Vagina Dentata

I saw this video of these sorority girls dancing to some Jennifer Lopez song and a bunch of angry dudes responded to it. I wondered why it invites such hostility, but then it dawned on me: Happiness is cringe.

Happiness is just kind of inappropriate behavior for an adult. When I see happy adults I think to myself: “How old are you, ten?”

When you’re an adult you’re supposed to be unhappy, because you’re overweight, don’t have enough money, don’t have enough hair, or have to take 16 different pills just to stay alive.

Nobody wants to fuck happy people. You know what insult they invented for homosexual men? “Gay” When a woman says “he’s gay”, she’s literally just saying: “That man is happy.”

That’s enough to disqualify you as a serious romantic partner to women. You shot up your school? No worries. You store the flesh of dead black guys you met at your local bar in your fridge? That’s fine.

You’re happy? Ew. Go off to get sodomized or something, happycel. When women ask me if I’m gay (they do this a lot) I always tell them: Don’t worry, there’s not a happy fibre in my body. I’m the least gay man you’ll ever meet.

I’m not offended by these questions though. To start with, women are attracted to waifish androgynous men. I don’t see them lining up for Alex Jones or an Afghan warlord.

Second, women try to install this idea in your head for benevolent reasons, because they know they have a trap between their legs, that drains the life of any man who steps into it. Once you enter, they have you trapped.

Vagina dentata. The teeth sink into your penis and now you are one unit, one flesh, as the Bible warns. You move together, but she decides the destination. And when you don’t obey, when you don’t follow her? Well, those teeth are strong.

Women are pragmatic, they’re perfectly able to sleep with a man they’re not attracted to. Prostitutes and married women prove this on a regular basis. The prostitute happily traps men like a Venus(!) Fly Trap. No prey is beneath her.

And women who engage in one night stands, are just engaging in self-harm, using you for masochistic purposes. All of this hurts a man’s dignity.

Anyway, the point I wish to make, is that men are not that different from women. We’re not attracted to gay women either. The demand for miserable goth chicks exceeds the supply.

One of my favourite horror movies has a succubus who just gores the guy she sleeps with, like a playing mantis.

Unfortunately, human women did not evolve to bite off the head of their mate. That would be too merciful. No, they evolved to sink their teeth into your other flesh.

Why do older married women dye their hair red? Why does the poor old bloke walking next to them look so defeated? She has been freed of menstruation and now covers her hair in his blood, it’s a way of publicly humiliating him.

Genetically speaking, you’re closer to a male chimpanzee, than to a human woman. You can never trust women with red hair. They know too much. When you hear them laugh, be very careful.

Men in this fallen era, are forced to put up with gay women. Men’s biological drives mean they can’t afford to turn down women for being too happy. So these sorority sisters have nothing to worry about, as long as they get settled before starting their soul-draining Corp jobs.

But if they seem happy now, just wait to see how happy they are when they sink their teeth into you. And the saddest part is, you think I’m joking.

There’s something very metaphysically disturbing about sex, but the laughing women with red hair are not about to share the secret with you.


  1. I agree, women are evil. We should kill them all and replace them with sex robots. The sex robots can do all the choirs while the men do fun things like go to the gym and play video games.

    Reproduction? Hahahahaha. We’ll have each sex robot be able to perfectly clone you, and a overall sex robot super intelligence that can find and trap your soul and put it into your body as soon as you’re cloned after death.

    You will get to live forever tapping robot ass, death will be but a mere inconvenience. You will die over and over again, and there will be no escape. The great sex robot in the sky chortling to herself as she dyes her hair red, whispering her true name to the winds…

    • >I agree, women are evil. We should kill them all and replace them with sex robots. The sex robots can do all the choirs while the men do fun things like go to the gym and play video games.

      If you really believe that, and aren’t trolling, it means you’re probably a faggot.

      In my experience most men who think women are evil, or dumb, or inferior, or whose purpose in life is to be fucked, are usually weak and insecure men with “mommy” issues, and regardless of whether they are married to a woman, or publicly identify as straight, they’re usually closeted fags, who secretly dress up as women, and fantasize about becoming a tranny.

      Such types usually join faggot secret societies, like the Freemasons, and the Jesuits, where no girls are allowed, and where boys can be boys, if you know what I mean, which usually means freely indulging in woman hating sodomite orgies.

