So, kareninca posted this link about how there’s a vegan transgender “rationalist” (a funny term) singularitarian doomsday cult led by someone who faked their death going around, that’s killing people in the United States. There are apparently four deaths so far, not counting suicides among the cult members.

You can look them up and you find a bunch of pallid skinny dudes with long hair, the sort of guys we used to see as metalheads. Note how nerdy guys don’t dress up as metalheads anymore since transgenderism became a big thing, as they don’t want to be mistaken for transgender. Also, a lot of the nerds who would have been metalheads in the past are now transgenders.

This particular manifestation of transgenderism, the type seen among very skinny guys with programming jobs and a verbal IQ of at least 130, is a product of roughly the same problem suffered by the AI apocalypse cultists: They take their own abstract ideas too seriously and direct sensual physical reality not seriously enough. They’re dissociated from their bodies and entirely out of touch with their intuition.
They give the mind precedence over physical reality. You can run with the thought experiment: Imagine it’s true, there are people out there, whose innate mental essence is feminine, while they suffer the misfortune of having that mental essence linked to a masculine body. Why should their mental essence take precedence over their body? Why is the body supposed to conform to the mental essence, instead of the other way around?
This is a problem that actually goes back deeper. I would honestly argue it can be traced back to the Protestant Reformation, with Jews convergently arriving at the same problem in their own way. In the Catholic tradition, spirituality, that is, your way of coping with the bigger questions and struggles about the nature of reality, the purpose of life and your role within this struggle, involves ALL your senses.
In a Catholic church, your sense of beauty and awe are stimulated, whereas the Calvinist churches are intentionally sober. Your sense of horror and mortality is stimulated, by the Gothic architecture and the relics of the saints. Your sense of smell is stimulated by the incense and you consume the host, which stimulates your taste receptors. And of course, chants involve the ears, as well as the lungs.

Your physical endurance is tested by fasts you are supposed to partake in, as well as by pilgrimages, where you are supposed to walk along beautiful paths across the European continent. It is a tradition that tries to integrate every sense of what it means to be a human being with a physical body, living in a physical organic world. Hinduism is very good at doing this too.
But in the Reformed traditions that began with Calvin, spirituality became something entirely mental, culminating in the idea seen now among American baptists and evangelicals, that whether you go to heaven or hell depends on whether you managed to accept Jesus sacrifice before your death or not. It revolves entirely around whether you accept an idea or not, as opposed to what you do. And the AI singularitarian cult has the same problem. It’s what happens when you’re too stuck in your head.
It appeals to guys with jobs involving computers and a high verbal IQ, who are able to entertain relatively complex ideas and able to memorize a lot of such ideas. Your grandma is not afraid of some supersmart chatbot that figures out how to edit its own code to make itself even smarter until it becomes smart enough to take over everything and kill us all. Your grandma is happily watching some video generated by the supersmart chatbot about a three-headed dwarf winning a song contest.
Why? Because she’s ignorant? No, because at the end of the day, unlike you, she is still grounded in physical reality. She met her friends and husband in the real world, she pushed kids out of her vagina, she repairs her own clothing, she maintains her garden, she goes out to buy her own groceries instead of having meals delivered. At the end of the day, the black screen with its magical revelations is just that to her: A black screen. An object. A triviality. An afterthought.
When you are almost entirely dependent on ideas in your head, whether communicated to you by your reverend or the little black mirror in your hands, to understand reality, as opposed to lived physical experiences, you start losing your mind. It always escalates towards the sort of insanity that is incomprehensible to the outside world and would have easily been halted by a basic reality check.
Scrap everything you think you know for a moment about where the world is headed. Who do you think would be more likely to fall for the delusion that we are all made out of glass and could shatter at any moment? A traveling merchant who sells glass at the markets, or a peasant who spends his days harvesting turnips? Now who is most likely to fall for an apocalyptic AI cult, regardless of whether the underlying tenets make sense?
I’m reminded of these girls who murdered Shannon Tate for Charles Manson’s cult. They could have asked themselves: Is it really necessary for me to stab this woman who is begging for her life, to blame it on black people, to thereby trigger a race war that will kill most white people but leave only Manson family members as surviving white people, that was prophesized to some guy I regularly take LSD with, who had this whole plan revealed to him because he understood the esoteric deeper meaning of lyrics from a Beatles album that were inaccessible to others?
