Trump announces new Darfur genocide

I’m just being conservative here and explaining this in terms you will comprehend. The low IQ revolution in America is going full steam ahead, with Trump, the leader of people with a low IQ, today announcing a new Darfur genocide. I try to keep this short for you. Bush had a lot of guilt over the Iraq disaster so they let him be Africa’s savior with a new global program to reduce HIV infections. It worked very well. We have medicines that you can just give to pregnant women, drug users or homosexuals and then they don’t transmit this virus to their newborn babies or their sex partners.

In 21 years it saved 26 million lives. The program is effectively irreplaceable, it provides 90% of global pre-exposure prophylaxis. But it now falls under Trump’s 90 day grinding halt to foreign aid. They thought it would apply to forward funding, but no, it’s current funding. The whole thing is now just unfunded, employees stop receiving salaries, medicine can’t be bought, etc.

I’m being very conservative here and pretending that after 90 days the program continues as before. When it saves 26 million lives in 21 years, that means you’re dealing with around a million lives per year. A quarter of a year is 90 days, so that’s a quarter of a million lives. The Darfur genocide was estimated at 200,000 or 300,000 lives. So that’s what you’re looking at.

Maybe America doesn’t want to be the world’s paypig, fine. Announce that others have to start paying for this stuff and people will step up. Japan, China, the EU, Canada, you can find people willing to plug the hole. But now you’re just overnight no longer paying people. You’re destroying something that took years to build and leaving people suddenly without medication.

Those people will have broken immune systems because of their untreated HIV infection, allowing new viruses to adapt to our species. Or, if you now just suddenly halt their treatment for a few months due to budget cuts before restarting it, their HIV develops resistance to the treatment. You don’t want gay men to walk around with a chronic monkeypox infection for half a year because they didn’t receive their antiretroviral drugs. Not just because that allows monkeypox to adapt to the human population, but because when they then end up in the hospital after all, the nurses will have to treat a guy who is slowly dying because his face is rotting away (I’ve looked up the pictures). That takes up a lot of effort and traumatizes them. Those are the sort of real world consequences some people will now have to deal with.

It’s a normie thing to say, but I try to avoid the news. I try not to shove it down people’s throat too much either. There’s a two million people city in Congo that just fell to rebels, I’m not going to write a whole post about it, even though I could. American low IQ low status white males succeeded at destroying their own government, there’s a couple trillion dollar of federal loans that are halted overnight. Americans who watch their government implode over a period of days now look for a plan behind all of this. Is it Putin’s ploy? Is Trump playing 2315-d chess?

It’s much simpler. You are a low status with male with a low IQ, you’re stuck in an online echo box with other low status white males who also have a low IQ, you spent eight years hyping up some shitty real estate mogul to each other because he says the things you want to hear about brown people (there are too many of them in your country), the 95IQ memelord ones among you do so ironically, but your 85 IQ followers don’t recognize the irony so they take you literally and before you know it you all end up with the most moronic government in American history.

This is just how the world now works. You wake up one morning and your president announces 500 billion dollar for tech nerds to build a smarter chatbot. You wake up the next morning and you have the biggest stock crash in history because China built a smarter one for six million bucks. You wake up the morning afterwards and find out that three trillion dollar in federal government spending was halted overnight, to stop, “DEI”, “woke gender ideology” and the “Green New Deal”, the latter of which was never actually signed into law to begin with.

So you go to bed, wake up again and now you read in the news that Trump is going to kill a couple hundred thousand people by just scrapping a program set up by the previous Republican(!!!) president. Again, I understand it if Americans don’t want to be paying for this sort of stuff. But they’re grinding this thing to a halt overnight. It’s the equivalent of having a guest over at your house in a small rural village, waking them up at 2AM during freezing weather and telling them they have to leave immediately. It’s your property, so it’s technically your right to do so. But it means you’re the asshole.

If you understand how our consensus reality functions then it’s a very miserable world for you to live in.


  1. Trump pissing away our soft power again. Low status white males don’t actually like our country which is why they don’t care when I say this. They would be fine if Elon Musk privatized everything if it would own the spics ebic style.

