There are a number of reasons why I correctly anticipated back in march 2020 that SARS2 would prove to be less deadly than people expected. To start with, I anticipated that the number of people already infected would be underestimated, because a lot would have such a mild infection, they never developed any antibodies passing the threshold at which we can measure them. That turned out to be correct, about half of people with a clear T-cell response did not have an accompanying antibody response.
In addition, I anticipated that the people who were first to be infected, would in general be in worse health on average than those who did not immediately get infected. This was also correct. It’s now clear that obese people are more likely to be infected. In addition, elderly people more easily got infected. Children were apparently not able to be infected by the first variants at all, it required the virus to mutate.
There were other issues at the time, patients were being placed on respirators who were still talking, to protect medical personnel from “aerosolizing procedures”. This creates a huge risk of deadly bacterial superinfections for those patients. A certain Meredith in New York City admitted this, but after realizing what she admitted, she disappeared off Twitter. In addition, the first places to have massive numbers of infections were dense cities, where air pollution is very high, like in New York City and Northern Italy.
What I did not anticipate at the time, is that people would practice mass vaccination against this virus. And the thing about science, is that it doesn’t care about your feelings. For the past four years I have run into this general pattern: People from various substacks show up here and insist that although I’m right about SARS-COV-2, I fell for the “global warming hoax”.
But I don’t make the rules: Increase the carbon dioxide content in our atmosphere at the fastest pace seen in tens of millions of years and you start causing massive trouble. I could come up with arguments for why you’ll be fine when you jump out of your thirteenth floor apartment too, but coming up with arguments won’t change the actual outcome, which is mostly going to be a product of physics.
Well, vaccination against this virus, is another sort of intervention that ends up causing massive trouble after a while, because viruses evolve. This was immediately obvious to me at the time. We have immune systems that are very complex and we started intervening in what they do, without understanding what the consequences could be.
Increasing the antibody concentrations with vaccines to fifty times normal levels seen after a natural infection, doesn’t mean you end up with superior protection, at least not in the long run. Rather, it just means that your immune system gets “stuck” on a particular type of response, that will eventually start causing problems once the virus starts to mutate. Reckless interventions in complex systems tends to result in destructive outcomes.
With an immune system stuck on Wuhan, any novel variant of SARS2 that evolves far away from the original Wuhan spike can infect people, without the antibodies against the RBD shifting to versions that can keep that novel version from returning. That’s what happened with Omicron: It evolved far away from Wuhan, infects people, the Wuhan antibodies then mutate a little to deal with the new Omicron version, but are less effective than a novel antibody response would have been. Or, in fancy scientific language: “Repertoire analysis shows that the original Wuhan antigenic sin drives the convergent expansion of the same B cell germlines in vaccinated and SH cohorts. “
People will say that the hCovs also regularly reinfect us every year. That is correct, but it doesn’t follow from this, that SARS2 has to regularly reinfect us. After all, the risk of reinfection depends on the strength of the immune response developed against a pathogen. The strength of the immune response developed against a pathogen, depends on its virulence.
The reason the hCov viruses get to reinfect you, despite mutating less rapidly than Influenza, is because the hCov viruses are generally mild. Influenza in contrast, only infects around 8% of adults per year. Only 5% of people who catch influenza, catch it again within five years. Now consider that Influenza mutates 23 times faster than SARS-COV-2 and you start to see the issue. It’s very strange, to see that most people are still being infected by this SARS-COV-2 virus once or twice a year, especially now in 2024, when everyone is supposed to have some immunity against it.
There is only one proper explanation for this: We broke something. When you realize we broke something, all the puzzle pieces start to fall into place. You realize why we see people constantly get reinfected. You realize why we have these massive waves of this virus in summer, unlike any other respiratory virus. You realize why the original Omicron could spread so rapidly.
In essence, the message that we broke something, is a message of hope. If you can accept that you broke something, you can also repair it. This nightmare we now live in, with a doubling in long COVID cases in children every year, with people losing two IQ points with every reinfection, with all this mass sickness in the middle of summer, does not have to be the “new normal” from now on. In addition, it means we won’t have to isolate ourselves from the respiratory viruses that have been with us for generations, that constantly train our immune systems to help protect us from the nastier ones lurking in other animals.
