The World’s Easiest Problem To Solve

Humans need to eat, they need a roof over their head, they need to get to and from work. All of that causes environmental damage, resulting in dead animals.

But there is exactly nobody on the planet, who needs to have his cat wandering outside through other people’s gardens.

There is exactly no excuse for this.

Don’t tell me cats kill rats. They don’t. My city has cats roaming everywhere, along with rats. The rats are too big for cats to kill, they prefer smaller animals, like birds and frogs. Predators always go for low risk animals if given a choice, because an injured predator is a dead predator.

And mice are a normal part of an ecosystem. They’re kept under control by animals like owls and raptors.

Our governments tell us they’re going to solve our problems for us. They will fix the climate problem, they will give us electric vehicles that don’t emit carbon, they will put solar panels on our roofs so we won’t need coal and gas anymore.

But it’s all bullshit. If you don’t want to solve the easiest environmental problem there is to solve, how am I supposed to believe you’re going to change our whole energy infrastructure?

You know what renewable energy is going to require, right? It’s not a free lunch, it’s inevitably going to be expensive. And you won’t have airplanes anymore if they genuinely want to solve this, because there’s just no way to have people fly around the world without jet fuel.

Imagine thinking these people are going to solve climate change, if they don’t even want to solve the simple problem of low IQ self-absorbed morons letting their cats roam outside, or even worse, feeding stray cats so the stray cats can continue killing everything.

If you let your cat wander outside, I hate your guts. There’s no excuse, none. No your cat is not “old”. Your cat hunts, for pleasure. Yeah you don’t see it, I don’t care, they hunt during the night, while you’re asleep, so you never find out. You would know this stuff if you spent five minutes looking it up.

Let’s look at the Dutch Party for Animals (partij voor de dieren).

They spend their days complaining that all the politicians are neo-nazis who spread the “great replacement conspiracy theory”.

How about dealing with the cats from low IQ selfish morons wandering outside everywhere?

Well, none of the parties are willing to do anything about this. It’s arguably illegal at a European level, for people to have their cats wandering outside. The guy who first pointed this out received death threats from all the morons, so he had to receive police protection. But the government won’t prohibit people from letting their cats wander outside.

The Party for Animals wants to prohibit feral cats from being shot. Fine, I can forgive that, although I would personally just prefer to have any cat wandering outside shot. You know how people rapidly learn the world does not revolve around them? When they find out their cat was shot.

But is the Party for Animals willing to stop people from letting their cats walk outside?

Nope. When the topic was brought up, they declared that “cats are not responsible for biodiversity problems, politicians are”. Yeah you’re right. You’re the sort of politicians responsible, for being weak and just submitting to whatever the dumb proles want to hear.

Again, this is the easiest problem to solve.

You know what the main predator is of chicks in Dutch meadows?

Not owls, not raptors, not foxes, not stone martens.

All animals part of a functional ecosystem, all animals that have to eat wild birds to survive.

But no, it’s people’s cats. They kill 35% of the chicks.

So I wish the Party for Animals would change its name.

“Party for middle class bourgeois white women”

That would be my recommendation for a new name.

I just wish people would stop pretending our problems are going to be solved, through “human ingenuity”.

It’s a bit like this whole colonizing Mars idea. If you’re telling me you’re going to do something difficult, I’d rather first see you succeed at something simple.

Try building a colony on Antarctica. Then try building one floating on the ocean surface, then try building one on the sea floor. If you can’t achieve this, if you can’t make these economically viable useful endeavors, you’re not going to succeed at the even harder task of setting up a colony on Mars.

So now there’s the climate change problem. We don’t want the animals to go extinct, so we have to stabilize temperatures. It’s a tough problem. So I would expect, if you’re going to solve it, if you’re going to build sustainable energy infrastructure and all the rest of it, that you first solve the easier problems.

The nitrogen pollution problem is a pretty simple ecological problem: Don’t put millions of farm animals in the Netherlands, spread them out across other parts of Europe.

