I have some good news. If you live in freedomland, there’s a 62% chance the pack of milk you bought at your supermarket doesn’t have any bird flu in it!
“No we’re not doing this again.”
Yes, we’re totally doing this again! Get ready for your next incarnation! The extradimensional jesters are getting bored, they’re rolling this reality up as we speak!
Pasteurization kills the virus. Probably. Nobody really knows if it’s good enough. If it kills 99.99% of viral particles, is that good enough, on a population of hundreds of millions of people? You tell me. If I drop a thousand grenades into a fireworks factory, but reduce the number of grenades I throw by 99%, is the outcome any different?
You can also drink raw milk of course, like every alpha male does. Klaus Schwab probably just came up with another hoax to stop patriotic alpha males on the keto diet from raising their testosterone with raw milk.
Four percent of Americans report drinking raw milk in a given year. And this virus has been spreading in the cattle since late 2023. It just took a few months before we noticed it.
But cats don’t seem to like the raw milk from these sick cows. It causes their brains to swell up:
Bird to cow to cow to cat. You get a mammalian adapted polybasic cleavage site influenza virus, with rising virulence, very good at swelling your brain. Fortunately, if you’re drinking raw milk because some guy on Twitter told you to and you have a normal sized skull, your brain should have plenty of empty space in your skull to swell up in.
“This is like with COVID where they miss 99% of the mild and asymptomatic cases.” -Team Nothingburger
Wouldn’t count on it bro.
In South America, the sea lions had 95% of their babies die.
Sorry. There’s a reason I always carry a bag of ketamine in my wallet.
It’s not normal influenza. It’s influenza that evolved to have a polybasic cleavage site in the giant chicken boilers. This does not happen in nature. It’s believed to be because the intermediate stage, of variants with a cleavage site with a smaller number of basic amino acids, have no fitness advantage in nature. The polybasic cleavage site allows it to infect endothelial cells. So it goes for the blood vessels in the brain.
And it gets better. That guy in Texas who caught it doesn’t seem to have had direct contact with the cattle:
They don’t know how he caught it. But have a look at the Influenza A in sewage in the Texas panhandle:
A strange unseasonal spike.
And that’s seen around the whole south of the US now.
They now announced restrictions on the transport of cattle between states, that will begin in a few days.
It has already been established however, that the virus jumps from cows back into birds. Birds don’t respect state lines. And you’re already too late, as it’s already everywhere. It’s in a third of all your milk sold in the supermarket.
So this is just too little too late.
Please keep in mind, these pathogenic influenza viruses generally need a few generations of transmission within a species, to regain a high level of virulence. That’s the nasty part. Bird flu can spread from human to human, but because the virus will still be mild, we won’t notice it. It could look just like COVID19 at first.
In the best case scenario, your food just gets unaffordable:
No eggs, no chicken, no dairy, no beef.
But it seems doubtful that this is where it stops. The birds are now beginning to spread the mammal-adapted bird flu that spreads from the cattle back to the birds.
There is at least some general understanding that humans will have to stop burning fossil fuels. But none of these people have really been honest to us about animal agriculture. Had they been honest, they would have told us that this is the problem:

You just can’t have a situation like this for very long.
But that’s not what anyone wants to hear from his president, or from some scientist on TV. Imagine this conversation, between a smart person and your average American liberal:
“We’ll have to stop using fossil fuels.”
“Alright, so I’ll get to drive a Tesla, right?”
“Well, we’re actually going to need you to ride a bicycle or take the bus.”
“Wait what?”
“We won’t have electricity all day long, so you wouldn’t be able to charge your cars. The grid can’t handle it, unless you live in Norway perhaps.”
“Yeah while I’m at it, we’ll need you to stop eating meat, dairy and eggs too.”
“…” *puts on a red MAGA hat*
Genetically identical chickens put together in giant airtight facilities, that’s how you breed nasty viruses. All our animals are basically standing in the stench of their own manure, all day long. This causes damage to their lungs, 73.1% of pigs are found to have lung lesions, from viruses and bacteria. Pigs are clean animals, they don’t shit where they live. This only happens when you put them all together in cages.
Drinking raw milk from other mammals, that’s how we spread viruses into our own species.
If you want to fit eight billion people on this little blue marble, they’re going to have to be vegan. And if those eight billion people don’t want to be vegan, nature will get to pick who has to go. I suppose you can add some mussels and oysters to the diet of those eight billion people. But the point is that this planet has an overabundance of a small number of vertebrate species, with billions of practically genetically identical individuals. Nature is currently in the process of resolving that distortion.
So why America?
Well, the Americans have the genius habit of feeding bird poop, mixed with feathers, chicken feed, bird saliva and other crap found in their chicken boilers, to their cows. Yes, they just take the junk found in the chicken boiler on the floor, scrape it up and turn it into cattle feed. But it gets better. The chicken feed can contain ground up cow meat and bones. So the cows are basically made to eat each other.
