The Upcoming Megatsunamis

Time for a horror story. I was thinking of livestreaming some indie horror games, but it has been done to death already. I would rather make one myself, but my computer is too slow to run unity without torturing yourself. So we’ll have a different sort of horror today: Of the existential type.

According to the economist Nordhaus, at 4 degree Celsius of global warming, humanity is best off, the cost of avoiding climate change is balanced with the cost of the change itself. Low status white males tend to adhere to similar delusions. To the low status white males, CO2 is just “plant food”, you can find them peddling this unique insight on the comment section of every blog on the Internet, so who cares, right?

Well, there’s this peculiar thing you notice in the geological record, that when our planet’s climate changes rapidly, that tends to result in a bunch of megatsunamis, caused by underwater landslides. The best studied is the Storegga slide, that happened about 8200 years ago. It covered parts of Norway with a wave up to 11 meters high. Just have a look at this gorgeous little map:

Who wants to guess what happens to a nuclear power plant hit by a wave that’s 20 meters high?

Norway is not alone in this. 8 to 10,000 years ago, California was hit by tsunamis, triggered by underwater landslides. These waves would have been between 2 and 20 meters tall. Around 9,000 years ago, the area we now call Israel was hit by a tsunami that would have been 16 meters tall and caused the abandonment of the coast.

You may notice a pattern here. These tsunamis all took place during the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene, when sea levels rose and the Earth rapidly changed. This has been noticed before: Climate change results in megatsunamis during interglacial periods.

There are thought to be at least three different ways this happens:

-Sea level rise. When the sea level rises, pressure increases on piles of sediment on shallow parts of the ocean floor. This can then cause them to collapse.

-Methane clathrates. Methane is stuck in a frozen form under pressure in parts of the ocean. Sea level rise increases pressure, which helps keep them stable, but when temperatures rise rapidly, they can be destabilized before sea level has risen enough to help keep them stable. This results in their explosive decompression. Besides releasing a bunch of methane into the atmosphere (not good), it means you can get an underwater landslide and a tsunami.

-Rapid inflow of sediment. When a bunch of sediment flows into the coast from a river, it can pile up in large amounts, until pressure is strong enough for all of it to flow into a deeper part of the ocean further from the coast, all at once. Such a landslide can also trigger a big tsunami. Rapid inflow of sediment can happen for multiple reasons, an important one in the past was the melting of glaciers, that would increase the flow of rivers and violently bring rocks and dust with it.

It’s this third category I want to elaborate on.

You hear quite a lot of talk about soil erosion, assuming you pay attention to the world around you. Humans have increased soil erosion rates in the United States between 10 and 1000-fold above natural processes, this is a problem you may have heard about. In India, Sadhguru travels around the country on a motorcycle, to convince people to save Indian soils.

And without soils, we can’t feed ourselves, right? Well, that’s half the problem. The other half, is where those soils end up: When you rapidly flush them down the river, you have a growing buildup of soil near the coast.

On average, buildup of sediment near the coast has doubled in the United States since 1950. But that’s just part of the story. The bigger problem is that some parts will have increased much more than other parts. Have a look at the rapid increase in these places:

In the Florida Bay, the amount of soil being deposited underwater every year increased more than tenfold since the 19th century! This stuff could all be piling up underwater, until eventually there’s so much it collapses and triggers a tsunami. Or if you increase pressure enough on a fault line, you can have an earthquake.

And we now have places like this, all over the world. Parts of New Zealand have had 30 times more sediment deposited in the river estuaries since the 1950’s than before human activity began. Hardly anyone is really studying what’s happening to all this soil that we started pouring into the ocean with our poor agricultural practices. In the old days, if your soils flushed out into the river, you had a problem. These days you just use some fertilizer, some nitrogen you get from the air and some phosphate rock from Morocco.

I have known for a while, that climate change can trigger these underwater landslides. But I always thought the main mechanisms were the methane clathrates and the pressure from rising sea level. But the rapid inflow of all this sediment, is a problem that started much earlier, because us dumb human beings decided we can just let our fertile soils be flushed away into the ocean.

We lost half the world’s topsoil in the past 150 years, according to the WWF. That stuff mostly ended up in the rivers, deposited in the estuaries. As a result, we basically created a bunch of ticking time bombs for our descendants, that will eventually result in megatsunamis.