But even easier than solving the nitrogen problem, is to just get rid of these stupid cats. Those cats are inevitably causing far more problems for the birds in the Netherlands, than the nitrogen problem. It’s a much bigger ecological problem.

Cats living outside die much younger, they get hit by cars and get into fights with each other, it’s all just pointless suffering humans inflict on these animals. It’s extremely easy to solve, you just don’t let cats outside.

But people don’t solve it. There is no political will to solve it, the Dutch parliament refuses to do anything about it.

The Solution

But every problem carries within it, the solution to another problem.

In America, the cats roaming outside are dying of bird flu, they catch a bird, the bird has bird flu and the brain of the cat swells up until it dies.

So one day, your poor little Pookie walks up to you with a dead bird in its mouth, despite the little bell you put around his neck.

And you will say:

“Oh no Pookie killed another bird! So sad! :’-(“

But the next morning, you’ll notice that Pookie crawled up to you in bed and seemed to sneeze and feel sick. His eyes seem a little red.

And you will say “oh poor Pookie” and you’ll kiss his forehead and he’ll lick you.

And then the next morning Pookie seems to be doing really badly and then you’ll take him to the vet and you’ll realize your own eyes are itchy too, you’re struggling to see everything properly, you almost hit another car.

But then once you’re at her office, you notice the vet has a grim look on her face.

And that’s the last thing you remember, before you yourself began to feel dazed and confused.

Should have kept your cat inside!


  1. I love cats! Of all sizes.
    They are the most beautiful creatures and the most lethal predators, born to kill.
    But you can’t argue with the numbers: millions of domesticated cats are definitely a serious threat to bird populations worldwide.
    I guess my only thought to add is that I wish we had a president who was obsessed with numbers and statistics, who understood what’s important and what’s bullshit, and could reel off these numbers and statistics over and over to make people grasp true priorities.
    I’d vote for such an autist.

  2. You’re eventually going to just have to admit that samsara, itself, is the problem. You’re nitpicking at these side-issues, because you’ve realized there is no ‘practical’ solution for the larger ones. Life feeds on life here, but actually this is an evil and deranged thing – there is nothing beautiful about it, it is a desecration of everything sacred that came before this world. Something profoundly tragic must have occurred, spiritually speaking, to produce this outcome for the world, where everything feeds on itself in a cyclical fashion, yet instead of trying to figure out what precisely that is, you are nitpicking at the fourth-order effects of it, as though a legalistic reform could resolve the issue. This is a hell realm. Did something happen to God? Use your eyes. This is not the normal state of affairs. You should not be adjusting your thinking to this ‘life feeds on life’ paradigm, you should be resisting this with all your might. Because if you are like me, you have subconscious memories, from many thousands of years ago, before the cataclysm, when things were not like this at all.

    • > you’re eventually going to just have to admit that samsara, itself, is the problem. You’re nitpicking at these side-issues, because you’ve realized there is no ‘practical’ solution for the larger ones. Life feeds on life here, but actually this is an evil and deranged thing – there is nothing beautiful about it, it is a desecration of everything sacred that came before this world. Something profoundly tragic must have occurred, spiritually speaking, to produce this outcome for the world, where everything feeds on itself in a cyclical fashion, yet instead of trying to figure out what precisely that is, you are nitpicking at the fourth-order effects of it, as though a legalistic reform could resolve the issue. This is a hell realm. Did something happen to God? Use your eyes. This is not the normal state of affairs. You should not be adjusting your thinking to this ‘life feeds on life’ paradigm, you should be resisting this with all your might. Because if you are like me, you have subconscious memories, from many thousands of years ago, before the cataclysm, when things were not like this at all.

      I have rarely read a comment I agree with so much.

      And I love cats.

      But will Radagast LEARN? Will he commit to a self-interrogation of his cherished axioms regarding the “world of nature?”


      Instead, Tryptie and I will continue to facepalm and suffer through his contradictions and hypocrisy

      But it’s not really hypocrisy.

      He salivates at Palestinian babies having their skin burned off.

      It seems he prefers some acts of cruelty, and abhors others.