That seems like the best candidate for what went wrong, although nobody knows for sure.
But there’s a fair chance other countries just are not testing. Bird flu is everywhere in the Netherlands. Dead foxes were already being found with brain damage from mammal-adapted bird flu in the Netherlands back in 2022. We even have live camera video, of a Dutch falcon dying of suspected bird flu from this year:
I have basically been sperging about this topic since the day I grew pubes. But it doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out.
It’s just very obvious that this Auschwitz planet of eight billion people eating 202 million chickens per day is not going to work. I’m honestly amazed we were ever able to get to this point. If I was running this planetary petri dish, I would have thrown a bunch of comets at it decades ago.
I know what the morons are going to be doing:
“We need better hygiene practices at Auschwitz! We can’t have Jews spreading their Jew-typhus from Auschwitz to the cities! Improve the disinfection procedures for the concentration camp guards!”
“The American keto diet is non-negotiable.”
-George Herbert Walker Bush
Well sorry, it’s not going to work.
Every moron out there sees some video of some animal being gored or living in a giant dark cage and comes up with some story along the lines of:
“Industrial scale animal farming is really terrible! Thank God I get my grassfed beef from farmer Bob down at the farmer market, who kisses every cow on her cheek before he slits her throat!”
Well I’m sorry, you can either have industrial scale farming like this, or you can massively amplify the environmental damage by having a romantic fantasy of a nation of farmer Bobs with their grassfed cows wandering around.
Everything moves towards efficiency. These giant Auschwitz camps are the efficient way to produce animal products, with very little waste of resources. The more it begins to resemble your romantic fantasy, the more incapable it becomes of feeding hundreds of millions of Americans.
“My eggs come from free range chickens!”
Great, that means they get a better chance to spread the bird flu to wild birds!
It’s very simple, you can wean eight billion people off animal products, or you can have a bunch of brain-swelling influenza viruses jump into our species.
We don’t live in the middle ages anymore, we can’t entertain fancy theories like those of rabbis who theorized that slaughtering animals is ethical because it liberates the soul and allows them to become human again. The message we get from nature now is pretty clear and unambiguous, we’re going to destroy our whole planet and spread a bunch of deadly viruses, if we keep eating animals.
We’re really, really late into the game. Heaven knows if it can still be stopped.
Meh. Dont test. No disease.
In all seriousness I dont expect this to blow up. It is the new normal where “experts” only see problems, when more work at “monitoring”, culling, testing and control than finding out real solutions. Like this: We should take that viral thing as a baseline how dense we can herd animals. No vaccines, no hormones. Maybe Vitamin D or other nutritional hacks.
>Maybe Vitamin D or other nutritional hacks.
Jesus Christ
You think the sea lions in South America that had 95% of their pups die were vitamin D deficient?
“If we feed the sea lions megadoses of vitamin D, we’ll get the mortality rate down to just 5%, with the other 95% having some mild brain damage!”
You think if there was some nutritional hack that saves the chickens from bird flu, the Chinese would not have tried that yet?
They have been struggling with bird flu killing off all their chickens for decades now, they tried vaccinating the birds, it did not work.
You think you’re going to supplement your way out of a virus that is destroying entire ecosystems right now?
In Scotland one bird species was reduced by 76%. In a single year.
You are just in complete denial.
You’ve reached the point where ecosystems around the world are starting to collapse from abnormally pathogenic bird flu.
And yet, you’re still not seeing it.
“It is the new normal where “experts” only see problems, when more work at “monitoring”, culling, testing and control than finding out real solutions”
Perhaps in some circumstances, but in other circumstances it is more profitable for the ‘experts’ NOT to test.
For example, nobody is very keen to test for prion diseases because they’re too terrifying to find! Among other things, if say, BSE is discovered in your herd, then your export markets go, so nobody is keen to test for BSE.
So, the Orthobros are all going to die.
Interestingly, one of the reasons people are so addicted to dairy is because they contain casomorphins which are opiate-like compounds.
Similar phenomenon observed in people addicted to bread, which contains gluten exorphins, compounds which are morphine-like substances.
So, when you combine the white bread with dairy (e.g. pizza), now you have a better understanding of why nearly three quarters of Americans are either overweight or obese.
So people have more in common with the fentanyl junkies in Kensington Philadelphia than they realise.
>So, when you combine the white bread with dairy (e.g. pizza), now you have a better understanding of why nearly three quarters of Americans are either overweight or obese.
Yup. Pizza is the one thing I miss. Drinking beer, vaping cannabis, while eating pizza and watching a dumb movie. That’s heaven.
That combination of dairy and white bread is like an opioid, there is probably some synergy involved.
Vegan pizza is alright, but it feels like you’re a heroin junkie getting methadone.