It’s the below-water equivalent, of the tailing dams I have written about before. Every once in a while, some big pile of mining waste our parents or grandparents generation left behind a dam in the mountains somewhere decades ago spills out of the dam and kills a bunch of people. Well, at some point, you can expect all that sediment we deposited near the coast to be destabilized too, triggering tsunamis.

There are various mechanisms that can destabilize the submarine environment. We now have a bunch of traveling massive icebergs around the world and there are many more to come. These traveling icebergs can get stuck when they hit a coastline, this then allows them to capsize and destabilize the seafloor, triggering a massive landslide.

Another potential mechanism you’re dealing with, are hurricanes. Now keep in mind, this is perhaps not a big threat in parts of the world that are used to receiving hurricanes. If a hurricane could do it there, you would expect it already would have destabilized the sea floor. But as the ocean warms, we will increasingly start getting major hurricanes that show up in places where we did not receive them in the past.

The Virginia-North Carolina coastline is thought to be due for a big slope failure. What’s going to tip over the domino stone? Who knows! It could be a major hurricane showing up further north than usual.

Of course, you don’t need an underwater slope failure, to create a megatsunami. An above ground failure works too! In 1963 a big one happened in Italy, as heavy rain and water from the reservoir destabilized a mountain slope, triggering a massive landslide, that resulted in a megatsunami that killed around 2000 people.

And in Norway, they’re getting ready for another mountain to collapse and trigger megatsunamis. All you need, is a period of excess rain, for these mountains to collapse. Water from melting permafrost higher up in the mountains can also do the trick.

This is the future we face. We are the dominant geomorphological driving force in the world. We produce 24 times more sediment, than the rivers deliver to the oceans. Not just from our farming activities, but of course also from our mining activities, which I wrote about before.

You can wonder about what happens when we run out of oil, or copper, or rock phosphate. The answer is, we never do, it just starts consuming more and more effort to extract it. If you’re a bit smarter you can wonder about what happens to all the waste material we produce while mining. But if you’re really clever, you wonder what the impact is of moving so much stuff around.

Keep all of this in mind by the way, when it comes to the next desperate step, when all these companies want to start mining the sea floor. Mr. Musk’s Teslas are going to have to get their rare earth minerals somewhere. But nature is not cooperative when it comes to such activity.

So, the low status white males will tell you that CO2 is plant food and the polar bears are doing fine. You can find them spreading their unique insights on every obscure right-wing blog on the Internet. But if you have an IQ above room temperature (unlike these low status white males), you should be asking yourself questions like:

-What happens to the methane clathrates in the ocean when the underwater ocean currents start to change?

-What happens when a big floating iceberg falls onto one of these underwater ridges?

-What happens when we start having major hurricanes move over shallow sea areas further up north, that are not used to receiving major hurricanes? I’m pretty curious to see what Hurricane Ernesto is going to do in the next few days.

The simple fact is that we were able to have civilization for thousands of years, because the Earth’s climate was unusually stable. Once the era of rapid sea level rise with megatsunamis that destroyed entire coastlines at the start of the Holocene was over, things got pretty stable and boring, which is great when you want to harvest wheat and build cities.

And just so you’re not left under the impression I made all of this up myself during a bad trip, here’s a Japanese scientist explaining the threat of cascading natural disasters, caused by climate change destabilizing the ocean floor.

I think these problems might interfere in setting up the e/acc Mars colonies where you are out of reach of the woke mind virus and can pay for everything with Bitcoin.

You might wonder, why doesn’t the TV properly explain any of this to the low status white males? I have wondered this myself. You can forgive the low status white males, for being skeptical when the TV says “we have to abandon our industrial infrastructure to keep the polar bears from drowning when there’s not enough ice left in the arctic”.

The problem is, when you explain to people that we need to keep the seas from rising and the ocean currents from shifting and the methane clathrates from warming up because we don’t want to have another megatsunami that covers the coast in 10 meter high waves, the normies suffer an existential crisis.

If you really explained to the normies what climate change means, you just get march 2020 all over again, a kind of collective psychological meltdown. It means everyone starts questioning not just what they’re doing with their lives, they start questioning what they are: Some kind of naked ape born into a bizarre fleeting anomaly.

And none of that is good for job motivation!

So you always have to externalize the problem. You have to appeal to people’s empathy (which doesn’t work with low status white males). You have to explain: “Hey the polar bears are getting hungry and that poor little girl in Kenya has to walk much further now because the local well dried up!” That’s all it takes, to get skinny blonde middle-class moms on board. And when that’s not enough to get the low status white males on board, no problem, you just exclude whatever party these types vote on from political power.

