The population’s antibody response to SARS2 is hanging by a thread

I’ve said before that immunity to SARS-COV-2 in most people who were vaccinated now depends on a small number of loops in the N-Terminal Domain of Spike. This is why I wish to briefly go over this study:

Omicron-specific ultra-potent SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies targeting the N1/N2 loop of Spike N-terminal domain

A multitude of functional mutations continue to emerge on the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants. Understanding the immunogenicity of Omicron NTD and the properties of antibodies elicited by it is crucial for comprehending the impact of NTD mutations on viral fitness and guiding vaccine design. In this study, we find that most of NTD-targeting antibodies isolated from individuals with BA.5/BF.7 breakthrough infection (BTI) are ancestral (wildtype or WT)-reactive and non-neutralizing. Surprisingly, we identified five ultra-potent neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) that can only bind to Omicron but not WT NTD. Structural analysis revealed that they bind to a unique epitope on the N1/N2 loop of NTD and interact with the receptor-binding domain (RBD) via the light chain. These Omicron-specific NAbs achieve neutralization through ACE2 competition and blockage of ACE2-mediated S1 shedding. However, BA.2.86 and BA.2.87.1, which carry insertions or deletions on the N1/N2 loop, can evade these antibodies. Together, we provided a detailed map of the NTD-targeting antibody repertoire in the post-Omicron era, demonstrating their vulnerability to NTD mutations enabled by its evolutionary flexibility, despite their potent neutralization. These results revealed the function of the indels in the NTD of BA.2.86/JN.1 sublineage in evading neutralizing antibodies and highlighted the importance of considering the immunogenicity of NTD in vaccine design.

You don’t have to be a genius, to understand why this is bad news. This is an antibody response that quite literally hangs by a thread: Only the light chain of these new antibodies that emerged in the Omicron era still binds the receptor binding domain, the heavy chain has to bind to the N-Terminal Domain. This is not how any of this is supposed to work, as illustrated by the fact that it only happened as a way to deal with the Omicron variants.

To explain what we’re reading, let’s go back to the very beginning. People were vaccinated, to encourage the production of neutralizing antibodies. A neutralizing antibody blocks a viral particle from attaching to the receptor of a cell in which it can replicate itself.

The part of a Spike protein that binds to the receptor is called the Receptor-Binding domain. That’s where you expect to find neutralizing antibodies to bind that serve to develop immunity against a virus. Some vaccines against SARS2 didn’t even contain the rest of the Spike protein, they only injected people with the Receptor-Binding Domain.

Over time however, this part of the virus mutates. The immune system is then forced to use the antibodies it already developed against the RBD and change them, to fit the new RBD (somatic hypermutation). These tend to be of lower quality, than if it had the opportunity to develop a whole new antibody response from scratch.

This is what we call Original Antigenic Sin, a term that is exactly as intimidating as it should be, to warn humans that you have to be really sure you know what you’re doing, when you want to intervene in a complex system like this.

In most of the human population, a second problem has by now emerged. These antibodies against the RBD are no longer part of the IgG3 class, which is able to bind very strongly. They class-shifted to IgG2 or IgG4. IgG antibodies have two identical arms (except IgG4), that can move separately and bind identical looking targets. Those two arms both contain a light chain and a heavy chain. IgG3 is unique in that it can form cross-links: It’s a very bendy molecule, so its two arms can easily find two separate Spike proteins, thereby offering much stronger neutralization.

This means the immune system of most people is now stuck with antibodies against the Receptor Binding Domain, that have poor affinity. You can think of this as a bunch of magnets floating in water, that very slowly move towards a piece of metal (the Spike protein) in the water. If it happens before the metal reaches its destination (generally the ACE2 receptor), the protein has been neutralized.

In the lab this works pretty well. You put these antibodies in your Petri dish, let them soak together with the Spike proteins. You wait for a while, then you add your cells, see if any get infected and then you say to yourself: “Well, good news, the Spike proteins are still being neutralized!” In the human lung, it doesn’t work like that of course. The Spike protein may find the ACE2 receptor before the antibody gets a chance to bind. In that case, the antibodies will look neutralizing to you in your petri dish, but in practice fail at neutralization in the body.

So the immune system can no longer rely on antibodies against the RBD, to neutralize viral particles. In a sense, you could say that it already “spent its ammunition”, on the receptor binding domain, so it’s now left with antibodies binding there that are just too slow to neutralize. And in response to that, the immune system becomes forced to come up with different antibodies, that still manage to achieve neutralization. This is the underlying problem.

So that’s what this study found. There are five loops in another part of the Spike protein, the N-Terminal Domain. Those loops are very immunogenic, that is, they look very different from our own proteins, so our body can produce antibodies against them without causing trouble for us. But just because they are immunogenic, does not necessarily mean that antibodies against these regions will be neutralizing. Antibodies could bind to this part of the Spike protein, without blocking the Spike protein from performing its job.

In this case, they found that the vast majority of the antibodies made against the N-Terminal Domain, are not neutralizing. They found one exception however. The immune system is able to make antibodies against the N1 and N2 loops of the N-Terminal Domain, that bind with one part to these loops and with the other part, to the Receptor Binding domain.

This way, the immune system can still produce neutralizing antibodies: Instead of finding an entire region of the Receptor Binding to bind to, like a normal neutralizing antibody would, these new antibodies find a small region of the Receptor Binding Domain and a small region of the start of the N-Terminal Domain.

These are strange new antibodies, an abnormal way of neutralizing a viral particle. The immune system only started developing these antibodies once it ran out of ways to neutralize through the Receptor Binding Domain. We know this, because they’re only made against the Omicron variants, there are none of these antibodies seen against the original pre-Omicron variants of the virus. If it was a normal way to neutralize the virus, we would have seen it emerge before Omicron.

The result of course, is that huge pressure is placed on the virus, to change the region where these antibodies still manage to bind. Change that region and people are again left without potent neutralizing antibodies, that is, antibodies that will actually manage to beat the virus in a real human body, instead of just in a Petri dish.

So that’s what happened. The virus responded by changing the N1 loop, with a new very different variant, called BA.2.86. This happened about a year ago. It added four new amino acids at position 16, right at the start of this N1 loop. This made the N1 loop look so different that most of these new antibodies would have become useless. All strains now circulating descend from this new variant.

The immune system responds to this, with new antibodies, that find some other part of the N1 and N2 loops, to bind to the new version of the virus. But those new versions of the antibodies, are forcing the virus to mutate yet again. And this time, things are looking very different.

Why? Because now the virus is adding glycans, sugar molecules, to its N1 and N2 loops. When glycans are added to a part of a protein, it becomes very hard if not impossible, to neutralize a virus through that part of the protein, even with new antibodies.

Here’s what happened: One version put a glycan on S:30, just next to the N1 loop, by deleting amino acid S:31. This is what made most people sick this summer.

But another version, XEC, which is now taking over the world, went with a different solution: It puts a glycan on S:22, right in the middle of the N1 loop. These glycans are called N-linked glycans, they’re very big sugar molecules. There’s clearly huge pressure to get rid of these antibodies, because almost everything now has a glycan on either S:22 or S:30.