What we really need I think, is vegan pizza with vegan blue cheese.
> So, the Orthobros are all going to die.
Eh, I think that’s a different group of people. Raw milk is more of a thing among health-obsessed, seed oil-hating “lifestyle advice” hippies. The kind of people who think you can eat your way towards having superpowers by neurotically fixating on specific foods and nutrients.
Nah I always see the orthobros sperging about raw milk too.
Bird flu can be transmitted up to 25km by wind.
Survive in sea water, be transmitted by water.
Yeah, okay, plus you can just feed it to the animals. . .
I really hated giving up pizza. Yummy chewy cheese with extra pepperoni.
It’s been 4 years since this round of lunacy started.
Got a question- any of you guys seeing the people around you (related or not)
going nuts? Bull goose Bozo crazy?
> Got a question- any of you guys seeing the people around you (related or not)
going nuts? Bull goose Bozo crazy?
Well, this happened live on TV (BBC) at the World Snooker Championship in Sheffield England:
Crazy how brazen he is with all the television cameras pointing straight at him. Just like Joe Biden in the Oval Office sniffing the children’s hair.
Ya been vegan since 2015 and pizza is really the only this I miss too. But knowing the suffering that goes into every slice makes it an easy decision.
Not really crazy, but they changed , broken minds, no sense of humour, I also get the feeling there is nobody home anymore
Holy crap!
The virus that birds have been struggling with for years has made the jump into mammals and is causing massive mortality in seals and barnyard cats. It survives in seawater and has wiped out an entire generation of elephant seals.
The “viruses don’t exist” tards I suppose will wave it off as something wrong with the internal “terrain” of anything made sick.
People are going to literally lose their minds when it moves into the human population and starts racking up a death toll.
Everybody always has suggested solutions.
Rintrah wants an end to factory farming and a complete halt to consuming the flesh of vertebrate animals.
The government is going to embark on another berserk mRNA mass vax campaign and if the IFR is 5% or over they will literally hold you down and forcibly inject you.
My only suggestion if it starts getting bad is the mass distribution of antivirals, such as the officially despised “horse dewormer.”
ON the solutions angle, it seems to me that somewhere in there we need to start making decisions based on different values.
I know, I know. Who decides what values? And what gives them the right to decide?
Well, that’s a conversation to have.
Because deciding not to have values, and to let the unholy dollar decide everything for us, is a values-based decision as well which just so happens to be turning everything to crap.
“Detected genetic material of the virus” is what they used to say when running 45-cycle PCR tests for the covids. Using false test positives to get their “asymptomatic transmission”. Calling anyone with different ideas idiots. These scaremongering tactics failed once, and everyone knows them by now.
This is very impressive, will think about it
We need another pandemic to keep increasing your substack income.
I’m terrified of my brain being destroyed by a virus like this, just let me die in war.
It’s easy for you to die in war, sensitive sycophant. Just volunteer for Zelensky’s meat grinder versus the Kremlin. They’re gladly accepting mental defectives.
Keith the LSWM is mad I don’t support his LSWM positions like hating Israel and wanting to fuck brown people.
It’s not the Ukrainians that are dying. If they were, then the conflict would not be frozen.
You may have the wrong end of the stick there.
No, because Russia has the large superiority in terms of numbers and materiel. If Ukraine was suffering losses (even if just an equivalent amount to Russia), then Russia would be making significant gains. But it’s not (it’s made very few since the first few weeks). Logic dictates that the asymmetrical component is therefore being negated and thus, that Russia is losing more men and/or materiel than the Ukrainians (a lot more).
If we follow this logic (numbers and material superiority), then IDF must have cleansed Gaza of Hamas within the first few weeks.
As you know, war is not a video game, or a movie.
There are many considerations. You don’t do a full-throttle attack, nor use your entire fire-power (as other armies have done), for fear of escalation and international public outcry, and to preserve your own human resources. Also, the logistics in a vast occupied area the size of Greece (not really an absence of territorial gains).
Plus, in this particular case, the population of the region under attack is pro-Russian, so you don’t flat the towns before they are evacuated. You don’t do it like the Allies did against German cities.
Anyway, NATO is getting ready to attack Belarus and Koeningsburg (aka Kaliningrad), because a Calvinist never gives up (to accept a defeat is not an option).
Sorry, but it seems to me that if Russia enjoys a vast advantage in men and equipment (artillery, fuel air bombs, and so forth), and if Russia can/is using its vast advantage, then all else being equal, that it follows that Ukraine should be on the losing side of the ‘Devil’s arithmetic’.
If both sides sit in their holes and lob bombs at each other, then I would imagine that the side with more bombs and more bomb throwers would grind their opponent down first.
So, I suspect that Ukraine is losing a lot of people, and a lot more than Russia is.
Which is not to say that it’s all one-sided and Russia is getting away scot-free. I’m sure they have suffered large numbers of casualties too, but I’d say Ukraine will be suffering more right now.