You can’t tell people: Hey, your kids are going to die. They’re going to be flushed out into the ocean and when you see them again when they’re coughed back up somewhere further down the shore, they’re going to look all bloated up, like those pictures from that 2004 tsunami. When I went to some climate activist meet-up, the guy doing the presentation skipped over the slides where the consequences of climate change are explained. You can’t explain the full horror to most people of what it means, to be born into this bizarre chaos covered by a very thin veneer of order and meaning.

No, because this stuff happens to other people of course. It happens to the TV people. They are subject to the indifference of the universe! If this happened to real people, the types who wear business casual, follow a low carb diet and spend their days stuck in traffic on the way to the office, the human resources would start wondering what it means, to be human. When someone wonders that, you don’t get a good human resource, you get a H. P. Lovecraft. That’s never good for productivity!

You want to keep the low status white males stuck doing what they’re doing: Complain about having to pay income taxes, complain about inflation, complain about gas prices, complain about all the brown people entering their country, complain about Hunter Biden smoking crack, complain about Cadillac driving welfare queens. None of that really interferes in productivity. Keep them angry, about petty grievances, about how their tax dollars are used for research on gay men’s penis size.

Never have them question, what anomaly they were born into. Because then they stop showing up for work.


  1. All these scary, sudden physical events you’re describing aren’t convincing.

    Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, underwater landslides, and sinking icebergs because atmospheric CO2 is increasing from 0.04% to 0.05% and that’s why we need electric cars and photovoltaic panels on our roofs…no, that’s not going to work to convince LSWMs.

    It would be more convincing to describe how a wet bulb temperature above 100 makes human survival problematic in the Middle East and Bangladesh.

    • A guy calling himself the ethical skeptic has completely debunked climate change. The warming is caused by undersea volcanoes. I have pointed that out on this site twice before. At this point anyone who still parrots the globalist propoganda is a dolt.

      Feel free to ban me from the site. It doesn’t change the truth, only hides it.

      • maybe, maybe not. who gives a shit?

        is it “ethical” to pull shit tons of oil (at the cost of burning said oil) and burn it and/or process it for the purposes of manufacturing and shipping useless garbage from china to america?

        is it “ethical” to move shit tons of nitrogen from all over the world to the netherlands?

        is it “ethical” to invent shit tons of weirdo chemicals, spew them all over the place, and then wonder why the frogs are turning gay? (or if that’s too alex jones for you: where have all the butterflies and insects gone?)

        i agree worrying about global warming is probably fake and gay, but it’s not like things are alright.

  2. Interestingly, in the aftermath of the 2004 Saint Stephen’s Day Indian Ocean tsunami that struck south east Asia, there were many reports of animals who were able to anticipate in advance that a tsunami was about to strike, giving them (and the humans who observed them) time to flee to safety on higher ground. Here is a fascinating article which describes the phenomenon:'s_tsunami#:~:text=Many%20animals%20escaped%20the%20great,trumpeting%20before%20they%20did%20so.

    “Elephants in Sri Lanka and Sumatra moved to high ground before the giant waves struck; they did the same in Thailand, trumpeting before they did so. According to a villager in Bang Koey, Thailand, a herd of buffalo was grazing by the beach when the animals suddenly lifted their heads and looked out to sea, ears standing upright; they turned and stampeded up the hill, followed by bewildered villagers, whose lives were thereby saved. At Ao Sanebeach, near Phuket, dogs ran up to the hill tops, and at Galle in Sri Lanka dogowners were puzzled by the fact that their animals refused to go for their usual morning walk on the beach. In Cuddalore District in Tamil Nadu, southern India, buffaloes, goats and dogs escaped, as did a nesting colony of flamingos that flew to higher ground. In the Andaman Islands ‘stone age’ tribal groups moved away from the coast before the disaster, having been alerted by the behaviour of animals. How did they know? The usual speculation is that the animals pickedup tremors caused by the under-sea earthquake. This explanation seems unconvincing to me. There would have been tremors all over Southeast Asia, not just in the afflicted coastal areas. And if animals can predict earthquake-related disasters by sensing slight tremors, why can’t seismologists?”