    You could argue that this would help with overpopulation but I don’t think it will do much other than make people suffer. Introducing abortions, education, and economic prosperity seem to be best way to stop population growth. Not even war seems to do much in third world countries. Congo is still rapidly growing in population. They need boring and pointless office jobs, video games, and anime porn, though that might be even more cruel in some ways.

    The guy who shot at Trump shouldn’t have missed.

      • Yes, yes, yes, you’re a typical low IQ low status white male so serious political considerations are beyond the ability of your mind to comprehend. You don’t know nor do you care that abandoning Africa just means giving those human resources to China. You’re not aware that China has already been taking over former colonies that the west has abandoned and you lack of understanding of how important having that labor under your thumb is is due to having a low IQ.

        Soft power is typically more economically efficient than saber rattling and war to get what you want, but it’s not dramatic and cruel so low status white males don’t care about it. I hope the Trump administration solves this blunder by going all in on hard power, conscripting you, and sending you to go get eaten by niggers in the Congo.

        Anyway your mentality why democracy was a mistake, you should not have been given the vote. Normally you would be herded into the fields and fed some shit about God to keep you compliant. Religion was the greatest invention ever because it keeps people like you focusing on things that you can actually comprehend. You should be thinking about Christ’s sacrifice and work rather than geopolitics because you’re not actually able to comprehend geopolitics.

  2. you recognize that the wheels are coming off modernity, but then bitch about halting aid to africa to stop hiv. when everything goes to hell, will the gorillas be better or worse off with the 250k that die as a result of this?

    i get it, i’m a 95iq lswm mouth breather, you are a euro with tds. but consider your last post: save all the africans so that they get smartphones and then are left with no option but to learn to code. is that a better fate?

    • Today they condemn a couple hundred thousand African newborn kids to lifelong HIV.

      Tomorrow they’re deporting some Mexicans.

      Then the next day it’s your turn.

      It’s just the process of contracting the circle of empathy.

      Instead of fixing the problems, which they have no intention of doing, they just decide that some people are no longer worth spending money on and will just have to die, an orderly contraction.

      And hey, maybe if we steal Greenland from the Europeans and take over Canada we can kick the can down the hall for a few decades, while we tell the dumbass proles it’s all just a big hoax.

      But until that time, the billionaires are cutting rations to the useless eaters. And today that’s some pregnant woman somewhere in Africa.

      But tomorrow it’s you.

      • It’s a hostage situation. This is when you find out who actually cares. You say that Japan or China or Canada or the EU would cover it if it were necessary. I wouldn’t to bet on it. This will let everyone see whether they would in truth come up with the 4.7 billion a year that the U.S. has been spending. Will they act fast, as is actually necessary? Or will they just wait and see and say what bad people the Americans are? Yes it is very bad, but if other countries don’t intervene it is all just talk. The Canadians are coercing people to commit suicide to save on medical costs; can they really afford to help?

        This could be a way to get other countries to kick in; this is a popular program with both the Republicans and the Democrats; I do not think it will be dropped by the U.S.. But the U.S. may insist, as with the cost of war, that other countries put up money as well. Gates could cover it all himself; so could the Bush family; so could a lot of Democrat billionaires (as well as the Republican billionaires, of course). Will they give up some of their loot?

        I don’t know what the U.S. can afford. Well, I know what we could afford if we cut back military spending, but Japan and the EU and Canada don’t want us to do that. You don’t want us to do that; you’re keen on American military might due to Russia. Are we going to go broke in a year or two? Things are going downhill economically all over the place, including here; people are broke in the U.S.; there are a lot of desperate people here. No, they are not desperate like poor Africans are, but desperate is desperate. You read about the rich Americans in the news but there are so many poor Americans. I was talking with an elderly friend who thought that the $22 per hour that his health aides earned sounded okay; I asked him what he thought a loaf of bread cost these days; his guess was a dollar (it is about six dollars). Vance looks at people like that – his people – and he thinks they shouldn’t be paying for the needs of someone overseas, unless they want to do it themselves (and poor people do give; they are by far the most generous).

