The Mysterious Drones

I was mostly trying to ignore this because I first saw it presented a a few days ago as “UFO’s are invading to stop humans from starting nuclear war” and I’m just not interested in changing my model of reality to that degree because then the next step for me is just going to be the mental ward.

But now I looked into it some more and apparently, there’s really something going on. Even governors of states are angry at the US government, because they’re not receiving any answers at all, as to what is going on. I asked my buddy in the US and he said it’s just the government “spying”, but people are reporting drones the size of cars.

I’ve seen various theories peddled that the Chinese are responsible, that Iran is responsible, but this seems far fetched. I’ve also seen theories that weapons of mass destruction have been planted in the United States and that the drones are being deployed to look for them.

I find this idea hard to discard. NATO countries are for all practical purposes in a war with Russia. A mayor in New Jersey claims they seem to be patrolling in a grid pattern, as if they’re searching for something. The BBC reported in November, that the UK joined a hunt for drones near US airbases. This is in Suffolk and Norfolk. They seem to be suggesting a “state actor” is responsible. And today, Germany is reporting drones flying over US airbases in Germany, but they claim it’s not amateurs operating them.

The obvious candidate would be some agency of the US government. But then you would expect them to give at least some clue, as to what’s going on. People report they’re the size of an SUV and seem to be carrying something the size on an SUV. We’re even starting to see reports, of people claiming the drones are spraying something. Some video’s show the drones firing something. Others claim they’re spraying something.

Again, I would normally just ignore stuff like this. But this is happening around the world. And if I’m really honest, I’m starting to get the impression this is something beyond our control revealing itself, as our world approaches a kind of catastrophe. We’ve had these reports for such a long time, of prominent officials, serious people, reporting there’s something else out there in the sky we just don’t control.

It has never really seemed to me, like the tale of some advanced civilization from another solar system showing up here with better technology. To me it has always seemed more like a tale of something that exists at a different level of reality, like a programmer entering his own simulation. The reason I get this impression is because you see stories like this from children too, where these entities take on a very different appearance.

You have to remember that there’s just a lot of weird stuff happening right now. We’re basically approaching nuclear war, we have a new virus that’s damaging people’s brains and immune systems, a second new virus about to join it and we’re right now at 1.6 degree celsius above pre-industrial, we seem to be in some kind of termination burst of the Holocene.

And on top of that, we have these strange new developments in Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing. A quantum computer can theoretically perform calculations in seconds that would take a normal computer billions of years. We have no idea which invention is the last invention, before everything goes wrong.

So our world is approaching a kind of critical point and if during all this time, something had been observing us like an anthropologist might observe an uncontacted tribe from a distance, now would be the sort of time where you would expect it to reveal itself. This makes you sound like a madman, but sometimes events just happen to conscious beings that are entirely beyond what their cultural context would help them comprehend.

Generally I tend to prefer boring and simple explanations when possible. But I just don’t see how this could be going on at US bases around the world, in Germany the UK and throughout the United States, without the US government giving ANY explanation about WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. If you don’t tell people what this is, they’re going to shoot at these things. You can’t just expect people to ignore this.

Please let me know in the comments if you think you have a clue what’s going on.


  1. I dunno, I’m jerking off thinking about Mikasa while I’m in the woods then I go home to play Fallout New Vegas. It’s a four hour trip in total. I sleep outside.

      • I think it’s fair to say these are not alien craft (not that I ever believed in the extraterrestrial hypothesis, I was always more inclined to the interdimensional hypothesis).

        So these are nuts and and bolt craft, high-tech drones made to look like conventional aircraft (some even emit the sound of a jet flying at higher altitudes than what these craft have been observed at)

        So it’s obvious to me these are some form of State Actors. As for which State, who can say?

        Some speculate there has been a nuclear terrorism threat upon the U.S., and these drones are flying grids to hunt down the nuclear signal.

        Others say this is all a distraction by the DOD to take attention off Syria (bet you’d love THAT, Jew)

        Like you, I’m not sure what to think.

        But I’m already in my own mental ward so your mileage may vary.

  2. The strange thing is, this exact same thing happened back in December 2019 albeit on a much smaller scale. People saw these swarms of large drones flying in a grid pattern over remote regions of Eastern Colorado. The government said they had no clue what they were doing. The sightings persisted into January 2020. WTF!

    • >The strange thing is, this exact same thing happened back in December 2019 albeit on a much smaller scale.

      Yeah, there have been reports (and video) of some of these drones leaving some sort of trail:

      Disease X? Who knows?

      (In before Radagast offers some autistic myopic minutia about the new respiratory virus killing us all instead of looking at the bigger picture of the Khazars/Jews doing what they always do when their plans fail)

  3. Everybody is calling these things drones; they don’t seem to be darting around, violating the laws of physics and doing anything crazy, other than possibly shooting laser beams.

    So they’re probably really drones. Is it some huge coordinated state maneuver? Russia, Iran, the US?
    Fuck knows.
    “Joe Biden” doesn’t know or care and neither does Kamala.
    We’re just told there’s nothing to worry about with no information.

