Who wants to play a game?

Most of the time, this blog is admittedly pretty depressing. But the nice thing about having a blog and a Youtube channel with a couple hundred followers is that you can just do whatever the hell you feel like. Unlike all these “niche” channels that earn someone an income as long as they keep the algorithm pleased, I can more or less just do what I want. And I feel like showing off a game or two on Youtube live. I have OBS on my computer so I should be able to broadcast.

Doing an ASMR video, doing a video about a bad trip report on Erowid, doing a video about a serial killer, I understand how that’s fun. But once the money starts coming in and you have to keep the algorithm happy by constantly peddling variations of the same thing, it stops being fun. Worse, it starts damaging your brain, when you’re forced to constantly do the same thing. But of course I still prefer making videos that people watch over videos they ignore, so I’m asking you for feedback: What do you want to see?

I’m not going to register a whole itch account to stream games, Youtube works fine. As an LSWM I don’t have big boobs, so my plan for getting you to actually watch the stream (and help me decide how to proceed), is to just show you some game you would have never come up with yourself. Obviously a game like Silent Hill 2 is going to be rather passive for viewers, whereas with a game like Dwarf Fortress or Crusader Kings 2, we can discuss together how to proceed.

So these are the candidates I came up with:

A. Silent Hill 2: A renowned creepy survival game

B. Cataclysm DDA: We will try to survive the zombie apocalypse

C. Crusader Kings 2: We’ll try to run a medieval kingdom

D. World at the Crossroads: A dark game about our future

E. Fate of the World: Similar to the above, but even darker

F. Dwarf Fortress: We try to build a fortress

G. Any weird obscure itch.io games I run into

H. Sim Life: Fascinating old game about evolution, but very buggy

I. The Sting: An amazing old cartoonish game about a burglar. It looks really cool, but might be difficult for me to get it running.

J. Tropico 4: We run a tropical island

K. Bio Inc Redemption: Weird game where we have to save the life of some fat guy with a bunch of different illnesses.

L. The Flame in the Flood: A game about a girl trying to survive with her dog

Please let me know what you think in the comments, you can just comment the letters. You can give multiple answers. Maybe you have some suggestions of your own too.

My suggestion: If you want something that’s pretty cool to watch while high, choose The Sting, or the Flame in the Flood.

If you want something autistic, choose Sim Life.

If you want something where we can decide together how to proceed, choose Crusader Kings 2, Cataclysm or Dwarf Fortress.

If you want something uplifting and pleasant looking, choose Tropico 4.

Tropico 4 would be pretty cool, because I set up this custom scenario, where the island starts to suffer overpopulation combined with resource depletion after a while.

Obviously these are all just games I played years ago that I’d like to show off, but I’m first going to ask you what you want to see.


  1. Since I have very fond memories of playing Nazi Zombies on the Xbox 360 as a teenager, I vote for one of the survival games.

    • Upon doing further research, I vote for either Silent Hill 2 (I assume you mean the original 2001 version) or Fate of the World. Honestly you should consider livestreaming more than once so you can play a couple of different games. Maybe play one game, then a week or two later try another. The live chat is always part of the fun.

  2. Dwarf Fortress (F) or Sim Life (H) if choosing from the list, or if you would consider it, Minecraft? Building a billionaire underground bunker could be fun

  3. Wanted to try making a gaming video just to see how it would turn out, was inspired to actually do so by this post.

    Join Dr. William Luther /pol/ Pot as we play Mount and Blade Warband Paradigm Worlds!


    My shithole low status white male village internet took two hours to upload this fourteen minutes video. Two more parts are waiting to be uploaded and should pop up later if anyone is interested.

    • Very cool, I will watch this video. This is actually my second time hearing your voice. I listened to part of a discussion about Templism that you partook in that was posted on your Twitter earlier this year.

      M E H E N has stated on several occasions that he enjoys RR’s Dutch accent, so it’s only fair that we get to hear his sexy American accent as a voice actor on Billionairephobia Episode 4! Come on M E H E N, don’t be shy! Read us some quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer!

        • No, that wasn’t me, my Twitter is anonymous, I don’t post and keep my account set to private, I just use it for following accounts I’m interested in. Your voice sounds good, it’s not monotonous/robotic/flat sounding like it is in some autists.

          > Norwood reaper gas mask


      • > M E H E N has stated on several occasions that he enjoys RR’s Dutch accent, so it’s only fair that we get to hear his sexy American accent as a voice actor on Billionairephobia Episode 4! Come on M E H E N, don’t be shy! Read us some quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer!

        I doubt that’s going to happen (but who knows? I can be impulsive when drunk) but I can assure you my voice is more alpha-male than what I’ve heard from SYM lol

        • But now you’ve got me thinking.

          Is there a way to speak in analog among the intertubes that will not be vulnerable to 4chan autists?

          If so, I’m all ears

      • > M E H E N has stated on several occasions that he enjoys RR’s Dutch accent,

        Btw LSWM, I was recently in Italy and was fortunate enough to be put up by a distant cousin. This person had an in-law from Ireland who had a tour company which focused on Rome. We were invited to join his tour, free of charge. It wasn’t until my group was on the bus that we realized the entire was hardcore Irish Catholic and the tour was of all the relevant totems of early Christendom.

        Several of the members were priests or students in seminary.

        They were all old and a few glommed onto me, asking me about my life.

        Their accent was so thick I could barely understand them

        • > Their accent was so thick I could barely understand them

          lol, trust me, there are rural Irish accents that even I can barely understand. Get a load of this video:


          My parents got married in Rome, but I’ve personally never been. Although I am planning on going to the cinema to see the new Gladiator movie. Paul Mescal is Irish. This sequel is set during the final days of the Roman empire. So, quite prescient for the times we find ourselves in.

          I also recall an old comment you left here about your trip to Amsterdam where you took MDMA and went clubbing. Sounds perhaps a little bit more fun than going on a religious bus tour with boomers ????

          • > I also recall an old comment you left here about your trip to Amsterdam where you took MDMA and went clubbing. Sounds perhaps a little bit more fun than going on a religious bus tour with boomers ????

            Yeah, I’m older now and can only take what I can get.

            Beggars can’t be choosers, etc

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