      He likes to see Khazars toying and torturing Palestinians.

      This is “good” and “right” and “just” in his wormy brain

      But cats killing rats, well, no sir, that is just awful and cruel.

      Perhaps what this world needs are more CATS.

      To exterminate the true vermin of this world?




      (I get the feeling “soft-hearted” Radagast might not like that prospect.)

      When I was a child I was in elementary school where I was shown the South African cartoon “Rikki Tikki Tavi” the story of a plucky mongoose protecting a Huwhite family from slithering cobras.

      Even at that young age, my vestigial tail vibrated with anticipatory excitement at the prospect of killing slithering cold-blooded snakes (Jews)

      I didn’t know at the time the forces which were animating my young mind, but I can only say that I have many scars from the many online battles I’ve had with the Slytherin Jews.

      And I’m not even fully Huwhyte.

      Just a sentinel against the encroaching forces of Darkness

      Cat reflexes are incredibly fast, if one has ever bothered to notice.

      But the warm-blooded Mongoose co-evolved with the cold-blooded Snake, and it is a sight to behold when they fight:

      Who here is “cold blooded” and who is “warm blooded?”


  3. “You know what renewable energy is going to require, right? It’s not a free lunch, it’s inevitably going to be expensive.”
    Don’t know if you saw this: But basically there is a limit to photovoltaic cells growth because of the scarcity of silver. By 2034 if the growth trend continues all the mined and recycled silver will be used by PV panels. So its not a question of expense, but a hard limit on materials. Everyone can’t have solar, its impossible. Sane with copper and electric cars.

  4. If domesticated cats really do start transmitting lethal avian influenza to their owners as you allude to, then governments will almost certainly implement widespread cat culls.

    The UK government actually considering doing this at the start of the COVID pandemic because they initially wrongly thought that cats might have been a source of the virus:

  5. I had the neighborhood cats shitting all over my front garden and wrecking my plants, so I set up a cat trap. I was eating like a king for about 6 weeks after that. I love cats. Easy to skin and they BBQ real nice.

  6. Quote Tryptie: “This is a hell realm. Did something happen to God?”

    Depends on which expectations you have.

    For a long time I expected greater justice from god, like you maybe expect a nice world without evil. But I think now greater justice has no real meaning for god, it’s maybe a secondary goal, tertiary goal or even no goal.

    Why? Because his primary goal is teaching us. And greater justice or a world without evil is not suited for his curriculum. Injustice and the evil are absolutely necessary elements of the curriculum, or the teaching would not work. You can’t develop further your soul in heaven, only in hell.

    Therefore I do not longer expect greater justice from god, because I see now that the teaching is the most important thing, and not justice.

    And to Rintrah: Your diagram does not impress me as long as you not include overall bird mortality causes. Because then the leading cause would be “all other animals” and not “cats”.

    • >Why? Because his primary goal is teaching us. And greater justice or a world without evil is not suited for his curriculum. Injustice and the evil are absolutely necessary elements of the curriculum, or the teaching would not work. You can’t develop further your soul in heaven, only in hell.

      How is this conception of reality different from the stances, incentives, and perspectives of a research scientist conducting experiments on rats in a maze?

      The scientist may give the rats food, water, and shelter.

      The scientist may even intervene to help a rat if it is repeatedly bumping its head against a corner of the maze.

      But sometimes the scientist might stick a needle into the rat in order to gather some data about the rat, despite how much the rat suffers from the needle stick.

      Maybe the rat makes it out of the maze, maybe it doesn’t.

      But from the rat’s point of view, what difference does it make?

      The entire experiment was designed (in a limited way) for the rat, but the REAL purpose of the experiment is only known by the scientist conducting the experiment (which is occluded from the rat)

      Should the rat therefore place trust and faith in the unknowable intentions of the scientist? That the experiment is for the rat’s benefit even though the rat is incapable of understanding the purpose?

      Or maybe, the rat should trust its own experience and conclude that it is being tortured for the scientist’s goals?

