The problem I realize I always run into is that I just hate humanity. It has been like this ever since I was a child and I’m always forced to pretend it’s not the case, to fit in. If you wandered into your kitchen one day and saw a teeming mass of cockroaches running over your dinner plates, you could tell yourself the cockroaches are doing nothing wrong, they just want to live their lives, it’s not their fault they’re cockroaches, they feel pain and pleasure just as you. But all you’re going to see at a guttural level are cockroaches and your desire is to just squash them all.
That’s how it is for me. And it’s always in the little things. It’s this thought that just intrudes when you don’t ask for it. It pops up when you’re standing on your balcony and see this stupid white cat sitting next to your pond and realize that animal released by your neighbors to fend for itself in the neighborhood is the reason you don’t see any frogs in your pond anymore.
You might consider strangling the cat, but what you really want, is to just strangle the neighbor. Not because your neighbor is a selfish jerk. No, it’s far worse than that. Your neighbor never even considered the consequences her cat has on her environment. Her weak brain just completely spares her from having to endure that realization. She gets away with being an idiot, there’s no mechanism left in the world that punishes her for it.
There is this one scene near the end of Der Untergang, where Hitler gets angry and yells out that if the Germans can’t win this war then they deserve to perish as a race. For a moment there, I felt like I finally really understood Hitler. That tends to be how I feel about my own country. As a teenager I was always very racist, I always hoped for this apocalyptic war against the invading tribes. I was also just honest about this to the brown boys in class, so some developed a crush on me. But it never came and now people vote for their local angry low status white male party, now that there is effectively nothing left to salvage and they’re feeling pressed with their backs against the wall.
I never understood the hatred for the Jews though, but I think Hitler ultimately didn’t hate the Jews either, I think he just saw them as an obstruction to his vision for the world. Jewish philosophy always comes down to love for humanity, this idea that humans can cooperate and make the world better, that the weak should be helped instead of being put out of their misery. I’ve seen it argued that Hitler hated the Jews because they mistreat animals. But I think the deeper essence of the problem for him was their philanthropy. In Israel today, the Jews are cured of their philanthropy. They discovered the hard way how humans really are.
Every racist white man eventually suffers the tragic fate of liking everyone else more than his own people. I very obviously like the Indians and the Tibetans more. The Germans had the same problem, it’s why they organized their expeditions to Finland and Tibet.
It should be beyond obvious that I like the Aztecs more too. The Aztecs had perfected fascism. They settled on a culture of constant warfare, constantly fighting neighboring tribes, capturing their warriors, sacrificing them on their altars, extracting the heart, holding it up before the sun and eating the bodies. The captured warriors had the same culture as the Aztecs and when the Spanish tried to stop a sacrifice, the warriors demanded to be sacrificed.
But eventually the Spanish won and the population of the Americas swelled from 18 million to 520 million over the course of five centuries, as the only tolerable human flesh to eat became that of their savior, Jesus Christ. Cannibalism never went away, what went away was human dignity. Instead of paying the bloody price for upholding the creation ourselves, we now beg a rabbi to pay the price on our behalf, by suffering through a crucifixion. We became entirely defined by our failure, our sins, our fall from perfection, for which we have to beg forgiveness.
And most disgusting of all, has to be this deeply cruel humanism. When Iceland converted to Christianity, they demanded to keep the right to infanticide. But this is unthinkable to modern humans. You people just keep bringing ghouls into the world, you bring children into the world, knowing they stand no chance of a normal life, knowing they will be burdens for as long as they live. You’ll bring some hideous girl with missing bones in her face into the world who will never be kissed by a boy and you’ll comment how “beautiful” she is on some photos she posts and you’ll insist how “inspiring” her attitude is.
You will just ignore the simple fact that if she didn’t play along with a big smile for you, if she didn’t play her part as the deformed court jester, if she just accepted the reality that she is stuck in a deformed body and that she will never know what a normal life would be, what little normality she gets to enjoy in life as an object of pity and paternalism would also be taken away from her, she would be left to dwell in misery all by herself, so she doesn’t even dare to be honest to herself anymore. That is your kind of cruelty, the kind that Hitler, the Icelanders and the Aztecs were all incapable of. And worst of all, is that you are not even willing to admit you are cruel.
The Aztecs understood what the gnostic heretic Valentinus understood too, when he spoke of the Pneumatikoi, the highest of three types of men. The Pneumatikoi, are people who allow themselves to be moved by the world. Whereas the hylikoi are basically what we now call NPCs, people who just blindly follow rules and psychikoi like the stoics try to escape all emotional attachment altogether, the pneumatikoi are willing to accept the totality of the human condition, including its darkness. There are things that can only survive in the dark, they deserve to exist too. So it was with the Aztecs: They understood the Gods tore apart their own bodies to create the world for us, so they were willing to do the same.