  2. > Why do older married women dye their hair red?

    The perfect stereotypical example of this phenomenon is British “comedian” Jo Brand.

    And here is a funny video of the red-haired wife of “Prince of Darkness” Ozzy Osbourne laughing hysterically at an overweight horse jockey before she face plants herself into a door:

  3. I once had a spasming vagina clamp down on my love muscle with what felt like 300 psi.
    I’m a gentleman so I won’t say more.

  4. Over the past 40 or so years, women have become less happy, and men have become more happy:

    “since 1972, women’s overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are. (The one and only exception: African-American women are now slightly happier than they were back in 1972, although they remain less happy than African American men.) ( post article links to the studies)

    Also, “The second discovery is, this: though women begin their lives more fulfilled than men, as they age, they gradually become less happy. Men, in contrast, get happier as they get older. (These findings are drawn from the work of Professors Richard Easterlin and Anke Plagnol, who took the same U.S. General Social Survey data and sliced it in a different way. You can find their working paper here).” (same huff post article)

    So, I don’t know what men are upset about. They are happier than women now, and they are progressively happier every year, as a group. And as individuals, men get happier as they age, while women become less happy.

    • >Over the past 40 or so years, women have become less happy, and men have become more happy:

      I don’t know if I believe this. I think it has become more socially acceptable for women to admit they’re unhappy.

      • That could be.

        Another explanation is that we haven’t had a military draft for a real war in the relevant time frame. The prospect of having to die in battle likely reduces male happiness levels, once the initial excitement about having a war passes. My impression is that men are capable of happiness as long as no-one is doing something rotten to them (like a war). Women, on the other hand, are genetically selected to be miserable because it causes them to keep seeking out more resources, and now that the resources that they can compete for are so wide-ranging and conflicting, that makes them all the more wretched.

      • “Over the past 40 or so years, women have become less happy, and men have become more happy:”

        Feminism, abortions, birth control, and gutting welfare put women into the workforce. Hence their unhappiness being providers. Men are more free now because they don’t have to marry anymore to get some Dentata. Sex is free of burden now.

  5. Women want to look like redheads because redheads are the sexiest.

    I’m not saying that because my naturally redheaded woman is lying in bed next to me and would otherwise snap my nuts off.

    She sends her love.

  6. Older women dye their hair red because it is hard to dye grey hair other colors. Once your hair goes grey, even if you buy a box of dye that is supposed to make your hair brown or black, it will still result in reddish hair. You have to go to a costly salon for special chemicals if you want hair that isn’t reddish. So lots of women just give up and go for the cheap home hair dye and use red since that is what they will get anyway.

    People assume that others do X because they want to do X. But often they do X because that is just how things work, even if it is not what they want.

    • I’m not saying ALL women are dumb, but it’s curious how they don’t seem to understand anything about biology even though they know they are born to be fucked; their purpose in life.
      We horny males don’t give a damn about your artificial hair color or your botoxed face.
      Just don’t get fat and gross.

      Women can be HAWT into their 60s if they enjoy sex and still get that pussy to pay but they usually give up at 30 if they haven’t experimented with “transitioning” by then.
      Huge, ugly females moralizing at us.
      They were too good for us at 20 and at 40 they don’t care.

      • It’s a rather disgusting way to view people don’t you think? We’re spiritual beings, those of us who have souls are all capable of transcendent things regardless of what form of flesh suit we were forced into in this world. “Your purpose is to be fucked.” We’re not machines, we’re not sex slaves, men nor women, and we do not need a ‘purpose’ assigned to us by others to justify our existence. It’s also a really dumb way to see sexuality, when it can be something beautiful and genuine that two people share with each other but then gets cheapened into whatever you were describing above. And scientific materialism is completely wrong, regardless, about the nature of the reality we presently inhabit.