    • If you think this place is run by “God”, then you are speaking of an evil god, who must be fought against and overcome, because this is an evil realm. When I ask questions like, “did something happen to God?” I am not speaking of this evil god, I am not referring to a god which imprisons or gaslights innocent beings, or treats them like lab rats used to conduct experiments. I am asking these questions, to get you to consider certain lines of reasoning, to perhaps jog your memory in certain ways, so that you can begin to see beyond the religious programming, the design of this world, the present condition of things, and search your heart for something deeper. We don’t originate from a prison.

  7. Wont happen. Outside, free animals are resilient. Saw a cat with a bad skin condition recently. There are no stray cats around here. Somebody dewormed the poor bastard. With a drug which blocks these other bugs.
    If at all they will give away some milder form. Eyes will itch, brains will be damaged. In aggregate.
    Sucks to be a stats guy. 9

  8. In a many parts of the U.S. outside cats are eaten by coyotes. There are loads of coyotes in Silicon Valley, so you never see wandering cats around here. I saw a huge coyote amble by our condo several months ago. It may have been a coyote dog mix; it was definitely not a dog but it was very big for a coyote. It had a smirk on its face; it was scoping out our puppies as an entree. They are now big enough to not be in danger of that.

  9. I’m not the first person to point this out Radagast (even on the comments on this very post) but whoooooo boy the internal contradictions in your views must be ripping you apart.

    It’s no wonder you find the real world as hard to navigate as you do. A better man than me might speculate that this may have something to do with your drug use.

  10. I can tell you that cats absolutely do kill rats. Ours leaves anything it kills by the back door, and it’s only ever rats. We have spells where I’m bagging and binning a rat every day for a week.

    I agree that cats are generally a menace to birds, and I look forward to my garden becoming a safe space for them once the cat expires.

  11. On the cat issue though, I agree; domestic cats suck; they are ruinous for other wildlife/biodiversity.

    Senseless destruction.

    The irony is the cat ladies lobbying the RSPCA for better treatment of the disastrous critters.

    Reminds me of an interview, or maybe I read it, anyway I think it was Bill Mollison talking about the little old English ladies getting upset about the treatment of little lap doggies. or whatever, and complaining to the RSPCA about it, when these huge fences had been constructed in Africa to stop migrating animals from getting into pasture.

    The pasture is so skinny though, that the cattle raised on it are useless for anything other than pet food.

    On one side of the fence is cows destined to feed little British poodles and keep grannies happy and the RSPCA happy etc., and on the other side of the fence are the mounds of skeletons of dead animals that were prevented from migrating.

    Another example there of people not knowing the evils that they do.

    That’s the system for you though, where everyone in the modern world is removed/alienated from the actual sources of production.

    • Save ‘Little Pookums’, thereby contributing to the whole planet phase shifting into being unable to support anything but a thin layer of organic slime.

      Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.

  12. The plan? If you don’t like the Kingsnorth plan, there is always a more Epicurean route; try to reduce the amount of pain in your life as much as you can.

    Get a house with a garden, some friends, eat some good food. have a child, etc.

    The withdrawal part stays though, that is essential for happiness: avoiding the stress of work; competition; bosses; status; politics, etc.

    Just try to relax and enjoy life in the company of friends.

    It will be over soon enough.

    • Quote: “Get a house with a garden, some friends, eat some good food. have a child, etc.”

      Castles in the air don’t help me.

      • That’s very cynical of you, Diogenes…
        Lol, I’m teasing you.
        I would be open to discuss even cynicism, if I could.

        Maybe (the point of Wombat is that) we could/should enjoy some gifts that life gave us now that we can.
        An open system works better. You probably know that, since you are a programmer.
        I think we began as open systems (childhood), and now we need to be open again.

        • BTW, i am reading that with the Elixir/Erlang language(s) you can write “fault-tolerant” applications?… Or maybe that’s the goal.
          I like the sound of it!

        • Sorry, I’m very aggressive atm because I stopped all drugs and have no damping. Restarting with weed would help me but that would lead to alcohol addiction again and I don’t want to go a third time into this horrible hospital.