But there are other glycans, called O-linked glycans (because they attach to an Oxygen atom in an amino acid), that are smaller. In addition to S:22, on S:59, XEC put Serine, which should allow the virus to add an O-linked glycan there. This most likely blocks antibodies from binding to the N2 loop, which runs from amino acid 67 to 79.

You can see in the past few months, that the virus is under huge pressure to add these sugar molecules in this region, as a consequence of these strange new “last ditch effort” antibodies produced by the immune system.

The N1 loop has been dealt with, first by the insertion at position 16, followed by the glycans added at S:30 or S22. With S:59, it seems the virus deals with antibodies that can still use the N2 loop. But we see that this XEC variant is changing the inside of the N2 loop itself now too:

If it changes amino acid 72, that seems to be sufficient to interfere in the neutralizing antibodies that depend on the N2 loop. What it changes the amino acid into matters less, either R or D works.

It’s clear from these numbers, that this XEC variant is extremely eager to change the N2 loop, as we see mutations pop up at position 70, 72 and 75, all in recent weeks.

So people can’t make antibodies anymore that neutralize by binding the N1 loop and the RBD, the glycans have dealt with that. Antibodies that use the N2 loop and the RBD are now starting to suffer the same problem with the XEC variant, which is clearly very rapidly changing N2.

The question of course is: What happens after that, when all these antibodies using this exotic mechanism become unable to neutralize Spike?

It seems the immune system is running out of new ways to produce neutralizing antibodies. There might be some other mechanism for antibodies to neutralize viral particles that nobody is currently aware of. But the obvious target (RBD) has been exhausted and the new exotic mechanism that emerged with Omicron, is now being exhausted too.

So instead, people are now stuck with a wide range of low-affinity non-neutralizing antibodies. Those non-neutralizing antibodies won’t stop the viral particles from entering a new cell. Without neutralizing antibodies, the adaptive immune system can’t stop the cycle anymore, it can only clean up after the fact. These non-neutralizing antibodies also interfere in the innate immune system recognizing the virus, especially if they are IgG2 or IgG4 , but I have explained that before.

The incentives normally don’t favor the development of complete neutralizing antibody resistance in respiratory viruses. Consider the glycans a virus needs to achieve such resistance. They tend to make it easier for the innate immune system to deal with a virus. Because in most people, the innate immune system would normally be doing most of the job, adding glycans would not have a clear benefit.

But in our case, the virus is now continually under huge abnormal antibody pressure in most of the population, against a very small part of its Spike protein. It then mutates that small part of the protein, the antibody pressure then shifts to another part of the protein, so then it mutates that small part. Right now, that small part is the N2 loop of the N-Terminal Domain, the N1 loop has already been dealt with and the RBD was dealt with long ago.

So the virus has by now dealt with the N1 loop and versions of the virus that have in addition dealt with the N2 loop are already here.

The question is really: What’s left after this?

A situation in which most of humanity can’t develop a neutralizing antibody response anymore, would be new. But that seems to be where we’re now at, with the newest XEC lineages.

To summarize, what happened is roughly as following:


-People develop antibodies against the RBD of Wuhan

-Delta emerges, which is faster

-Antibodies concentrations have to rise to stop Delta breakthrough infections (compensatory response #1)

-High concentrations of IgG3 antibodies lead to excessive inflammation, so class shift happens (compensatory response #2)

-Omicron emerges

-Antibodies undergo somatic hypermutation to bind the Omicron RBD (compensatory response #3)

-Omicron avoids those too.

-Unusual new antibodies develop that only bind partly to the RBD and partly to the N1 or N2 loops (compensatory response #4)

-BA.2.86 emerges and shakes most of those antibodies off.

-New antibodies develop that bind to the new version of the loops. (Compensatory response #5)

-The new version of the loops now starts adding glycans to N1, making it impossible for antibodies to bind here.

-Antibodies that use N2 have to do all the work now.

-XEC begins changing N2. (Compensatory response #6)

The question that’s now left for us, is whether there is any real way left, to develop new potently neutralizing antibodies against these new XEC lineages.

But it seems unlikely. The normal route (antibodies against the RBD) has been exhausted. This is the route the immune system normally pursues and it’s also the route that all the vaccines sought to use back in 2021. But that option has now been exhausted in most people.

So the immune system found an abnormal route, as part of a compensatory response. And that compensatory response is now nearing its end.

So what’s left after this?

You might think I’m “doom-mongering”. But the evidence is just pretty clear: The immune system was forced to develop an abnormal antibody response once Omicron emerged, because the original response could no longer achieve neutralization. That abnormal antibody response is now easily avoided by new mutations. There’s no real way to dispute this.

Human beings have an innate immune system that normally handles most of the viral load of respiratory viruses. When the innate immune system can’t handle such a virus on its own, the adaptive immune system has to join and develop antibodies that neutralize the virus. It normally picks small regions where it develops antibodies with high affinity. As time progresses, it improves those antibodies further (affinity maturation).

That puts a virus under certain molecular constraints, by disadvantaging the variants that provoke these antibodies. That’s for example why the 1918 flu never returned: The survivors had very potent antibodies, that only worked against the 1918 influenza, but no other influenza viruses.

We didn’t let this process run its natural course with SARS-COV-2. Rather, we wanted the whole population to have very high concentrations of antibodies against this virus. We used our vaccines for this. The effect becomes that antibodies can’t discriminate against virulent variants of SARS-COV-2.

But more importantly, it means the innate immune system does not get to improve itself through successive reinfections. Instead, the body depends on these antibodies to protect itself. And because this is the case for most of the population, the virus is forced to evolve to get rid of these antibodies. It has been very successful at this, forcing the immune system to develop a strange compensatory response.

But the effect is that most of humanity is now about to lose the mechanism that normally allows the immune system to put a break on viral respiratory infections that the innate immune system can not handle on its own: Neutralizing antibodies.

In hindsight, it should have been obvious something went terribly wrong, when it became clear that the mRNA vaccinated had an IgG4 response to the receptor binding domain, with no IgG3 left, whereas all(!) of the unvaccinated still had a normal IgG3 response. That’s when all the alarm bells should have gone off.

But what people did instead, back when there was still time left to come up with a solution, was to come up with excuses. People said that there’s an IgG4 response seen to measles too. That merely illustrates the problem. Measles is known to interfere in the body’s immune system, by discouraging inflammation. That’s how it causes the IgG4 class shift. In practice it doesn’t matter, because you’re never reinfected by measles.

So now you have clear evidence that the immune system became forced to develop an abnormal compensatory antibody response that binds the N1/N2 loops and the RBD together, that has already been overcome by new XEC lineages.

What’s the answer to that going to be? More excuses of course. Once you have the needle in your own arm, or worse still, your children’s arms, you no longer want to see what you did.


  1. “Cool, cool,

    cool, cool, cool, cool,


    It’s time to get this shitshow over.”

    Quoting Mrs Wombat there, upon reading the headline.

    My soulmate.

  2. Great post! Thank you Rintrah. I check your site daily for these posts. There is no one else (that I know) who can explain these things more comprehensible. I guess we’re ~10 minutes to midnight (like the nuclear doomsday clock) then.