  7. She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
    I’ve been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
    I’ve been drawn into your magnetar pit trap
    I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

    Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
    Cut myself on angel hair and baby’s breath
    Broken hymen of Your Highness, I’m left black
    Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back…

    • Metaphor for a missing moment
      Pull me into your perfect circle
      One womb, one shame, one resolve
      Liberate this will to release us all

      Gotta cut away, clear away
      Snip away and sever this umbilical residue
      Keeping me from killing you

      And from pulling you down with me in here
      I can almost hear you scream

      One me one more medicated, peaceful moment
      Give me one more medicated, peaceful moment
      And I don’t wanna feel this overwhelming hostility
      I don’t wanna feel this overwhelming hostility

      Gotta cut away, clear away
      Snip away and sever this umbilical residue
      Gotta cut away, clear away
      Snip away and sever this umbilical residue
      Keeping me from killing you

      Snip away and sever this umbilical residue
      Keeping me from killing you

  8. >Women are pragmatic,

    I’ve long thought there was a lot of wisdom in the saying “Men are romantics masquerading as pragmatists; women are pragmatists masquerading as romantics”

    Although, with the state of the world these days, with all of the license and degeneration, that quip doesn’t carry the punch it used to — these days all masks are falling away into an undifferentiated soup.

    • >Are traps gay?

      Not necessarily.

      From a purely “intellectual” perspective, the elite trannies have grokked what truly makes the seductive and alluring female, well, seductive and alluring.

      They are backfilling a market niche now that many normie women are fat and masculine.

      This certainly presents a dilemma.

  9. Bill Burr’s joke about Michelle Obama should register how black men have been under a gynarchy for some time. No matter how accomplished a black man can be he’ll never be seen as better than his woman in the black american community.

  10. I really do hate AI. It bothers me to see more and more people using it, thinking it will make them appear smarter than they actually are, or perhaps they just like fucking with people, because that’s what fucked up losers do, but I can see through that bullshit miles away, and this shit stinks of it.

    You are not a dumb guy, Rintrah, so why are you wasting your time posting this bullshit? Do you even talk to your mother, or any of the female relatives in your family? And this goes for you too Sensitive Schizophrenic Faggot, who has just put himself on the radar of the Pacific Northwest division of the FBI, by advocating killing all females, did you ever share your ideas with the females in your extended family? I betcha didn’t, because if you did, I think they’d be really worried about you, and might actually have you committed into an insane asylum. Or is this just some alternate universe that the autistic retards get to play “make believe” in?

    Hey kids, this is Big Bird. I’m your not your enemy, I’m your friend. I know I may come across a bit on the blunt side, bitchy, mean, judgmental, but I call it tough love. Because Big Bird cares.

    The reality is everything you say and do has consequences. Everything you project out into the world, comes right back at you. You think you can pretend to live another life online, where no one knows who you really are, but you can’t, it’s all being recorded, and your sins will find you.

    • “it’s all being recorded, and your sins will find you”

      Yes, and one day they’ll take me out the back of the paint sheds and execute me for my ‘sins’.

    • Not only should we kill all females but we should also erase the very concept that biological femoids ever existed. I told my sister that we should kill all women and replace them with sex robots and she agreed that doing that would be based. This is how we beat the Demiurge. The FBI agrees actually, this is why they hired Elon Musk to make AI.

      Also I’m a Federal Agent so of-course everything I say is being recorded.

    • I don’t know how absurd my posts have to get for you to realize that I’m joking you stupid nigger. I might be a schizophrenic who hears voices and sees Lucifer in a Emerald Mask and Lord Shiva but I’m not retarded and I’m not evil.

      • These are interdimensional entities, and I’d suggest energy training and learning to kill them. It will help your symptoms massively and it feels empowering to ‘kill Shiva’ as it will probably help you to unwind some of the religious programming and to seek empowerment from within yourself instead, as well.

        • I’ve already imagined slaughtering the tranny rape demon demon and sending it to hell. Made me feel better. Shiva has done done nothing to bother me, and has has been beneficial to my existence, so I see no reason to attack him.

          • All of these things – the Shiva thing, the Lucifer thing, and so on – they’re almost certainly parasitically attached to your energy body and siphoning from you the energy that your soul naturally produces. They’re just different races of entity, sometimes it’s actually one type of thing cosplaying as another (for instance, a reptilian cloaking itself as ‘lucifer’). But if you attack them with your own energy and it hurts them, then it is something evil and you SHOULD be attacking it. As you train and start regularly encountering and erasing such things, you generally find out that these beings are ‘demons’ of various types and most of them aren’t terribly strong, but on the other hand you yourself can get much stronger over time. So that’s why I suppose. Assume as a general principle that everything of that type that you encounter here, is evil, and attack first ask questions later.

