The Talahon

So, in Germany, they apparently call this type of NPC a Talahon. This type of creature originates from parts of the world with a lot of sand. Its ancestors were brought to Western Europe by politicians to reduce labor shortages and try to prevent companies from having to raise wages. They are like the human version of a mosquito, they gather around near a bench in the local park, or under a tunnel or on a bridge, where they play rap music and harass passerby’s. You can also find them riding around on scooters or bicycles, taking great effort to ride around on the hind wheel.

Back when I was a teenage boy in Rotterdam, the indigenous girls looked up to these types of creatures. You would see the teenage girls dress like these types, with leather jackets with some fur coating. It was also common for indigenous Dutch teenagers to talk like these creatures. These types of people were always very mean to me, they called me a nazi.

You could argue I was a nazi, but I was an indigenous Dutch teenage boy with the ’tism, so the only man I had ever heard of who rejected dropping our nation’s average IQ down into the low 90’s by flooding the country with these types of NPCs AND did not eat meat, was the Austrian painter with a funny moustache. I always thought Jewish girls were very cute though (still do) and Jewish boys were very funny, so I could never quite get into the whole shebang though.

At this point in my life I don’t really care anymore. I know we’re going to face resource shortages in the coming decades. There won’t be enough energy, the electricity grid in the Netherlands is already starting to fail. And in the latter half of this century, global warming is going to start causing really big problems, as the positive feedback loops are starting to kick in now: The permafrost is starting to release methane and the boreal forests are starting to die. I did not realize any of this yet as a teenager though, so back then I always hoped for a civil war, after which we would kick all these tusken raiders back to the big pile of sand they crawled out of.

Back when I was a teenager, you also still had some credible-sounding arguments that the whole thing was just a hoax. “It hasn’t warmed since 1998!” Was a nice one, along with these arguments that the medieval warm period was warmer. I genuinely believed in these arguments as a teenager. But let’s pretend the low status white males were right, it’s all a hoax. You’re still dealing with upcoming shortages of natural gas and other resources. All of this will inevitably culminate in billions of deaths, the smarter people will eventually choose euthanasia, probably accelerating the collapse.

My country has 10 years of natural gas left in the ground, then it’s gone. The Germans ran out of coal too, they only have brown coal left. And you’re still going to deal with the ocean acidification, unless you think that’s a hoax too. Oh and above 800ppm or so of CO2, it will always feel like you’re sitting in a crowded room, you won’t be able to think properly. So have fun everyone, knock yourselves out, see what happens. The bacteria have developed total antibiotic resistance by now too, we’re entering the post-antibiotic era, have fun with that. Maybe the microplastics in your brain will make you too stupid to suffer during the end.

The talahons don’t comprehend any of this, they have an IQ of around 89 and their brains are flooded with dopamine. They’re going to marry Fatima and put the next generation of talahons on the Earth, who will get to fight in the upcoming water wars. But the real victory to me, is that indigenous European youth no longer look up to these types. If you’re an indigenous European teenager, you need to have a low IQ and a really shitty life, to still want to try to fit in with these types these days.

Back when I was a teenager, we had 50 cent on TV and the Dutch version of hiphop:

This was what was being pushed on us. We were supposed to look up to the Talahon. You had the Dutch queen fist-bump this rapist thug on live TV:

The most agreeable and least autistic of indigenous Dutch youth did look up to them. I did not of course, I was more of an incel nazi school shooter type of boy. I was busy learning how to make molotov cocktails with my only real friend in class, whose great-uncle went to join the SS to fight the Soviet Union back when the animal rights activists almost conquered the world. Eventually this all escalated a little too far, I felt ashamed of it and so for a few years I didn’t like to look back on any of it. I thought there must be something uniquely bad about me, to make so racist.

But nobody ever seems to bother honestly asking, why those pale silent white teenage boys dressed in black like the Austrian painter so much. It’s not because they hate Asian girls or anything like that. “Too many yellow women in my country.” -Said no autist ever. And Jews are not even on their radar. No, it’s because we live in countries our families have lived in since the glaciers receded, that are being handed over to the Talahon during our lifetimes.

Our countries are literally being handed over, to the descendants of the barbary pirates. Our ancestors conquered those countries, so that they would stop kidnapping Christian Europeans to be their slaves, but now they are inheriting our countries. Why would you expect Dutch, French or German teenage boys to be ok with that?