People will consider me racist, far-right, etcetera. But there is one thing I am not: A Western cultural supremacist. What we call the “left” today, are people who developed a secularized form of cultural christianity they seek to assimilate the whole world into. The world is not complete to them, until every single last African villager is working on a PhD thesis about how everything is racist. I on the other hand, accept that there are just different value orientations. To the Aztecs, the creation of the Gods is important, even if it turns out you can’t save it with some solar panels and some people will have to die for it.
Now contrast this with how we responded in March 2020, when a new virus emerged on the scene. I just genuinely never recovered from the realization that once a deadly virus emerges, most people do not have that response that I have: Finally! Finally this teeming glut of 8 billion fat aging people is dealt with! Finally, we do not just push this planet beyond the boundaries of habitability, we do not reduce the Amazon to a smoking pile of ashes, to feed cheeseburgers to fat morons in mobility scooters!
No, people were willing to just abandon the very concept of social interaction, forever. They would rather have a “new normal”, than accept that we were going to have a few more people die than usual from now on. That was so ugly, that it just cast in granite my hatred for humanity, because I knew there would never be a dignified way out of this predicament. No, when the next virus shows up, they would just do the same thing again.
How do you want to die? Do you want to die as the last surviving man of a Mesoamerican tribe, who racked up a death toll of seventy warriors, who turned himself into a prized possession, stalked in the forest for days by jaguar warriors, who understands his task that now lies ahead, who partakes in all the ceremonies, before he lies down on the altar and has his heart extracted by the priest?
Or do you want to die in the nursing home of gangrene in your toes, that spread through your blood vessels because nobody changed your socks for days, after you developed type two diabetes? Do you want your family to say “well he’s in a better place now”? Do you want to be gradually stripped of all dignity?
I am an optimist. I believe you’ll never have to go to the nursing home.
Quote: “The problem I realize I always run into is that I just hate humanity.”
You can see it by this way but I think you let yourself too much dominate from your dark desires. It’s not wrong to have dark desires. We all have them, and any try to suppress or remove them will only lead to suffering.
They tell you killing people until the others do what they should, would be the only solution, and your dark parts are fascinated from this solution, therefore your school-shooter festish.
But you also care about suffering animals, dark desires do not care about animals.
>The captured warriors had the same culture as the Aztecs and when the Spanish tried to stop a sacrifice, the warriors demanded to be sacrificed.
Source? Link? Bullshit?
Waiting on Sensitive Fool to post thousands of words of his idiotic Templist bullshit….
The curse has worked. Templism and its Harbinger on the Rintrah blog now lives rent free in your brain.
Every time you get onto this blog, you’re going to think about me and not really know why. You’re going to be thinking about Templism. You won’t be able to help it. The first thing you’re going to think when you read Rad’s posts from now until eternity is. “I wonder what the Sensitive FOOL is going to be posting in response to this. God I hate him.”
Soon, you’re going to be thinking about Templism when you’re doing unrelated things too, even in the real world. The next time you go for a walk, you’re going to be thinking about Templism and me.
You won’t be able to help it, it’s over.
I don’t even bother to read your stupid bilge.
BTW I’m perfectly healthy, how is your diet working out for you, ya fat guts?
You are the stinkiest nigger.
>The curse has worked. Templism and its Harbinger on the Rintrah blog now lives rent free in your brain.
I’m guessing you’re the fat one with sunglasses
>The conquistadors Cortés and Alvarado found that some of the sacrificial victims they freed “indignantly rejected [the] offer of release and demanded to be sacrificed”.[21]
21: Townsend, Richard (1979). State and Cosmos in the Art of Tenochtitlan. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University.
>How do you want to die? Do you want to die as the last surviving man of a Mesoamerican tribe, who racked up a death toll of seventy warriors, who turned himself into a prized possession, stalked in the forest for days by jaguar warriors, who understands his task that now lies ahead, who partakes in all the ceremonies, before he lies down on the altar and has his heart extracted by the priest?
This is how I’ve wanted to die since I was fourteen.
Flyht Manigra Scearpra Isernra Bealla to Tiwe
“The Swedish volunteer rushes out into the open from behind cover. His squadmates behind him are suppressed by numerous enemies and will soon be assaulted and captured, or worse. He is immediately shot through the lung and the collarbone, but forces himself forward as he fires upon the enemy, shooting one through the helmet, forcing the others behind cover. He is shot several more times, forcing him to the ground, as he fires consistently. As bullets destroy his body, he uses the remaining control he has to throw a stick hand grenade before he perishes. The situation is now reversed. His squad follows up his attack with an assault, causing the cowering enemy to surrender.