    “Animals can also anticipate man-made catastrophes such as air raids. During WWII, many families in Britain and Germany relied on their pets’ behaviour to warn them of impending air raids, well in advance of official notification. These warnings occurred when enemy planes were still hundreds of miles away, long before the animals could have heard them coming. Some dogs in London even anticipated the explosion of German V-2 rockets. These missiles were supersonic and hence could not have been heard in advance.”

    “With very few exceptions, the ability of animals to anticipate disasters has been ignored by Western scientists, who dismiss stories of animal anticipations as anecdotal or superstitious. The Chinese, in contrast, have encouraged people in earthquake-prone areas to report unusual animal behaviour since the 1970s; and Chinese scientists have an impressive track record in predicting earthquakes. In several cases they issued warnings that enabled cities to be evacuated hours before devastating earthquakes struck, saving tens of thousands of lives.”

    • I have a pet theory that animal “instincts” are the product of divine will/epigenetic memory (Epigenetic memory being the material manifestation of a divine will.)

      It seems that there’s a voice in the back of the head of animals that seems to know more than they could plausibly know. Their version of Gods or God, whatever that might mean, of the same kind of variable that has played a-part in shaping human thought processes since forever.

      Imagine what it would be like to an elephant, and to experience some force telling you to flee from great disaster and then immediately complying. What does that qualia look like? What manner of hallucinatory experience does the elephant go through to take such warnings with such grave seriousness? Truly fascinating.

  3. Here is some better doom porn. Supposedly there is about 51 years of oil left. There are 51 million people in the Middle East that depend on desalinated water. So they convert oil in to fresh water. This seems like more of a problem than a potential once every thousand year tsunami. Lovely video explainer.

  4. More doom. If we are in the middle of a mass die off the the governments of the world caused would they tell you. Would they lie about the number of deaths and release fake statistics. Would you know if maybe 3 of 4 percent of people were dying? How could you tell,in%20food%20sales%20since%201994.

    10.3 percent drop in food sales? Just a thought.

    • >10.3 percent drop in food sales? Just a thought.

      Westerners eat more than they need to (I would know) If food prices are increasing, this could be better explained by by less overall luxury food purchases, rather than less mouths feeding.

    • This is by now a year old news article. If there was really such a huge pile of deaths, you would have noticed by now.

      Excess mortality seems to be stuck around 10%. Problematic, but not world-ending.

      • If you assumed the government faked statistics, would you notice a bunch of people dying off?

        Strangely enough in the early days of covid, Sam Harris in one of his podcast was arguing about the existential risk of people dying unnoticed from the virus using kind of the same assumption that nobody wouldn’t (couldn’t) really notice until too late.

        Still haunts me in a fascinating way

    • Here is the monthly mortality data for European nations, from January 2023 to May 2024:

      It’s looking pretty bad for many Western European countries.

      But look at Eastern Europe, particularly Romania and Bulgaria (the two countries with the lowest vaccination rate in the European Union). Persistent NEGATIVE excess mortality.

      That’s enough doom posting for today from me 😐

  5. I have a sincere question:

    If the governments of the world couldn’t prevent the massive buildup of soil along the coasts, where do you get your optimism that they can micromanage temperatures by micromanaging trace gas levels by micromanaging emissions by micromanaging energy consumption?

    The soil problem you describe seems more dramatic in some ways than the emissions problem (an exponential buildup of unstable soil in just 70 years vs. a much smaller percentage increase in a trace gas over 200 years), and the soil problem seems like it would have been an easier one to solve (mandate better farming practices vs. mandate dramatic reductions in energy use).

    But the governments of the world haven’t been able to (or cared to) address the soil buildup, nor have they been able to significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

    So that’s my question. Do you really think the problem with climate change is insufficient belief in the problem by LSWMs? If we could cure their lack of belief, would the solutions be easy to implement?

    It seems to me that the reason LSWMs are low-status is not so much that they deny the existence of problems as that they doubt the competency of the government to solve them. Doubting the omnipotence of the powerful is by definition low status.

    Any thoughts?

    • You can solve the excess buildup of soil.

      It’s solved in the same way as you would solve soil erosion and deforestation and so many other problems: You change our food production system.

      If we stop using synthetic fertilizers and people eat food grown locally, mostly plants, and you have shellfish and seaweed growing near the coast that are eaten by humans, then you have a proper cycle of nutrients.

      These changes are necessary to address climate change too, as well as the pandemic problem (bird flu jumping from our chickens into wild birds and now spreading among our cows).