        • An update:

          “The Trump administration on Tuesday issued a waiver for lifesaving medicines and medical services, offering a reprieve for a worldwide H.I.V. treatment program that was halted last week.
          The waiver, announced by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, seemed to allow for the distribution of H.I.V. medications, but whether the waiver extended to preventive drugs or other services offered by the program, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, was not immediately clear.”

      • i know you claim to be a subjective idealist and maybe you are trying to manifest a better world, but other posts suggest that you don’t actually believe we live in a world where both hiv medication is distributed to africa and techno-optimism isn’t retarded. pick one.

        “Instead of fixing the problems…” what are the problems? how do we fix them? hey, let’s fix poverty by giving people money, that’ll work!

        sure, pulling the plug overnight isn’t the most orderly policy, but what sort of bullshit technocratic fix *is* going to work? you might as well become a thermodynamic priest and go all in on e/acc.

        arguably, the problem is the widening of the circle of empathy. there’s been an unspoken assumption since–i dunno, the enlightenment? sure–that there is positive moral valence associated with charity outside your community. but why? obviously, that’s not to condone aggression or hostility, but why does giving money to some poor farmer in a far-flung place make you a better person than not? your dutch villager was happier caring more about the local football match than a bunch of refugees, and the farmer was happier before the matrix ensnared him into wanting to become a western-style consumer. sure, the westerners have easier and more comfortable lives than the hard scrabble farmers, but as you’ve documented this is clearly a lifestyle with a sell by date that is fast approaching. so what’s the point?

        p.s. i’m probably top of list of useless eaters due to my utter dependence on the medical system, so this isn’t coming from some delusion that i’ll be spared.

        • Reminds me of Ivan Illich exhorting wannabe do-gooders headed off to Mexico to F* off and leave the “third world” alone. Arguing basically that the lack of language and cultural awareness and implicit superiority of the missionary-type was not helping. Personally, I had a Xtian school-educated niece hit me up for funding to go help the poor. Big NO to that; the silly irony of begging for the funds to help beggars. Charity begins at home, sez Grandma, and that’s about right. The pullback of US and Int’l aid and interventions should be cheered. While I don’t endorse drowning government in the bathtub like 90s conservatives, I agree that “I’m with the government and I’m here to help” is a dangerous statement!

  3. OT:

    A few weeks back I shared a “New Thinking Allowed” interview with Kevin Cann, who has a philosophy of “Platonic Surrealism” which SYM seemed to enjoy. (I’m a fan, myself)

    Mishlove just released a Part 2 to the interview here:

    It is very intriguing.

    Many themes are discussed which I believe would be of interest to Raddie (assuming he’s not a crypto-Jew)

    I’m too drunk to give the interview a proper summary, but it involves the idea that we humans, as individuals, are merely “mitochondria” within a larger organism.

    Just as mitochondria “do what they do” for OUR sake…

    We as humans “do what we do” for a larger system which subsumes us.

    I was a bit unnerved by what I was hearing, because it seems to me Kevin was trying to rationalize and make excuses for the notion that Archonic/Demonic forces are FEEDING ON US AND OUR PAIN, in order to sustain themselves.

    Like the autistic Jew he is, he wants to trick the Goyim into thinking that being FED UPON is “good for everybody” (or, “FOR THE BODY”)

    But I’m like, “hey, wait a minute”

    If higher dimensional beings have possibly bred humans to provide Loosh/energy/whatever through their sufferings,

    Then why should I feel guilty about eating chicken tendies?

    It’s all One Food Chain, in outer space.

    Vegans like Rad are controlled opposition, trying to convince the Goyim that if they just sacrifice everything to the bone, that they will find some sort of salvation.

    But no, this is not correct.

    Life feeds on life, and always will

    Pay close attention to those who would ask you to be a martyr in this entropic universe.

    Refusing to eat animals doesn’t move the needle in this Hell Realm ONE BIT

    • >but it involves the idea that we humans, as individuals, are merely “mitochondria” within a larger organism.

      This is just Templism, and that larger organism is the god-consciousness of racial groups. I already went through believing all of this. This is religion for stupid people.

      Too bad I’m white so I can’t actually convince myself to not have empathy.

      Anyway you’re too individualist to understand how important sustainability is due to being a low IQ Mexican. The Author of Templist Canon is Italian so he basically thinks the same way you do. Brown shitskin fodder.

