The low IQ problem

There’s a consistent finding, that right wingers have a lower IQ than left wingers. Right wingers often complain that academia and the media have a left wing bias. And they’re right. Liberal professors outnumber conservative professors 12 to 1. The reason for that is because professors tend to be smart.

If you doubt any of this, I would ask you to try looking at this crowd from a bird’s eye view. This mob of raw milk drinking, cholesterol denying, young earth creationist, keto diet following, Holocaust denying, climate change denying, election denying angry white men, who now think the government has a way of controlling hurricanes and uses it to screw over Florida.

When you are the sort of chud who thinks this mob can somehow be steered with your edgy memes into some productive direction, you’re also just not very intelligent. I asked my friend: “When Trump becomes president, what sort of competent people will be willing to serve in the administration of a convicted felon who tried to stage a self-coup?” He said that Peter Thiel and Musk are going to advise Trump, which rests my case.

But this is a problem that we have had to deal with as a society for quite some time now. Conservatives used to complain that the schools don’t give a balanced perspective on creation versus evolution. There’s a reason for that: The evidence that scientists discover is just not compatible with their view of the world.

It’s similar for the climate change problem. Conservatives wanted there to be a “debate”. Maybe humans are doing it and it’s a big problem, maybe we’re not responsible or it’s not really a problem. But again, the evidence just isn’t there to fit the view they happen to believe in. As that problem continues, we end up with group polarization, to the point where they’re now convinced that the soyboy libcucks are just sending hurricanes into Florida and Appalachia to screw over patriotic freedom-loving alpha males.

When you bring up the low IQ problem on the right, conservatives will bring up the mental illness problem on the left. But the mental illness problem, is an outgrowth of the high IQ problem. If your mind can entertain more ideas and process more inputs from your environment, you’re more likely to have to deal with negative realizations about our world.

If you’re more intelligent, you’re also better able to understand what’s going on with you. You may realize you were sexually abused as a child and seek therapy for that, whereas if you had a lower IQ, you would be peddling theories about satan-worshipping elites engaged in ritualized sexual abuse. And in general, leftists have more trust in the medical sector and are more willing to admit it when they’re sick.

The low IQ problem also expresses itself in different ways. If you have a high IQ, you don’t feel the need to prove it to yourself and the world. Liberals don’t mind covering their body in tacky tattoos, living in neighborhoods with graffiti everywhere etc. Conservatives on the other hand, feel a great need to prove they’re intelligent, have their shit together and have good taste. This is why they’re drawn to classical music and various esoterical historical figures. It’s ultimately just overcompensation.

If you think there genuinely hasn’t been any good music made since the second world war, you’re just the sort of person who doesn’t really enjoy music. Music just doesn’t do much for your mind. As a simple example, it’s entirely lost on you, that things are pleasant in their right context. The best example was Thierry Baudet in the Netherlands, who put up classical music at an election party, until one of his party members intervened.

I’m not a French aristocrat living at Versailles, so Lully is not going to do for me what it would do if I were wearing a wig and living in a palace. Even the simple fact that this music was once played loud and bombastically (see Le Roi Danse to see what it’s supposed to sound like) is just lost on conservatives, as they sit in their little chairs in their fancy suits at the opera house.

When you have a low IQ, it’s easy to become trapped in rigid dogmatism. The actual unironic Marxists on the far left are similar in this, they found a sort of religion of their own. The right is similar in this. At this point, it isn’t the case that right wingers genuinely want a “debate” on climate change anymore. Rather, it has just become a right wing dogma that we shouldn’t try to do something about it.

The left wing phenomenon of “believing in science” is similar. The low IQ crowd on the left just gravitates towards what the smart people tell them, without trying to understand it. This is generally fine, it tends to work out. Most of the time we’re all better off, when stupid people just trust that smart people know what they’re doing. There was one major exception, in 2020-2021, when the scientific process was interfered in by a Republican president. And the smart people at the time explicitly warned you about this in advance.

I’m not arguing that science always gets it right, I’m not a dogmatist. Maybe cell phones really cause brain tumors, maybe aspartame really causes cancer. Lynn Margulis paper on the endosymbiotic origin of our mitochondria was rejected about a dozen times for publication. People like me, who like to read scientific literature, understand the limitations of science.

