The Sacred Tobacco Plant

Nicotine is a drug, produced by a plant, the Tobacco plant. Like just about every other drug that humans enjoy taking, this plant tries to serve a purpose for us. However, human alienation from nature, along with capitalist incentives, result in a situation that is far from optimal.

There are many different varieties of Tobacco. There are 79 known species of the Nicotiana genus, within which we find Nicotiana tabacum. This is the particular species of Tobacco, that the Tobacco industry settled upon over the ages. In many countries however, people take Nicotiana rustica. This may be known to you as Indian tobacco, strong tobacco, Aztec tobacco or some other name.

The species is different. It has relatively speaking, a much higher concentration of nicotine. In relation to the nicotine content, it has lower concentrations of monoamine oxidase B inhibitors. These compounds have the effect of creating a sustained released of dopamine, associated with the low amount of nicotine released from a cigarette. This gets people addicted to cigarettes.

What nicotine containing plants attempt to do, when given the opportunity, is to provide a cleansing, grounding experience for the mind. It is supposed to be a sudden pulse to the brain, a brief experience that puts you at rest. It’s not really a plant that we’re supposed to smoke, which seems to play a role in the rush of MAO-B inhibitors that make cigarettes so addictive, without providing the cleansing pulse.

Humans take nicotine in different forms now. There is the cigarette that people smoke. Then there is the oral poach, the snus held against the mouth. Then there is the snuff, which is inhaled through the noise. This is how Europeans first used tobacco, although this method died out in most countries. There is also the chewing gum and the nicotine patch applied to the skin. These are all forms that differ in the concentration they release. What is supposed to happen, is a brief pulse. Any sort of sustained release generally fails to deliver the real benefits that nicotine can offer.

Smoking tobacco damages the lungs, especially as the design of cigarettes and the species used results in a need to keep using tobacco throughout the day. In many other cultures, where people use the strong tobacco species, you don’t take small amounts of tobacco throughout the day. You take a brief big pulse of strong tobacco, to experience the grounding experience. You may feel dizzy, from the strong amount they take.

This brief pulse creates a state of simultaneous activation of many of the acetylcholine receptors in the brain. This allows the brain to improve its efficiency and get rid of delusions. It becomes easier to focus on the real world, the here and now.

When people smoke cigarettes, they enjoy it at first and enjoy mental health benefits like improved concentration, but eventually need it just to function. They are hooked however, on high doses of a plant that damages their lungs and cardiovascular system, without really being able to offer the benefit it can offer, because rather than the brief strong pulse, they experience minor pulses throughout the day.

Tobacco is intrinsically a masculine plant. It is rare in this, most of the entheogenic plants people take have a feminine nature to them. Women who take tobacco over time begin to look, sound and think more like men. This masculine nature of the plant however also comes with great benefits. We have an epidemic, of men who feel as if they are women. The tobacco plant is one of those plants that is able to address this problem. Mescaline is another rare example of a masculine entheogenic plant, that benefits aging men much more than it benefits women. The most potent source of masculine energy is the sun, the mescaline cactus offers a condensed and refined source of this energy.

What would be of much greater use to women taking tobacco, are the nightshade plants. These plants are dangerous in high doses, but have been unfairly stigmatized. These plants are able to give back to people their passion for life, for sex, for physicality, along with their self-confidence. The fascinating thing is that they hit the same receptor as the tobacco plant, but rather than activating it, they just prevent it from being activated. Men can benefit from the nightshade plants too, but the few studies done on this subject show that is a plant that tends to work particularly well for the mental health of women.

There are special blends of Aztec tobacco, named rapé, made of finely ground up strong tobacco. There are also a few companies still selling snuff made of commercial tobacco, which are a good substitute for people who currently smoke cigarettes. My own recommendation for men however, would be to seek out rapé, made of strong tobacco. There is a special blend known as Jaguar rapé, made specifically for men, it contains the Aztec tobacco plant, along with other herbs like cinnamon.

Importantly, any single plant taken in isolation over a long period of time will tend to have the same effect: At first it stabilizes the mind, by addressing an imbalance. Then over time it begins to create a new imbalance, by continually pushing the mind in the same direction. This is true for the tobacco plant as well. Most people who take it will first have their mind stabilized by it, only to become destabilized over time as they grow addicted to it.

The solution to this is to take it sparingly and as part of a wide spectrum of different plants. As an example, the coffee plant and tobacco plant go well together. They both allow human beings to focus on relatively banal things, on abstract information that needs to be processed. That’s why their combination is so popular among Western office workers.

It is perfectly fine for people to take these plants. However, it is in their best interest, to learn from cannabis users: Take tolerance breaks. If you drink coffee on a daily basis, you should just quit for two weeks and see how that makes you feel. During those two weeks, your brain relearns how to function without it.

The tobacco plant in a sense, is reason. It is rationality, facts, reality, logic, the deterministic, the mundane, the straightforward, lucidity, the world as it appears. That’s what middle-aged heterosexual men tend to engage with. The nightshade plants, by taking the same receptor and preventing its activation, rather than activating it, represent the opposite side of the spectrum. The emotions, the passions, the magical, the inexplicable, the Earth, the symbolic, the dreamworld.