      Individualist solipsists love the idea that this is just a game between higher forces because that removes culpability for their own actions.

      You can’t feel guilty because guilt is a a emotion your underdeveloped neocortex is unable to process. You’re a subhuman animal yourself, one that exists to be enslaved by actual human beings, so there’s no reason to actually expect better from you.

      Pedro go wash my car.

  4. The solution to HIV is to not fucking spread it. You don’t need anti-retroviral drugs, if you don’t indulge in gay orgies or indulge in sharing needles.

    Yes, I feel bad for the people who get HIV, especially ones who have it inflicted on them by homos and druggies. I don’t want that to happen.

    But, handing out drugs which keep these degenerates alive is subsidising their indulgent, decadent (in the most negative sense of that word) life choices.

    Ideally, you would give this drug for free to pregnant women only, everyone else has to pay, BUT the immediate and obvious problem is that women with HIV will get themselves pregnant to obtain treatment.

    You know what, I would support giving the treatment for free to women only. Then, no babies get it, and women are not incentivised to reproduce to get treated.

    How’s that for a stream-of-conciousness

  5. The massive shift in direction of the USofA ship is more than ideological. The dems gave the elections without a fight. They knew what was coming, and didn’t want to be the one to clean this toilet. The tech oligarchs jumped onboard wagging their tails, whereas in 2016 and 2020 they fought hard on the side of the left. Let’s enumerate a few deep reasons why Orange Man & co. could be steering hard right:

    1. Most likely, they are planning a war, most likely with Iran, but possibly with China too. They need the religious right hard onboard, and the right-wing whites, who hold most guns and military training, to at least not oppose the draft, and even better, to volunteer.

    2. The US Gov is very close to actually defaulting on debts. The coming disaster will be blamed on the political right, courtesy of the reality TV actor in charge.

    3. They plan to provoke the left to start a civil war, to finish them off forever

    4. They have a hard deadline (WN5 in 2028? Expectation of a variant deadly to the jabbies that has been discussed on this blog?). The powers that be concluded that the wokie experiment has failed, and are doing emergency repairs to the ship so the heaviest armed, and the least jabbed part of the population is on their side, and they can still keep control when the damage occurs.

  6. I woke up an read that parts of one of the most expensive burocracy in the world (the Swiss federal layer) has to ask experts at universities to fix the incompetence of the traffic and rail planning department.

    Why should I expect ANY nation to build a working system?!

    • It happens to me too; they’re insufferable.

      Every time a woman like this speaks bullshit, climate change accelerates; bitch needs to run on solar power instead of Starbucks soy.

      • I like her and listen to her YouTube videos. But this one triggered me a lot. Mind you I am happily married, my wife is a respected professional etc

  7. I don’t get the logic: Lament the loss of dependency of some group’s health on a program funded by the largesse of Americans because tomorrow it might be you who loses dependency?

    • For a while, I also had a strong aversion to anything Trump/MAGA-related. I eventually realised that what really disconcerted me *wasn’t* that he was particularly worse than any other president, but his crude, vulgar rhetoric: the destruction of the facade of an eloquent statesman that masks the degeneracy under the surface. Trump was the disquieting confirmation that vast hordes of people had latched onto completely magical thinking, and he was a convenient scapegoat for the sadism and vitriol that has now entirely permeated the public sphere. I share the concern that any semblance of compassion has completely eroded, but perhaps it’s better to see the bare, naked truth lying in front of us. His rhetoric seems to fuel the unabashed debasement of minorities and internecine political division, when really he is just the honest manifestation of the modern American consciousness.

  8. America is an empire in deep decline. We are well on our way to defaulting on our national debt. We simply don’t have the money to pay for drugs for brown people in Africa. I don’t think Japan or Europe does either. The west is falling.

    • The entire world is failing; we are simply running out of resources. Neoliberal policies could be conceptualised as something of a psyop to reduce per capita energy use/living standards in order to continually grow the economic machine. Now that even this temporary mid-term stability has eroded, the elites resort to more crude tactics: aggressive tariffs, blatant cryptocurrency scams and threats to invade Greenland and Panama.

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