So I’m not arguing science is flawless, I’m arguing that if you have a low IQ or just don’t have the time and energy to investigate every single thing for yourself, you’re generally better off “believing in science” than believing the raw milk drinking right wing echo box. Most of the time when you “do your own research” you end up like my healthy skinny nerdy coworker, convinced by American social media that his problem is that his body is not in ketosis and the solution is to start fasting and eating large amounts of fat, rather than just eating bread like the rest of us at the lunch table.

In a sense we’re in a situation similar to the fall of the Roman empire. I’ve seen people argue Trump is Caesar, but that’s not the time period I’m thinking of. I’m thinking more in terms of Attila the Hun: Someone who gathers a diverse angry mob around him and starts laying waste to a falling decadent empire. The fact that Rome was invaded by barbarian German tribes doesn’t make those tribes smarter or capable of better rule. If they were able to run things better, the population of Rome would not have crashed and there would not be such a thing as the dark ages.

Rather, we’re stuck in a situation where the smart people are still more or less in control of the system, but the problems the system faces are now so overwhelming that dumb people lost all faith in them. As a result, the dumb people want to try their chances, with figures like Donald Trump. In our day and age, right wingers generally just don’t know much about the world around them. But what they do know is that things are getting worse, which causes them to lash out in anger.

The underlying problem in many cases, is that people suffered trauma they’re unable to process. If you trust the system, that’s generally because you had an easier life than someone who doesn’t trust the system. Compare the “soyboy libcuck” who “believes in science” with the “freedom-loving patriot” who thinks that shape-shifting satan-worshipping pedophiles are trying to kill us all.

Which of these two had an easier life? Who grew up around people and authority figures they could trust? Who has people they can trust and confide in? The reason liberals are smarter than conservatives is not just due to genes. It’s also because they grew up in circumstances that allowed their intellect to develop unimpeded.

The nice thing about Artificial Intelligence is that it allows people to summon what they feel, without needing artistic talent. Conservatives don’t like to talk about what they feel, it’s not very macho. So what they feel, becomes disguised as factual observations about the world and it is generally expressed as deep anger. Hidden within this image, you find a kind of collective conservative zeitgeist, of repressed feelings, traumatic youthful memories so painful they can only reveal themselves to the world disguised as fact:

“Joe Biden did this!” We are told. But we fail to ask the right question: What is “Joe Biden”? It’s every authority figure they have ever known in their lives. The doctor who circumcised them, the parents who ignored them, the teacher who called them stupid, the boss who screwed them over. They’re all little proto-Joe Bidens.

I’m not saying this to laugh at people. I’m saying you’re dealing with people who have been deeply traumatized. But these are the sort of people who don’t go to therapy, don’t smoke cannabis, don’t take magic mushrooms, don’t go to South America to take Ayahuasca. So they feel at a very deep sense that something is wrong, but they don’t recognize what it is and they adjust to the language of the people they meet online, schizophrenics who tell them the government is pushing hurricanes into Appalachia.

The smartest ones on the right are people who don’t really want to fix things anymore. They want to lash out in anger and take revenge on the world.


  1. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I was attracted to classical music (And jazz as an outgrowth of classical music) at a young age due to its structural and harmonic depth and breadth, sublimity, beauty, and raw power – harnessed by the minds of composers, and conducted by a magician waving a magic wand – symbolizing order, the same order as the universe – all due to compensation for a chaotic home life – where I was isolated and powerless in the face of abuse. When all the other 99 percentile IQ males in my 4th grade class at a suburban parochial school dug 90s alternative rock, And had a sense of belonging, were affected by peer pressure, went to the mall to buy useless s*** they heard about on the radio, whereas I was too poor to go there, and no one wanted to take me there, even though it never occurred to me to express a desire to go.

    • It reminds me a bit of Christianity. If you read the very earliest texts, you find groups of slaves and women, who drink wine and dance to see if they have had enough wine already.

      But now compare this to a modern Catholic, some tweed-wearing trad in three piece suit, who insists on only attending the Traditional Latin Mass.

      Are these people part of the same phenomenon?

      That’s basically what I think of when I see the people into classical music.

  2. Look at me as a typical example.

    I am so completely retarded, that even my dog thinks that I am retarded.