For women this is very important. They’re forced to function in a masculine world. They’re made to fill numbers into spreadsheets, to follow protocols and procedures, to follow the news about conflicts on the other side of the world, to worry about politics, to believe the origins of life can be explained by meaningless chemical reactions that took place over billions of years. As women grow older, they increasingly start to think the way men do. But because this clashes with their own feminine nature, it makes them unhappy and feel inadequate.

Often women are traumatized by events in their youth, which encourages them to delve into intellectual abstractions to make sense of the world (acetylcholine). This is a crutch, that fails to offer lasting satisfaction.

The nightshade plants temporarily turn off the cholinergic connections in the brain for a few hours. To continue making sense of the world, this forces the brain to rely on monoaminergic connections, like dopamine and serotonine. As a result, this allows the brain to heal and for people to reconnect to their intuition. It allows an older woman, to think more like a young woman again. This deserves a full post of its own, but I want to warn anyone who wants to take nightshade plants, to start with a very low dose. If you have to try it, start by chewing on one seed of Datura innoxia before going to bed.

Returning to the imbalance, what you can observe with tobacco is that it stabilizes the mind at first, only to destabilize it again in the long run when taken in isolation. Backing up this point, you can see neurological abnormalities in people who take cannabis, in people who take tobacco, but not in people who take both.

It is a bit of a taboo, to bring up the fact that both of these plants have been independently associated with improved mental health in elderly people. Cannabis delays Alzheimer’s, tobacco delays Parkinson’s disease. We have various forms of evidence, animal studies, molecular mechanisms, demographic studies, all pushing in this direction. But importantly, it is their combined use that reduces the risk of mental instability.

One of the things that make life bitter for our overlords, is that it proves impossible to end nicotine use. The dogma is that smoking is bad for you, nicotine is bad for you and this results in a kind of free lunch: Eliminate use of the tobacco plant and its constituent ingredients and humans will live longer and happier lives. But they fail to achieve what they yearn for. Nicotine use is simply rebouncing among youth, especially in recent years.

This is not coincidence. Since 2020 we’re all getting continually reinfected by a new virus that damages the brain. We consistently observe that nicotine reduces the damage this virus can cause in the brain. What sets us human beings apart, from the dogs who have their brains annihilated when experimentally infected by this virus? The cocktail of various obscure drugs we take, from cannabidiol, to nicotine, to various flavonoids and antiviral terpenes we inhale, whether from plants of from simply being out in nature. Youth vaping tobacco are self-medicating, to prohibit this is cruel and destructive.

I am explaining these things to you my friends, not because they’re so much fun to discuss, but because the excrement is starting to hit the roof ventilator. People’s brains are being damaged. It’s subtle, because a virus that fails to be subtle will struggle to spread itself, but it is happening.

Importantly, most people won’t notice their brain is being damaged, because the brain itself has to do the job of informing them that it is being damaged. What they experience instead is just an accelerated versions of what all people experience as they age: Your world is getting smaller and smaller, your interest in the world around you is shrinking and every day is starting to feel the same. You will regress towards becoming a kind of automaton, able to go through the day to day motions, without the ability to enjoy new things.

So what I wish to encourage you, is to just stay vital and alive. Maintain that ability to focus on things, to derive enjoyment from reading a book.

You have to do these things:

-Exercise, obviously. Go jogging, perform strength training. Lift heavy weights above your head or pull yourself up, so that you force your heart to pump a rush of blood through your brain.

-Vape some cannabis, to remove amyloid building up in your neurons.

-Take tobacco, to prevent excess brain damage from SARS2.

-Take psilocybe mushrooms once in a while, to heal the tiny blood vessels in your brain. The massage of your blood vessels, helps them to push molecular waste (like amyloid) into your larger blood vessels. Ideal is to take some psilocybe mushrooms while you are experiencing the after-effects of cannabis. Psilocybine also functions as an Mprotease inhibitor, just like Paxlovid. But unlike Paxlovid, it tends to concentrate in the brain.

-In summer, go out in nature and take a good dose of mescaline cactus.

Of course it all really depends on what you’re struggling with.

Are you rational, but do you suffer low self confidence and a lack of passion for life? The nightshade plants can help (but be very careful, do your own research first).

Are you unable to derive enjoyment from new things? Do you feel as if you lack new ideas? The cannabis plant can help.

Are you anxious and paranoid, does your mind get stuck pondering difficult existential questions like the meaning of life, what happens after death or the nature of evil, do you struggle to focus, do you feel as if there is something very wrong with the world around you? The tobacco plant can help.

Do you suffer low self confidence, do you feel disconnected from other people and the world around you, are you very stuck in your head instead of your physical body? The San pedro cactus can help you.

Does life seem miserable, are you stuck worrying about grand existential fears, are you in physical pain? The Kratom plant can help you.