So what is preventing herd immunity? The answer mostly comes down to the existence of a demographic of people, who have been repeatedly vaccinated and whose innate immune system has failed to adjust to the demands placed upon it by the new SARS2 virus. This failure of the innate immune system to control the virus, is masked by these persistently high concentrations of antibodies. The concentrations of those antibodies rises whenever these people are reinfected, until they rise high enough to suppress the infection. Then the concentrations decline again, but the virus will have already had the opportunity to use this host to release viral aerosols into the air, through which it can jump into other people.
So who are these people? Well fortunately, we have scientific evidence that gives us an answer:
In our observational cohort study of the exhaled breath particles of 194 healthy human subjects, and in our experimental infection study of eight nonhuman primates infected, by aerosol, with SARS-CoV-2, we found that exhaled aerosol particles vary between subjects by three orders of magnitude, with exhaled respiratory droplet number increasing with degree of COVID-19 infection and elevated BMI-years. We observed that 18% of human subjects (35) accounted for 80% of the exhaled bioaerosol of the group (194), reflecting a superspreader distribution of bioaerosol analogous to a classical 20:80 superspreader of infection distribution.
People with more severe infections, release more aerosols. This makes sense. But more importantly, more obese and elderly people also release more aerosols, even if they don’t get severely ill. We have this graph, to illustrate this:

The authors explicitly mention:
We note that all volunteers of <26 y of age and all subjects under 22 BMI were low spreaders of exhaled bioaerosol.
You might argue that these very low doses of aerosols can still transmit the virus. But that brings us to the issue of infectious dose. How sick you get from a virus, depends on the initial dose you are exposed to. A greater dose means a virus gets the opportunity to overwhelm your innate immune response. It also means increased genetic diversity of the population, which also increases virulence.
And because you become more ill when exposed to a greater infectious dose, you then also end up producing more viral particles yourself, which means you are more likely to end up passing it on yourself.
If you follow this logic to its natural conclusion, you’ll understand that the continuation of the pandemic, which is continuing to result in brain damage in children, is a consequence of the fact that through vaccination we have created an entire demographic of elderly and obese individuals, whose innate immune systems fail to control this virus and who continue to pass on this virus, but don’t get severely ill because eventually their antibody concentration rises enough to suppress the infection.
It is in essence, what I warned about back in 2020: The young are being asked to make sacrifices for the old. The sacrifices did not end when the lockdowns ended. Rather, the sacrifices have merely grown over time. We now see long COVID in 20% of children and 13% of teenagers. Your body is not meant to be reinfected by a SARS virus every year. And because long COVID is accompanied by damage to the immune system, we’re making the long term outcome of all of this much, much, much worse.
Herd immunity, requires those individuals of the herd who can’t develop immunity, to be removed from the herd. We used vaccines, to mask which individuals of the herd are unable to develop immunity against this virus. That sounds ruthless, but nature has a habit of being ruthless. Like science, it does not really care about our feelings.
We’re now rapidly reaching the point, where the technological masking of the problem comes to an end. The virus inevitably figures out eventually how to make people’s antibody response against it useless. This will result in huge numbers of deaths, it will end up killing far more people than would have died without any attempt at vaccination.

We can’t isolate children and teenagers from this virus, unless you would propose they:
-Never go to the dentist
-Never go swimming
-Never play sports
-Never kiss each other
All of this was obvious back in march 2020. The nature of the story hasn’t really changed since then:
The purpose of life, is to find something you’re willing to die for. But some people are so afraid of death, they would readily ask sacrifices from the next generation, to extend their own lives a little longer.
The only thing that changed, is the immensity of the sacrifices now demanded of the young.
You need more faith in science Rintrah! With new and improved Nasal Spray Vaccine technology, Bird Flu and Covid will be things of the past!
Old people will live forever. Soon vaccines will be easier to have than every before! Pick one up at your local pharmacy, and spray away all risk of disease! From two to forty nine, nasal vaccines will make us all sublime!
>The most commonly reported side effects of FluMist are fever over 100°F in children 2 through 6 years of age, runny nose and nasal congestion in individuals 2 through 49 years of age and a sore throat in adults 18 through 49 years of age.
Go on citizen! Spray spike proteins right up your nose and directly into your brain! It’s your patriotic duty! Just as it is the patriotic duty of all children (nasty buggers) to stay indoors. Why do kids need to play sports when they have video games? Swim when they should be focusing more on getting their online diplomas? We can replace dentists with new technology created by Elon Cyberius (The Bull) Musk. Kids shouldn’t be kissing each-other anyway. Honestly I think if you don’t want to keep kids inside you’re just a psychopath who want to see old people die.