Do you really expect them not to have normal healthy masculine instincts, like the instinct to defend their tribe? Teenage boys who are OK with that and really believe the liberal dogma that “we’re all human” and “race is only skin-deep”, are just utterly domesticated passive submissive creatures, like little chihuahuas in human form. There is nothing there to salvage.

I’m an old man now, I know more about the world now than I did at 14. But what do you honestly expect a 14 year old Dutch boy in Rotterdam to think about what is happening to his country? Do you really expect him to be eager to spend his days memorizing Latin words? What do you think boys intuitively believe their purpose in this world is? You realize during every major war, teenage boys lie about their age because they want to join the army, right?

So I will say again, I’m happy to see how the culture has changed in twenty years. I don’t really see Dutch teenage girls who dress like these people anymore. The girls now dress like it’s the 70’s or 80’s, they have big glasses and vintage outfits. The music now sounds different. Goth music is big again, wave music is big, we get quirky indie music, but you just don’t hear indigenous Dutch teenagers listen to hip hop made by the talahon anymore.

This era of glorification of the barbary pirates has come to an end. I don’t know how I lived through it back when I was a teenager without jumping off a bridge or ending up in jail, but it’s over. And all the Dutch boys who insisted on ganging up on me and called me a “nazi” or a “racist”, now have to live with the knowledge of what they are: Weak domesticated submissive animals, human chihuahuas, rolling over on their backs for the barbary pirates. The sort of guys women reluctantly settle for at age 27, because every alternative is worse.

Hail victory!


  1. Calling them creatures amuses me greatly.

    Radagast I keep coming to your blog because your blog is a manifestation of a aspect of myself and how that aspect feels about the world. What you write is me and I appreciate it.

    Jewish girls are cute but I won’t breed with them because I want to live forever and don’t want to be part jew. Think about the mellowing HP Lovecraft went through after marrying a jew. All of his beautiful hatred, confusion, and disgust that he projected towards subhuman creatures and the universe disappeared. That’s no fun at all! Damn Jewesses sucking the fun out of life (and autist semen)

    • I don’t expect I’m going to breed with Jewish girls either.

      The last time I went on a date with a Jewish girl, she asked me what my father does for a living and the rest of the date turned into a big trauma for me.

      There’s another Jewish girl I had a crush on as a teenager, but she’s almost as autistic as me, so we never managed to keep a conversation going.

      • My story involving jewish girls is too autistic. Chris-chan level cringe. I’d rather die than elaborate.

      • >There’s another Jewish girl I had a crush on as a teenager, but she’s almost as autistic as me, so we never managed to keep a conversation going.

        That’s the fantasy though. Isn’t it? Lmao.

    • Libtards see this as horrible but it looks fine to me. Too bad the nazis were stupid faggots who weren’t actually the heroes liberals portray them as in media.

      • The conversation that starts at 3:55 between the American woman and German soldier is hilarious:

        Woman: “I even stopped listening to Mozart when I heard he’s not German at all, but some kind of impure Austrian!”

        Soldier: “Fräulein, may I remind you that the Führer himself is Austrian by birth! And so is my Grandmother! To insult the Führer like that is outrageous! Be quiet Fräulein! Your name will be reported to my superiors! You will be carefully monitored from now on. Do not step out of line again or you will face grave consequences, do you understand?”


  2. They all have that 1000 yard stare of a psychopath. When the time comes, be very brutal and quick. Before they can get you, which is very much on their minds.

  3. It all kicks off when Geert’s variant makes landfall. Best to have firearms and friends.
    No, you not give up and perish, never!

  4. Great post Radagast! I’m sure you remembered the outcome of the shadow election last November among high schoolers. The ‘far right’ parties PVV and FvD won by a large margin. Very satisfactory. Of course the legacy media completely ignored the news. The journos grew up with Mocro flavor and swallowed.

    • gay, it does not. RR is not nearly this retarded.

      “So, in a post-VR society, latency in general will probably be regarded by most humans as abhorrent given it signifies a kind of abandonment or profound separation from the rest of the species.”

      wtf? i would love to abandon and/or be unseparated from he talahon.

      • > wtf? i would love to abandon and/or be unseparated from he talahon.

        You must not have read the whole essay.