If that is the case, and if the Russian objective is at least partially to destroy/grind away Ukraine’s military (and all of its NATO equipment which the Russians may be able to outproduce), then I’d say Russia is probably winning even if large amounts of territory aren’t being exchanged.
If this is a war of attrition, which it seems to be, then it seems likely that the side that can keep on producing the most war machines and soldiers and find the will to stuff them into the meat grinder will eventually win.
You admit that Russia has the advantage in men and equipment, to which I would add that Russia can probably also out-produce/supply the Ukrainians in terms of weapons and machines and people on an ongoing basis, so it seems inevitable that Russia will attrit Ukraine down to utter destruction eventually – all other things being equal, and if Russia has the will to keep going, which it seems to have.
It seems likely that the Ukrainians will become so depleted that they will start collapsing in significant ways before they get ground down to totally nothing though, and the pace of Russian territorial gains may increase as well, but who knows? Perhaps the Russians are happier for the customer to keep on coming to the shop.
I’m not vegan at all, but I honestly don’t understand how someone can truly “love” eating meat. That’s just never been the case for me. How do you prefer a cut of beef over dried figs, bananas and fresh strawberries?
“Well, the Americans have the genius habit of feeding bird poop, mixed with feathers, chicken feed, bird saliva and other crap found in their chicken boilers, to their cows. Yes, they just take the junk found in the chicken boiler on the floor, scrape it up and turn it into cattle feed. But it gets better. The chicken feed can contain ground up cow meat and bones. So the cows are basically made to eat each other.”
You see, straight away, I can see MASSIVE risks with this practice. Viruses, bacteria, and, drum roll. . . PRION DISEASE!
One does not feed vertebrate to ruminant – END OF! But no, the greedy fuckers just had to find to find a back way around that didn’t they?
There will be people at all levels (industry, government vets, industry representatives, centers of research ‘excellence’, etc.) who know this too and always have.
This is NOT a secret.
I can imagine juniors getting the patronizing speech now: “Yes, I hear you and I understand the risks, but there’s a certain level of greedy Machiavellianism in the real world that one must learn to accommodate.”
After that speech, or something like it, they’d be expected to self-censor.
Not that they’d get anywhere by speaking out anyway. Let’s imagine the junior raises it again and again, well, then their career would be over. And the shit-eating would go on anyway. We know this, because there are people with the courage to fall on their swords, and yet the literally shit-eating shitshow kept on going! You’ll never hear about them either, they’re just erased. Moved on to something else.
You’d need some kind of ‘values police’ (or commissars?) in all bureaucratic/technocratic/organizations at all levels to turn things around, because this general kind of this is EVERYHWERE!
The whole of the ‘real world’ is rotten.
“There is at least some general understanding that humans will have to stop burning fossil fuels. But none of these people have really been honest to us about animal agriculture.”
LOL, animal agriculture vs. what? Just agriculture?
You can’t have industrial civilization minus “animal” agriculture whatever that means.
Just let go or be dragged.
Agriculture is growing crops.
Animal agriculture or factory farming is producing raw materials for the butchering industry.
Agriculture was our first mistake.
It’s all been downhill since then.
I guess you’re vindicated about COVID brainrot causing people to not be able to understand new & different situations anymore, and instead trying to fit it into older frameworks.
It’s not hard to imagine the authorities rolling out the same ‘old framework’ of building up a wave of fear and injecting everyone with a dangerous and useless “vaccine” against this virus.
It’s not hard to imagine a framework of complacency either.
“Pigs are clean animals, they don’t shit where they live.”
Nelly, why then do Jews and Muslims consider them to be dirty?
“Well, the Americans have the genius habit of feeding bird poop, mixed with feathers, chicken feed, bird saliva and other crap found in their chicken boilers, to their cows. Yes, they just take the junk found in the chicken boiler on the floor, scrape it up and turn it into cattle feed. But it gets better. The chicken feed can contain ground up cow meat and bones. So the cows are basically made to eat each other.”
Did they not learn any lessons from Mad Cow disease in England?
Yes, they did. They’ve just chosen to ignore the prion risk for money.
I wouldn’t be surprised either if some bovine carcasses that get processed for chicken feed have been condemned/deemed unfit for human consumption – I’m thinking about downer cattle here, seeing as we’re talking prions/BSE.
These prions are nightmares. Have to burn the damn things to destroy them.
Perhaps even capable of cycling from, say, human > cow > human – as may happen, say, if one were to dredge the Ganges for animal carcasses (including humans who have died of/with CJD), grinding them up into a protein supplement, then feeding the infectious supplement to cattle in the UK who become infected in turn, and infect humans when they are consumed by them in turn.
Hence the ban on feeding vertebrates to ruminants in many sensible places.
Which these people appear to be working around.
