From the website of the United Nations:
COVID-19 infections are surging worldwide – including at the Olympics – and are unlikely to decline anytime soon, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Tuesday.
The UN health agency is also concerned that more severe variants of the coronavirus may soon be on the horizon.
They point out something unusual is happening right now:
Such high infection circulation rates in the northern hemisphere’s summer months are atypical for respiratory viruses, which tend to spread mostly in cold temperatures.
And they’re right of course. It’s a consequence of a population that’s stuck with an inappropriate immune response to this virus. It doesn’t happen with other respiratory viruses and it didn’t begin until we started vaccinating, there was no such summer wave in the northern hemisphere in 2020.
New deletions and glycans in the N-Terminal Domain of the Spike protein are going to emerge, that make the remaining antibodies binding there useless for neutralization and make the virus behave more like the original SARS.
People are noticing none of this is really working out. In California they figured out people are just sick all the time now. They reintroduced masks in much of California. At the Olympics, the trick to winning a medal is to not catch the virus.
Well, have a look at this:
Doesn’t look to me like mass vaccination was a good idea.
At least the good news is everyone is gradually abandoning the idea now that this would just turn into another benign respiratory virus. That only happens, when you don’t intervene in the development of immunity.
When you intervene in people’s immune response to this virus, you interfere in the mechanisms that would normally lead the population to spread more benign versions of the virus over time. The previous influenza pandemics got better over time. The new hCov that emerged in the 19th century stopped causing us problems after a few years too.
But we didn’t vaccinate against those viruses. When you vaccinate with inactivated vaccines during a pandemic, you get droves of people who are infected before the antibodies have matured to increase their binding strength, so the virus mutates to escape them while they’re still weak. In a natural infection, the body only begins deploying IgG antibodies once the viral load is mostly eliminated. After all, you don’t want to show your cards to your opponent.
In fact, considering they held vaccine trials in South Africa in 2020, where a large share of the adult population has untreated HIV, the Omicron variant born in Southern Africa that would escape the vaccine was probably already born as a result of the trials, well before the mass vaccination campaign began. So then you get everyone stuck on an antibody response, that’s 1000 times worse at binding the new variant than the old variant, so then you get these endless Omicron waves.
You can logically deduce that if the old antibodies induced by two shots of mRNA are 1000 times worse at binding the Omicron RBD than the Wuhan RBD they were meant for, you’ll need concentrations of those antibodies to rise dramatically, to achieve the same protection. But when people reach such extremely high IgG3 antibody concentrations, you can expect it starts causing awful side-effects, to which the body responds by switching to IgG4, to reduce excess inflammation.
That’s why the Chinese vaccines eventually result in an IgG4 response too. It hasn’t been observed in the unvaccinated yet, because the IgG antibodies don’t get to bind until IgA and IgM have bound in mucus, the innate immune system gets to be properly educated and the IgG antibody response was never fixated on Wuhan to begin with.
This means the body has effectively given up on neutralizing the viral particles by focusing on the Receptor Binding Domain: The IgG4 antibodies can’t form cross-links between different Spike proteins and their neutralizing potency can not be enhanced by complement. That’s where we’re at now, with most of the population. But the Receptor Binding Domain is the only part of the Spike protein where it can be properly neutralized: It needs to have a strong electrical charge here, to strongly bind ACE2. The N-Terminal Domain, where most neutralization now takes place in most people, is under no real obligation to let the antibodies bind.
At the Receptor Binding Domain, any attempt at blocking the antibodies with new glycans (sugar molecules), would also be likely to block the connection to ACE2. But at the N-Terminal Domain, it doesn’t really matter much. So you see a whole bunch of new glycans emerge there now. Those glycans just block the antibodies that still worked.
But the worst outcome may be when it’s forced to start deleting amino acids from the immunogenic loops in the N-Terminal domain because of these antibodies. That’s when it starts giving up the ability to effectively spread from one person to another, to avoid antibodies. It will allow improved spread within the body (by increasing fusogenicity, the ability to fuse cells together without ever coming in reach of the antibodies), at the cost of making it harder to spread from person to person. That’s when you end up with a virus behaving more like the original SARS.
This is already commonly happening in immunodeficient people who can’t clear the virus, who are infected for months, but you may eventually see it happen in variants that spread from person to person too.
So this is what we can expect to happen eventually: Increased systemic dissemination of the virus, including increased spread into the brain. After all, the brain is an ideal place to avoid antibodies: Less than 0.05% of antibodies manage to enter the brain, thanks to the blood-brain barrier. It’s not surprising, that the virus evolves to become more neurovirulent over time.
So how does the brain defend itself against viruses like this, if it can’t really use the antibodies found in blood? And what has the impact been of the vaccination experiment, on the ability of the brain to defend itself? Well, that’s going to be the topic for tomorrow’s post.
