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This is officially too based for Youtube, but that won’t stop us of course. Enjoy!
Log off now or log off forever
This is officially too based for Youtube, but that won’t stop us of course. Enjoy!
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I have some very slight ties to both Kaczynski and McVeigh.
I may have seen McVeigh at one of the expos he attended in the early 1990s.
They both did a lot wrong.
They should have used their God-given brains to think of better ways to make their statements.
Ted was friends with Tim at the supermax prison in Colorado.
Imagine the conversations they had!
Too bad none of it was recorded.
And then there was my friend who was incarcerated in San Quentin…lol.
People are crazy.
Heh. Based.
Aaaand deleted. Of course. With a warning on my channel.
I appealed, they have 72 hours to review.
This stuff makes me depressed, I did nothing wrong.
I hate big tech.
To be expected from the techno-fetishists.
RIP Uncle Ted; you had it nailed.
RIP Hungry Santa!
I suppose the difference between Marx and Uncle Ted is that Teddy actually lived his ideals rather than being a communist faggot.
This seems like a strange thing to say.
Don’t worry, I have it saved to be easily burned later. Praise the Red Cult.
(((I hate big tech)))
Rot in Hell Susan Diane Wojcicki
Mathematics Professor at UC Berkeley Ted Kaczynski vs. recluse bomb builder in Montana wilderness Ted Kaczynski: