I’m starting to get a little scared. Americans seem really eager to try out their new experiment, what I refer to as the “low IQ revolution”. What happens when we tell people with a high IQ to quit their jobs because they’re woke libtards with pronouns and proceed to put people with a low IQ in charge, because they’re freedom loving patriots?
Well, we already tried that a number of times throughout history, it never worked well. In China, we had Mao Zedong in charge, who ordered the sparrows killed, because he thought they were eating the grain. In reality those sparrows were mostly eating insects, so after killing them they began to have insect plagues that started destroying their crops, resulting in the great famine.
This is just what happens when you put some guy in charge who’s not very smart or well-read, but very charismatic, socially dominant and arrogant and develops an opinion on anything that he hears about, without really understanding what’s going on, while doubling down when he is called out on it.
I already warned you, don’t vote for this guy, but I didn’t think people would seriously re-elect him, it seemed almost impossible to me, just too ridiculous to really happen.
So I just want to give you a short list of some of what we’re dealing with so far:
–Trump orders water to be released in California. This is water that is being stored, for farmers in the valley to use in case they get a really dry summer. None of the farmers, none of the locals, none of the water managers, say this is a good idea.
-Trump orders mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, who make up at least 44% of America’s agricultural workforce. The majority of them have been in the country for at least ten years. There are simply no people to replace them. They already stopped showing up for work in many places, afraid of being deported.
-Trump orders 25% tariffs on products from Mexico and Canada. That’s where America’s fruit and vegetables come from, other than the stuff grown domestically (which isn’t being harvested as the undocumented farm workers don’t want to end up in Guantanamo bay). But more importantly, 89% of potash comes from Canada. So farmers are going to have higher costs to grow their crops. And then there’s the 10% tariff on Canadian oil. And hey, Canada and Mexico are going to retaliate in some form. And because Trump is dumb enough to pick a fight with both of them at the same time, they can coordinate their response too.
-Trump shuts down a global famine monitor.
-Trump’s shutdown of USAID means Ukraine can’t reconstruct its food and energy system.
-Trump removed all mentions of global warming from all US department of agriculture website.
-Trump has halted the release of bird flu studies and monitoring of the situation. We’re now sailing blind. This is what’s making poultry and eggs so expensive, but Trump decides to just stop looking at it.
And this is two weeks into his second term.
It’s going to get worse.
Now, at least to some degree, what is going on is a controlled demolition of the United States federal government: The whole thing is rigged with explosives and Trump is the clueless terrorist armed with a boxcutter on board of the remote-controlled plane they’re flying into it.
The Silicon Valley billionaires who had their proteges appointed by Trump WANT to destroy the United States, to replace the country with their own patchwork of corporate fiefdoms ruled by shareholders, with zero democratic oversight. The above video explains it quite well.
For all practical purposes, there are now two factions inside the Trump administration:
-The low IQ faction, led by Donald Trump. These are people with a low IQ, who try to base government policy on what low IQ individuals believe would work well: Sending the brown people back to their own country, pouring water from the reservoirs, withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, ending foreign aid, prohibiting government employees from mentioning their pronouns in emails, etc. These people really believe in what they’re doing.
-The kill the poor faction, led by J. D. Vance. These are basically the Silicon Valley elite. Their main goal is to no longer be accountable to the general population. They are against democracy and basically want a kind of high tech neofeudalism. They think most people will just be utterly useless and unemployable once we have advanced AI systems and they don’t want to be paying taxes to feed angry unemployed people who will be out to kill them. Unlike the low IQ faction, they don’t really care whether you’re brown or not. To these people your humanity depends mostly on whether you’re able to hold onto a well-paying private sector job and manage to sound smart. The kill the poor faction is basically in support of what the low IQ faction is doing, but not because they think it will improve things. No, the kill the poor faction supports this stuff, because their goal is to stir the kaleidoscope: When the policies implemented by the low IQ faction cause things to start breaking down or Trump dies or simply becomes too old or demented to continue running things, the kill the poor faction gets to take over and fix things in the manner that they want. And what’s more, people will be begging for it.
Trump is carrying out their Great Reset, to usher in their New World Order. But it’s BASED instead of WOKE, so the low IQ low status white males now love it. These same types who have been hyperventilating about fascism and martial law from the 90’s to 2016, now cheer as the country plunges into exactly that.
Trump’s low IQ revolution is a prelude for the bigger long term goal, which is basically corporate fascism. The low IQ revolution is not intended to actually work. It is intended to destroy the existing institutes, allowing the tech billionaires to institute their own systems of governance without democratic oversight to replace those institutes.