It is the duty of the young to die for the old. Has human history taught you nothing? We didn’t send the old people to die in WW2! It was the eighteen year olds who got to experience the glory of being mowed down on the beach, being burned alive, or having their feet blown off by land mines. Our elders are too precious to risk, their great wisdom and technical expertise is just too valuable. Old people are the most valuable to the economy, they make the GDP rise, they are heroes who deserve the world.
>With new and improved Nasal Spray Vaccine technology, Bird Flu and Covid will be things of the past!
Yeah, we’re now four years into this pandemic.
The only thing a nasal spray vaccine will do at this point, is recall an immune response that has failed to deliver immunity.
There’s a reason they didn’t go for the nasal spray right away: The studies in animals suggested it results in antibody dependent enhancement of disease.
You have to repair the original antigenic sin, you have to get rid of these plasma cells and T cells stuck on this response that originally developed against Wuhan.
If you can’t get rid of that, you can’t solve the problem.
And if you can’t solve the problem, the virus will solve the problem for you.
The only solution I see is something that eliminates these circulating B cells and T cells.
They’re lucky these cells don’t establish themselves in the bone marrow. That means it should be easier to get rid of them.
The only thing I’ve seen that looks to me like it may work to get rid of these cells are cannabinoids, particularly THC inhaled into the lungs.
But nobody cares what I have to say and it’s probably already too late by now, so it’s pointless.
It won’t take more than a few months before it’s obvious that virulence is now rapidly increasing again, as you can just see these N-Linked Glycans emerge on the NTD right now. There is inevitably going to be a reason they have such a strong fitness advantage now. That reason is almost certainly antibody evasion, which almost certainly means increased risk of severe disease.
Thank you Rintrah. Please keep us informed on this virus evolution. With GVB behind paywall, you’re the only one still explaining and keeping track of this.
Master Rintrah,
You have been talking about the virus being pressured to add glycans to its shield, with a variant dangerous to the “vaxxed” population emerging when a “full house” of glycans is in place. About what percentage of the “full house” is in place so far, and when did the process start? I fully understand that such processes are highly nonlinear, but sometimes back of the envelope calculations can land closer to the truth than complex ones because errors cancel out when taken in aggregate. I.e. when would a linear extrapolation of the glycan addition process predict the “bingo” variant? Thank you.
This is not easy to say. There are five loops in the N-Terminal Domain that are highly immunogenic, particularly N1, N3 and N5. You tend to see the glycans emerge there and you would expect all of them have to be covered to get a “full house”.
The loops are:
>N1 (residues 14 to 26), N2 (residues 67 to 79), N3 (residues 141 to 156), N4 (residues 177 to 186), and N5 (residues 246 to 260)
N1 has been dealt with by now, through the S:16 insertion, along with S:31del or S:T22N. Almost everything now circulating has one of those two mutations.
Beyond that, XEC has S:59S, that may play a role in shielding N2, I don’t know.
S:190T/S:190S puts a glycan on S:188N. That one seems obvious to me, its purpose is to shield N4.
Finally there’s S:K182N being selected strongly. You would think that adds a glycan, but it doesn’t, as there is no Serine/Threonine at 184 yet. So that’s mysterious to me, I expect it will end up adding S/T at 184 to that eventually.
So I think you could say two out of five of the NTD loops have been dealt with, over the past half year or so, perhaps even three in some variants.
You would expect that with two of the five loops dealt with, antibody pressure increases on the remaining three, speeding things up.
But all of this is kind of complex, there are more factors that go into this. A glycan can sit much closer to these loops than it looks, because of how a protein is folded.
It’s relatively simple to tell when something is probably being selected because it adds a glycan.
The NTD loops can also be changed in other ways however. Cysteine pairs are being changed in some variants, some deletions affect the NTD loops too.
And of course, immunogenicity can be decreased simply through mutations that make the loops resemble our own proteome more.
There may be regions in S2 still vulnerable to antibodies, but the pressure on the NTD loops is very obvious.
I expect that with every NTD loop that is dealt with, the intrinsic virulence will increase. Just because there are antibodies that still deal with the other NTD loops, doesn’t mean concentrations can rise high enough to ensure rapid neutralization. And you have to keep in mind: The virus is able to kill T cells, so it can just kill the T cells still dealing with its other NTD loops.