    Aside from that, recently the DNA contamination matter get some big traction. And Arkmedic even discovered that all recombinant vaccines might have the risk of genome integration (with adjuvants).
    I wonder which will come first: 1) a huge campaign of researchers against DNA contamination problem, or 2) a huge wave of severe covid like never before?

    • Honestly, I keep seeing people bring it up, but almost all that stuff is just nitpicking at the margins.

      People yearn to find all sorts of esoteric problems with these vaccines, instead of focusing on the obvious fact that we can all observe with our own eyes, that the virus almost immediately evolved around the antibody response and thereby left most people with a broken immune response against it.

      The vaccines had very severe side-effects, mostly because they sought to provoke very high concentrations of antibodies.

      Those high concentrations of antibodies are the problem. They force the immune system to seek out increasingly less desirable epitopes for new antibodies, as all the most desirable epitopes are already covered by antibodies.

      Then eventually you get to where we are now, where it seems there are no epitopes left that can result in potently neutralizing antibodies.

      I don’t really care about any of this other stuff, because it’s all a drop in the bucket compared to the real problem, which is that we have a new brain-damaging virus that has killed tens of millions of people so far and can continually reinfect everyone thanks to a broken immune response against it.

      That’s why the excess mortality comes in waves, that’s why we see brain damage in most of the children, that’s why we now start to have personnel shortages in schools, hospitals and nursing homes.

      You have to get it right the first time, but they got it wrong.

      • Yes. I do agree that we have a problem with the virus too.
        I’m not covid-vaccinated, and I believe it’s the most dangerous vaccine ever. But from my own experience, I also got covid in 2021, which in turn hurt my heart and made me feel cloud-minded for several weeks. That’s why I don’t believe in the “no virus” and “no covid” narratives.
        Please keep us updated on this. Thank you.

      • We are starting to get stories of hospitals that are ravaged by dead or disabled doctors and nurses. This is the canary in the coal mine. Most *regular* people got 1 or 2 shots, then said fuck it. About 1/3 of the population took boosters. Then there are the insane people and medical workers who are taking boosters every few months.

        This suggests to me half the population will be fine. The unvaccinated and 1-2 shot takers. The true believers are coming down with strokes, heart inflamation and turbo cancers. This is not a mass extinction event. More like a culling of the darwin award winners.

    • > I wonder which will come first: 1) a huge campaign of researchers against DNA contamination problem, or 2) a huge wave of severe covid like never before?

      Who gives a shit?

      No one gives a shit.

      Life rolls on

  3. Thanks for another update, extremely worrying.

    There is still the unknown “gray area” of those infected prior to vaccination, and how that population will handle these future variants.

    I suppose if we are “clutching at straws” trying to find any positives in this bleak situation, it would be that XEC and future lineages with heavier glycosylation of spike may actually have lower intrinsic virulence in immunologically naive populations (e.g. newborn babies) because like you said, the glycan shield makes it easier for the innate immune system to recognise the virus.

    Another unknown is whether the vaccinated immune response will end up deploying antibodies against the glycan shield (which you explained back in February was already being observed in severe hospitalised cases) or simply switch back to just targeting RBD with IgG4. Either solution would be disastrous. The former would trigger autoimmunity, the latter would trigger tolerance.

    There’s less than 400 people subscribed to Geert’s paywalled forum, and a couple hundred people visit this website, judging by how many views your recent YouTube videos have gotten. So that’s less than **1,000*** people “clued in” in advance of a cataclysmic event that will be talked about by future generations of humans for centuries/millennia (assuming our species lasts that long). Blows my mind every time I think about it.

    ** Because let’s face it, the immunologists/virologists are all in denial, or they just think that an updated booster will solve everything :O I mean look at this EXTREMELY INSUFFERABLE immunologist coming up with pathetic excuses for why we are seeing huge waves in the middle of Summer, he is blaming crowds at the Olympics and air conditioning WTF?????!!!!!!!

    *** I can’t really think of anyone else other than you and Geert who are talking about this. Even Bret Weinstein seems to have moved on. I don’t blame him tbh, this is horrific stuff.

    • >So that’s less than **1,000*** people “clued in” in advance of a cataclysmic event that will be talked about by future generations of humans for centuries/millennia (assuming our species lasts that long). Blows my mind every time I think about it.

      Well let’s look at what’s happening.

      We have persistent excess mortality, to which the governments responded by changing the definition of excess mortality. We have droves of people who became too sick to work, mostly those in nursing homes, schools and hospitals.

      And most importantly, we have droves of newborn children with clear evidence of brain damage. All of this, from a type of virus that we know has caused population contractions throughout history, as the evidence is visible in our genome, along with the genomes of other primates. That’s just what the studies say.

      So in a sense, a lot of people are observing the cataclysm unfold. But most of them are just not connecting the dots.

      The problem is that there is just a very small demographic of people who were not vaccinated and will acknowledge this virus as a genuine problem.

      So we’re left with very few people, willing to reflect critically on what happened.

      It would be easy to dismiss us as a doomsday cult, if it weren’t for the simple fact that the evidence is just straightforward.

      There’s no denying this virus killed tens of millions. There’s no denying they broke the antibody response to it. It’s very straightforward, it doesn’t take a genius to see and comprehend it.

      >Because let’s face it, the immunologists/virologists are all in denial, or they just think that an updated booster will solve everything :O I mean look at this EXTREMELY INSUFFERABLE immunologist coming up with pathetic excuses for why we are seeing huge waves in the middle of Summer, he is blaming crowds at the Olympics and air conditioning WTF?????!!!!!!!

      Yup, they’re all just grasping at straws.

      In Belgium, they’re blaming reusable drinking cups at festivals for the worst summer wave since the start of the pandemic:

      The virologists will all acknowledge that the summer wave is “weird” and “surprising”.

      But they never seem willing to ponder whether that means they broke something.

      It’s basically like most of the population is just trapped together in a mass delusion.

      The government and the public finally just agreed to pretend nothing is happening.

      None of this is some QAnon flat earth conspiracy theory.

      It’s just basic molecular biology.

      Most people’s bodies are now stuck with an antibody response to this virus that you would normally deploy against peanut proteins or bee venom.

      Not just any virus, a virus that has killed tens of millions of people worldwide so far.

      I don’t understand why it’s my blog where this stuff has to be explained.

      And I don’t understand why nobody is trying to repair the damage.

      Instead of biologists seriously looking into what went wrong at a molecular level, we get these people in the newspaper telling us we shouldn’t share drinking cups at festivals.

      It’s very surreal.

      • Very good comment, a lot of truth in there, and I appreciate you continuing to discuss this topic.

        >The problem is that there is just a very small demographic of people who were not vaccinated and will acknowledge this virus as a genuine problem.

        Exactly right. There is a small part of the population who I call “covid-crazies” who run around screaming 24/7 about COVID, but they are all vaxxed and refuse to acknowledge their vaccines are part of the problem. They will never arrive at the full truth due to this.

        Then there is another small part of the population, the “anti-vaxxers,” who unfortunately are equally blind in the opposite direction: they blame everything on the jabs. I personally don’t believe that it is a coincidence that the “viruses don’t exist” and “covid doesn’t exist” psy-ops were and still are being heavily pushed in these circles for the past year or so. These people are being pushed to only look at vaccines, and most of them only do that.