“we fail to see them as the unique individuals that they are.”
Nelly, you should learn a lesson from that quote. It applies to humans too.
“Rintrah wants an end to factory farming and a complete halt to consuming the flesh of vertebrate animals.”
Eating flesh is cruel, but factory farming is evil and cruel beyond words.
As Gandhi said, you can judge a nation by the way it treats its animals. Our so called civilized nations wouldn’t rank very highly.
All children should be taken on surprise visits to factory farms. They will never want to eat meat again.
I bet if you looked under the rocks on all modern industrial farms, of all types right across the board, that you’d find more than a few hair-raising nightmares.
You’d end up starving.
The best way to live would be hunter-gathering, nomadic herding, or fishing.
Throw massive agriculture in, and you start mining the soil, converting landscapes to monocultures, developing vast and unsustainable civilizations that are turning a planet of living things into dead things, etc.
Which isn’t to say I like factory farming of animals either.
It is indeed cruel.
Not even vegans can have their cake and eat it too though.
Oh, and you’d probably have to limit the fishing too to low-tech methods.
Factory ships are out.
Not that anyone would choose this kind of austere lifestyle voluntarily – “No, don’t take my Iphone, I can’t live without it. . . “.
Nevertheless, a primitive lifestyle will probably be the main lifestyle again for most of our descendants. This shitshow cannot be sustained, so it will go away.
It’s cold comfort, but it seems reasonable to suppose that we will be living much the same way as we did in the past after it goes away.
I got a bit excited here, left a thousand comments.
It’s an interesting story.
The prion angle alone freaks me out. Multiple doomsday plagues all vectoring in on that omega point. . .
Tick tock.
People need to eat meat bro:
Radagast, I implore you to read this: https://imgur.com/a/9UYYKr2 It’s a worthwhile read, and it is essentially the truth of this world, if you were wondering why everything is so fucking insane these days. We are literally in hell, the interdimensional jesters are not your friends. I’m not speculating, I’ve had supernatural experiences that confirm it for me personally beyond a sliver of doubt, and they did not involve drug trips or psychosis. I suspect from some of the things you post about sometimes that you’re already having some suspicions in this direction anyway. I haven’t forgotten about writing to you, either.
Tryptie, your article is interesting, but the fatal flaw in any pure Gnosticism is the question of “where is our true God? Why has It allowed humanity to suffer for millennia?”
Was Sophia merely sleeping while Her children were ground into mincemeat?
The true metaphysical Blackpill is that which you call the “Demiurge” is the only thing which oversees this Reality.
There is no higher authority to appeal to.
We are merely puppets.
Or laboratory rats in a cage.
Crash test dummies who provide data for our coldly impersonal Overlord.
Yeah I’m familiar with these theories.
I’m also familiar with all the “the entities you meet on DMT/Salvia/Mushrooms/Ayahuasca are le demons” theories.
That’s what Christians always do. Anything else we can directly encounter out there is shoved into the “the bad guys from our religion who want to make you suffer for no reason at all” category.
And of course, you shouldn’t believe what you directly encounter yourself. No, you should, believe in a God who chose one particular ethnic group more than 3000 years ago, then a few centuries later incarnated among that ethnic group to be tortured to death and make sure that anyone who finds out about these events does not have to suffer pointlessly, burdening a handful of people with spreading this message in a process that then takes many centuries before it reaches the whole world too.
I don’t believe in that. It’s too arbitrary for me.
I think there are various different sorts of entities out there, with various different agendas and perspectives on what matters, along with different ideas as to the nature of reality. The God of Abraham is one of those, I don’t seek to pick a fight with Him, but I don’t think he has a monopoly on truth.
I also don’t believe in the model of this world as a prison.
From my own experiences with psychedelics, I would say, our world is more a combination of a haunted house and a mechanical bull.
You’re sitting on a mechanical bull and traveling through a haunted house. It’s a game you’re participating in, in a giant circus run by jesters, that you visited with your friends. The longer you manage to keep going, the bigger the prizes you win.
That’s my model of reality. Whether anyone else believes it or not ultimately doesn’t matter to me.
>You’re sitting on a mechanical bull and traveling through a haunted house. It’s a game you’re participating in, in a giant circus run by jesters, that you visited with your friends. The longer you manage to keep going, the bigger the prizes you win.
That’s one way to see it, not exactly un-true, but you can also perceive the game as a very serious competition. I see the game as a journey to gain dominance through the propagation of virtue and Dharma; different peoples and their Gods competing to conquer all in the giant Paradox map painting simulator we call life.
The Gods can be perceived exclusively as Jesters, and some embrace that image, but I don’t think that’s the whole picture, others take themselves seriously, clearly. The ultimate end result of those that embrace life (Rather than wanting to return to being everything/nothing as the Buddhists seek) is becoming a God yourself, going from the video game character to the player, the “prize”.