The tech moguls are perfectly happy to just stand on the sidelines and watch as a couple million people worldwide now start dying from hunger and disease. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. These guys essentially see the United States as a failed project that is approaching an inevitable collapse. And if they manage to trigger that collapse through Trump’s low IQ revolution, while they have their own minions installed in government, then they get to be the ones who get to decide what comes after the collapse: High-tech neofeudalism/corporate fascism.
This is also why I hope people understand: If you were to assassinate Trump, things would just get worse. It’s the worst possible way to try to solve this. Low IQ Americans would see him as a martyr for the low IQ revolution and the kill the poor faction would simply take over the government, as there would be no other clear leader for the low IQ faction to rally behind. Do not waste your life to kill Donald Trump.
I simply love cooming to Ivanka.
That alone is worth the complete destruction of the country.
Elon agrees.
A fine coomer choice, Retard.
Trump orders 25% tariffs on products from Mexico and Canada.
Here in kanada we have a value added tax, europe has one too. It took years of debate for the government to pass it. Trump just introduced a vat tax to the US in his second week and basically no americans seem upset. He just called his vat tax a tariff, that seems pretty clever. Thought you might like to see this antisperm antibodies?
It’s funny that the old guys in the study weren’t really affected. It was a very small sample, but if it is correct, it would fit my guess and observations that old and fat people don’t have enough of an immune system to be harmed by the vaccines in the way young and slim people are.
Both tariffs and VAT are income for the State.
But VAT applies to every product/service, including domestic ones.
Tariffs only apply to imports.
USA have been applying tariffs since ever, before the globalization project accelerated.
Through tariffs the USA can (or at least WAS able to) slow down the development of competitive economies, like Japan and Germany.
I don’t know what they’re hoping to achieve now. Besides maybe subduing the allies (Germany and Japan were also allies post-WWII) and boosting local (USA) economy.
We’ll see.
(As a side effect, it may also slow down global development, which is supposedly a goal of the Green/Left too)
However (I forgot to say it!), you are right in that VAT is the child of tariffs! You can still see the tariff-collecting-buildings of Paris!
(Each city had their own tariffs)
Twenty years ago someone was telling me that she was afraid of becoming a homeless bag lady in her old age. I said that I couldn’t picture that happening since the country was so rich and there were so many buildings. Now it is common for elderly and impoverished and sick people to be homeless. But I hate to tell you this but it got worse just as fast under Democratic presidents. Under Biden it skyrocketed. And it is the worst in blue regions due to crazy housing costs. The advantage of “regular” Republicans is that they are very task oriented; they will decide that their church should be affiliated with a nearby old folks’ home and so it will be and the church people will go and visit it all the time and make plans for their own time there and make sure that there is money for poor people to be fit into it, too. But those are “regular” Republicans.
So in the past I would have said no way could people in the U.S. genuinely go hungry since the resources here are staggering. I have a friend who is well off whose cleaning lady goes to food banks because she wants food to give to poor people who can’t get to the food bank (she is technically poor but she is functional so not really poor). She ends up with stuff no-one wants, and so brings it to my well-off friend, who will eat it since well off people of some backgrounds (e.g. Scottish) hate wasting food and money. So we’re just awash in food. But now I do wonder what could happen.
Food prices went up and up and up in the 1970s and so people started home gardens. That is still an option for many Americans if they are willing to do the work. Also Americans are perfectly capable of picking crops; when I was growing up there were “pick it yourself” blueberry and strawberry farms. In the really old days there were buses out of cities that brought poor city dwellers out to harvest areas to tend and pick crops; on the way back the bus owner would sell the workers alcohol which they were happy to consume and so they would spend all their wages and come home drunk. But they were game to do it again the next time.
Some good things, some bad things, just like the last administration, but so far I see more good than bad. Open borders was a bad policy for both economic and security reasons. That has stopped now, and the agricultural sector will readjust with higher wages and guest worker programs that won’t just be a free for all. Automation will continue to make field labor less and less necessary.
The tariffs and foreign aid reform had to happen. The US has been giving away the store for far too long and the national debt has become a national security issue.
Ignoring bird flu is dumb, but honestly we’re so far down the line on this one, there are no policy responses that any politician will support which could change what’s coming, which is another round of risky MRNA mass experiments.
>The tariffs and foreign aid reform had to happen. The US has been giving away the store for far too long and the national debt has become a national security issue.
Tariffs tax consumption rather than taxing income. Taxation is theft either way, but at least consumption taxes are somewhat voluntary. Overconsumption is what leads to things like global warming and bird/cattle flu, so you should be against that if you’re logically consistent.
Property is theft, amigo. Without your property, you Yanks are simply miasmas.
Go live in a mud pit or something
Yes, overconsumption and the globalized markets contribute to the downgrade of the global environment.
