This is what happens after Israel falls. You’re next. Europeans are starting to realize this, Americans still want to peddle the “anti-Zionist” wignat narrative.
Yes, the white people here are brown. Irish, Italians, Lebanese etc were not seen as white either for a while. If you are not Muslim, not African, not ugly, not fat, don’t have a criminal record and are literate, you will eventually just be seen as white, whether you like it or not. The Jews are finding that out now, they can no longer get away with arguing they’re not white. The US already defines Northern Indians as white.
“What? No, I’m not an Eloi, I swear I’m a Morlock too! Those evil Eloi are oppressing me too, fellow Morlocks!” Sorry, they’re not going to fall for that.
And yes, it’s literally just this.
Israel has “Apartheid”, also known as the thing that made South Africa a functional state before they started having constant blackouts and presidents who think HIV doesn’t cause AIDS.
Israel has “Apartheid”, because they’re surrounded by brown people who sympathize with the local variety of the kill-all-white-people movement, who kill their children in their homes while they are asleep.
There was no “Apartheid” until the killing began, you could drive from Gaza to the West bank for thirty years, the “Apartheid” started with the second intifada.
In other words, leftoids in the West, traitors among your own rank, start using your attempt to defend yourself against genocide as an argument that you are racist. Which then turns into a justification for the genocide committed against you.
And because a lot of you have a low IQ and don’t like Jews, you’ll parrot leftoid narratives about Israel because you think it means you’re scoring points against the Jews, instead of realizing you’re just pushing the same arguments that will be used to justify the genocide against you.
“Israel has “Apartheid”, also known as the thing that made South Africa a functional state before they started having constant blackouts and presidents who think HIV doesn’t cause AIDS.”
Yes, sadly your Dutch cousins (Boers/Afrikaners) are being mercilessly slaughtered on farms all over South Africa. Spurred on no doubt by the black Marxist politicians who are openly and explicitly calling for white genocide. Truly horrific and disturbing:
And many would agree that black Africans in Rhodesia under Ian Smith had a much higher standard of living and quality of life prior to Robert Mugabe and his socialist policies which destroyed Zimbabwe.
I like Jews and met several based Jews (always pro-Israel) who lament the immigration that has afflicted the West. We need to make an alliance of Based Aryans and Based Jews centered on an axis from Neo-Berlin (Germania) to Third Temple Jerusalem. Other peoples must perish.
>Other peoples must perish.
Well see there’s the thing, I’m remarkably tolerant.
I really don’t ask for much, just don’t sneak into people’s houses and shoot their children while they lay in bed.
So when a journalist asks an elected member of congress to condemn those acts of violence…
and the member of congress keeps her ugly mouth shut…
they’re forcing our hand.
Rot has infiltrated our social organism and we have to cut the whole affected part out, or the organism will perish.
They’re leaving us with no choice.
Most of the Middle East is like this due to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, similar to the colonies collapsing and going to war against each other after the fall of the British Empire. Or the different statelets of Latin America going through civil turmoil, coups and insurgencies, bankruptcies, and so on after the fall of the Spanish Empire. Europeans had nothing do with it, though— it was 100% Arab colonialism. Rintrah satirized that in another post, but he was essentially right.
However, that also shows why the neocon view is wrong: the fact that they’re so divided means they won’t pose a collective threat to Europe (aside from individual terrorism, but that’s on the Euro elites for wanting cheap labor) or anyone else, really. And even when the Arabs were expanding, during their Golden Age, they hardly grabbed much of Europe— Southern Spain, a bit of Italy— before being driven back.
Israel is an American colony, not a natural part of the region, so its collapse is similarly part of the fall and decadence of the American Empire.
>the fact that they’re so divided means they won’t pose a collective threat to Europe
Wishful thinking.
Who do you see expanding against Europe?
Saudi Arabia is the definition of decadent, they’re only going down.
Iran/Persia is a regional power, but their sphere of influence has never included anyone in Europe. Too far away.
Turkey is still recovering from the fall of their empire, so we can rule them out too.
Egypt is a regional power, but unstable internally.
There are various regional powers in the Middle East, but no true superpowers– just like there are various regional powers in Europe, but no empires.
The nation states don’t really matter. The domestic mobs do.
“Israel is an American colony, not a natural part of the region, so its collapse is similarly part of the fall and decadence of the American Empire.”
Probably was true at the beginning, but not any more. Israel has a demos and men willing to die for it whom the government in turn supports, therefore is more real than America today.
At the woke University of Pennsylvania this week they were braying “We want Jewish genocide!” while in Australia they’re yelling GAS THE JEWS.
I dunno, man. This is where post-modern education has led us? It doesn’t feel like a high point of western civilization, to say the least.
Pretty sure 90% of those same idiots have been “vaccinated” against covid multiple times for their health.
>Pretty sure 90% of those same idiots have been “vaccinated” against covid multiple times for their health.
Sure hope so.
Hmm… mild cerebral vasculitis on a global scale- just enough of the population turned into easily manipulated simpletons.
Keith, I think you’re right.
> mild cerebral vasculitis
I honestly wonder how many people still experience qualia.
I’m starting to think a lot of people just function on autopilot now.
Autopilot as good as Uncle Musk’s EV’s
so now your austistic queen greta has fully endorsed the genocidal terrorists. honesty how do you react to this? doesnt this make you at least question her motivations and judgement.the cognitive dissonance levels must be high.
>so now your austistic queen greta has fully endorsed the genocidal terrorists
Nah she just retweeted some Amnesty International post as far as I can tell. Doing the bare minimum to appease her mob.
But she would be better off just accepting that humanity deserves what it’s going to get. She’s not going to block the road into a habitable planet.
Alright, you won:
My heart is broken.