        Both camps have noticed the all cause mortality rates, one says COVID caused everything. The other says vaccines caused everything. Everyone stays in their little silo, and nobody learns the full truth.

        Very few people seem to be able to figure out that we were hit with a binary bioweapon. A bioweapon virus and bioweapon vaccine designed to amplify the virus. I don’t think this was a mistake, it’s too perfect. What’s the classic problem with bioweapons? You release one, it kills a few people, then it fizzles out. Lame. And if you just put straight up poison into vaccines and started killing people, nobody would take them anymore. Double lame.

        But what if you could set up a system where you could impair the immune systems of the majority of the population in such a way as to keep your bioweapon virus in circulation indefinitely, or at least for a really long time? And that’s exactly what we recieved. Was it really a mistake, a fluke, that this happened? The choices made are too bizzare to be coincidence.

        >And I don’t understand why nobody is trying to repair the damage.

        If it was intentional in the first place, then they are not about to “fix” it.

        • Rintrah has a gift for breaking down complex ideas into simpler easy to understand forms, and despite his insanity on many other topics here, this is one area in which he clearly shines. However, others have pointed out repeatedly, myself included, that this is clearly not an accident.

          The vaccine is clearly a bio-weapon, and it’s very likely that Covid is too, and it was planned for years. The objective is depopulation and mind control, total enslavement of the survivors, the rewriting of history, aka the great reset.

          But for some reason he keeps calling it incompetence, and not a conspiracy, and for some reason the dude that has probably used more hard-core psychedelics than almost everyone else in this virtual room, unless he’s lying, which is certainly a possibility, has a strange almost compulsive knee jerk aversion to conspiracy theories, something I’ve only ever witnessed before among extreme they/them leftists, which ironically all got the jab, which makes me highly suspicious of his motives.

          Anyway, I agree with you: If it was intentional in the first place, then they are not about to “fix” it.

          • > Rintrah has a gift for breaking down complex ideas into simpler easy to understand forms, and despite his insanity on many other topics here, this is one area in which he clearly shines. However, others have pointed out repeatedly, myself included, that this is clearly not an accident.

            It’s not an accident.

            People are evenly split between what exactly is happening.

            Half the population is convinced they are fine, a smaller proportion are convinced everyone will die.

            The whole issue in our minds is balanced on a knife’s edge.

            This is by DESIGN.

            To get us all fighting each other.

            The last thing our Overlords want is the masses of Little People realizing they are getting fucked

            All the bafflegab minutia from Radagast is a distraction.

          • Here’s a new interview with Chris Lagan.


            There’s section where he talks about the vaccine and all sorts of conspiratorial stuff. He’s one the smartest men in the world, and yet I’d be willing to bet money that if he were ever to comment anonymously here he’d be labeled a low IQ LSWM by Rintrah and his “little friends”.

          • Hiep Tran, never underestimate the power of organisms/immune systems adaptation, epigenetic changes that can happen to mitigate the damage of the new variants etc. We do not even understand 5% of our immune system and how our bodies work so for GVB to predict such dire outcome for billions of people and the timeline of that outcome is nothing but arrogance. He is a great smart guy but his predictions and outcomes are scientifically myopic. His focus on the immune system and virus interaction while competently ignoring what the virus and vax can do while in the nucleus and in the cell, in reservoirs, epigenetically, interactions with other viruses and retroviruses does not make me want to take him seriously. And his advise to train your immune system with a dangerous, oncogenic virus with new variants is something I do not follow or agree. My family and I try to avoid this virus like a plague after we got it once and so far so good. Only time will tell.

          • Thank you SA, you have many legitimate points that I’ll ponder on.
            1) About Marek, yes, the inbreding should be part of the problem. And well, as a Buddhist, I think and human might be summoning HELL on earth. The chickens are in hell, and human might be thrown in hell due to karma.

            2) “never underestimate the power of organisms/immune systems adaptation… We do not even understand 5% of our immune system”
            – Reasonable.
            – But that also means that NO VACCINE are safe before 20-30 years of trial-and-true. Even so, they’re pushing more and more mandate vaccine on children. Big Pharma is playing games with human lives due to their greed for sure.
            – And I’d say they’re even intentionally causing diseases through their problematic vaccines, such as the notorious HPV vaccines.

            3) “COVID is dangerous itself ”
            – I agree. And I often feel mad over people trying to cover it up as “natural virus”.

            4) “ADE was predicted by many more than 5-7. And it did not happen the way they predicted”
            – I tend to think the IgG4 problem is a kind of ADE itself, or at least ADE-precursor. (It’s technically incorrect, I guess)
            – Currently, I think the residual DNAs and IgG4 are 2 most serious problem of covid vaccine. Human body should make some adaptation as you said, otherwise, even if doomsday variant does not come, immune tolerance will cause an abundance of illness and deaths.

        • The depopulation theory is not very sound, as there is no incentive for that. Big Pharma wants unhealthy people (their income source), not dead people. This is my theory:
          1) There are many cooperated actors, not a centralized control force that directed everything.
          2) The behind-the-scene force was the Intelligence and Biodefence agencies (something related to the 911 event), which cooperated with Big Pharma, resulting in a Biodefense global public-private partnership (GPPP). Debbie Lerman made excellent substacks on this.

          3) Fauci, FDA & CDC… did not make policy, they only enablers, which followed directions from the Security Council.
          – Those guys had a dream to make any vaccine as COUNTERMEASURE within 60 days, so that they can response to any bioweapon threat.
          – Of course they need Big Pharma for that dream. So we have Moderna, and BioNTech…
          – After some years, these guys promised to deliver that, with an mRNA therapy, which they believe can hack the codes of lives.
          4) So, we have tabletop exercises for biodefense. And when the mRNA technology seems ready, covid appeared.
          – The Biodefence force ask Big Pharma to make the vaccines. They made it. They promised the vaccines were safe and effective.
          – Recall how Big Pharma do bussiness? Well, I’d say the Biodefence force were DECEIVED by Big Pharma with “safe and effective”. Big Pharma cares for money, not “safe and effective”.
          5) When the first batch of VAERS reports came, I believe FDA and CDC were caught off guard. The number of report exceeded their expectation.
          – But well, they chose to hide it, possibly due to presure from the Biodefence force.
          6) So the problem was enabled by the National Security Council’s ignorance and Big Pharma’s greed.
          – I find it hard to believe it’s all intentional. There’s clearly very few people on earth who understand viral evolution. Those Intelligence guys from behind the scene couldn’t understand it.
          – IgG4 is also not very much understood.
          – The problem arisen from the interplay of virus and vaccine could not have been predicted by any genius on earth.
          That’s my current explanation. I know that can’t explain everything, just my 2 cents.

          • That sounds overall right to me. Several sets of idiots each believing that the others were experts and really knew what they were doing.