        The thinking is a bit deeper than as you have portrayed here.

        The author is taking a bird’s eye view of the population as a whole.

        He even has a section titled “The Great Schism” where he delineates the bifurcation of the population between those who wish to be virtualized, and those who wish to stay in conventional reality.

        Very dissapoibting that Radagast apparently simply followed on to your comment with no awareness of the nuance in the original essay.

        Maybe he’s just jealous someone else is doing it better…

      • “What’s next?”

        Pardon me, I meant, what’s next after we, the readership, are entreated to another Radagast paean to Jews and their superiority, and how we will assuredly invite our doom if we LSWMs, nee, “Goyim” don’t get on our knees and suck the cock of our inbred masters?

        • These are basically the central tenets of the low IQ low status white male religion:

          -Eating fat will make you lose weight.

          -Bitcoin is going to make every low IQ low status white male rich, because women and brown people will be forced to pay for everything with bitcoin one day.

          -Too many brown people in my country. (admittedly, they’re not wrong)

          -Jews run the world.

          -Global warming is a hoax invented to raise taxes on low IQ low status white males and make meat illegal, so low IQ low status white males will be forced by Bill Gates to eat bugs.

          Some low IQ low status white males add two further dogmas to this:

          -Evolution is a hoax, the Earth is just 6000 years old.

          -The Earth is flat.

          It would be fine if low IQ low status white males believe this stuff and keep it to themselves, but when they get the vague impression that you are susceptible to any particular tenet of their religion, they have a bestial impulse to start trying to convert you to their church.

          very annoying

          • That is LWMM (Low Status Mulatto Male) he is part jew and part Mexican. Like Obama he reject one part and larp as other part but from perspective of outside observer he clearly just mix of both.

          • Yeah the browncels always have a habit of overcompensating:

            “Hey fellow low status white males, all those jews, amirite? What, you’re a european who has never met a jew in your life? Well um, the jews are responsible for all those brown people in your country! I swear! *holding back tears* I am definitely not a browncel myself! I’m now going to argue to you that even though the protocols of the elders of zion are just some plagiarized tract against the french revolution, they definitely somehow genuinely relate to what jews are actually doing!”

          • Conflate in the reader’s mind:

            “The Earth is 6000 years old” (lol, fundie)

            “The Earth is flat” (lol, morons)

            “Jews run the world” (um, ok…I guess that’s pretty wild conspiracy thinking)

            It’s all the same.


          • > very annoying

            For anyone interested, this is quite clearly Radagast’s “Thermal Exhaust Port” (figuratively speaking)

          • Radagast:

            So you’re implying that Kim Dotcom is a low IQ LSWM? I mean I’ve never met the man, but he is credited as having a net worth of 100 million plus and hacked Nasa when he was a teenager, pretty sure that qualifies him as being neither low status or low IQ.

            And yet you somehow still imagine yourself smarter than your superiors, it’s really quite astonishing. You present yourself as being this high IQ autist, and yet you really act more like a status quo (seeking, perpetuating, defending) normie, incapable of thinking outside the box.

            And by the way, the same people who have perpetuated the myth that the protocols are a forgery, are largely the same forces pushing the vaccine as safe and effective.

            Also, the Talahon are really just the Jews inbred, retarded cousins, aka the dark family secret they don’t want anyone to find out about. That’s why they have to genocide them from time to time, to prevent the secret from getting out. That’s what Jews really look like when they fail to breed with enough attractive (aka non-Jewish) blond haired blue eyed blonds. The Jews you think are cute are the ones with very small percentage of actual Semitic blood.

          • In case anyone else is reading this who has an IQ ABOVE 130, and who actually has an open mind and an open heart, and who isn’t pathologically compelled to automatically dismiss their critics as low IQ LSWM, despite evidence to the contrary, here’s some more food for thought:

            I present to you a document published by the United Nations in the year 2000.

            Replacement migration : is it a solution to declining and ageing populations?


          • I’ll be serious for a moment.

            Radagast portrays himself as a high IQ autist. I have no reason to doubt him about this. He clearly has a bigger brain than most people in the world, including me.

            But I have also made him aware of the reality of Schizoid individuals (of which I am one). There are many similarities between autists and Zoids. But there are also differences.