    My cat hates me because of my low IQ.

    The neighbors call me “that Anglo retard”.

    This is not my fault. I am not to blame.

  3. bro, you are burning your credibility with your tds. there’s a lot to criticize about trump, but this is like the lowest of the low-information voter “arguments.” you seriously think “convicted felon” is a meaningful description? the appeals hearing for the civil fraud case basically ended with the prosecuting begging not to be sanctioned. obviously he would be convicted in a case brought by politcally motivated prosecutors heard in manhattan. much like the HALF A BILLION DOLLAR JUDGEMENT!!! it will almost certainly be thrown out on appeal.

    and the huns analogy? really? who is more like the huns: americans who have been fucked over by the “smart boys” for the last 40 years, or the haitian/venezualan/somali/afghan coalition the leftist refugee resettlement agencies have been dumping on small towns and running scams with using government funding?

    you might have had some good points in there somewhere, but i can’t take them seriously because of the retarded framing. also, i think the fundamental problem of this post is that you are mistaking intelligence–lawyers who can convincingly argue what the definition of “is” is–with wisdom as a way to own the chuds. i’m not arguing j6-ers were smart or wise, but they are certainly wiser than the smart boys who perform sex change operations on kids.

    • “but they are certainly wiser than the smart boys who perform sex change operations on kids.”

      Yeah, there’s something to be said about the difference between wisdom and IQ.

      The high IQ peeps bought into the ‘green growth’ and ‘green energy’ etc. Just like they shot themselves full of rat juice.

      Who has the problem again?

      And on the plus side, if Trump gets in, perhaps it will mean that the Democrats, or some other party, will emerge to give the Republicans a proper contest? Otherwise, it will just end up with more of the same from the Democrats won’t it?

      And on the trust angle that Rinrah mentioned, well that is gone. The authorities lied too much so they cannot be completely trusted anymore, but that doesn’t mean that everything they say is BS or unnecessary, so what to do? Well, given that I somewhat ironically prefer the esoteric historical figure of Bakunin to Marx (thus proving that I am a low IQ numpty with a chip on his shoulder :P), and he had this to say about taking the advice of ‘high IQ’ types:

      “Does it follow that I reject all authority? Far from me such a thought. In the matter of boots, I refer to the authority of the bootmaker; concerning houses, canals, or railroads, I consult that of the architect or the engineer. For such or such special knowledge I apply to such or such a savant. But I allow neither the bootmaker nor the architect nor savant to impose his authority upon me. I listen to them freely and with all the respect merited by their intelligence, their character, their knowledge, reserving always my incontestable right of criticism and censure.”

    • Also, very wrong in thinking the AVERAGE Trump voter is some Twitter caricature. Most people on Twitter are mentally ill and unrepresentative of the population, left or right.

      A good deal of the Trump voters live in the Midwest and voted for Obama. These are poor people in deindustrialized parts of America, who vote for the left because of welfare but are socially conservative (like most normal people). When a right winger appeared who wanted to make deals w/ Russia, China, N. Korea (anti-Pentagon, in other words) + bring jobs back, they went for him instead of a neocon retard like Hilary / Biden.

      Blaming them when they’ve gotten fucked for the last 40+ years, while absolving the elites, is insane and delusional.

      • Twitter is like SF or NYC, just in the virtual world. The accounts on Twitter believe they’re the center of the universe, shapers of reality, highly informed and relevant etc etc etc. In reality, it’s just a cyber-slum filled with junkies.

        The way Twitter discourse works is that it slowly contaminates your brain, by fooling you into thinking that the trending subjects on the website are relevant or important in the real world, when 99% of people in America or Europe (‘normies’) don’t know about them and don’t care. Eventually, you’ll spend so much time responding to caricatures and fake arguments that don’t matter, that you’ll become incomprehensible to a real world normal person.

        SYM is a prime example.

        • As a general rule, if someone talks about Trump but doesn’t mention the Rust Belt, rising inequality and falling wages and offshoring factory jobs, failed wars in Iraq / Afghanistan, 2008 recession & QE, they’re living in a fantasy world and need to touch base.

      • “Blaming them when they’ve gotten fucked for the last 40+ years, while absolving the elites, is insane and delusional.”