          I really had hope because my old crack addicted girl-friend appeared suddenly after a year she was in prison. I really believed she learned something … but no … the money I gave her is now in the pocket of a crack dealer … and the diazepan tablets she promised me to organize I can forget.

          I really try it hard but I only get fucked again.

        • “Maybe (the point of Wombat is that) we could/should enjoy some gifts that life gave us now that we can.”

          That’s more or less the point I was trying to make, yes.

          I’ve been in this doomer head space for a long time now, and I wonder, what good did it do me? And the answer is that it probably hasn’t helped me at all. At the end of it, I’m just another broken dude, and it’s still coming, and it always will be.

          So, I think it might be best to avoid that head space, like everyone else who gives it little thought.

          One possible option might be to withdraw from the world. The main impediment to that change, for most people I imagine, is likely to be the purchase of a suitable house and garden, which is insanely expensive these days, so I’ll have to wear the ‘castles in the air’ criticism: it’s fair, given one of the core items on my list is so expensive that many people are priced out.

          If a person is lucky enough to be able to afford a house and garden though, then the rest of the list of requirements for a happy life are perhaps more affordable, and stolen straight from the playbook of the ancient Epicureans (who despite how we think of them now, were actually an austere and hardcore lot like all good Romans were):
          – time to think
          – freedom from the tedious imposts and aggravations of society like work, taking orders from bosses, etc.
          – friendship
          – cheap clothes

          Another option I have just started dwelling on is accepting that we are part of this storm of humanity that is inevitably going to do what it must, and then dissipate, then just try to enjoy the ride while it lasts.

          I don’t know that I’d recommend the same kind of doom focused path that I took to anyone else to reach this point: it has been pretty miserable, so I’d skip that part if I had my time over and go straight for another approach.

          And I am sorry to hear about your troubles with booze Diogenes. I hope you can give it the flick.

          • Anyway, I have the dreaded Wuhan Flu.

            This is my second infection, and it feels different to the first time; snottier.

            Seems like everyone is sick atm.

          • Thanks for the participation. Basically I don’t have troubles with booze, it was never my drug. I used always weed and extasy, but I had something called “effect reversal” 3 years ago in the midst of the covid crisis and therefore can’t use extasy any longer. That was the time when I started with alcohol, to fight fear- and panick attacks.

            The doctors could have helped me so easy with some pills, but they always send me into the hospital for a total withdrawal treatment. I’m so angry about them.

          • I keep trying to explain, you’re all being looshed. Emotional pain, itself, is something ‘unnatural’ in nature, it occurs when parasitic entities in the astral feed off of your energy body in response to emotional triggers that are programmed into you by life events they generally orchestrate through soul contracts, life scripts, and many other energetic methods. If you train and erase these entities and related phenomena to a sufficient degree, keeping in mind that it takes a couple of years to really get things pared down, you will be able to think about what would otherwise be extremely traumatic topics, without feeling any emotional pain whatsoever. Constantly running from your pain, while still containing these astral parasites within your energy body, will only get you so far in this realm, particularly if your lifestyle is heavily tied into the condition of modern industrial civilization, which by its very nature is related to the domain of the archons themselves. The point is, you don’t have to be broken, you don’t have to play by anyone else’s rules at all. Instead of buying a house, paying a mortgage or property taxes, paying for utilities and everything else, why not live in a truck or van, and disconnect yourself from this society to the maximal extent that it is possible to do so? And then train relentlessly and free yourself from this morass as much as you are able to.

          • Tryptie, I know someone who took that living-in-a-van route. He really tried, for 40+ years. He is 80 y.o. now, and it turns out that what he has to rely on are the two daughters he abandoned when they were little (he was an alcoholic and gave up alcohol in his 40s, but alcohol never left him). Anyway, he tried and tried and it didn’t work. He is still massively angry. He and I can’t even text one another without getting into an argument (which is not usual for me these days). I tried to get him to come to Quaker meeting and he came once (on zoom) and it just made him mad and to say that he was tired of waiting. His problem is that he doesn’t have Christ to turn to. You can’t just turn away from these bad spirits; you have to turn to Christ (whatever you may call Him).

