They’re not in control

Since 2011, there is the new phenomenon of giant blooms of floating seaweed, Sargassum, in the Carribean sea. It’s not entirely clear why this is happening, but it’s probably largely due to nutrients flowing into the ocean from deforestation and loss of soil. It also seems to be favored by higher ocean temperatures. Another factor seems to be higher CO2 concentrations in the air, along with more carbon in the ocean. I have explained this before, here.

Well, 2025 is promising to be another good year for the Sargassum bloom, as you can see on the image below:

The sargassum does its own thing, regardless of what humans want. It piles up on the beaches and you can’t easily get rid of it, because it emits toxic hydrogen sulfide, it will damage your lungs and your brain if you spend a whole day cleaning up the beaches.

In the ocean it tends to peak around june. The ocean is very dark when seen from above, it absorbs a lot of sunlight. On the other hand, the sargassum is yellowish brown, so it reflects more light. As it starts to spread across the ocean, the ocean albedo increases, the ocean begins to absorb less heat and temperatures go down as a result.

There is nobody who controls this, there is nobody who can do anything about it. It’s a tiny plant that grows exponentially in weeks, it happily floats on the ocean’s surface. Some guys with PhD’s want to start growing sargassum themselves on the ocean to sequester carbon, but like any other project set up by guys with PhD’s, it will probably go nowhere.

People don’t really want to fix problems. You can’t get them to vote for Harris, who promised to build houses for them. What they got instead is a 500 billion dollar investment announced by Trump to build a smarter chatbot, because the Earth will spin out of its orbit around the sun and we will all die if China manages to build a smarter chatbot than America. Imagine expecting people to try to fix the climate problem. Nature will have to solve it in its own ways, which it will.

These guys are not going to fix your problems for you. They can’t even fix their own problems.

The problems we’re dealing with will be fixed, just not in a way that people would enjoy. The factory farms are becoming unsustainable, eggs are now becoming so expensive due to the bird flu that most people just can not afford them anymore.

And look around you. Look at the sky sometimes. The world is cloudy. All the plastics we produced are slowly breaking down over many years. Eventually they turn into microplastics, before they turn into nanoplastics. Once they become really small, they are suspended up, high into the air like dust, although they weigh less than sand of similar size.

There high above our heads they start to form attachment points for ice. The ice then begins to form clouds, which reflect sunlight. And the particles themselves directly reflect sunlight too of course. The amount of microplastics in our environment seems to be doubling every decade. Your brain is right now 0.5% plastic by weight, up fifty percent in eight years. Like your mind, the world will become cloudier.

It’s silly enough to think we know exactly what’s going to happen. It’s even sillier, to think there is some genius out there, who is going to fix this mess for us, with some genius new technology. AI is going to solve climate change for us! No my friends, you would be better of putting all your chips on microplastics solving climate change for us.

The most arrogant phrase in existence must be “save the Earth”. You would be better off, campaigning under a slogan of “save us from the Earth!”. Who can look at the tsunamis swallowing Aceh and Fukushima and genuinely think we are the ones in control here? Just 74 thousand years ago, the Toba catastrophe took place. A giant volcano exploded and the whole world was cast into a global volcanic winter. Most humans alive died.

We’re not leaving this Earth behind. In fact, the era of space travel is coming to an end. The satellites above our head have no atmosphere to slow them down when they start crashing into each other. The Kessler syndrome is approaching us. The whole world will be covered in a blanket of tiny space debris, damaging any rocket humans send into space. These satellites now try to avoid each other, but with bad space weather, those system are knocked offline.

All the heathens understood that the forces of nature are to be feared and appeased. They are not ours to manage, they are not ours to control. None of this is to suggest that we should continue using fossil fuels. We are rapidly approaching the territory where human cognition starts to suffer from the carbon dioxide in the air we breathe. Rather, the problem I have is with this idea that we might kill off the Earth. We can’t.

Is there any human hubris, that can not be smacked down in an instance? I can think of none.

You have to look at what is happening in America today as a great show. All the evil people gather together in Washington, to expose themselves to the world. All the pathetic losers gather together on the Internet, to rally behind the evil people, groveling over their dear leader’s youngest son. You’re looking at a show, these people are gathered there and given power, to be humiliated by forces beyond human control.

That’s all this is.

One moment humans are splitting atoms, the next moment they are praying for the wind to blow the particles into the sea. One moment you use a chatbot, the next moment you are using candles to light your home. One moment you suffer through a heatwave, the next moment you see snow for the first time in your life.

We are not in control.

Melting corpses carry the 1918 flu, large enough forest fires hurl smoke into the stratosphere, it’s anyone’s guess when our ice shelves plunge into our ocean. One moment a peasant toils the fields, the next moment his village is swallowed by nature, as half of Europe’s population exchanges this life for the next.

A certain amount of humility before nature is our best bet. We should try to be deserving of her mercy. Don’t put her beasts in cages, don’t flush her soils into the ocean. Don’t split her atoms, don’t alter the genetic code of life.

This show is nearing its grand finale, I’m not shocking you when I suggest this. We can all see it. Where do you want to be sitting when it comes to a grinding halt? Do you wish to be sitting in a cathedral in New Babylon, squirming in your seat, as the bishop explains that Jesus taught us to be kind to strangers and take care of the poor? How do you think these images will be viewed a hundred years from now?

Those same forces beyond our control, that cast Port Royal into the ocean, that once depopulated Europe, how do you wish to outsmart them? Through a smarter chatbot? Do you wish to sit it all out in your bunker in Hawaii or New Zealand? Or do you hope to earn their mercy?