        There’s no sense in voting for the same kind of thing that has screwed you. So, Trump wins. Big deal. The other side would’ve screwed them anyway and perhaps Trump will bring some industries back etc. And perhaps his opponents will have to start changing their approach after losing, which might make some kind of difference.

        We have a similar problem here.

        We should be doing much better than we are, making steel etc., but instead we’re just like a bigger version of Vanuatu that got pumped and dumped for its resources. All we will be left with is millions of immigrants, unremediated mine sites, and mountains of housing ponzi debt:

        I am watching events over there with interest. Australia follows the lead of the UK and the USA, so perhaps a different outcome over the pond will give politicians here a good example to follow.

        • > I am watching events over there with interest. Australia follows the lead of the UK and the USA, so perhaps a different outcome over the pond will give politicians here a good example to follow.

          Yeah but how will your people fare in the New Age to come if they can’t properly pronounce the word “no?”

          • It’s hard to say ‘no’ when if you do you get ‘regime changed’ by foreign powers, such as the CIA and the Brits did to Whitlam back in the 70s.

      • “Blaming them when they’ve gotten fucked for the last 40+ years, while absolving the elites, is insane and delusional.“

        Exactly. There’s no real difference between the two parties when it comes to the economy (same as in the UK). There is no major party that speaks for working class people now.

        • Our current Labour prime minister in the United Shitdom is trying to make himself look tough by reprimanding a member of his government because she had the temerity to call P&O Ferries a rogue operator because it sacked 800 of its staff and replaced them with foreign £1.80 an hour agency workers.

  4. Well, get your popcorn ready, because the Americans are about to put on one hell of a show for us all over the coming months.

    The “Deep State” lawfare tactics against Trump have backfired catastrophically, only serving to boost him further in the polls with each new indictment and “guilty” verdict. He is now VERY angry at people like Jack Smith, and will be seeking to enact revenge. Hence, the Democrats and their donors are TERRIFIED of the prospect of a Trump presidency.

    On the other hand, the Zionists are well aware that large factions of the Democrat party are anti-Israel. It is no secret that they are seeking a war against Iran, and they know that Trump also hates Iran. The majority of those serving in the U.S. military support Trump, and if there was ever to be a military draft/conscription in America, many would agree that Trump would be more effective at “rallying the troops” than Harris. Netanyahu definitely wants Trump to win.

    So, we have the interests of the “Deep State” conflicting with the interests of Israel.

    (Of course, these two groups are not mutually exclusive, there is significant overlap, but you get the point.)

  5. The world as we know it is doomed and there is nothing we can do about it, we can only cope. Putting trust in politicians of left and right is what most people do. Me, I will only vote left and anti LSWM from now on as I believe this might buy us a couple of years extra before most of us starve to death.

    It is only ”more growth or collapse” and in a world where all the easy to mine and harvest energy and minerals are gone, more growth is not possible for much longer. This fact cannot be hidden with financial wizardry for any length of time.

    And I do not mourn this fact. Prosperity posion our minds and makes our souls rot. We need hard times to reawaken the human within us. There will be much fewer of us after the collapse of the civilization. But those who survive will get to live life as it should be lived.

  6. You said
    >”When Trump becomes president, what sort of competent people will be willing to serve in the administration of a convicted felon who tried to stage a self-coup?” He said that Peter Thiel and Musk are going to advise Trump, which rests my case.

    I don’t know why you think this reply to your friend was clever. You’re not helping your case with this kind of nonsense. Musk and Thiel are obviously very high IQ, not to mention Trump supporters such as Chris Langan (210), James Woods (180), etc., etc.

    You’re not even right that liberals are in general smarter than conservatives. The studies are conflicting and most of the psychologists conducting these studies are biased against conservatives. Even so, a lot of them show higher conservative IQ. On the other hand so many brownoids are supporting liberal parties that it’s dragging down the liberal IQ.

    I think it’s a wash, no real difference, and very silly to claim that you support liberal policies because of your high IQ. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong, no matter your IQ.