          • Thanks Hiep Tran for the info. ADE was predicted by many more than 5-7. And it did not happen the way they predicted. Both GVB and RR focus heavily on the antibody response, evolution of the virus and consequences of both. I believe both GVB and RR will be proven to be only partially correct. Do not get me wrong I think RR will be more right that GVB and both of them are very smart people. No Moriarty did not write anything like GVB and RR and I believe Moriarty will be proven right whereas GVB and RR only partially right. COVID is dangerous itself and it will bring individuals weakness to the surface whether it is cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular etc. It’s slow acting so many people do not believe that it is dangerous. The amount of unvaccinated people I know who had severe COVID and came down with turbo cancer, diabetes etc 3 years after is reassuring that COVID is long-slow-acting and dangerous. Vax is very dangerous as well. Time will tell. But so far GVB has only been correct partially. As for Marek, again those chicken were inbred it would not have happened to the wild birds.

          • Good story. I agree. I do also not believe in a Elite who plans and release bioweapons to the whole world -them included-.

        • There does seem to be evidence that it was intentional. For example:
          – early hotspots without normal contagious spread
          – China/US collaboration at the lab and in fomenting panic
          – zero investigation and prosecution of the probable “lab leak”
          – if it was an honest mistake made in a time of panic, why not adjust policies to reflect current evidence, especially, why still transfect children with mRNA?

          On the other hand, if the goal is population reduction:
          – how do you keep so many leader in so many counties coordinated and silent on the conspiracy?
          – if you wanted the population to go down, why would you encourage a population increase with open borders?
          – our leaders are not very bright but they do understand that our economic system will collapse without growth

          • About “unintentional”, I was not talking about the release of the virus and/ or vaccine. I refered to what Tibor was talking about: “binary bioweapon. A bioweapon virus and bioweapon vaccine designed to amplify the virus”.
            I don’t believe there is an intentional combination like that. No one can predict the viral evolution as it has been. That’s what I said “unintentional”. The disaster combination was unintentional.
            As for the release of the virus, that can be intentional, but the intention was to demonstrate the mRNA therapy, as a vaccine miracle, not a depopulation tool.
            That should clear what I meant then.

          • >No one can predict the viral evolution as it has been

            Speaking in unfounded absolutes like this is rarely a good idea. I actually don’t think the problem is complex at all. Science has known the answer to this question for decades. What happens when you inject “allergens” into people repeatedly? Why, they develop IgG4 tolerance to them! This has been known forever. So when a decision was made to have human bodies produce spike proteins inside them in massive amounts with no clearly defined “off” switch, what would have been expected? Tolerance! Many could have predicted this, and many did (and that’s without bringing “AI” into the equation…). Many scientists said from day 1 that replicating whole, complete spike proteins was an extremely bad idea. This is why the vaccines are not vaccines at all. They are transfections.

            It’s easy to get lost in the weeds of medical science studies, but the issue in question is a simple logic problem. So yes, this could have been predicted. That alone does not prove it was planned, but start adding up all the pieces and eventually you will get there.

          • “I actually don’t think the problem is complex at all” (Tibor)
            – Ok, then why does it seem that only RR and GVB have been explaning those things? 2 guys in the whole world? You really believe it’s a simple and predictable thing?

            If it’s something that can predict based on historical lessons, how it is completely reversed from Marek disease?
            – Do you know Marek? The vaccine increased viral virulence, but then the virus will kill unvaccinated chickens, not vaccinated ones.
            – But with covid vaccine, it’s reversed: unvaccinated guys will be fine, while vaccinated guys will have big trouble.
            – Do you really understand and be able to explain why it’s completely reversed like that??

            Sorry, but the whole covid thing was unprecedented. You think it’s simple and predictable? If there were no GVB and no RR, are you sure you would know those things??

          • Well, Rintrah should be the one who can tell if anyone really can predict the whole thing and planned all those.
            If you see this, please give me your opinion, Rintrah: Do you think there is anyone able to predict and plan a COMBINATORY BIOWEAPON with a virus and a vaccine like that?

          • Hiep Tran, there are many people who try to understand the complex nature of the COVID. Surely, Rintrah and GVB are not the only two people. If you read authors on substack, there are several excellent authors that I read that have good idea what is going on with COVID. If you do not mind a little scientific info in the articles, I highly recommend Moriarty on Substack. He is an extremely knowledgeable guy, much more into science and well-versed than GVB. DoorlessCarp is another great author as well. As a scientist, I take the Marek and rodent studies with grain of salt. You need to realize that most studies done on animal models are done on extremely inbred animals. And no I do not think that most vaccinated will die and the most unvaccinated will survive. Do not forget that COVID is also a bioweapon and it does a lot of harm to the body. Genetics and polymorphism plays a huge role. There are people that because of their genetics and polymorphism in different genes are not even infected by COVID. COVID and or vax will take the weakest, most susceptible people first whether they are jabbed or not.

          • @SA: first, thank you for your suggest, but

            1) What I said about “2 guys” were not about who wrote on covid & vaccine, but about something like an “evolution of SARS-CoV-2 which will be highly-virulent specifically against vaccinated people”.
            I know both DoorlessCarp and Moriarty.
            – Doorless made incredible posts on IgG4. I believe he suggests it will lead to immune tolerance, but he did not write any thing like GVB or RR.
            – Moriarty believe Covid is dangerous itself, but also I don’t think he wrote anything like GVB and RR. (many posts were for paid subscribers)
            – So, except for GVB and RR, there was only Prof Luc Montagnier, who clearly said mass vaccination would lead to ADE.
            – So it’s 3, maybe 5 or 7… but the point was not how many. The point was that it’s COMPLICATED and highly-UNPREDICTABLE.
            – So, there could NOT be anyone that design a plan like Tibor proposed (“binary bioweapon. A bioweapon virus and bioweapon vaccine designed to amplify the virus”)

            2) About Marek, I believe it’s set, the case was so clear to reject.
            There also seems to be a few more diseases, which came to be more virulent after there is a vaccine. I think Bovine respiratory disease is one.

      • > . All of this, from a type of virus that we know has caused population contractions throughout history, as the evidence is visible in our genome, along with the genomes of other primates. That’s just what the studies say.

        “That’s just what the studies say”

        Replication crisis, anyone?

      • > None of this is some QAnon flat earth conspiracy theory. It’s just basic molecular biology.

        Oh, it’s just basic molecular biology.

        Because we all understand the irreducible complexity of the human organism.

        Fucking (((hubris)))

      • This is a huge post, a superb job of technical expertise and logical rational thinking, put all together in a easy way to understand for anybody who followed Geert. Congrats and many many thanks.

    • LSWM Lives Matter, he might be right that air conditioning has something to do with summer surges. We could look at heavily vaxxed hot areas for the answer to that.
      The southern US doesn’t seem to be doing worse than the northern US.

    • “There’s less than 400 people subscribed to Geert’s paywalled forum, and a couple hundred people visit this website. . . ”

      I wonder if there’s much overlap between the two cohorts?

    • > There’s less than 400 people subscribed to Geert’s paywalled forum, and a couple hundred people visit this website, judging by how many views your recent YouTube videos have gotten. So that’s less than **1,000*** people “clued in” in advance of a cataclysmic event that will be talked about by future generations of humans for centuries/millennia (assuming our species lasts that long). Blows my mind every time I think about it.

      You might want to consider the possibility you’ve been had.