The winners’ fury is tamed by the memory of their fallen hero. He would not have wanted fellow soldiers to be treated harshly. The enemy surrendered, so execution would be dishonorable. The gruppenführer ensures that his will is carried out, so that he will live as a legend even in the minds of his enemies.
Tiw loves the tribe of soldiers, those with soldiering qualities. Beyond nations, borders, and geopolitical disputes, this tribe plays the game of war according to, so Tiw hopes, a set of rules that preserves and respects the warrior stock, that refuses to make them ruthless pawns of the political class or of other civilian tribes.
Yet, “soldiers” is not the only tribe – let us not be excessively poetic! Tiw also cares about the tribe of Europeans. This is why European soldiers naturally, uninhibited by politics, display honor amongst themselves, yet often commit great massacres against foreign armies. For, it is total tribal similarity that engenders respect, and in some cases the similarity of warrior-types does not outweigh total dissimilarity. It is natural for European warriors to regard each other as contestants in a fun, lethal game, but to regard distantly related warriors from far away as like bugs, who it is not fun to fight, only fun to kill.
The Aryan warrior has been a scourge to his enemies for this reason: that he maintains a large warrior caste, preserved by honor amongst itself, strengthened by continual war within itself, that can coalesce with its honorable competitors when the need arises to defeat a foreign, hated, beneath-Aryan enemy with utter ruthlessness. It is possible (but this document is not canonical) that the Empire, spanning as it will over the whole Indo-European world, will be such an occasion; the utter global domination of lesser races, perhaps forcing them to fulfill galactic objectives, to give up galactic resources, for the destiny of the Faustian race. Not “no more brother wars”, but forcing the world to reckon with the “brothers of war”. A galactic crusade.
There is currently an international relations orthodoxy which considers great power cooperation to be impossible. Maybe they are right. In this case, it would be necessary for one brother to subjugate the other before the crusade could be called. Or, maybe these “realist” international relations theorists create an unfortunate self fulfilling prophecy. Maybe someone, a Templist, need only set the precedent, to invite his “rival brother” to utterly fuck the world with their combined power in order to achieve eternal and infinite glory. Most likely, these are compatible. For, an honorable competition can give rise to such an outcome, and may well even accelerate such an outcome just as competing businesses accelerate innovation – an “eternal cold war” may be in the cards for the European race. Except, instead of using the third world as a pawn against one’s brother, one agrees with his brother to fight over the domination of pawns, lest any pawn try to dictate terms to its master. The false sense of power of these proxies would be swiftly kicked out from under them, they would be left without subversive influence, they must obey the Tyrian warriors, the men with nuclear bombs sworn never to be used against each other, or die.”
> This is how I’ve wanted to die since I was fourteen.
Reminds me an old Hyatt quote:
“I would rather be murdered with passion than killed by a briefcase”.
I used to be on-board with that sentiment. No longer.
Maturity means “putting away childish things”
This whole misbegotten Simulation is rotten to the core.
The only thing I want to do is put my hands around the neck of whatever “God” created this world, and squeeze with every fiber of my being until we both slip into the depths of eternal sleep.
I’m sure that there are a lot of seemingly “normal” people in society who are closeted misanthropes.
But it is rare enough for famous people to be open about it, just like Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh who said in an interview that when he died he wanted to be reincarnated as a deadly virus that would depopulate the planet.
And yeah a lot of right wingers have been traumatized by the last 4 years, which explains why Twitter profiles such as “Died Suddenly” and vaccine doom porn profiles on Substack are so popular amongst these right wingers who possess feelings of schadenfreude towards the normies who pushed lockdowns, masks and vaccine passports.
And I myself reluctantly admit that I also sometimes harbour these feelings. I’m definitely not proud of it, but it is as it is.
Just thought I’d share this interesting Substack that I recently re-discovered, authored by a guy who writes fictional and non-fictional essays about what society/civilization will look like in the future for the survivors, once the SHTF and then post pandemic:
>I am an optimist. I believe you’ll never have to go to the nursing home.
Close all nursing homes. Legalize senicide.
Humans are no different than any other animal that has no predators. They multiply exponentially until all resources are exhausted. We are there now, for anyone with eyes open.
But don’t worry. There’s another mass extinction coming. There have been many in earth history. Read the ethical skeptic if you want to know what’s coming.
This high-tech global civilization was inevitable, a one-time event that can never happen again due to depleted resources. Get it over with then all that remains is for humanity to live on the same level as the Amish people until the sun swells up and wipes out all life.
Long time between now and then.
Who knows what might be possible in such a vast ocean of time?
Perhaps even something outside of your philosophy.
> Humans are no different than any other animal that has no predators.
But we do have predators. They just don’t make themselves obvious.
> The problem I realize I always run into is that I just hate humanity.