    • He said he had an IQ of 130, which is two standard deviations above the mean. It is equivalent to being a 6’3″ male in terms of rarity. I don’t know why he has a bee in his bonnet about being “high IQ”. You mentioned James Woods, I remember reading donkey’s years ago that he was high IQ, and I remember watching him getting interviewed at the Oscars or something lame like that, and he did come across as clever. Ron Unz apparently has a high IQ over 200. He also seems intelligent. He has a short book about “holocaust scepticism” on his site which you can download. James Woods was in a film called “Best Seller”, I saw it on TV when I was a nipper, after that I liked James Woods.

      • > . Ron Unz apparently has a high IQ over 200. He also seems intelligent. He has a short book about “holocaust scepticism” on his site which you can download.

        Don’t bother with the book. Just read his notorious essay on Holocaust studies, it’s what did it for me:

        The nice thing about Ron Unz (apart from being a High-IQ autist making “admissions against interest” as a Jewish man) is that he ladens his accounts of “awakening” to this conspiracy-theory-or-that, with a long introduction detailing his normie-tier understanding of an issue, and then gently, step-by-step, walks his readers through his thinking process as his mind was blown by “forbidden knowledge”

        (Looking at you, LSWM Lives Matter)

        • Okay, so there’s a lot of hate for the Jews among some westerners with high IQs.

          I wonder if they have considered what the destruction of the West’s Jewish colony in the Middle East would have on their economies?

          Trade routes would be at risk, as would fossil fuel supplies. . .

          This might be a big problem for Europe and the USA mightn’t it?

          Perhaps not so much for us Australians, who seem to be getting screwed by the current global arrangements – a change might be a good thing for us.

          But aren’t Jew haters in the USA and the UK sort of cutting off their own noses to spite their faces?

          Sending them there seems like a pretty neat trick for the West to have pulled off.

          I don’t really get why the average Jew is keen to live in Israel. Aren’t the Jewish residents there mostly of western origin? If yes, it seems like they don’t really belong there. Plus, the place looks pretty ordinary – dry and desert like (at least that is the impression I get from afar), plus it’s surrounded by people who hate them. I don’t really see the attraction for the average Jew in living there compared to, say, their homeland in the USA or Europe.

          It’s almost as if the Jews are being played for the benefit of the rest of the citizens of the USA and Europe by setting them up in the region to act as a sort of permanent Northern Ireland in the Middle East.

          If there is a conspiracy, maybe the average Jew is one of its victims?

  7. The elite pedophile thing is real, btw, and if you think about it for a minute, it makes complete sense. There’s a certain ‘type’ of person who tends to end up in those echelons of power, and they didn’t get there by having empathy. Why no empathy? Because they were abused themselves. There’s also no effective oversight, since these people run countries, so there’s not much anyone can do to change it.

    What the hell do you think Epstein was doing? Just amusing himself? It’s a power game.

    Stanley Kubrick brought attention to this reality with his last film Eyes Wide Shut, and if you watch it closely, you’ll see ‘Easter eggs’ in the film that refer to the Clinton, Epstein and Maxwell, and MK Ultra Monarch sex slave programming – and that’s just in the first twenty minutes of the film.

    • 20% of tattooed people are mentally damaged. 75% of tattooed persons got a tattoo because they, for some reason, think it is cool to be a member of the damaged group. The other 5% got a really good tattoo.

  8. My neighbor plans to vote for Harris. She is smart enough, but she has told me that she does not and will not seek any information at all concerning the election; she tells me she makes her political decisions based on “feelings.” She had a very traumatic childhood. She knitted a pussy hat and flew out for the pussy hat marches; she is very upset about global warming but she and her husband have a SUV, a giant pickup truck and a second home 150 miles away that they drive to most weekends. She tells me that Trump reminds her of her father, even though her father was professionally entirely unsuccessful and spent a lot of time picketing for left wing causes when she was a kid.

    My aunt is excited about the prospect of voting for Harris. She has a high school education, has never worked (her husband managed a factory), but feels that voting for Harris is the high status thing to do. Her husband has his own plane and they fly all over the country for fun, and take the grandkids on Disney cruises and fly to Europe for tours several times a year and eat out most nights. She is honest enough to not claim she cares about global warming or animal welfare.

    Those are the only people I know personally who have said they plan to vote for Harris. One is screwed up and the other is a moron. Most people I know would rather not talk about how they plan to vote.

