures try to cargo cult the great men of the past by working really hard; but real art isn’t something someone can force. If you don’t have the inclination you will never be Mozart no matter how much you force yourself to play the piano. Mozart didn’t do what he did because he wanted the status of Mozart, he created music purely for its own sake. Natural genius can not be beaten by hard work; the fruits of genius themselves are more often than not the result of play and not work. Work is something you don’t actually want to do, play is what you want to do. Strivers work and work yet the results speak for themselves.
The best Jews can do is stupid vulgar shit. Sausage Party is an example of Jewish humor, yet their “serious” art isn’t much better. Look at these pieces by prominent Jewish artist Marc Chagall.
Here another Jewish artist, Ilya Schor, his works aren’t as hideous as Chagall’s, but they’re nothing to write home about.
More ugly fucking art by a widely celebrated Jewish artist, Marcel Janco.
Only a normie would find these noxious scribblings profound. Jews, as the normiest of the normies, create such works because it’s all they’re capable of.
> Jews suffer over twice the amount of depression of gentiles, they’re 40% more likely to end up as schizophrenics. You wanna know why? It’s not because of an ancestral memory of the holocaust, it’s because they live shitty fucking lives.
Pretty sure their endogamy/inbreeding has more to do with the schizophrenia (and massive rates of paraphilias)
From my understanding, your genes determine your ability to suffer from schizophrenia, but abuse is what actually causes it to manifest. People who are genetically prone to schizophrenia can spend their whole lives in this world. Childhood abuse is the most common cause of the manifestation of schizophrenia, alongside substance abuse. You need both the genetic predisposition AND need to go through some kind of abuse to suffer schizophrenia generally. Jews are at a higher risk of schizophrenia due to their genes than most peoples are; but Jews suffering as much as they do from it is due to their culture of overbearing, abusive, striver parents that want to vicariously live through their children. Pointing out Jews suffer from way more depression than most people is an easier to understand example of why their lifestyle is so shit.
OT –
Someone hit jackpot!
This is the only most important statement for this article.
>Men become vegan because they know they’re evil
I became vegan because I care more about animals than humans.
Most humans will just be removed off the face of the planet soon. Mother Nature is done with them.
>I became vegan because I care more about animals than humans.