    I don’t know what to make of the whole UFO/UAP/MIB thing either, except that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for primitive Earthlings to shoot down alien craft that arrived here from thousands of lightyears away and recover alien bodies.

    • The Ocean County, New Jersey Sheriff’s Department reported 50 “drones” about 8 feet in size “coming in off the ocean.”
      And it gets weirder.
      They sent up a drone of their own after one of these things and they say it had no heat signature (?) and easily evaded by simply disappearing.

      That’s a Sheriff Department reporting this.

      I’d post the news report but RR still won’t let me post links.

  4. There is some group of bureaucrats, perhaps in the military, whose pensions will be screwed up if Trump actually takes office, maybe because their department will be shut down or because some malfeasance will be revealed Pensions are very important to people. Of course the federal government can’t be bothered to tell people what is up; why should they? Look at how they fucked up covid; why should this be different. Why would they care if some of the drones are shot down. It’s just drones. This is an attempt to freak people out and excite the population, and wrecked drones would add to the thrill.

    But it’s failing because the country is so big and because people have guns and also most people just don’t care. I asked a fellow volunteer this evening what he thought about the drones and he had no idea what I was talking about. My 100 year old father in law said to me, “what about those drones?” That is because he watches cable TV all day long. However, he was alive when Orson Welles went on the radio; he was driving home and heard the broadcast and he rushed into the house and told the family that the Martians had landed and they had to prepare. They told him he was an idiot. So he’s not getting too excited either.

  5. RR writes, “Generally I tend to prefer boring and simple explanations when possible.”

    I wouldn’t say this blog provides overwhelming support for that, but be that as it may …

    I think there may have been some underlying unusual activity a few weeks ago in New Jersey, possibly military testing drones in a crowded environment, but now it’s all self-amplifying nonsense that will burn out in a little while, leaving that much more inert informational fibrous mass in people’s minds where thoughtful engagement with the world might otherwise reside.

    I expect the current panic to end up as a “See Also” at the bottom of the Wikipedia page for the Lubbock Lights.

  6. This is the prelude to “operation bluebeam,” a psy-op to use a fake alien invasion as a smokescreen to do whatever they like. It’s a deep state run psy-op. Testing the waters to see if the idiocracy is ready for it. Nobody who considers themselves intelligent should be wasting even a nano-second worrying about this.

    “UFOs” have always been a deep state psy-op, right from the beginning. The stories were first invented by intelligence agencies to run cover for cold war secret weapons programs.

    • Yes, and they are being flow in parts of the country where people don’t feel entitled to shoot things, partly because they live so squished together. I doubt that is a coincidence.

      I doubt that they are searching for something serious. The affect of the feds being interviewed is one of contemptuous indifference, not worry.

      If you see something stupid and damaging done, there is probably money at stake. It is possible that some large company wants to try out drones, and got the military to go along. If military people think this is a bad thing and that the system is being corrupted (since they are not all stupid by any means, and most are not corrupt), that could explain their demeanor in interviews.

      So in a few weeks this may be unveiled as a consumer product deliver system. That would be very American!!!! I just ordered a jacket and it was stolen en route, so I’d be thrilled to have a bus-sized drone deliver it instead.

  7. It reminds me of the Chinese spy balloon.

    We have serious chaos in America right now, so who knows what’s going on. Some serious reforms need to be made to the military, not just on price-gouging, but also because contrary to propaganda / desperate coping we are really insanely weak, a paper tiger. Little incidents keep exposing our lack of cooperation, mutual mistrust, and MASSIVE vulnerability should someone decide to fuck with us.

  8. NO psy-op, no E.T.
    Just TRAINING drones-A.I.
    In my mental ward, we discuss how international Zionism wanted to have Russia and Iran busy in Ukraine, so they could take down Syria and Lebanon. Which they did.
    However, the war in Ukraine offered excellent opportunities to test, train, and train and test drones on the military field. The results are terrifying for every human soldier, tanks, even helicopters. (Jets are too expensive to fly to even care about them).
    Sooooo, maybe they are now testing-training drones in the US (someone here said “autonomous swarms of drones”, which is the next logical step) on the civilian field.
    Because, there’s an arms race in AI.
    Popular belief was that AI can easily recognize images, but it can’t or couldn’t (do it accurately).
    That’s why they need ALL the training they can have.

    • BTW, Ukraine manufactures and then uses up 75,000 drones (with our money obviously) PER MONTH! They are not expensive per unit (maybe around 1,000$), but the results are terrifying since they are reported to injure (and in some cases kill) around 40,000 Russians per month. Obviously there are some counter measures or similar use of drones on the other side.
      A few years ago (maybe 5, pre-Covid), Putin said modern war is all about the AI.
      To make a long story short, I am worried that the way to keep the ‘global south’ checked (since the ‘collective west’ is obviously losing the demography war) will be through ever-cheaper drones and AI. (and through other ways, I guess, like mass vaccination, if they manage to)
      I think it is quite possible.

    • (Ooooor, maybe they’re giving drones a domestic training on how to recognize and attack military bases, in order to use them abroad..)

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