>About what percentage of the “full house” is in place so far, and when did the process start?
So returning to this question, it seems you could say that at least some circulating variants now have 40% of the full house in place, if you assume N1 and N4 are addressed and there’s nothing left in S2 that needs to be dealt with.
Heaven knows how easy it is to deal with the other NTD loops though, fitness costs from adding glycans there may be bigger.
But the important thing to remember is as following: We don’t have to know what’s going to happen exactly, to know we have a problem.
If you want to do me a favor, just ask some virologists and immunologists:
Why is this virus now convergently adding glycans across different NTD loops? Why do those changes suddenly have huge fitness benefits?
They didn’t have any fitness benefit back in 2022 and 2023. However S:190S did have a benefit in late Delta era, which fits the idea that it’s immune evasion.
The most straightforward explanation is: The immune system is so fixated on the RBD of Wuhan, that there is no proper neutralizing antibody response left that can deal with the RBD of JN.1*. That forces (pseudo)neutralization through the NTD, which is inherently unsustainable.
Like the IgG4 problem, you don’t have to know exactly what’s going to happen, to see that something went wrong.
So, according to your analysis, it seems that the virus is going the route of adding glycans to the NTD, instead of a combination of deletions and glycans. Which is “good” in the sense that these future variants won’t be as fusogenic as you were initially expecting (because the immunogenic loops won’t be shortened) but “bad” in the sense that they will be more transmissible than variants with deletions in spike.
And you’ve also described in previous posts how it will be next to impossible to vaccinate against these variants due to numerous reasons (OAS/imprinting, decreased immunogenicity of spike due to evolution towards molecular mimicry, glycosylation of spike, recalled IgG4, serotypes, etc.)
And because the virus has had several years to improve things like interferon suppression, fusogenicity, glycan shielding, all of which help it to establish persistent infections that last for months (or longer), lockdowns won’t work (they didn’t even work back in 2020/2021 when people were only infectious for one or two weeks).
So vaccines won’t work, and lockdowns won’t work. So I wonder what the plan will be from the public health authorities when this all starts to deteriorate. And I wonder just how angry the general public will be when they realise what is happening. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see high profile pushers of the vaccine being dragged out onto the street outside their homes by an angry mob and lynched on the spot.
It mainly seems to resort to adding glycans yes. You do see the NTD deletions pop up in these loops occasionally, but they never really take off so far, except S:31-.
This could change in the future. S:31- required the insertion at S:16 to happen first. Deletions in the other loops may similarly first require new insertions.
Example of what I mean.
This is a strange insertion that emerged a few weeks ago, that has a modest growth advantage.
It inserts ERA at position 182, so it probably gets rid of some of the antibodies against the N4 loop (which runs from 177-186).
By lengthening the loop it creates room to decrease immunogenicity by deleting amino acids elsewhere, just like the insertion at 16 did.
The five loops are known for their tolerance of mutations.
The fact that the immune system now depends on an antibody response against it is very worrisome.
See this article:
It confirms that the antibody response in vaccinated people who suffered breakthrough infections shifted to the N1 and N2 loops of the NTD for neutralization.
But as we now see in real-time, these NTD loops are very tolerant of mutations.
So we’re eventually going to be left with a highly fusogenic non-immunogenic Spike protein, as you constantly have most of the human population putting concentrated antibody pressure on specific parts of the N-Terminal Domain.
You’d think people would revolt, but they don’t seem to.
Instead, it seems like the authorities can do, more or less, ‘whatever’ and people will just follow along.
I imagine the authorities could, more or less, just rinse and repeat their last strategy for ensuring compliance, with whatever new variations they deem necessary, such as, say, imprisoning dissenters, maybe even committing a few executions/mass killings of rioters by ‘security forces’, etc. if things get too unruly.
But where I live the authorities won’t have to go to any great extreme to ensure compliance – 99% of people around here are meek submissives who will just comply to avoid being penalized/suffering right now, no matter the increased risk of death later.
Indeed, after the events of covidworld, it’s easy to see how easy it is for the authorities to democide huge numbers of people – because for whatever reason, it’s clear that most people have about as much rebellious spirit in them as a meat robot.
I don’t see how that graph shows what you are saying it shows. It looks to me like the big spreaders are people in the median of weight and age. That is where the high-up little red triangles are. The second worst demographic is only one third of the way across, so that looks like younger and lighter people. There are hardly any high up red triangles in the far right third of the graph; those would be the old fat people.
I guess you could say that there are fewer red triangles on the far right half because there are fewer samples there. Still, if I had to decide which group to be stuck with, I’d go for the right hand side. As long as that group didn’t include the highest triangle in the middle, whoever that was (and they were not old or fat).
The x-axis is the PRODUCT of BMI times age. So the middle of the chart is NOT “in the median of weight and age”; it’s well above the median. Just look at how the dots are distributed over the x-axis…most of them are in the left third of the chart. The product BMI * age is not distributed on a bell curve!
For example, if you take the 10 rightmost dots in the chart, 5 of them are superspreaders. If you take the 10 leftmost dots, zero of them are superspreaders.
Let’s say the x axis has seven places.
The first place is 1×1 (weightXage)
the second is 2X2 = 4
the third is 3X3 = 9
the fourth is 4X4 =16 (the middle of the chart)
the fifth is 5X5 = 25
the sixth is 6X6 =36
the seventh is 7X7 = 49
Wouldn’t the median of 1 and 49 be 24.5?
But the middle of the x axis (the fourth slot) is only 16.
So it looks like the middle of the chart is below the median of weight and age, not “well above the median.”
Your assertion, “For example, if you take the 10 rightmost dots in the chart, 5 of them are superspreaders. If you take the 10 leftmost dots, zero of them are superspreaders.” makes sense, but then what to make of the ones in the middle? Especially the ultra high ones.
I wish they hadn’t combined age and weight. What was the point of that??? It is important to know how each affects a person’s contagiousness. Also, if the older a person gets, the less they weigh (which is how things work these days, since the youth seem to have been poisoned with some environmental fattening agent), then my x axis doesn’t work; the two wouldn’t go up hand in hand.
“The purpose of life, is to find something you’re willing to die for. But some people are so afraid of death, they would readily ask sacrifices from the next generation, to extend their own lives a little longer.”
You’re making it sound like old and fat people are doing this intentionally. But that is not the case at all. The old grandparents and the young fat teachers I know would never demand or expect such a thing. It is not fair to make it sound like they would. Of course there are people who are grossly selfish, but there are plenty who are not. People were lied to, and they are still being lied to. They were told that taking the shot was pro-social and would PROTECT their grandkids and students.
All the kids I know are vaxxed for covid, too. The ones in their teens and twenties that I know have had numerous boosters each. I guess they’ll need to die for this to go away? The Harris campaign explicitly require that all of their volunteers be fully vaxxed (per the citations that Igor has posted on his most recent piece). That’s a lot of fresh vaccinations.
People could just use claritin and nasal neosporin and Xlear and an Airtamer until more is figured out. It is not rocket science. However, people are too brain damaged to protect themselves, or to even want to protect themselves.
That chart makes it look the problem is old fat people. It doesn’t literally show that, but that is the sense one gets. But the old people I know are mostly slim. It is the young people I know who are grossly obese. Really I can hardly think of any fat elderly acquaintances, but almost all the young people I know are obese. I just visited an old person friend at a facility. He is slim. The young lady who was his aide was very, very fat. So were basically all of the young workers there. The old people in the dining room were all slim; most were skinny. And all of those young workers were vaxxed, of course, due to CA law.
ofc this is the case: All fat humans die 30 years earlier.
There are no fat 100 year olds.
Look at the first page of this website of home health caregivers for the elderly in California: https://www.starlightcaregivers.com. These are young ladies. This is an advertisement, but I think it is real employees since we once briefly had to hire one for help. How could facilities for the elderly not be a death trap? And they do seem to be; people I know who go into them decline more rapidly than they used to. But it is not of covid itself; they die of the things that covid indirectly causes; mostly strokes. And heart failure, maybe partly from the shots. And then these women, this demographic, is the most likely to have little kids at home.
A virus that mostly sickens and kills elderly and obese people is mostly spread by elderly and obese people. I don’t see what’s surprising about that and the scientific evidence backs it up.
I don’t know what more I can say on it.
Thank you very much for patiently writing about it. It helps me in my attempts to figure out how to help the fat young people and the old people I know.
According to this study, infants are now the “most affected” by covid (in England): https://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(24)00473-6/fulltext (“Conclusions: Infants are now the most affected age group by SARS-CoV2, at least partially related to having the least immunity to the virus, and are most vulnerable to respiratory illnesses.”)