      But these changes don’t really seem to be happening. We’re just going full-speed ahead with business as usual, until we bump our head into the ceiling.

      • Right. We agree that it would be possible to fix the soil buildup problem. And we also agree that it doesn’t happen.

        My question is, why do you keep harping on what LSWMs believe or don’t believe instead of what high status, high power people DO or don’t do?

        The LSWM position is that “our leaders” have the same human natures as everyone else. They are selfish, short-termist, greedy, powermad, don’t care much about future generations, etc. In fact, they are actively hostile the the populations they “lead” and “serve.” Even if they weren’t such bad/normal people, even if they were exclusively focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, they lack the coordination mechanisms to plan and cooperate and execute over the long term.

        All high status people agree with you, at least publicly, that there is a climate crisis which requires dramatic emissions reductions. And yet nothing happens. But instead of shaking your fist at them, you punch down. You seem to suggest that LSWMs who are skeptical about forced veganism are holding governments hostage and preventing emissions reductions. But LSWMs have no power. And their desire to eat hamburgers is a small contributor–a HUGE percentage of greenhouse gas emissions come from the Pentagon and the 25 biggest corporate polluters.

        So rather than worry about enforcing unanimous BELIEFS about the importance of emissions reductions, why aren’t you worried about HOW emissions reductions could be implemented? You’ve already convinced all the movers and shakers. And yet they seem structurally incapable of doing the right thing.

        Do you disagree that it’s an action problem rather than an education problem? Maybe you do.

        But if you agree that it’s an action problem, why do you think the powerful don’t take any real actions? And do you see any way to change that?

        • >But LSWMs have no power. And their desire to eat hamburgers is a small contributor–a HUGE percentage of greenhouse gas emissions come from the Pentagon and the 25 biggest corporate polluters.

          This is like saying that mosquitoes have no power. Just because individual LSWMs have no power, doesn’t mean they have no power as a cohort.

          • It feels like you are avoiding the question.

            Or maybe you are partially answering, by saying that you really do think a lack of unanimity of climate change beliefs all the way down the status hierarchy is a big problem.

            But my question is really about why the powerful people who agree with you on the diagnosis and the prescription don’t take the right actions.

            My argument is that they lack the motivation and lack the capability to take the right actions, and therefore will not take the right actions even after successfully convincing every last LSWM of the need for action.

            But I’m happy to concede that LSWM beliefs are a problem that should be corrected. My question for you is…once everyone, including LSWMs, agrees on the urgent need for emissions reductions etc., THEN what *should* the leaders do? And what *will* the leaders do?

  6. (Off Topic) quote: “I would rather make one myself, but my computer is too slow to run unity without torturing yourself”.
    The Godot engine (open source) works well enough with slow computers (like mine).

  7. I know that over the years I’ve given you a lot of shit over being a v-gan, but do understand, I agree with you that something is deeply fucked up about the way people today live, and it comes down to our relationship with material things and the natural world around us.

    I don’t make a point of posting my business anywhere, but I think I need to share this one.

    My wife’s parents moved to our town to be close to their grandkids. They bought a very cheap property that had a cabin on it, built by some german man who was obsessed with mountain man life and was always going to these mountain man rendezvous events and stuff. He unfortunately got terminal cancer, so he sold his place and went back to germany to die. He honestly didn’t even bother to take most of his things, since he couldn’t take them where he was going anyway, and it gave me a real chance to look at how this guy elected to live.

    He wasn’t much of a gardening type, but he built a very small and simple wooden cabin with only three rooms: bed, bath, and one for cooking/pantry/sitting. He had simple electrical wiring and only seemed to run a few lights and a radio. He drank well water from a hand pumped spout. His toilet was an outhouse; slowly it fertilized the land he was living on.

    Overall, the footprint he inflicted on his land was extremely small. He didn’t pave his roads, he just left the weeds and trees and stones and animal dens exactly as they were. On his property, there were frequent evidences of chipmunks, deer, rabbits, hawks, owls, there was a big colony of bats living in the rocks right by his house.

    In effect, this guy left nature the fuck alone. Other than the presence of his 3 room cabin, all he seemed to “do” to his property was collect deadfall for his stove and use his outhouse, which again would tend over the years to fertilize that soil.

    When my MIL got hold of the land, immediately came the bulldozers. She’s building a huge city house there that is nearly completed. It looks to be at least 5000 square feet, a monstrosity of concrete burdening the landscape.

    A septic system was installed, where great plastic basins full of Jewish chemicals would do essentially the same thing as the outhouse, but only with much complication and after carving up the land and putting fucked up contaminants all through the earth – plus nice paved roads so that the great big truck can eventually come and pump all of the tanks out and throw the contents “away,” where ever that is. That simple change makes the difference between a household being a net fertilizer vs. a net soil depleter.

    All of the roads were paved, and many new roads were added. The soil was dug down with tractors several feet, and replaced with road base. The whole landscape has been ruined by roads now. Not only will nothing grow there until years of rural Utah weather finally crumble those roads, but it comes to a key issue I have noticed: all creatures are engineered to live on or in a certain substrate, and in the case of humans, that substrate is soft earth that might be covered with cover crops like grass or clover or something. Nothing about our bodies is designed to stomp around on concrete all day, it’s the reason people need knees and hips replaced and end up with strange orthopedic problems. Humans build a substrate designed for their machines: flat and unyielding, for machine wheels to roll on. Now this natural landscape is replaced with machine substrate.

    The “home” itself is an abomination. I’ve been calling it “the Rent-A-Center,” because it honestly does look like a U-Haul Rent-A-Center to me, rather than an abode designed for human living. I can scarcely summarize the horrors I see, but I’ll attempt to make a list.

    First of all, it horrifies me that the home is primarily constructed of wood, when we do not live in a forested area. By all rights, this home could only be sensibly constructed in this landscape using earthen material.

    Secondly, the amount of space it takes up is arbitrarily large. Two retired boomers do not need a 5000 square foot indoor environment to be happy or healthy. A human being needs only a few hundred square feet of indoor space; the rest can be spent outside, and honestly makes one happier.

    For contrast, I know at least three individual people and one whole family who are or have been voluntarily homeless. One is presently running an organic farm, where he lives in a cabin tent. He has all the construction knowledge in the world, and all of the spare money because he didn’t spend it on housing, but he elects to live with his girlfriend in a cabin tent with a floor made of pallets covered in plywood and some rugs. When he decides to pack that up and move, he will leave behind the soil exactly as he found it, less a few dandelions. He does not see himself as homeless, but rather, house free.

    Frankly what my farming friend does, is precisely what I wished the old german mountain man had done with his land to fill in the gaps. My friend is food independent. He grows what he eats, and eats what he grows. He composts all of the organic waste, including sewage, and ultimately it goes back into the soil where he lives. Between the compost heap and its whole soil
    ecosystem, the goats and chickens, and the large organic garden, he has nearly got a whole food web operating on his own property. Every year the sunlight is fixed into more organic material on his land, and that ultimately goes back into the soil, which is constantly growing better and more abundant. If he eventually just died and his tent and the wood platform it sits on just rotted into the earth, the local ecosystem would be vastly better off for what he did with it, and he would leave no scars on the land of any sort. He didn’t harm an inch of topsoil, much less carve up the land like an axe murder.

    My mother in law, on the other hand, put in viewing windows in the master bedroom of their mansion so her husband could “wake up and feel like he’s camping.” You know how a couple of retirees could wake up every morning and feel like they were camping, that would be a lot cheaper and less ecologically damaging? To buy a cabin tent and just actually camp.

    She thought herself very self sufficient and in tune with nature when she showed me that, on the south side of the house, there was to be a porch put in with a greenhouse surrounding it, so her herb garden could grow. I looked at it puzzled, and told her that by my reckoning her herb garden would get only afternoon sunlight. “No it won’t, it’s on the south side!” she declared, before getting out her compass app on her smartphone and verifying that it was on the due west side of the house. She’s self sufficient and in tune with nature, you see.

    Normal peoples’ relationship with the land, resources, and food, are COMPLETELY fucked. There is no fixing this while also preserving anything resembling modern material culture, at all.

    I personally am at a point in life where I am seriously weighing the pros and cons of just buying a cabin tent myself and putting it on a pallet floor, growing a fat garden and just going fishing if I want animal protein. There is a certain species of invasive fish here that is delicious, easy to catch, and reproduces in essentially infinite amounts. I look at how people live now and just don’t want anything to do with it, to the point where I’m even questioning the need for buildings themselves. Besides, if I personally have refined a very minimalistic lifestyle to the point of mastery, shouldn’t I cash in on the final step of realizing I do not need buildings, and just give myself a 99% discount on life? If I’m angry that most people take the land under their stewardship and turn it into a patch of Mordor instead of a patch of shire, shouldn’t I elect to be different?