  4. > XEC begins changing N2

    It’s really Kek doing this

    > less than **1,000*** people “clued in” in advance of a cataclysmic event
    Prepping is a national past-time here in the States, especially among right-wingers, who have lower jabbing rates

    The constant drumbeat of war and possible shortages ensures the preppers are ready at any time

    Even a 95% die-off event due to the infrastructure collapse after the jabbie die-off would still leave 410 million humans

    > we have droves of newborn children with clear evidence of brain damage
    Not much IQ needed to practice subsistence agriculture by digging holes in the ground with sharp stick, and put seeds in them. We were there before, and we got over that.

    We’ll make it

    The Earth will get a bit of a breather

    > I don’t understand why it’s my blog where this stuff has to be explained.

    People are so morally corrupt that they prefer to lie to themselves rather than take responsibility and then do what is needed to minimize damage. This fact shows that there is no redemption for Gotham as a whole, and it’s time for a wholesale house cleanup.

    • “Even a 95% die-off event due to the infrastructure collapse after the jabbie die-off would still leave 410 million humans”

      I wonder if anything will be done about the spent fuel ponds once it becomes clear that the die-off is underway?

      Seems unlikely.

      Perhaps survivors should try to make their way to the Southern Hemisphere?

      • Spent fuel ponds… anything really. Almost all industrial sites will become a source of bäääd. The French are a giant danger to anybody eastwards, e.g. and the Rhine will become a toxic sludge like never before. If rain becomes a problem any area with heavy rainfalls will be a no go-area. Oops.

        Only Murricans with their vast Hinterland can think like PP did about a die off. Everybody else sees what this means and has second thoughts about surviving. At least around the age of 20. At 40, I guess I had my lot and the prospect of being there when it happens is too much of a temptation.

  5. On the one hand, most of my family members are quite likely to die because of this. They’re still taking booster shots to this day. On the other hand, maybe the rapid collapse of society will mean I can live out in the country without having to worry about punching a time clock. I’ll have a lot more time for meditation and gardening when there’s no electricity and all the lands have been fertilized by corpses.

    Thanks for reporting on this stuff. There really isn’t anyone else looking at it from this angle.

  6. IF it was all intentional, it is very clever… People getting dumber, i think most ‘educated’ people are vaxxed so who is going to complain. Maybe they really can’t think anymore due to IQ loss.
    I learned today about smart-vapes for children, so they can play a game and vape some toxic shit, this world is getting crazy stupid

    • >What about the unvaccinated? Are they still making proper antibodies towards the RBD and avoiding this problem entirely?

      There are no known cases in the literature, of unvaccinated people with an IgG4 antibody response to the RBD. It’s not even seen in hospitalized unvaccinated people. In a normal infection, the virus first encounters IgA and IgM in the lungs, before it ever encounters IgG. That’s why it’s very unlikely to become a problem.

      In the unvaccinated, you don’t seem to see cross-neutralization between variants, because the immune system never developed IgG antibodies against subdominant and recessive epitopes to begin with.


      So they generally don’t appear to have neutralizing IgG antibodies against the new JN.1 derived variants from previous infections in serum, but should be able to make a novel antibody response if necessary.

      See also:

      And most importantly:

      You only seem to get these cross-neutralizing antibodies that keep getting recalled, if you were vaccinated. Neutralization of omicron was basically a flat zero in the unvaccinated who had been infected already.

      So in summary:

      -The vaccinated are stuck with poor quality IgG4 antibodies against the receptor binding domain that just keep getting recalled by new variants. The virus never evolves to escape those antibodies, because why would it? There’s no reason to evolve to escape them, as that would just open the virus up to new better antibodies. Instead of evolving to escape these antibodies, the virus just evolves to escape whatever new exotic neutralization method the adaptive immune system has to come up with to keep neutralizing the virus.

      -When it comes to neutralizing antibodies in serum, the unvaccinated just tend to start over from scratch with every new major variant. Keep in mind that IgG antibodies don’t do most of the work under normal circumstances. They only deal with whatever is left over after the innate immune system, IgA and IgM have properly performed their job.

  7. Thanks for the explanation from the very basics. While I have been reading virology during the pandemic as a layman, these more visual and easy explanatioms really help understand things better.
    This looks like uncharted territory for sure. Who knows how long this cat and mouse will be able to continue. It will be really interesting to see how these systems evolve.

  8. Just three days ago, a family moved into the condo unit above us. I haven’t met them yet, but I can tell that there are at least two small children. The children are now playing much of the time on the patio above our patio. My dogs spend most of their time on our patio, so now I am worried the dogs catching covid from viral plumes. No, I do not begrudge small children the chance to play on a patio!!! I’m just trying to think of what to do. This will be a great test of Rintrah’s assertion that little kids are not spreaders.

    I’ve started giving my dogs claritin and very low dose methylene blue every day; maybe that will help. In the Korean study, all of the dogs that were infected with covid developed severe brain damage.

    I’m less worried about the humans in my household since we use xylitol nasal spray constantly. Xylitol is toxic to dogs, and while there are other sprays, dogs really do not like have stuff sprayed into their noses.

    I have a church acquaintance who has severe allergies and has been on nasal sprays for them for many years. She does nothing to prevent catching covid (she is in her early 80s and vaxxed), but has never caught covid. I think that anything you do to affect your nasal passages may help somewhat.

  9. This really was a very good piece. Thank you. It is something that I could send to someone, due to its clarity and comprehensiveness. I’m not sure to whom I could send it, but it is at least an option.

  10. Apparently there are people out there who are REALLY upset that I dare to write the vaccinated have neutralizing antibodies instead of just “polyreactive non-neutralizing antibodies”, because they think it means I “misinterpret Geert”.

    Look. I’m literally just quoting this study I posted at the top of this article, which says they found these antibodies, in people who suffered breakthrough infections.

    If that happens to contradict your mental model of the world, or means you think I “misinterpret Geert”, please take it up with the authors of this study, explain to them that these neutralizing antibodies they found do not exist or are not truly neutralizing.

    • Show a study to Geert, a Belgian vet whose last insignificant academic paper was from 1995, and if it doesn’t align with his theory, he’ll just say the authors got it wrong. His followers bow and say “Thank You Geert, You Are Gift From God!”

  11. Radagast, If you have not joined Geert’s paywalled forum I wish you would. We have relevant discussions on a variety of topics related to Covid, the Covid vax, new treatments we’ve personally tried, prepping issues, and SARS-2 evolution. Anyone can ask a question, answer a question, post scientific articles for discussion, post data or anecdotes from their own life, and so on. Your familiarity with molecular biology would be a welcome addition and I think you’d find the experiences of clinicians to be useful info in your thinking.

  12. There’s no evidence these igG4 are detrimental. We’re not chickens, it’s not going to happen. You subscribe to that Belgian vet’s theory. A man who claims he’s the only real expert in virology on the planet. Geert was unemployed when covid hit, it must have been a dream come true for that narcissist in need of attention (and money probably). He still refers to himself as a scientist. The fact that he claimed a 99% certainty in his prediction back in March or April is proof enough that he’s a pseudo-scientist.

    • “There’s no evidence…” “it’s not going to happen”
      And HOW do you know it’s not going to happen?? What a ridiculous statement.

      IgG4 risk was not first proposed by GVB, he just used it. There are warnings of IgG4 from mainstream scientists and studies. For example Dr. Uversky with h-index 150+:
      You’re clearly illiterate on the matter you’re trying to reject.