The thing is, is that time isn’t actually real. From my subjective view of the world my incarnations are that of the video game character, yet I am simultaneously both the player and the game. Time is just the rearrangement of matter, not a force by itself. We’re all descended from Gods, only the loss of virtue and dilution of the pure and powerful archetypes, the loss of Dharma, is what makes us mortal. The difference between a mortal who can trace their lineage back thousands of years ago to Wotan and a true human incarnation of Wotan is a matter of virtue, how true are they to the archetype of Wotan? There’s nothing wrong with any of this though inherently, it keeps the game interesting.
We’re controlled by forces far beyond our comprehension, yet in a sense we are those forces ourselves. The Gods truly are inside us, though they are playing a much longer game and we’re just their characters, that they either level up or dismiss and let rot. You’re a loser in the game if you don’t care about virtue and Dharma, weak and stupid, a meme build. Our whole society today is a meme build, which is why it’s collapsing and why it seems like things are ran by clowns.
>I’m Timmy the LSWM, I want my country to lose! I want to fuck brown people, and sedate myself until I die!
Cool, you’re a loser, you don’t understand the game and you exist to be trampled by those that do.
There’s no such thing as a person who isn’t controlled by a God btw, when meme builds rule, it’s when Gods like Loki set the stage. Loki doesn’t care what happens to his characters, he’s just out for a laugh.
This doesn’t disprove biological determinism btw, I’m not contradicting myself from previous posts. If you think it does, you don’t get it.
> No, you should, believe in a God who chose one particular ethnic group more than 3000 years ago, then a few centuries later incarnated among that ethnic group to be tortured to death and make sure that anyone who finds out about these events does not have to suffer pointlessly, burdening a handful of people with spreading this message in a process that then takes many centuries before it reaches the whole world too.
I am sorry, mate, but you have it all wrong.
The Lord is revealed to us throughout all of our history, both BC and AD.
The fact that (2,000 y ago) he incarnated FULLY to take up our nature and complement it with His nature gives meaning to the Past, Present, and Future.
He did NOT do it for the suffering (as the West thinks–why? as a retribution for Adam’s mistake?), He did it because He wanted to incarnate FULLY, to take up ALL, and leave nothing outside, leave no part of OUR suffering outside.
It is not very difficult to understand, but the point is to have a relationship with Him, and then the understanding will come naturally.
The Orthodox usually admit that they don’t know everything, so I am not going to comment on the nature of the hallucinations.
> I think there are various different sorts of entities out there, with various different agendas and perspectives on what matters, along with different ideas as to the nature of reality. The God of Abraham is one of those, I don’t seek to pick a fight with Him, but I don’t think he has a monopoly on truth.
This is absolute gobbledygook in an otherwise thoughtful comment.
> I also don’t believe in the model of this world as a prison
And yet you are so exceedingly sensitive to how the innocent animals of this world are variously farmed and killed or experimented upon by humans.
Did it not occur to you that humans might themselves be farmed, killed, or experimented upon by entities higher up on the food chain?
If this was just an innocent error on your part, I could overlook it.
But you rant about the righteousness of the Jews in tye cruelty they visit upon the Palestinians.
This in itself lays your psyche bare, for all to see.
(And yet you continue the charade of feigning bewilderment when you are accused of being a Jew. Don’t insult our intelligence)
> You’re sitting on a mechanical bull and traveling through a haunted house. It’s a game you’re participating in, in a giant circus run by jesters, that you visited with your friends. The longer you manage to keep going, the bigger the prizes you win.
This is suitably surreal and nightmarish, even by your standards. Why on earth would any sentient being with a conscience choose to assent to it, or participate it in?
And ”the longer you manage to keep going, the more prizes you win”??????
So the meaning of Life is to live as long as possible?
Am I understanding you correctly?
And what is this “prize” that one earns after slaving away in this haunted house world?
A pat on the back or a cookie for being a “team player” shortly before being interred in a grave?
Or is it really being hoodwinked and snookered into being a Useful Idiot of the Khazars, as “Satan’s Little Helpers”, those Khazars being those who have adapted to and learned to dominate this Hell Realm? They know the power of money and use this knowledge for all its worth. This world is run by psychopaths. Always was, always will be.
>This is absolute gobbledygook in an otherwise thoughtful comment.
No it makes perfect sense, there are attestations from every culture that has ever existed of meeting different entities, all of whom make different demands and give different teachings to their followers. What is more likely? That all those cultures were lying? Or that the entity that claims to be only true God is lying? You could say “all those entities are just le demons!” but this is not convincing. Yahweh behaved more like a conventional demon himself than most Gods anyway. Of-course, Christ/Wotan and Yahweh are not the same God…
>But you rant about the righteousness of the Jews in tye cruelty they visit upon the Palestinians.