          • Tyrptie I appreciate you but that’s not my experience. Shiva has been a beneficial influence in my life that has helped to protect me from the energy vampires that you speak of. Lucifer, if that’s what he is, is something stranger that has only shown himself into my life once. It’s safe to say that anything ethereal yet strangely “sexual” is a energy vampire, but these beings have not been that for me. They are teachers who have taught me, and have helped me deal with the “rape demon”

            I could attack Shiva, but I have no reason to. He’s a presence that only rarely shows himself anyway, not very intrusive, nor draining. I think I understand my own life better than you do. Though I do not presume to understand your life.

            It’s ironic that I wish to interact with the Germanic Gods yet they do not show themselves. One of the many ironies of life.

      • Sensitive faggot:

        Joking? What are you ten? You’re a fucking deranged lunatic. Everything you’ve ever posted here is completely insane, it’s all delusional word salad. Do you even read what you write? You are an immature child, who is likely suffering from schizophrenia.

        Yeah, I don’t belong here in your group, but it has nothing to do with my race or gender or status or IQ, it’s because I’m not mentally ill. Which is what you are. My mistake for attempting to have a rational discussion with crazy people.

    • This reminds me of that lesbian woman who went undercover as a man and joined some bowling group of a bunch of guys where one guy would joke he wants to kill his wife with a chainsaw. At the end of all of it, she needed therapy.

      Maybe don’t show up in an LSWM safe space if you can’t handle what you’re going to find there.

      If you’re a woman, you don’t understand what being a man means.

      First and foremost, it means that nobody is coming to save you.

      Nobody will come to pick you up from the gutter.

      Nobody will white knight for you.

      In a sense you’re excessive.

      You’re supposed to have died in some petty tribal conflict with neighboring cattle thieves and your family would have mourned you and convinced themselves they miss you.

      But you didn’t die in some tribal conflict. They sent you to school.

      >this shit stinks of it.

      If you think my posts are AI that’s your problem, not mine.

      • That’s the thing. I want to die in some petty conflict revolving around cattle. I’m a white trash nigger and I think glory is found in dying in a petty war involving nothing nothing. Modern society stole my birthright, a petty death that I think is meaningful, and I will never forgive modernity for stealing that from me. LET ME DIE IN WAR! I DEMAND IT! THAT IS THE OLD END THAT IS WORTHY OF MY GLORIOUS MEDIOCRITY!

        • I’m so fucking miserable but I’m narcissistic to the point I can’t kill myself. I just want to live the life of a Song and Ice and Fire fanfiction Character, let me live a dramatic life, let me die for a women I wanted and could never have, let me live a life of dramatics and let me die a dramatic and miserable death. My life in real life is so mundane, so meaningless, I hate it. It’s worse than hell because at-least hell has some metaphysical meaning. The worst fictional scenario is superior to the utter mundanity and ridiculousness of reality.

          I still drink, an I still smoke, even though it’s turning me into a literal schizophrenic, because that’s easier to cope with than atheist materialism. Let me dream of 18 headed lobster God lord Shivas, that’s easier to cope with than atheism.

          Am I weak willed? Maybe. I don’t care. The Matrix is better than nothing. I’m so drunk right now. I drank two bottles of wine.

          • The people of the PNW are in a spiritual war against the cancers that are Starbucks, Boeing and Microsoft, all companies that were founded in Washington state and that have a detrimental effect on humanity.

          • I’m a patriot I don’t want to hate the pacific north west because that’s who I am. God save me.

      • My gender is unimportant, but definitely not a lesbian. And never said I couldn’t handle it. The same argument you make could also apply to different age groups, or cultures, nationalities, religions. A guy in his 40s hanging out with a group of people in their 20s, there’s bound to be some issues, conflicts, disagreements, or misunderstandings.

        I don’t know whether or not you wrote this using AI, but it reads like it to me. In fact, most of your posts do, but I could be wrong. It might just be because English isn’t your first language, but I don’t think so. It’s probably because you’re insane, and you communicate like a machine. Very black and white. And you flip flop pretty consistently. It’s kind of bipolar.

        But I won’t bother you anymore. We are clearly incompatible, don’t share the same perspective or philosophy on life, and that’s okay. I may comment from time to time to interact with some of the other people here, or not, but I’ll keep my commenting to the minimum, and from this point forward will ignore the sensitive faggot.

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