      • Much less illiterate then most. But the most ridiculous statements during the covid pandemic have been made by that Belgian vet. Fact. Yet his cult-like followers, like you apparently, still think that narcissist has any clue. He’s fooling you all because you don’t uderstand what he’s talking about. It’s called psuedo-science. We are not chickens.

  13. Radagast! Thank you for your excellent work on this subject. I’m unvaccinated and Australian. In my country, 96% of my fellow Australians have taken at least one jab. The restrictions on the unvaccinated were so terrible, and went on for so long, that it was easy to feel resentment toward those who complied. The unvaccinated were essentially locked out of their lives, and abuse from (some, not all) friends and family became common. It seems like that was the case, wherever you were in the world. All of it I believe can be traced back to the dangerous rhetoric our politicians were spewing about the unvaccinated, basically daily. For a long time now however, I have felt huge compassion for most of the people around me. I don’t want people to be unwell, and so many Australians now get covid so often, it’s not funny. I know many young people who have had it four to five times now. When they get it, they are sick for weeks. This recent winter, one of my best friends had covid and was ill for roughly three weeks, and then got the flu immediately after. She is an otherwise very fit young mother, there should be no reason she’s unwell like that. A huge number of Australians were not able to work without jabs and were thus coerced into taking the shots (in some cases, people are still be fired or having their pay docked for not complying). My concern is this – from an Australian perspective, the pressure being placed on the virus must be enormous, given there are only 4% of people in the country who remain unvaccinated. I am concerned about what will happen here. What can I recommend to my family and friends? Given your past posts, I’m thinking exercise, CBD oil to help the innate immune system function and natto are the most important? Any thoughts you have in relation to helpful measures and to the situation in Australia would be appreciated. Thanks!

    • Silibinin and Sodium bicarbonate. I remember Dave from Australia, he came to visit us in Belgium. We went to a pub in Leuven and we ordered 1 liter Kwaks with Duvel. We asked David if he was used to strong beer, he took a sip and said “We drink this all the time in Australia!”. He drank one Kwak, we ordered the next one. Dave said he needed to go to the bathroom. 20 minutes later Dave wasn’t back at the table. I went to look for him and found Dave from Australia was sleeping on the stairs. I grabbed Dave, drank his Kwak bottoms up, people applauded, and we left. Don’t be afraid of Covid, take your baking soda,5 grams three times a day, get some silibinin, and tell your fellow auusies to stop being such cowards!

  14. >The question that’s now left for us, is whether there is any real way left, to develop new potently neutralizing antibodies against these new XEC lineages.

    If there are 5 immunogenic loops, and the immune system used 2 of them (N1 & N2) to make antibodies against Omicron.*, that leaves 3 loops that could be targeted with new antibodies. The immune system chose N1 & N2 over N3, N4, & N5 for a reason, probably a good reason, but those other 3 loops might offer the next best option for the immune system to make a new type of antibody. What do you think?

  15. Tremendous post. Are you saying mutations have popped up at positions 70,72 and 75 in recent weeks? knocking out N2 loop as a site. If so, the vaccinated have no antibody defense? Is there any other possible defense left or are they like transplant patients on immune suppression or “Boy in a bubble” who no defense against infections.
    You are probably familiar with Geert’s work, according to him, anything? I am in his paywall site also but last several weeks he has been remarkably silent.
    Thanks for your amazing work.

  16. Why is it that Rad and Geert cannot both be correct?

    Geert hypothesized a midyear surge of infection from a strain that will have been optimally refined by the collectively identical global immune system. Once refined, the body would then be classically defenseless, a situation one can only ponder and worry about, without knowing exactly “what” will happen nor when.

    Geert’s timeline seems to be intact given the reluctance of the immune collective to just throw in the towel, managing what is apparenty a novel defense to an evolving problem. Had this evolutionary (?) step not been observed, might the threshold state have been reached by now? And, to what outcome?

    Think of Geert having a viable explanation but not witnessing or predicting a delaying mechanism. In such event, he is forecasting without prior experiment a titration curve of sorts and is likely getting the form but not the timing correct. That is, the curve moves slowly but directionally as he predicts, but its snap acceleration is delayed. If it does happen, the curve may ultimately look as he predicted, albeit with a time delay…largely irrelevant and of immeasurable error on an epoc scale.

  17. We are all already brain damaged!!!!!
    Everything that is happening now, is following from that.
    The dogs in this Korean study were NOT vaccinated:

    “Dogs experimentally infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant but not showing neurologic or respiratory signs of COVID-19 had evidence of degenerative brain disease on necropsy.

    The study, led by Konkuk University researchers in South Korea, was published late last week in Emerging Infectious Diseases. The research team intranasally infected six female beagle dogs with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta virus. The six dogs shared cages with six dogs that weren’t experimentally infected. Three uninfected dogs inoculated with a placebo served as controls.

    The investigators obtained nose-throat, mouth-throat, fecal swabs, and blood samples from the dogs at 10 different time points. At 10, 12, 14, 38, 40, and 42 days postinfection, one infected and one contact dog were euthanized for necropsy. . . . SARS-CoV-2 DNA was detected in the brain at weeks 10, 12, and 14 postinfection only. Infected dogs exhibited abnormal changes to the blood-brain barrier (BBB), primarily at weeks 38, 40, and 42 days. Necropsies at all time points uncovered evidence that the virus had severely damaged BBB cells and crossed the BBB. “Our study provides evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infection can damage the brain as well as the lungs in dogs at early and later stages of infection, suggesting a high potential for a long-lasting COVID-19–like syndrome to develop in affected dogs”,week%20in%20Emerging%20Infectious%20Diseases.

  18. Hey Raddie. I am a pureblood (never tested, never jabbed) and I donate whole blood every 8 weeks. I am also male, middle-aged, overweight and insulin-resistant. When it comes to the interaction of my body with the various Sars-Cov2 variants, is donating helpful for me (i.e. because I get rid of junk in my blood that is hard to excrete otherwise), harmful (i.e. losing some of my immune system cells that have learned to fight the virus), or neutral? Thank you Sir.

    • Donating blood should be helpful. It’s one of the most straightforward ways of addressing insulin-resistance, which inevitably undermines immune function. The immune cells should mostly be gathering in your tissues anyway.

  19. The problems with C19:


    Fanatics in both camps, everything is the fault of C19 or the Vaccinations.
    C19 is a worse virus (and certainly not comparable) than the Flu. Yes, it really exists and in the era before vaccinations and before the arrival of C19, people also became seriously ill. The mRNA injections are experimental and are part of genetic engineering.


    Turbo diseases and the disease of sudden death, this is not a primary problem for me as an unvaccinated person.
    It’s terrible, but point 3 is the big problem on the horizon.


    Much of humanity has received mRNA injections. This has undoubtedly caused serious damage to the immune system.
    Everything points to the arrival of a variant that manages to avoid the last piece of protection in vaccinated people.
    I don’t know when and how many people this will hit like a deadly bomb, but the fact that people are repeatedly getting sick is a bad sign. I believe that 3 flu-like symptoms within a period of 1 year were always an indicator of AIDS.

    It just festers on and on.


    The near future.

    There are 2 scenarios, and a large landing area in between.

    In the first scenario, the proportion who become ill and nauseous continues to increase, and so does excess mortality. This is the mildest scenario.

    If the immune system continues to malfunction, the virus will spread internally within the infected person to numerous organs, and the immune storm that follows is fatal.


    Whatever scenario is in front of the door, or a street away from that front door, it is not good.
    Even if the high mortality does not occur as Geert (GDB) has predicted, our coexistence will still be severely disrupted.


    I believe that Geert is right, and with him there are plenty of other specialists who have been warning about the dangers for years.
    But why, if the world we know is going to change radically, do you have articles behind a paywall?
    This feels like those books that you can buy, how do you become a millionaire, etc. Only the seller benefits financially!!

    A bit strange.

    • “A bit strange”

      Maybe, but after howling about the “vaccine”/virus dangers against a backdrop of persecution, can Geert make a living any other way?

      Who would hire him? A man has to eat.

      From the sounds of things, he doesn’t have a lot of subscribers.

      People who are still interested in this subject, let alone keen to pay, are apparently a very, very rare breed.

      Is Geert right? You may need to add number 7 to your list: Geert and all the rest are wrong, nothing stops or slows BAU, and the human race ends up starving or choking itself out, shaking its fist at the cosmic injustice of it all.

      • It’s maybe just a little bit disappointing isn’t it? A bit bewildering?

        I mean, here we were, hoping in a backhanded kind of way (if not straightforwardly praying for it), for a mass die off to save us from a future worse than death and it just kinda fizzed.

        And the now the world is just grinding on inexorably towards its fate.

        When prophecy fails, it causes cognitive dissonance. To cope with that, some people double down and alter their story to fit the facts: “The mothership didn’t pick us up at the allotted hour before destroying the Earth because we prayed to the aliens so hard, so now we need to keep praying harder so they will stay away for good!”. Mostly though, people just walk away and get on with their lives.

        I’d not be surprised if many of those who are still interested in this subject are also interested in seeing the game board upended and reset – even if that is a cataclysmic event.

        The psychology is there.

        As for the biology, well, the virus hasn’t actually mutated into the doomsday variant at the allotted hour.

        Will it ever?

        Maybe, maybe not. In the interim, it might be best to just move on. It’s not healthy to dwell on doom. And the world seems to have a remarkable amount of play in it and ability to absorb all sorts of mistakes and insults and not come to an immediate halt.

        Personally though, I just can’t seem to tear my eyes away, even if I have become a doomsday cultist.

        • > Maybe, maybe not. In the interim, it might be best to just move on. It’s not healthy to dwell on doom. And the world seems to have a remarkable amount of play in it and ability to absorb all sorts of mistakes and insults and not come to an immediate halt.

          “There is a lot of slop in life. You can make a ton of mistakes, be the biggest screwup, and still survive — even succeed. Don’t let anyone fool you about this. There are millions — billions — of people who believe all kinds of lies and still do well. Some people believe the truth and are utter failures. Life is tolerant, even stupidly so.”

          – You Know Who

    • I am a member of Geert’s forum. It is much more than a paywalled place for his articles, many of which have been made public on a delay.
      Forum members share information, help educate each other, noodle articles/papers/ideas together, share treatment protocols (effective and ineffective), and discuss various scenarios for how this evolutionary process might unfold and we don’t limit ourselves to only Geert’s theory.
      The forum has a strict privacy policy and this enables members, many whose usernames are our real names, to engage in a degree of sharing and speculation not possible in a public forum. It also encourages us to bounce half-formed ideas off each other and then change our minds. Public forums cause people to not share half-baked ideas for fear of being wrong.


    Binary bio-weapon from Australia with rabbits and mice, article from 2002. They were trying
    “Jackson and his colleagues immediately realized the implications with respect to smallpox and its potential as a biological weapon. “We’d come up with, at least with mousepox, a highly effective mechanism for increasing lethality of a virus for genetically resistant animals,” he explains. In short, they had stumbled on what might prove a relatively simple way to bolster the killing power of smallpox, already one of the most feared viruses of all time.

    Soon the researchers would have data that were even more alarming. The mice, they realized, had died because the IL-4 had undermined their production of killer cells too well, leaving the animals vulnerable to a disease they were normally able to resist. What would happen, they wondered, if they vaccinated Black 6 mice against mousepox before injecting them with the IL-4 version of the sterilizing virus?
    By November, Jackson had the results: even in vaccinated mice the mousepox with IL-4 was lethal 60 percent of the time. He immediately went upstairs to Ramshaw’s office to convey the news. “Oh, boy,” Ramshaw said. “What have we created here?””

    So binary bio-weapon seems to be a reality.

    • Thank you for the information. I admit my ignorance on “binary bio-weapon”.
      Well, but in this scenario, the doomsday variant might be man-made, not just evolved by vaccine’s pressure 🙂

    • Interesting article, but they didn’t create a two-part bioweapon. First they accidentally created a modified mousepox that was 100% lethal. Oops. So they tried vaxxing their mice to protect them, which reduced the death rate to 60%.
      The lethal bioweapon was the IL-4 modified mousepox. The modification used interleukin-4 to increase antibodies and reduce natural killer (NK) cells. The reduction in NK cells is what made a previously non-lethal mousepox into a deadly disease.

      The covid vax does something similar to what the IL-4 modification did in the mousepox. The covid vax increases antibodies and reduces the activity of NK cells because the antibodies are so numerous they outcompete the NK cells.
      Each covid infection reduces the NK cells (and T and B cells too). Those immune cells rebuild over a few months but if the infections come too close together, the immune cells don’t recover fully before the next take down.

      So why are the vaxxed humans not dead like the mice? The human immune system made various types of antibodies that are currently protective. Increasing antibody evasion will lead to increasing illness upon infection.

      • That sounds plausible, but there are also the reservoirs. Covid forms reservoirs in the brain and bone marrow and reproductive organs and the gut. So how can the immune cells recover??

        • Immune cell attrition is documented in COVID infections. e.g. COVID just like HIV reduces CD4 counts and not only CD4s. This made me dig into natural treatments for HIV early on. There have been HIV positive people that have tried to control their disease without HIV drugs. OLE extract was one of the many tested natural treatment that was able single-handedly keep the HIV viral load low and increase the CD4 count. My husband after he contracted COVID came down with severe shingles (runs in his family). After that every time he had a cold shingles came back. I asked him to take olive leaf that I make by grinding it and adding into capsules every day. I take it too. Added turmeric/ginger/black pepper, red reishi, sometimes chlorella and his shingles have not come back. This is of course indirect, but my take is this regimen is keeping the damage that COVID did at bay.

          • Thank you very much. Yes, I think that covid is going to turn out to be like HIV.

            I think I have not caught covid yet, but I am not certain. If I take nattoserra and low dose methylene blue (which is an antiviral which can cross the blood brain barrier)(I take 8 drops of 1 percent MB once a day), my energy level is decent. If I don’t take them, I am pretty low energy. You have to be very careful about metheylene blue interacting with other substances, however.

  21. I wish the font color on this website for the names and dates of comments would be made a light color so we could read them. Is it just me or is it hard for everyone to read those?

    If we all go down due to viral attack, collapsing society, I don’t want to struggle reading the final comments. 🙂

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