You hate it because it is not what you think it SHOULD be.
The “problem” is not humanity, but your idealistic worldview.
“One of the greatest Reasons why so few People understand themselves, is, that most Writers are always teaching Men what they should be, and hardly ever trouble their Heads with telling them what they really are. As for my Part, without any Compliment to the Courteous Reader, or my self, I believe Man (besides Skin, Flesh, Bones, etc. that are obvious to the Eye) to be a compound of various Passions, that all of them, as they are provoked and come uppermost, govern him by turns, whether he will or no. To shew, that these Qualifications, which we all pretend to be asham’d of, are the great Support of a flourishing Society, has been the Subject of the foregoing Poem. But there being some Passages in it seemingly Paradoxical, I have in the Preface promised some explanatory Remarks on it; which to render more useful, I have thought fit to enquire, how Man, no better qualify’d, might yet by his own Imperfections be taught to distinguish between Virtue and Vice: And here I must desire the Reader once for all to take notice, that when I say Men, I mean neither Jews nor Christians; but meer Man, in the State of Nature and Ignorance of the true Deity.”
Bernard Mandeville – The Fable of the Bees – 1732
My mom has a friend whose granddaughter is in her mid-20s; the girl works as a nanny. She’s been saving like crazy and now plans to spend all those savings: she is buying a round trip ticket from the U.S. to England, where she plans to stay one day before returning. She is going for that one day in order to attend a Taylor Swift concert.
My 99 year old father in law, by contrast, hasn’t flown anywhere in decades, other than his flight to move in with us seven years ago. All he needs is a daily new diaper (which thankfully he changes) and about ten ounces of food and cable TV (he does use his computer to play the market and follow chess games). He is pretty typical for an ancient person in his use of resources.
I don’t see the point in focusing on old people and nursing homes. If you don’t want to end up in one, you don’t have to. If you want to end up in one, you may not get to, if you are poor. These people are not the ones killing the planet. And they mostly enjoy themselves.
if you were in a Dostoevsky novel (e.g. Demons), a starets (elder), a monk-spiritual guide, would tell you that you wanna admit publicly to be a misanthrop because of selfishness. Maybe u want to make an impression. It might be an artistic side of yours (probably).
That was the case with Nikolay Vsevolodovich Stavrogin. The primary character in it.
You (and everyone) should read it.
Admitting that we’re selfish is much more useful to our growth.
So, if you are an open system, it helps, right?
You are not very open at the moment. But you must have been and are at times (i guess), maybe often. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have such a good linguistic capability.
So, everyone begins as a person (or we can’t learn to speak), but we are attracted by individualism more or less.
Read Dostoevsky. Start with his ‘Demons’.
Another thing: do you like any band?
I’ve noticed that being fan(atic)s of solo artists is a bad sign. A sign of having fantasies about excelling alone.
> Another thing: do you like any band?
I’ve noticed that being fan(atic)s of solo artists is a bad sign. A sign of having fantasies about excelling alone.
Fascinating observation! I had not considered that.
There may be some truth to what you say, but as a counterexample, what do you think of Jeff Buckley? (Some say he was an angel who willingly committed suicide in the Mississippi River):–XYNmtLwl7TI0
(I think Rad might like that one, if he’s HIGH AS FUCK right now)
it might be “correlation, not causation” as they say now, very often..
maybe the cause is the music industry, making money by feeding us with fantasies.. i guess there are fake bands out there too..
oh, and a band in the 70s (e.g. Lynyrd Skynyrd)–it seems–had a different attitude than a band in the mid-late 80s (e.g. Guns’n’Roses)..
i don’t know.. it could just be that i’m getting older lol
We should ban solo artists Lol!
‘egocentric’ is probably a more accurate word than ‘selfish’
> probably a more accurate word than ‘selfish’
It doesn’t change the import of your observation.
It is more accurate to say “every human organism is self-interested”.
In some cases this self-interest becomes “self-absorption”(me) but the point stands.
> Admitting that we’re selfish is much more useful to our growth.
Now this is a comment of yours I can get behind 100%.
Always be suspicious of the man who claims to be an altruist — you are about to be exploited.
> Jewish philosophy always comes down to love for humanity, this idea that humans can cooperate and make the world better, that the weak should be helped instead of being put out of their misery.
Lol. Lmao, even.
I’m guessing you’re trolling.
If not, don’t make me sperg out with links to all the Jewish Supremacists wishing to exterminate or enslave the goyim.
“Tikkun Olam” is Hebrew for “Jihad”
We already knew that you were a Zionist and Judaic supremacist. Hatred of humanity is ESSENTIAL to those psychopathies. As to the alleged ‘Jewish love of mankind’ (my life!!!)well we see that every day in Gaza, don’t we. Particularly the love of, dead, children.