Or do you think they are coincidence? Random throws of the dice? Those two typhoons that stopped the Mongols under Kublai Khan from invading Japan? The deadliest Atlantic hurricane in history, that destroyed the British fleet in 1780?

If your yacht cost half a billion dollar, whose mercy do you trust upon? What happens to your chatbots when the lights go out?


  1. In the 42th month of the Orange Man presidency, we are due to be visited by the WN5 asteroid ( ). It’s 1km in size, and it will pass Earth at 0.6 Lunar Distance according to Science. Now, we saw before that Science can be wrong, by mistake or by command from those in power.

    Who is supposed to rule for 42 months? The First Beast from Revelation 13 (The Orange Man, with mouth like a lion, miraculously surviving head wound — see ). It even has a sidekick (the Second Beast), who supports the cult of personality of the First Beast, and makes fire rain down from Heaven (Musk)

    There is also that 1896 book that prophetically states that someone with the same last name as the current US president will be the last president of the US.

    (I refrain from using his name, as it is a name that is magickally set to give him power when pronounced, because it means “he wins over his enemies”)

    So maybe all the (geo)political hullabaloo that started in 2020 is just various countries trying to bring down their rivals, so that those rivals cannot take advantage of the dark aftermath of a large impact.

    Does anyone know where the impact is supposed to be? The internet was saying at some point offshore Madagascar, which would explain the bleeding hearts’ urge to get Africans and Indians out of there.

    I’ll also leave this here:

    So there you go Raddie, not all conspiracy theorists are gone 🙂

  2. If the fast food restaurants started serving Impossible Meat and stopped selling animal meat due to economic changes such as the government no longer subsidizing animal products drastically raising the price; all of the low status white males would still begrudgingly eat the Impossible Meat, they’re wouldn’t even notice a change in flavor.

    I say this because none of people in charge want to fix things in a reasonable way; our rulers are evil and are consigning us to hell out of greed and a materialist dream of an AI God.

    We could literally just delete the state and in an-capistan poor people would be eating vegan in five years. It’s only state power that keeps the corporatist tech-billionarie carnist machine alive. If people have to farm oats because that’s what the free market demands to feed themselves, that’s what they would do.

    The state as it exists in the United States literally just exists to build its next progression, the Neuronic-Videodrome. This is why I’m a reactionary.

    Yeah Nature isn’t going to allow humans to create an ugly AI devouring swarm intelligence, she will kill us all just like any other evolutionary dead end if that’s the only potential outcome of our continued survival.

      • If i end the state, milk will cost four times as much

        That’s right! Buuut you won’t be paying taxes. Life’s full of tough choices, innit.

  3. “You can’t get them to vote for Harris, who promised to build houses for them.”

    I have been watching Harris for her entire political career and she never did anything useful, but did do some really nasty things. She would not have built houses for anyone and people here in CA know it. That is why in my ultra blue part of CA, there were no Harris signs during the election. When Obama ran, there were loads of Obama signs. When Hillary ran, there were plenty of Hillary signs. When Biden ran, there were some Biden signs. There are still some BLM signs. But there were no Harris signs. Okay, there was literally one. I drove around doing errands nearly every day, and looked and looked for Harris signs as I drove, and there was one, in front of a $4 million dollar house. And it is not that people stopped putting up political signs; there were many signs for candidates for local offices; more than usual.

    • I live near Sacramento and observed similar. No one had Harris signs. They may have voted for her because they hate trump but they weren’t excited about it. She has a horrible reputation and an even worse record.

  4. > You can’t get them to vote for Harris, who promised to build houses for them.


    Hey Rad, why can’t you just accept that BOTH CANDIDATES were complete fucking dog shit hot garbage?

    Listen to Kareninca, she is wise.

    (srry im rlly drunk rn lol)

    (HI MEHEN!!! MY BFF!!! <3 )

    • Trump and Harris should have been forced to breed, creating some mulato spawn abomination raised with nothing but hate and lust in its heart. The baby’s name would be Satan, and it would be raised transgender.

      On Satan’s tenth birthday, Barron Trump would be gored to death by a man wearing a beaver costume before Barron’s inwards are fed to Satan in a celebration of the AI singularity; retroactively ensuring that it is never created.

    • > (HI MEHEN!!! MY BFF!!! <3 )

      Thanks bro. I like you too.

      Just be careful with the alcohol. I know you are of Irish extraction, so you should be cautious.

      I’m an old alcoholic. Just started feeling kidney pain on my left side recently. Not sure if it’s a kidney stone, back injury, or hepatorenal syndrome (very VERY bad).

      So I’ve stopped the alcohol for the time being and just starting drinking THC-infused cocktails like “Happy Flower” and Cheech & Chong’s “High Tea”

      (I’m guessing such luxuries are not available in your shithole censorious country. Alas)

      To paraphrase the old Yul Brynner anti-smoking add:

      Don’t drink.

      I’m dead now.

      Don’t drink.

  5. “There is also that 1896 book that prophetically states that someone with the same last name as the current US president will be the last president of the US.”

    Author and title of the book please…!

  6. >The problems we’re dealing with will be fixed, just not in a way that people would enjoy. The factory farms are becoming unsustainable, eggs are now becoming so expensive due to the bird flu that most people just can not afford them anymore.
    Erm, that is bc of the culling, which at this point is simple insurance fraud. Not many countries are culling. Look up egg prices across the globe.

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