I don’t support Israel for moralistic reasons, but why do Low Status White Males not care about the Israeli women and children who’ve been raped and murdered? Why do you care about the sandniggers? Why should I care about the sandniggers more than cows? Cows don’t rape women or blow themselves up, it’s not in the interest of the United States to kill cows, it’s actually in our interest to kill less cows considering the environmental destruction doing so causes.
Anyway, Jews are more like Europeans than Arabs are, that’s simply a fact. It is virtuous to favor those that are more like your self than those who are less like you. Jews have been interbreeding with Europeans for thousands of years, they’ve become more like us over the centuries.
>This is suitably surreal and nightmarish, even by your standards. Why on earth would any sentient being with a conscience choose to assent to it, or participate it in?
Nah this is fine, you just sound like a whiny bitch who hates life and the game. You should become a Buddhist and merge with the universe so we all no longer have to hear your whinging.
>This world is run by psychopaths. Always was, always will be.
Nigger please, you don’t try to minimize the harm you do to other sentient life, you reject veganism because fundamentally you don’t actually care. If you were born higher up on the totem pole you wouldn’t be complaining because your inherent nature isn’t one to care about those below you, you’re only resentful towards those above, you’re self-interested at your core, nothing more. Stop pretending like you’re a moralist when really you just hate kikes.
>Hypothetical response: You pretend to be a moralist!
Not really, on a personal level I don’t eat meat but this is due to emotions rather than my sense of ethics. Of-course, the logistics of eating meat are not sustainable, so cutting it back for those reasons is logical. Only Dharma matters, everything that makes a people stronger, more healthy, eternal.
Also red meat is just unhealthy. The Nordic diet is the healthiest.
Good reply, SYM
I don’t have much time, so:
>Nigger please, you don’t try to minimize the harm you do to other sentient life, you reject veganism because fundamentally you don’t actually care.
No, actually I do care. I think this whole world is rotten because of how absurd and cruel and nightmarish it is (this perspective is only available to truly sensitive souls)
If there were a button I could press that would painlessly extinguish every last sentient being on the planet, I would break my wrist, I couldn’t push it fast and hard enough.
You really think your veganism moves the needle in any meaningful sense?
No, it doesn’t.
But it probably makes you feel good about yourself.
But this is the lure and the ruse of all Utopian ideologies: “If only everyone believed the same as me”
It just never seems to happen though, does it?
Nothing but endless division and arguments and consternation which leads up to nothing more than the same in the future, in the next generation.
And the generation after.
As for my stance with respect to veganism —
The only reason I have not self-deleted is because of the impact it would have on my family.
I continue to bear the burden of my existence for that reason, but I figure if I’m “forced” to endure my prison stay in a life I never asked to be born in, then I will live it on my own terms.
It seems to me eating meat is heartier than eating all veggies.
I didn’t design this world where life feeds on life.
“God” did.
So if I’m forced by circumstance to live, I will take whatever flesh I need to make it bearable.
But I’m no NPC, I really do think about the poor critters.
Which is why I think ovo-pescetarian is the way to go.
And I don’t care what you Utopian Ideological Purists have to say about it.
I think I understand you far better Mehen, thank you for the thoughtful reply.
>No, actually I do care. I think this whole world is rotten because of how absurd and cruel and nightmarish it is (this perspective is only available to truly sensitive souls)
Yeah, I think you’re genuinely more sensitive to suffering than I am. At the end of the day, I love life and this world, despite the suffering. I don’t mind suffering myself, and while suffering shouldn’t be inflicted needlessly, it is an acceptable cost for life in my opinion.
>If there were a button I could press that would painlessly extinguish every last sentient being on the planet, I would break my wrist, I couldn’t push it fast and hard enough.
Yeah, that’s the end result of ideology of people who adopt the whole Buddhist mentality that “The world is suffering, and must be escaped”. You either pursue your own destruction, or pursue the destruction of everything. Doesn’t matter if you’re a leftist, right wing LSWM, Buddhist monk, or medieval Gnostic; the unconscious feelings of wanting to see yourself destroyed is still there. I think deep down, the libtards who want to see their race go extinct think much the same as you. Deep down, they want all of traces of themselves dead and gone.
It’s sad, but it’s evolution. As Uncle Adolf said “Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” Now I’m not a Nazi or even antisemitic, but I still like Hitler, and this quote explains my thoughts on the matter well.
>You really think your veganism moves the needle in any meaningful sense?
No, it does not, my personal veganism means nothing. It would preserve the environment if a dictator took-over the world and forced everyone to eat a vegan or pescatarian diet; but as I said my personal choices are based on emotional sentiment rather than ethics or practicality.
>But it probably makes you feel good about yourself.
I feel like a bad person if I eat otherwise, so kinda.
>Nothing but endless division and arguments and consternation which leads up to nothing more than the same in the future, in the next generation.