Btw, GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) was brokered by the USA, but wasn’t followed consistently by the USA.
You need to be red pilled.
We are at the PEAK. You can tell from this video that your life as been BS LOL:
No one wanted to do anything to transition to a environmentally sustainable economy so this civilization was doomed anyway. All the people who are going to suffer due the tech billionaires shitting everywhere were doomed anyway.
The tech billionaires are doomed too, they’ll get to be high for a few decades until the global South is sufficiently desertified and the next great Migration Period starts. Then they’ll be raped and torn apart by the angry barbarians and all will be right with the world.
Normal poor people won’t risk their lives to protect the billionaires after everything; maybe the poor will kill the billionaires before the hordes get here if things get bad enough domestically. Everyone loves Luigi, not even the Trumpies really counter-signaled him.
You are all going to die of disease and famine and the AI chatbots aren’t going to save you. If the people in charge had their way they would kill you before the environment does to save on costs. You’re all doomed. This is the price you have to pay for your degeneracy and ignorance.
We are blessed.
>I thought the environment collapsing just meant all the pretty animals like the polar bears were going extinct! I don’t care about animals, I’m a low status white male and I need my beef so if the polar bears go extinct that’s fine with me!
No it means that 100 hectares of farmland turn into desert every year at a rapidly increasing rate. 15%.5 of the world’s land has been converted into wasteland by this process. It’s inevitable. No one is doing anything to fix this. Trump just wants to loot Greenland and Canada so his buddies can ignore the issue in comfort for a couple more decades. You’re all fucking doomed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I hope the tech billionaires decide the next government department to gut is the military, you people don’t deserve any shield to protect you from what’s coming. All of you think keeping the U.S Empire together is stupid anyway, so we really ought to just stop spending so much taxpayer money on the military. We need to think about the taxpayers and how much the military costs. This is why we should just get rid of the military before the next great migration period occurs, to save on costs.
Yeah, lets just annex Canada and Greenaland then settle down and stop spending so much taxpayer money on a military we don’t need anymore. We only need ICE to keep dem illegals out anyway.
“This is just what happens when you put some guy in charge who’s not very smart or well-read, but very charismatic, socially dominant and arrogant and develops an opinion on anything that he hears about, without really understanding what’s going on, while doubling down when he is called out on it.”
oh come on you must be doing this on purpose now
The Communists were (self-described) “best read” people in society, Mao was an author himself, and all the Western publications you describe as “high IQ” revered him until many years after his death.
Watching the Dark Gothic Maga Video, holy shit this chick has really pretty eyes.
Yeah yeah yeah, what’s she’s saying is horrifying and insane.
But she’s really pretty when she says it.
I don’t even typically like blonde girls but this one is alright.
Anime girls are overrated anyway.
Also half of these dudes are Humpty Dumpty.
Then you have this fucking Oompa Loompa talking about Tech Zionism and how to subvert a society in order to make Cyberpunk real.
I can’t. I just can’t bro. this shit is too retarded.
My Japanese cartoons take themselves more seriously than real life does.
We’ll see how it works out in the long run, but I believe The Donald is the best President of my lifetime.
So much nonsensical shit is quickly getting buried as fertilizer for green shoots of healthy reality springing back to life.
Thank fuck the cackling, empty pantsuit was defeated.
I was in the Canadian public sector; the whole tariff thing is amusing. The country is utterly dependent on American based companies for the most basic functions, payments, every good and service… everything. The US intelligence agency owned tech companies know everything the government does and control every technical function. The real question is what the goal of this is; is there real policy changes expected or is causing dysfunction the real goal.
Also, it’s time to retire the terms feudalism or neofeudalism; the feudal system differed greatly from what the techies seem to want.
Trump is not very smart. It was much better having an actual senile guy and his very very low IQ sidekick. That was sarcasm, for you liberals with no sense of humor.
Trump is a tyrant. Again, much better having the senile guy and his vaxine mandates. Your body, your choice, right dumb ass??? That worked out well for those who comlplied.
Again I’ll mention tariffs are inflation neutral, because I know most of you so-called educated liberals were taught only keynesian economics. Prices are raised directly, but gov’t borrowing is reduced by the same amount
“They think most people will just be utterly useless and unemployable once we have advanced AI systems” – if AI succeeds at being intelligent, then it will inevitably go for power and money – the target is going to be rich and powerful people and people-managed coprorations, not the unimportant poor. Right now everybody treats AI as some kind of assistant, and it is a perfect position to take over control. In USSR the most powerful person was First Secretary of Communist Party, it’s because Joseph Stalin took control from the position of it’s first secretary (in modern words: assistant), and his initial title was retained by his successors – rulers of the empire.