  9. Donald Trump is an American hero. Trump performed a master stroke of tactical genius through manipulating all variables to kill off “high IQ” libtards by pushing the vaccines and getting them all to take them and push the vax themselves with religious conviction. Trump gave libtards the rope to hang themselves with as the vaccines kill them and make their children retarded. Trusting the science is all well and good until the science says you need to go through gene therapy to fight bat aids. I for one think it’s hilarious.

    Yeah yeah yeah, oh the lockdowns were so horrible, teenagers were stuck inside, whatever. All the libtard elites and their children have poison in their veins now, and that’s a good trade if you ask me. For someone who cares about overpopulation you should stop putting such a premium on human life. The lives and happiness of white people, whether high or low, are not worth the lives of the endangered salamanders of the Amazon jungle. You should be thinking less about teenage boys trapped in their homes and more about the positive long term effects the vaccines and lockdowns will have on de-growth.

    I think Trump is on the side of NATURE and that natures wants everyone with an IQ above 90 to die. We’ll be left with shitskins and low IQ low status white males in the end, and I think we’ll have Mr. Trump to partially thank for this. We’ll return to the paleolithic until the Sun swallows the Earth whole. You should be happy about this Mr. Rintrah sir! Barbarism is just around the corner! The ideal life is one spent fighting over hunting grounds and water sources. Sure it’ll be a little bit warmer then it could be, but Anprimstan is coming, thanks to Donald J. Trump!

    You all better vote for him!

  10. I live in an area that is entirely liberal and mostly occupied by extremely well educated people. This is the strangest election. There are not usually a lot of political signs and bumper stickers, but there have always been some. But not this time. I have not seen a single Harris lawn sign or bumper sticker in all of my driving about to do errands, not one!!!!!!!! There are a few signs for local politicians; that is all.

    Part of this may be because people in California know that Harris did not prosecute jail a single criminal banker after 2008. They know she did not prosecute the priests who molested children. They know she jailed thousands of young black men for marijuana crimes, and then later joked about her own marijuana use. They know she kept prisoners in jail beyond their legal terms of punishment in order to use them for cheap labor fighting wildfires. She prosecuted impoverished parents and convicted them for their children’s truancy. They know of her relationship with Willie Brown, and the pain it caused his wife. I could go on. She is a known quantity here. People here may well vote for her, but it seems they don’t want to tell the world.

    • > Part of this may be because people in California know that Harris did not prosecute jail a single criminal banker after 2008. They know she did not prosecute the priests who molested children. They know she jailed thousands of young black men for marijuana crimes, and then later joked about her own marijuana use. They know she kept prisoners in jail beyond their legal terms of punishment in order to use them for cheap labor fighting wildfires. She prosecuted impoverished parents and convicted them for their children’s truancy. They know of her relation
      ship with Willie Brown, and the pain it caused his wife. I could go on. She is a known quantity here. People here may well vote for her, but it seems they don’t want to tell the world.

      I think you are being far too charitable.

      Most of your neighbors don’t know any of what you are expressing here.

      They go off of feelings.

      And that’s the truly horrifying thing

      • You may be right, but then why were there signs for Obama and Hillary and Biden but not for Harris? My neighbor has “feelings” for Harris. The rest of the people around here don’t??? Harris did fail utterly in the primaries here; she got about one percent of the vote. There’s something about Harris that even California liberals aren’t loving, or at least not enough to plant a sign on their yard.

        • She was decisively rejected by her own party in the primaries, so imagine how the rest of America feels.

          That’s why I said the polling was clearly bullshit. She’s never enjoyed that level of support and popularity, and she’s part of one of the worst admins ever. Most people don’t know a single Harris supporter, even in very liberal areas.

          I think the only question is whether or not they rig the election. And if so, what new disasters will follow. Biden has been awful enough, imagine the damage that a 2.0 of that will do to the country.

          • Correction, decisively rejected by the voters of her own party. The party leaders had to engineer things to make her the vice president.

  11. Re: “The low IQ problem”

    That’s not really a big problem as Stephen Hawking, Ph.D. pointed out:

    “I believe intelligence is probably overrated. It’s not necessarily a good thing for a species’ survival.”