I have an acquaintance here in Silicon valley who had a baby about three years ago, and another baby about six months ago. The first infant looked healthy and robust and alert (I see the kids up close sometimes on zoom bible study). The second infant just looks wrong somehow in a way that I can’t pin down. The parents are in their late 20s; the mom is an elementary school teacher and the father is a doctor; they are both slim but they both have a lot of covid exposure. They’ve both had the shots and boosters too, of course.
I also have an old friend in Canada who had his first grandkid about a year ago. Right when the kid was born, both parents caught covid; presumably the infant did, too, since they relied on their covid shots to protect themselves and the infant. He sent me excited emails for a while about how well the infant was doing but now those emails have stopped.
Another golden post, Rintrah. I’m particularly happy to finally have some info about the mutation rate of Covid (“Now consider that Influenza mutates 23 times faster than SARS-COV-2”), as I’ve been wondering about that for a long time, and the superspreader angle is really interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
I’ve always said the super spreaders are medical workers, kids at school and office workers in cubicle farms. During lockdown and the “scare” phase, the only super spreaders were the medical workers.
It should be obvious. Sick people concentrate in doctor offices or hospitals. They come from everywhere and congregate in those few places. The walls and surfaces are covered in every type of disease particle. The workers don’t even take time to properly wash their hands any more. A few drops of hand sanitizer which just spreads the germs around without removing them.
“Now consider that Influenza mutates 23x times faster than SarCov2…”
You mean that influenza TPYICALLY mutates 23x faster than SarsCov2, right? As I’m aware, SarsCov2 is mutating very fast now unnaturally because we’re pushed it to do so by introducing non-sterilizing injections during the start of the pandemic, which has essentially created the largest gain-of-function experiment ever conducted.
So when the virus turns the last tumbler in the lock and finds its new virulence, what does it look like symptomatically? I mean in terms of acute symptoms – will it be covid-classic respiratory failure, brain inflammation, cardiovascular, or what?
@David: RR covered this in a comment to a post some time ago. His conclusion if I understood correctly is that it is likely to be chronic, like a TB with brain inflammation symptoms.
The chronic part should avoid creating a panic and stringent quarantines, as in the case of a spectacularly lethal acute pathology. So by the time panicky authorities introduce emergency measures, it will have already spread.
Just like the human society has its natural means of defense (e.g. survivors of 1918 flu strain helping select against virulence), so the swarm of strains that compose an individual virus has its devious collective ways to defeat remaining defenses when a breach in the walls has been provided (the jab). In a 2022-07-09 substack post, Sirotkin was seeing the swarm of individual pathogens and strains as a collective metaphysical entity (Azrael), quintessentially composed of a swarm. The Constantine movie featured demons made of insect swarms. Maybe there’s something to that. It has been seen in vision multiple times. A spiritually weak and corrupt society will provide openings for such demonic attacks. There was a famous quote floating on the internets some time ago about how a society gets the demons it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.
I won’t say global warming is a hoax, but your assertion that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is conclusively the cause is a notion, not even a hypothesis. One could readily assert with scientific validity that the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field is causing the nutation (wobble and wander) of Earth’s celestial pole to dilate (widen) with the resulting increased tilt on Earth’s axis exposing the oceans to greater variation in sun exposure, resulting in increased heating. This would have the effect of massive releases of CO2 from the oceans (as well as methane from the tundra), and the increased release of CO2 would be far more consistent with the observations that atmospheric CO2 has historically lagged increases of temperature.
Many of the red triangles are quite low. A couple are in line with the highest black dots. If two subjects have roughly the same exhaled particles counts, then why would one be designated a ‘superspreader’ and the other not?
UC Santa Cruz still mandates up to date covid boostering for undergrads:
“Dear UC Santa Cruz Students,
As we approach respiratory virus season, we want to remind you about the
university’s Flu and COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Staying up to date
with your immunizations is essential for keeping both you and our campus
community healthy.
Key Points:
Requirement: Annual flu shots and up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations are
mandatory for all UCSC students by November 1, 2024.” (link from https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/crimes-against-students-universities)
I don’t see how this can end when covid vaccination is still a popular virtue signal for political reasons. UC Santa Cruz is of course about as Democratic as it gets. The uptake of the vax may be low overall, but it is not low in these settings.