But the problem is that once you’ve accepted an idea as probably true, you will start stacking other ideas on top of it. Then you stack further ideas on top of those, never again really asking yourself whether the foundations are truly solid or not, even as more and more important things become dependent on those foundations.
These people seem to take it for granted that some superintelligent Artificial Intelligence system will take over the world, so they decide they need to reprogram their own minds to be able to behave like psychopaths do and then go out there and kill people who work on those systems, who are not vegan. When you strip away all the fancy language, that’s what this cult comes down to.
But again, the problem is they take so many of their own assumptions for granted that in their own right seem likely but in no sense of the word certain, that they end up losing their minds. If next week a big solar flare strikes and our microchips are fried, all of this would look pretty silly in hindsight. If being really intelligent doesn’t somehow grant you the magical power to rearrange our whole universe (check out what Chris Langan is upto), all of this still look pretty silly. Last time I checked, the most powerful man in the world right now is still Donald Trump, so do with that information as you may.
Now the way to avoid becoming delusional like this, besides the obvious stuff like not constantly taking LSD, is to stay grounded in physicality. That means not interacting more with the black mirrors than your mind is equipped to handle. But most importantly, it means staying physically active. Walking in the sun, using the muscles in your lower arms for their intended purposes, like carrying wood.
When you use your arms in the gym and push them above your heart, what happens is that you push blood through your head. Most people alive right now have some damage to the blood vessels in their right prefrontal cortex by now, because of SARS-COV-2. But when you put pressure on your arms, your heart puts pressure on these blood vessels, stimulating them to push out cellular debris.
What I recommend to people is essentially as following:
-Take some form of fibrinolytic (Natto, Pineapple or serrapeptase).
-Wait a few hours
-Take some sort of pre-workout (I like some creatine and taurine)
-Go to the gym
-Make sure to do exercises involving the muscles above your heart, to stimulate your brain’s vascular health.
-Engage in some form of anaerobic exercise, jogging works well. Push yourself to your VO2 max.
Anaerobic exercise has the effect of really grounding you again in physical reality. There’s nothing else quite like it. A small dose of mescaline has this effect to some degree as well. It’s a very bodily psychedelic, it encourages you to move around and it makes your body feel good.
I am not against psychedelics. But I really think most people don’t need profound life-changing doses of psychedelics. In South America, people just traditionally take a small amount of San Pedro cactus when they get depressed. That’s really what I would recommend to most people.
The sort of stuff these guys tend to take has the opposite effect. They were taking LSD. You take a high dose of LSD, Ketamine or DMT, boom, now everything is mental to you. Your body is an afterthought, physical reality is an afterthought. You spend your days at your boring coding job for some big tech company, you take your high dose of LSD and now you realize you’re ACKSHUALLY A WOMAN TRAPPED IN A MAN’S BODY and the SUPARSMART CHATBOT is ABOUT TO DESTROY THE WORLD!
Sorry, Charles Mansion had smarter LSD insights than you. In reality, the Beatles music offered us profound insight into the upcoming race wars (known as Helter Skelter) that will only be survived by members of the Manson family, rather than your rationalist AI doomcult.
Have you ever considered, that LSD just starts connecting all the various ideas you have in your brain, in ways that don’t come naturally to you and don’t necessarily make any sense? It seems uniquely well suited for founding cults.
Don’t throw your life away for a dumbass cult like this. And remember this: Anyone who preaches to us that supersmart chatbots are about to take over the very nature of reality itself, seems really eager for you to offer them a big pile of money to stop this from happening. Sam Altman managed to raise 500 billion dollar off this delusion.
Absolutely fascinating. Taking some shrooms and having a heart to heart with one of these guys seems like it would be an absolutely insane experience. Sometimes I wonder if guys like this just call themselves trans as a nihilistic way to rile up and confuse people. I think some girls do that, you see them play word-salad games with gender-language while not getting surgeries, taking hormones, or even really considering themselves men.
Anyway, the tranny vegan warrior Samurai cult fighting against the rising Machine God is a inspired idea. Murderous racist cults are so last decade.