    A MUCH MUCH bigger problem than a low IQ is that humans have “The low EQ problem” which exists because socalled civilized humans have a fatal disease, a Soullessness Spectrum Disorder — see The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon” at

    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” — Gustave Le Bon, in 1895

  12. Low IQ, High IQ doesn’t really mean shit when you’re a midwid Rad, see, you’re smart and your prose is really engaging but you fail to see the gestalt of the issues we’re dealing with. Don’t take being a midwit as bad thing, you see more than others but you’re still fighting shadows in Platos cave.

    Take the “holocaust” for example, do you really think while fighting a two front war in the east with Barbarossa against the Russians and in the west against the “allies” that they had time to exterminate 6 million Jews with gas chambers instead of using their labour to make munitions for the war? For an autist you don’t seem to be able to crunch the numbers to see that the math ain’t mathing! You know the real final solution was to send the Jews to Madagascar but the British Navy blocked their passage due to orders from Rothschild funded Churchill right?

    You speak of low IQ people wanting to prove themselves to the world via intelligence, having their shit together and having good taste. Have you seen a bunch of niggers possess all those qualities in Gabon or Equatorial Guinea? I suppose in your inversion you think they must be high IQ living in their filth. As one of the low IQ folk you try and ad hominem via retarded takes I’m only trying to prove myself to my creator, Our Father in Heaven, the Almighty Lord.

    Following His commandments. Setting a standard for yourself. Being the change you would like to see in the world. To plant trees that we may never get to sit in the shade of in my opinion is miles better to aim towards than the Children of Men barren wasteland future where kike pedophiles like Houellebecq run around Zoo Station looking for junkie whores like Zheani to sodomize that you seem to get off on.

    I’d take listening to Dvoraks Song to the Moon or Tchaikovskys Romeo & Juliet Fantasy Overture while sitting in a forest on shrooms over going to one of your liberal gay raves in Kit Kat where the floor is so sticky from cum you struggle to get up the stairs any day of the week.

    As someone who has met both Musk & Thiel you’re on the ball with your assessments of them. Crooks, con men, and Thiel was so tiny there’s surely some Napoleon complex going on with him. Anyway, Trump & Harris, regardless of who wins (they’re selected not elected) work for the Larry Finks of the world not for the good of mankind. I think Trump will get in next time just so the Jews can show you who had a big hand in orchestrating 9/11. Him having been 45th president (4+5=9) and next up as 47th (4+7=11) being a little bit of gematria encoded into our little reality as a wink from God. See Trumps interview on the radio on the day of 9/11 talking about having a front row seat from his penthouse, boasting how he was just off “an amazing” (his words not mine) phone with Lucky Larry that his building is now the biggest building in Manhattan, no fear in his voice of another possible attack that his building may be next, the orange man was complicit end of. I could list off more evidence of his culpability in the events like his good buddy Rudy Giuliani being mayor of the city at the time or his physicist uncle John Trump having access to Nikola Tesla’s blueprints for his resonance machine to bring down the towers but this comment is already too long and schizo enough.

    Also, what fucks are saying no good music has been made since the Second World War? Are you building strawmen Rad? I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t get down with a bit of Marvin Gaye, Creedence, Pink Floyd, Thin Lizzy, Kendrick, Kanye or Khruangbin and I’ve met a lot of people on this journey.

    Funny how you bring up the fall of the Rome, I think Gibbons marks the volcanic winter of 536AD as the final nail in the coffin for that empire. I have a question for you RR, were the causes of those eruptions anthropogenic? More interestingly, why didn’t those volcanic clouds travel all around your globe with the earth spinning so much?? Oh yeah that’s right you’ll probably hit me with Coriolis effect bolloxology.

    I’ve compared those two archetypes of the soyboy cuck that believed in the wizards seance. He is now dead from heart failure at 26 from taking one too many vaccines. The freedom loving patriot on the other hand has plenty of meat eating muscle mass. Plenty of guns and a homestead where he grows his own food. He was fruitful and multiplied instead of being fruity and blowing a guy and I know which one of the two camps I’d prefer to be in.

    Keep telling yourself LSWMs are the biggest problem in the world and not street shitters filling up rivers with garbage.

    • Great comment. I agree 100 percent with this.

      Honestly, the comments are the only reason why I keep coming back.

      That’s something I’ve noticed about midwits in the upper midwit range, is their overestimation of their abilities, and their inability to admit when they are wrong.