A lot of people come to the conclusion that life is intrinsically meaningless, or characterized by suffering. But I don’t think this is necessary. The Buddha’s teachings were meant for people who were exhausted. Nirvana refers to the extinguishment of passions, blown out like an oil lamp. That’s good if you are terminally ill I suppose, but I don’t think this is a path that benefits healthy people.

If you could derive as much joy from music, from art, or from seeing the birds build a nest as I can, you would be content existing in a physical body. Things that are a banality to other people, things that they do not even notice, are a great pleasure to me. Because I’m a druggie.


  1. Thanks for the tips/advice.

    > People’s brains are being damaged. It’s subtle, because a virus that fails to be subtle will struggle to spread itself, but it is happening.

    Since the damage incurred so far seems to be quite mild and subtle as you say, there is still hope of neuro-regeneration and repair for a full recovery (notwithstanding the typical normal brain aging that inevitably occurs as we get older, of course).

    Since you’re Dutch we must also mention Wim Hof. When brain surgeons in emergency departments receive patients who have sustained head injuries, one of the first things they do is cool the head down to lower inflammation.

    Elderly Buddhist monks also have extremely low rates of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, so meditation should also be very beneficial.

      • I think DMT should work well for acute neurological injury. In a more daring world, ambulances would have a DMT kit, to administer to people who suffered motorcycle accidents or were found hanging from a rope.

        Meditation seems to cause the brain to release DMT on its own, but because DMT is rapidly absorbed and metabolized by neurons, it’s hard to measure it.

  2. Wild timing that you posted about this today. I just came off a three day break from caffeine and nicotine – my first tolerance break in about a year. The most rested I’ve felt in months. I totally agree that they go well together, and are perfect for helping with being an office drone.

    • Nope. You need a brief pulse of nicotine for it to work its magic.

      They tried sustained release, it doesn’t do anything meaningful for the brain, that just desensitizes the receptors.

  3. If I consume nicotine lozenges regularly, even in tiny amounts (broken up lozenges) I develop wrinkles very quickly. And it isn’t because of the physical eating process, since regular lozenges don’t do this. And if I stop consuming the nicotine lozenges, the wrinkles go away. Maybe if I consumed them for a long time the wrinkles would stay, but I’m not going to try to find out. But per your explanation, intermittent use of a high dose might be okay.

    Now that marijuana is legal in my area I finally tried it. My husband eats THC gummies, but because it was cheap I bought him a big bottle of a sweet THC infused liquid. He found the flavor disgusting, and my only options were to consume it myself or to throw it out, and frugality won out over religious precepts, my excuse being that it might count as medicinal if it helped my brain stay intact. I tried seven doses of it, over a period of a week, eventually getting up to a really high dose (my husband told me it was potent for him even in small quantities). I never had any effect at all. So I tried the gummies, and also no effect (they work just fine for my husband and an elderly relative). And then I tried a pill version that we gave to our last dog for her joint pain, and no effect. Even at a high dose. No effect at all. I then checked and it seems that some people aren’t affected by marijuana.

    I can’t be incapacitated anyway since I have to be the designated driver in case our dogs have a medical emergency (my experimentation was when we didn’t have a dog). The penalty for driving under the influence of anything is immediate imprisonment and then many thousands of dollars in fines ($5,000 including legal fees about ten years ago for a neighbor’s kid so it must be a lot more now) and months of wearing an ankle monitor (I met a woman who had screwed up that way and was stuck wearing one) and I’d rather pass on all of that.

  4. Some off-topic science news. There is an “ocean” deep in the mantle with triple the size of all surface oceans:

    This leads to the strange theory of The Ethical Skeptic, who claims the pyramids of Gizeh were once washed round by the ocean, therefore its battered condition. He couldn’t explain why the sea level was much higher for a longer time, but with this newly discovered deep ocean it could be explained. Earth can rise the sea level by pushing out the deep water, maybe triggered from core action.

    And Metatron takes a look at the hockey stick graph and with some cool axis voodoo he can show that the upward trend is a downward trend:

  5. “Nirvana refers to the extinguishment of passions, blown out like an oil lamp.”

    That’s not what Nirvana is. It’s the blissful feeling that comes from a combination of the cessation of anxiety and gnosis. The bodhisattva has a tremendous passion to help others follow the path to bliss.

  6. I’ve had a love affair with tobacco my whole life, although I haven’t had snuff since I was a kid – it’s been banned from retail sale here in Oz for a long time.

    I found a tin of snuff as a kid in my Dad’s writing desk as a child, and tried it, of course. It wasn’t bad. I quite liked it. I can still remember the smell.

    I’m not an expert, but a quick look at Google suggests that I can import up to 1.5 kg of snuff for personal use – I imagine that’s per shipment.

    I can see an order for jaguar snuff in my near future.

    • Cannabis is different.

      Now that is something that does not agree with me.

      Cannabis is NOT a mild drug for me. But then, I am a person who had panic attacks as a child musing over the imponderable nature of the universe.

      Grounding is good for me.

      But perhaps there are different types of cannabis that might go easier on me.

      I did try something once that was supposed to be lower in this or that, and higher in the other, and it seemed a lot better.

      The details are lost on me now. . .

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