    I’m seriously beginning to wonder. The land use pattern I see around me is sick and wrong, and nobody else seems to see it or care.

    • An array of very interesting remarks, e.g.: “Nothing about our bodies is designed to stomp around on concrete all day…”, among others.

      I wonder if we become slaves of our hoarding, money, furniture etc…
      And of seeing Nature as an enemy (of course, one needs a shelter, but…)

  8. The LSWM is probably pretty skeptical, and he has little to no power to influence things.

    The MSWM may be less skeptical, but he also has little to no power to influence things.

    So what about the people with the power, the HSWM?

    The HSWM, the elite, clearly don’t care less about any of this, because they have known since at least the 1970’s that population and overconsumption and economic growth and profits and interest and materialism etc. would take us all out eventually, but they just don’t give a fuck.

    They control ‘the narrative’, not the other way around, because they fucking own everything. It wasn’t convenient for them to lose their toys and status and privilege, so they’ve let the whole world go down in flames instead.

    There’s just nothing for it but to keep on breathing in and out and get on with life as best as one can. And it’s not as if any of us have much choice other than to live our lives as best as we can through the collapse.

    People have survived collapses before, so there’s that at least.

    • This ‘narrative’ has been carefully constructed by TPTB.

      Anyone with any thoughts that run otherwise has been expected to self-censor them at work and in public, or to drop out or whatever from the pain of the cognitive dissonance and frustration, and despair etc.

      It has been simply impossible to effect any change from within the structures that are set by TPTB.

      Same damn processes at play in covidworld, perhaps a bit clumsier, but the same.

      What can I say? There’s no winning by the rules that they establish from above. Nor is there any damn revolutionary spirit among the masses to break them. And we’re all ruled by a bunch of materialistic, Godless, elites who care more about abstract shares or whatever than anything else. And it’s a bit much to expect the 1% or whatever of refuseniks to keep fucking carrying the can for everyone – they are bound to break.

      That’s the real horror story – at least until you happen to get swallowed by a mega-tsunami or whatever.

      • I think we do need to realize that the elites have become Godless, and still keep going–giving to the Lord and others what we can…
        For example, Rintrah doesn’t want to have a child etc, but he could still give to younger generations something (maybe a way of investigating…)

        I didn’t know they were Aussies!
        (in this song he quotes Dostoevsky!)

        • The elites have not only become Godless, but by a greater and greater proportion, they fully embrace Satan. We know that Satan has always had a good hand in the affairs of the world; it’s why he is known as “Prince of the World.”

          [Check out Matthew Chapter 4 and Jesus’ temptation by Satan during the Lord’s 40-day fast.

          “Again the devil took him up into a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, And said to him: All these will I give thee, if falling down thou wilt adore me. Then Jesus saith to him: Begone, Satan: for it is written, The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and him only shalt thou serve.”

          It has often struck me how Jesus accepted that the kingdom’s of the World were Satan’s to offer. [A funny thing I just realized – and a sincere thank you all commenters and to Radagast for causing me to examine this and think so curiously – is that, given the common theme of gnosticism on this site, this passage of the Gospel refutes that apostasy, specifically the last line.]

          But back to the elites… our rulers and our “betters”… I think that things in our world are getting worse now because, while there have always been elites serving evil, there was always a counterbalance due to some proportion of elites who had some semblance of Good. But as this proportion diminishes due to a post-Christian pivot, we become deeper and deeper in peril. That might be a really bad thing except for the fact that each of us is an individual soul with Free Will to embrace or reject Christ our Lord and God. And that is all that really matters.

          Think of a political prisoner in the deepest dungeon of North Korea. Can you imagine anyone in greater peril? And yet the final disposition of that man’s soul in it’s place in God’s universe and more importantly in where it will reside for eternity, has nothing to do with the conditions of peril, which by the way, that prisoner has little control. Instead, because of God’s mercy and justice, that man’s soul has everything to do with how he comports himself in his life and whether he chooses to know and love and serve God.

          God bless you all and God bless all men.

          • God bless you too! Thank you for reminding me things, like: how difficult it is for some people..
            We make a choice to follow the Lord everyday, for example when I am in the subway, and tempted to get pissed off at other passengers bc they walk too slow or relaxed, forgetting subway etiquette etc

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