      I’m no genius myself, but I regularly read people much smarter than I am, people in the 180 to 200+ range, and that’s something I’ve noticed about them, they rarely ever talk about status or about how much smarter they are than others, whether that be due to race or gender or whatever. Only dicks with inferiority complexes do that.

      They are usually very humble people with no interest in recognition or status. They are smart enough to know that no matter how much they know, there’s always going to be something they don’t know, it doesn’t bother them to admit when they are wrong, because they know that learning is a process that never ends, and they are grateful for the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.

      Point being that the people with the highest IQ levels possess humility and open-mindedness. Whenever you are dealing with someone who is smart, but also an egomaniac obsessed with status and IQ, you’re probably dealing with a midwit. In more rare cases you might be dealing with an evil genius, which truly is the enemy of humankind. The two usually work together as unwitting accomplices. The evil geniuses plan to depopulate the planet through subterfuge and poison, the midwits defend it, imagining that its all for the greater good, but really they are just useful idiots, pawns in the game, and nothing more.

    • The Muppets knows the truth, Trump did 9/11 on behalf of the Jews, this is why I’m voting for him. 9/11 was beautiful, it made America go to war. We need Trump to do another 9/11!

  13. The whole thing about classical music is weapons grade psychological projection. Just because you have to constantly take psychoactive substances to enjoy things doesn’t mean ohers do. I don’t pretend to listen to classical music to impress anyone. I listen to it because it’s intense. Everything from Bach and Vivaldi onwards has pieces that feel like enjoying a battlefield in the same way as death metal

    • Sullen Eyes, agree

      I’m a former musician who has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of popular pop/rock/metal/whatever

      After understanding music theory and learning the most famous examples of all genres, I find myself crestfallen in the same way someone feels after learning how a fascinating magic trick works. It’s all the same stuff, repeated over and over, with maybe a few bells and whistles added to distinguish itself.

      I am just now finding myself drawn to the classics I once derided as “fuddy duddy” simply due to the urge to once again find something which has some depth which eludes me, as popular music once did for me long ago.

      Radagast’s take on classic music is simply a facet of his particular place on his journey. He may very well change his mind in due time.

  14. You know what, when you talk about Covid you’re really interesting and informative. When you talk about politics, not so much.
    Take this latest screed: “conservatives are dumber than liberals”
    Maybe before making a statement like this you should define your terms.
    Is Kamala a liberal? If you think Harris has a high IQ compared to just about anyone else, then maybe you took the vaccine after all. (It has been shown to cause damage similar to lobotomy.)
    So, who are these smart liberals? What opinions do they espouse that are so superior? Tranny shows at elementary schools? Black Lives Matter, which was totally astroturfed with no widespread support by blacks? Mask wearing? What?

  15. Lol. You’re not mad because “the right is dumb”. That’s a cop out. On paper, statistical chances are, I’m smarter than you by at least 1 SD– taking your line of work and education into account). Your claims of our stupidity are a cope. You’re mad because those on the right don’t worship the same Gods you do.

    Raw milk is so symbolic of this. There is nothing wrong with it, and until Pasteur sauntered in and demanded we obliterate every germ in our vicinity (because the thought he could properly interpret the highly interdependent system of near infinite complexity that is the human body and nature more broadly), there was no reason our immune systems couldn’t tolerate it. I’ve been dragging a gallon home a week from a small, local farm for close to 20 years. My reasons for doing so are deeply established– scientifically, historically, experientially, etc. I developed autoimmunity very young, and I am phenomenally healthy compared to my counterparts… due in no small part to my diet. I can guarantee my labs are better than yours.

    Raw milk isn’t bad, in your mind, because its a poison. Countless brilliantly healthy societies and peoples consumed and still consume it. It is bad, solely because it is against the dogmas of your Gods. It infringes upon your view of what nature should be according the morals of your faith.

    So, what it invariably boils down to is that people, to you, are “stupid” when they don’t genuflect to your experiences and opinions. You, after all, have a piece of paper decreeing your genius. Why won’t people listen to you? You’re a narcissist, Rintrah. It’s okay. I get it. I have a touch of the God complex, too. I just wish you would be more aware of it… cos you’re not as insightful or knowledgeable as you think you are.

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