I can’t say I don’t like them, I like mentally tormented people and ultimately I don’t think these guys are any less tortured than the Golden Nigger or other shooters. Obviously that doesn’t actually make what any of them do justified or reasonable. Killing random people is retarded and insane. I just can’t help but like them, it’s like liking serial killers.
One good thing about Trump is that’s pushing back on the transgender messaging. People don’t deserve to be tortured by mind viruses like that.
Anyway the dead tranny warriors are in Valhalla with Euronymous and other dead “long haired freaks” as Dr. William Luther Pierce would call them; waiting to judge us as we cross Bifröst.
Oh yeah, and your description of Catholicism makes it seem way more appealing to me. I want to attend a pretentious European Catholic Mass now. Sounds like fun.
I like your profile picture…this 21st century manson family, less so.
There are other doomsday cults rooted entirely in the mental realm
The members of the largest one take for granted that the same “science” establishment who gave us transgender toddlers and c*vid “vaccines” is telling the truth about global warming — although the name had to be changed to “climate change” to make the hypothesis entirely non-falsifiable, and although multiple apocalyptic predictions with precise timelines (Maldives under water by 2018, Britain having Siberian climate in 2020 because of the failing Gulf Stream, etc) already failed.
Oh the irony
^found an authentic LSWM
Jogging is aerobic exercise. You will never get to VO2max on it. Swimming, sprinting, sparring would be anaerobic
>Because she’s ignorant? No, because at the end of the day, unlike you, grandma is still grounded in physical reality.
I like that. So good.
this is a good post, but i gotta reddit reply-guy a couple things:
(1) your description of catholic services doesn’t match my memory of 12 years of catholic school. at least in america post-vatican 2, there was no incense and chanting; i remember those from the orthodox services i was dragged to.
(2) your analogy with the glass seller falls a little flat: i think both the turnip raising peasant and the glass seller would look at you funny for thinking we were all glass. the glass merchant might try to use that line in marketing, but the constant packing, unpacking, and transportation of glass would quickly disabuse him that we are made of the same stuff.
i work on designing and training ai shit (i should probably stop, but it’s kinda fun) and i can tell you, having pretty detailed knowledge of how they work and models are trained, i don’t buy into any of this apocalyptic bullshit. my guess is these ex-men probably aren’t doing the linear algebra and gpu coding to understand what is really going on, but they work on applications where the chain of reasoning to go from cool picture of three headed dwarf to the birth of the machine gods seem reasonable. as for the people who actually work in the implementation of ai models who buy into the retardery, well, i dunno what to tell you.
if you didn’t disdain the “rationalists” before, go look up roko’s basilisk for a laugh.
>i think both the turnip raising peasant and the glass seller would look at you funny for thinking we were all glass.
I’m referring to:
The singularitarian rationalist types basically suffer from the same delusion, but now about computers.
>i work on designing and training ai shit (i should probably stop, but it’s kinda fun) and i can tell you, having pretty detailed knowledge of how they work and models are trained, i don’t buy into any of this apocalyptic bullshit.
Yup. This is how it tends to go. The people who know least about how the sausage is made are most impressed by it.
wow, never heard of the glass delusion, interesting.
but they are pretty dumb though, clearly we are made of computronium!
Virtual reality is really a reality? No, it isnt. AI is really intelligence? No, it isnt. Science fiction is really science? No, it isnt. It seems that some kind of superpower is obsessed in making that disconection among humans…and nothing good can be expected about that. Ah, and again: Religion is about God? No, the Great Architect of the Universe, the God of the Bible, definitely is not a religion. Thats also artificial.
Everyone of middling intelligence and above will eventually come across the though, “what if this is all an illusion?”. In today’s age, it is “computer simulation”, 1000 years ago it was “the afterlife”.
The simple way out is, “who gives a shit?”. Pascal’s wager works both ways.
It’s obvious now we need a big evolutionary leap soon.
Psychopaths are nothing new. Humans are a deeply flawed monkey. What’s new is how they mark themselves up and make themselves stand out. Much easier to avoid or fight, if that’s your thing.
The best thing would be to get rid of SSRIs because quack doctors are prescribing them like candy. Give it to someone who shouldn’t have them can cause uncontrollable rage. Doctors either don’t know that or are too lazy to care.