            Wombat, I am sorry that you have covid.

  13. Quote Tryptie: “it occurs when parasitic entities in the astral feed off of your energy body in response to emotional triggers that are programmed into you by life events they generally orchestrate”

    Sorry Tryptie, sounds like someone from Scientology explains me the strory of Xenu.

    • Yeah I know, I would have scarcely believed it myself. This comes from lived experience, not speculation. I didn’t have to read any religious text or whatever, to come to these conclusions on my own. You can just train your energetic perception and find out for yourself.

      • We are all going our own way. You go the way of energetic perception and I go the way of multiple souls in a body.

      • It matches my lived experience. I think it is doctrinally consistent with the “bad spirits” that traditional Quakers believe exist, if you take the feeding as spiritual, rather than literal. Satan looks for your weakest points, and tries to worsen them. Each person is born with a good seed (the seed of Christ)(the light that has lightened every person who has ever come into the world) and a bad seed (Satan) within them.

        When I start to do something wrong, if I look with my spiritual eye, I can see a chortling evil spirit. I was trying yesterday to to think of what to do vis a vis a particular person. I opened myself up to God, and got the message, “love yourself.” I thought great, I should do that; I am not a masochist and crummy behavior should not be rewarded. Then I checked and there was the laughing imp.

  14. It’s generally far worse than people realize, with regards to ‘bad spirits’ in this realm. If you train yourself for long enough, your energy sensitivity will increase massively and you’ll be able to perceive the layers of accumulated slop that have built up in your energy body over the course of a lifetime (or perhaps longer). You can learn to construct energetic shields to protect yourself from these types of things too, and it’s rather important to do so, but by the time you’ve figured all of this out you’re probably old enough that you’ll have to do a fair amount of clearing on yourself. I can tell it’s still going to take a long time for me as well, several years perhaps. I typically spend several hours a day on it though at this point because, like, once you are far enough along to begin to notice it within you, you want it gone as it can be relatively unpleasant to be aware that it is there. But yeah, the flipside of it is that you are increasingly able to bend the laws of reality if you stick with it all consistently for a long time. I remember a couple weeks back, for instance, I spent about 2 hours using an energetic technique i really like that puts you into a quasi-dreamlike state where you’re basically using the energy from your soul to clear something you’ve set a particular intention to clear, and basically if you make it intense enough you can induce an absolutely hellish experience – like in this case, I felt like there were giant bugs, very vividly crawling around on my gut area as I irradiated them with energy to erase them, and in my mind’s eye I kept having to fight through multiple waves of a ridiculous taxonomy of weird demonic entities in an astral-like realm the entire time as I was doing this (they would just approach me in waves and I’d have to kill them). And since then I have felt a lot healthier and have only needed to eat about half as much food as before, and it appeared to have physically changed the shape of my stomach area slightly as well, so that’s just one minor example among many but really, the laws of this reality are far more malleable than we’ve been told, you can do far crazier shit than that and I’ve seen it for myself, also your ability to get energetically stronger is, to my knowledge, both exponential and unlimited in nature. It’s not always something so hellish either I just thought it was a cool experience in a way to even though it was scary in the moment; but you learn to overcome fear gradually too. As for Christ, his true message was calling for his disciples to attain christhood themselves, I know this for a handful of reasons. God is within, and prayer is not really in my experience a particularly fruitful approach to spirituality as you typically just end up sending energy to some kind of demonic entity when you do so – rather, we are in a situation where we need to fight to liberate ourselves. It’s all rather tragic – it wasn’t always like this in this world you know – but much more, and much better, is possible still if we leave this world entirely.

    • But you are doing it all yourself. You aren’t accepting that there is a good spirit as well, who can help you. My husband (an agnostic) thinks that the world is a terrible place, but then he recently remarked, “but there is also so much love in it.” Christ can help with these battles. It is too egotistical to battle on one’s own; we are meant to humbly acknowledge that we need help, since we do need help.