The arguments are pointless really. Power is the deciding factor in how the world plays out. If only we had competent people running things. We could have a global Empire and be exploring the stars in 500 years. Too bad they’re retarded and only care-about short term profits to the detriment of everything. I hate them, not because I’m jealous or whatever, fuck their hedonistic lifestyle, but because they could do so much better.
>Which is why I think ovo-pescetarian is the way to go.
That’s basically the Nordic Diet I recommended, though the majority of the diet is still veggies and fruits. You would be fine eating like Rad and having bivalves as your pescetarian portion, milk isn’t needed, it’s very new to the human diet. We were eating grains for tens of thousands of years before milk.
Personally I don’t care how you eat, my bringing up of veganism was purely a matter of trying to discussing you as a person. I’m not making any moral judgments.
> It’s in a third of all your milk sold in the supermarket.
It’s really good news. Infected cows which give milk obviously aren’t dead, neither sick.
Thanks for the interesting article, especially the part about pasteurization and sterilization of the virus.
Also, I just want to say that I think I have been traumatized by the pandemic. I don’t have anyone to share this with. Surely not as traumatized as war veterans or other people, but still deeply shocked and affeted. It has been almost 3 years now and I am still carrying this mental and emotional baggagr around, and I simply can’t get out of it. I have considered it seriously, I have dealt with myself seriously on many levels and that’s the conclusion I have come to. I don’t have another explanation, because it really isn’t normal. The pandemic was just the final nail in the coffin after years of being anxious over the environment (still am). It was just something else. That’s it.
This article was kinda helpful for me, so I would like to share it:
Somewhat OT:
You believe humans have free will and can choose between different outcomes. There is no free will. There is no free will. There is no free will.
I know you magically think we can stop using fossil fuels.
And then we can stop industrial farming,
And then what tell us?
Smoke cannabis all day every day?
Werd how the cause of every problem is climate change and vegan agenda. Enough is enough already. Unless your solution is drastically reducing the human population, I don’t want to fucking hear it.
Especially on sites like this, I expect a little more logic and intelligence. I can forgive the MSM (not really) because I know they only respond to whom ever it paying them at that moment.
Antibodies in the milk!
Sensitive Young Man:
> Yeah, I think you’re genuinely more sensitive to suffering than I am.
When I was 14 I came home from school one day to find a representative of the local animal shelter holding my beloved dog’s collar in his hand. He said he found my dog a couple blocks over. I didn’t quite understand. He eventually explained my beloved dog had been hit by a car and was dead, with the implication that I should retrieve him. I can still remember the stiffening that occurred in my soul at that moment as I tried to regain my composure and thank him for his help. After the door closed I broke down in sobs, and soon left to retrieve my dog. I didn’t bother to put on shoes, and the hot pavement on that summer day left me with bleeding blisters on my feet for many days after. I can remember finding my dog on the side of the road, stiff with rigor mortis, some signs of internal bleeding on his belly, and the stench of feces. I cradled him in my arms and walked back to the house. Halfway home, I encountered my 10 year old sister with her friends on their way home from school. She asked, “what’s wrong with Rascal?” and I told her he had been hit by a car and was dead. She immediately broke down in sobs. As we returned to our home, my father had returned from work, and upon hearing what happened, fell to his knees. Never an articulate man, but one with a furious temper, began repeatedly pounding the Earth with his fist in howls of anger and pain.
We never acquired another dog after that.
Not that my experience was unique, but I could never quite understand those people who suffered similar tragedies and then shortly thereafter adopted another pet, which would also eventually perish in some painful way or another.
Almost like they were gleeful at the “toys” Mother Nature offered up endlessly for their pleasure.
> At the end of the day, I love life and this world, despite the suffering. I don’t mind suffering myself, and while suffering shouldn’t be inflicted needlessly, it is an acceptable cost for life in my opinion.
I’m reminded of this famous(?) Nietzsche quote:
“Have you ever said Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you have said Yes too to *all* woe. All things are entangled, ensnared, enamored; if ever you wanted one thing twice, if ever you said, ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted *all* back. All anew, all eternally, all entangled, ensnared, enamored–oh then you *loved* the world. Eternal ones, love it eternally and evermore; and to woe too, you say: go, but return! For all joy wants–eternity!”
It’s all One Package. You don’t get to pick and choose.
(I was once a Nietzschean. As you might have guessed, I’m more of a Schopenhauerian these days)
Yet folks like you and Radagast persist in trying to thread the needle between the Good and the Bad.
“Should it be 55% Good and 45% Bad? Oh, let’s make it 57% Good and 43% Bad!”
Reminds me of the Winston Churchill story:
Churchill: “Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?”
Socialite: “My goodness, Mr. Churchill… Well, I suppose… we would have to discuss terms, of course… ”
Churchill: “Would you sleep with me for five pounds?”
Socialite: “Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!”
Churchill: “Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.”