At some point in the future I’m probably going to die, although consciousness itself is of course just a timeless field that the physical “me” taps into. How can something die, within which time itself is contained? Anyway, you get my point, I’ll die eventually. I wasn’t planning on dying anytime soon, as I’m quite happy now, but who knows what happens.
My one request is pretty simple: After you’ve dropped my body in a hole in the ground under a tree somewhere, play this song very loud. Preferably the Spotify version.

Sid Vicious with the woman he loved so much it cost him his life. The most punk girl I ever met was a very Catholic Russian girl who was shitting on the lockdowns on Facebook in March 2020 when everyone was scared shitless.
If you wish to extend the ceremony, you could then share a joint. If you really wish to honor my legacy, I would recommend just taking turns taking hits from my old bong, I would feel truly honored by that, please fill it with either White Choco, Critical Kush or Strawberry Kush, in that order of preference (depending on what you can get). My vaporizer should go with me into my grave, I don’t think they manufacture them in the afterlife, that’s probably why I showed up here in the first place.
I’m surrounded by beauty that I can not put into words, it’s just impulses in my brain somewhere that have to jump over virus particles, air pollution and raw autism to end up processed in a thousand different bizarre ways during their journey to my claustrum, I can’t possibly convey how I experience it all, but the love I harbor for it is endless.
Now comes the part where I give you my inevitably incorrect interpretation of the lyrics:
as i lie in my bed dreaming forever
He was found in his bed, dead from an overdose.
dead but my love outlive me
Pretty obvious IMO: “I hope that what I loved outlives my death.”
im a line in your head
living like a wave
life after the gutter
“I live on within your mind through this song, after hitting rock bottom which culminated in my death.“
Also: The line living like a wave refers to someone who looks as if he is an upstanding citizen, but actually bends social norms. Finally, it also refers to the soundwaves of the song remaining like information in your brain.
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
A rebellious inversion of how the world perceives what actually happened: “I spent my whole life trying to share the freedom I experienced, by being mentally unconstrained by social norms, to people who had already died inside.“
as i lie in my bed dreaming forever
dead but my love outlive me
im a line in your head
living like a wave
life after the gutter
can a sound go so far
can a sound go so far
can it live forever
“Can I convey a message after my death, that still conveys the raw feeling of how I experienced the world? Is such a thing truly achievable?”
girl i need some more time
girl i need some more time
im yours and your mine
your mine
No comment here, not sure what non-obvious things go on here.
as i lie in my bed dreaming forever
dead but my love outlive me
im a line in your head
living like a wave
life after the gutter
as i lie in my bed dreaming forever
dead but my love outlive me
im a line in your head
living like a wave
life after the gutter
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
i dont wanna be dead like you
Get back on Twitter bro
“I don’t ever wanna stop
I don’t wanna look away, don’t wanna give up
I don’t wanna step aside or make it to the top
I just wanna go against odds and burn down the Babylon”
Dubioza kolektiv
That’s for you, while you are here 🙂
The other side can wait