            This is a pretty good exposition on the psychoanalytic similarities and differences between the two cognitive styles:


            TL;DR: Autists have a reputation for being fact-focused to the detriment of their social relations. But this is not quite accurate. As the video explains, autists usually have a normal Self bubbling underneath the surface of their awkward social relations — they deeply wish to connect with other people. They are simply lacking in whatever neurobiological or psychological modules to make this happen. Radagast, for example, would very much like to have anal sex with Zheani, if she offered her ass up to him randomly.

            Schizoids, on the other hand, have no such “central self” or “hidden desires”. As a bulwark against trauma, they never allowed their nascent self to germinate, and instead learned to navigate life from a purely logical and rational perspective.

            In this sense, Schizoids are a human form of A.I.

            This is the same sort of reputation autists have, except Zoids are for REAL. Zoids are TRULY epistemically objective. They have precious little in their hearts that wish things to be “this way” or “that”.

            In this sense, Zoids are the apotheosis of what autists WISH they could be, in their little fever dreams.

            You may have heard of leftist studies regarding “intersectionality” or whatnot.

            They often deride the idea of “objectivity”, stating correctly that no human can have a “view from nowhere”.

            While this is technically true, schizoids are the ones who come closest to the ideal of a “view from nowhere” and are the ones who should be in power in government, and directing things (or whatever).

            Only Zoids will give passage to autistic Radagast, much like the “Winged Devourers” from the classic early 80s film “The Beastmaster” (which I saw as a child in the theater. So awesome)

          • Schizoids vs autists?

            Why trust one drug over another?

            That’s politics man.

            Ahhh, fuck.

            Moving on. . .

            It’s all downhill from here.

            There really is no discussing what’s really going on. Hasn’t been for at least twenty years now. I’m born into the wrong era.

            A racist? If by racist you mean someone who wants his kids to afford a house and net zero immigration, and economic degrowth, then yes. I’m a racist.

            Anti-vaxer? Sure, I’m an anti-vaxxer too, because I didn’t agree with every element of the “vaccine” rollout and all the other rules.

            And I’m a TERF, because I believe women should get to say who gets to go into their spaces – and no, a man in a dress isn’t a woman.

            I’m drinking. . .

    • “Why can Israel ignore UN resolutions, international law and commit a genocide in Gaza to standing ovations in the US Congress?”

      they have a shit ton of people in a city on the mediterranean–literally a money printing situation for 3000 years–and they still can’t make it work? fuck ’em. there are too many people anyways.

  5. SYM:

    “ That is LWMM (Low Status Mulatto Male) he is part jew and part Mexican. Like Obama he reject one part and larp as other part but from perspective of outside observer he clearly just mix of both.”

    You neglected to mention the thoroughly WASP half of my admixture (which was sensible on your part) since it is what makes me more aristocratic and rarified than whatever it is you are 😉

      • > Yes Spic Fuentes your existence is very hilarious.


        But the fire rises.

        And will continue to rise.

        And none of your outbursts or eructations can do a damn thing about it.

    • It’s just not gonna last.

      I can see that now. My race is gonna disappear down here. In both the old school meaning of the word, as in a unified nation-type thing of people within a geographic area, as well as the more modern genetic type of meaning.

      Because tomorrow, the lake is full.

      And the day after that, well. . .

      Then there’ll be nothing, or nothing recognizable anyway.

      That’s just the maths.

      Satan’s arithmetic. . .

    • Hey Wombat, you ever go to the Coogee part of Sydney? That area is very popular with Irish immigrants. And you ever been to Westfield shopping centre where the schizophrenic carried out his misogynistic attack?

      • Nope. I don’t like the ‘big smoke’. Everyone walks too fast. Gets in your space.

        And it’s like fucking Blade Runner up there now.

        I like women though. Especially well hard women who take no shit from pissant homos in skirts who wanta go into the ladies toilet.

        • I’d like to just pull up the drawbridge and look after ourselves, but we won’t, because we’re owned.

          Foreign masters are good at keeping us in line. Fail to obey? They have ways of dealing with that: troopers; goal; slaughter; coup; etc. And there are enough quislings and foreign/domestic agents hard at it, all the time as well.

          Ah, how I remember the old phone playing up. . .

          And the phone repair man holding up the spy thingy to my Mother, to let her know what was going on, before putting it back in the handset and screwing it back in.

          Anyway, time for some music from the old country:

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