      Quaker prayer consists in waiting silently on God; waiting for Him to speak through us. Of course that can be perilous. However, it is the way that he gave us to know His will.

      • I’m doing it all myself, because I’ve long since accepted that there is nothing out there that will save me or that likely even has my best interests at heart, at all. I realized this quite a long time ago, when my grandmother, who was both very kind and a devoutly religious woman for her entire life, ended up wasted away for 10 years or more in a nursing home, with severe Alzheimers’ disease, dying in a completely undignified fashion.

        The only love in this realm, comes from its inhabitants, who are prisoners here. There is NO love from the realm, itself, that’s why everything eats everything else and all aspects of life are imbued with suffering and a sense of restricted freedom. The conviction that there is love in this world aside from its captives, is a subconscious memory that all humans have, of a time when things were much different, before our former home became a hell realm. I know this, because I’ve been able to use the same energetic techniques I mentioned earlier, to access a handful of these repressed memories, although I have much more work to do in this regard as the energetic blockages on them are extremely strong. You don’t have to believe me if you choose not to, but I’ll share some of what I’ve uncovered anyway:

        It is my conviction that most people have unconscious memories of God as a loving, feminine presence, who was something like a superposition between a child, a motherly figure and a wise old woman, with some sort of connection to the sun and who was in some sense, connected to the existence and health of the entire realm itself, with all humans existing in effectively an astral dream-realm of apparently unlimited possibility as offshoots of this god, and where love was the primary force motivating all beings. The current rulers of this reality, have manipulated human religions and spiritual teachings along the lines of these collectively unconscious memories, to keep people asleep to the truth of our present enslavement by an alien force, which has probably been going on for some amount of time between 5,000 and 500,000 years. The truth is sometimes crazier than you’re expecting, I suppose. But my point is, I wouldn’t wait for an external force to save us, if I were you. We have to learn to fight through this on our own. The path to spiritual liberation, is a path of war, because of where we are and what occurred to create this realm as it presently exists.

        • I am very sorry about your grandmother. But what you inferred as a child from her experience was the wrong thing. Christians do not expect to live long or well. That is not what it is about. Christ died on the cross, and all or most of the apostles were martyred, and the early Christians were martyred in huge numbers. This world isn’t our home. It is a vale of tears. However, it is still in this world that we know Christ, and feel joy in His presence.

          The love that the individual creatures in this world feel for one another is God working through them. But of course I can’t prove that; it is just what I feel. And that is the only evidence that we have; what we sense; reason is worthless.

          Quakers see “salvation” as being healing. We are not saved from bad experiences; we are saved from our sinning. Our hope is to walk as Christ walked, and to have His words on our lips. We don’t deny that there is is an afterlife, but it isn’t our concern. We experience heaven now, in this life, in this otherwise terrible life. This Christ within us is not an external force; He is within us, guiding us when we let him.

          But if you do not feel this, that is okay. You are doing your best. But His help is very comforting. And if I had to apply reason to all of this, I would say that He isn’t omnipotent. Christ dying on the cross was a message to us that He is not all powerful; he loves us and does what He can for us but it is not enough (that is not Quaker doctrine, but so be it). We have to sit at his feet and feel His love and that will have to do.

      • Quote Kareninca: “You aren’t accepting that there is a good spirit …”

        I could also say to you: “You aren’t accepting that there is no bad spirit.”

        Is it so hard to consider that all evil comes from god too? And that he does this with tears in eyes, because it’s the only way?

      • As addition:

        Let’s say in the beginning god realized that there must be evil in the world, or we would not be able to see the good. As almighty god he then had to do a choice:

        Solution 1: Creating an equally strong counterpart.
        Problem: He doesn’t have full control over everything and has to always fight his counterpart.

        Solution 2: Playing the role of the boogey man too, to keep control over everything.
        Problem: he has to torture his beloved creatures.

        What do you think which solution a truly us loving god would choose?

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