From that link to the United Nations website you included in the first line of this article:
“Nasal vaccines are still under development but could potentially address transmission, thereby reducing the risk of further variants, infection and severe disease.”
Lately I’ve been interested in finding out whether or not these nasal vaccines will help to improve the situation. Of course, since trust in public health authorities is at an all time low, many people would no longer willingly subject themselves to ANOTHER experimental vaccine.
But anyway, just yesterday I came across this interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche where he explains why nasal/mucosal vaccines WILL NOT work:
Watch from 1:17:45 to 1:19:40 (or maybe watch from 1:15:20 to the end of the interview for added context, where Geert also discusses NK cell vaccines).
Mucosal vaccines can’t work, as they’re just going to recall the immune response that was already programmed into the body from vaccination and breakthrough infections.
It’s also notorious for triggering ADE in the animal experiments with it.
“So how does the brain defend itself against viruses like this…..”
By doing some thinking ahead of time.
The “vaccinations” appeared to be working in the spring of 2021, but alas…
If covid does mutate into a brain-destroying disease people are going to lose their minds. Imagine the hysteria we went through magnified 10 times.
Interestingly, my only side effects to Ivermectin are neuronal (visions includes mild spots and ever slight balance dysfunction – both temporary, subsiding fully after a day of stopping, say a 5-day course). I wonder if Ivermectin is an ideal anti-viral therapy for breaching the blood brain barrier.
You had side effects from Ivermectin? My only problem with it is that the horse version contains a really revolting bittering agent. And although it is supposedly apple flavored, they lie, it has no apple flavor.
For an antiviral that crosses the blood brain barrier, look into low dose methylene blue. It is very safe on its own, but it MAY KILL YOU if it is mixed with SSRIs (serotonin syndrome) and opioid pain killers and a few other things, so check it against any other meds or supplements.
My side effects from Ivermectin are very mild and the drug works very well as an antiviral. Very safe too! I’ve read in multiple sites that my vision effects are common and well-known. It’s funny because I rarely get side effects from many medicines. With this agent, I figure it means that it’s affecting me somehow and my results have all been positive, although the criminals who recommended the vax told people “if you feel sick, it means it’s working” too.
There needs to be a Nuremberg 2.0 and people held accountable if we want this to stop.
Regarding your comments on Ivermectin form, I tried the horse paste too and had the same disagreement as you – bitter taste… it’s also kind of weird to eat this stuff on a cracker. Now I take the 1% injectable cattle and swine version BUT DO NOT INJECT… INSTEAD DRINK! You need a syringe to remove the right dose from the rubber-topped bottle, but again, for injecting into a few ounces of water to drink, not into yourself. Here is a great source:
The ivermectin gel that got at Tractor Supply had a mild apple flavor, no bitterness.
I now have a large vial of sterile iver (from same source) in my fridge. If need be I will inject it, subcutaneously. This bypasses problematic enteral route. Iver is fat-soluble and one of the problems in some of the trials was failure to give it with meals, i.e. when bile flow would be sufficient to increase absorption. If taking it orally, do so always with meals (prefer high protein and some fat; yes, protein stimulates bile flow), and/or with absorption enhancers like piperine, lecithin, etc.
I couldn’t get ivermectin paste from Tractor supply online during its demonization, and so out of loyalty I am going to continue to get it from my source (I don’t want to name them and get them in trouble, especially since it is easy to get now). I see that Tractor supply now sells the bitter version.
We lose power often here so I’m not getting anything that has to be refrigerated.
Yes, ivermectin with food that includes fat. Also if you consume it with alcohol that increases the effect, too. I didn’t know about the protein; that is interesting.
I don’t take it much these days; just as a preventative when I’m going into a very high viral level situation. I still haven’t caught covid (the weekly testing required by my volunteer position since I’m not vaccinated supports this claim), but that’s mostly because I still use an N95 (plus claritin, Xlear, AirTamer) since I have an old person at home. If Rintrah is right the first real flu I catch will probably kill me promptly since I have no trained immunity; we’ll see.
For the record, THEORETICAL possibility of serotonin syndrome with MB has been overstated. It has never actually happened when MB is given orally. (Injectable might be different.) I personally have used large doses of MB with concurrent SSRIs, without incident.
Thank you very much for that info.
I use low dose methylene blue; 4 drops of 1 percent twice a day, and it has a huge effect on my mood and energy level. What is it like to use large amounts?
Also, as regards blood-brain barrier: the fat-solubility of ivermectin is a PLUS here! Fat-solubles penetrate BBB better than water-solubles. (Example: liposomal melatonin supposedly makes it into the brain much better than native melatonin.)
Also, I said “no bitterness” of apple-flavored gel. Come to think of it, it DID have an off flavor, but not bad. But then I am used to oral dosing with bitter powdered stuff (try berberine some time! lol), so maybe my standards are different.
PS: Come to think of it, if ivermectin does move across BBB handily as I suggested, then might it make the ideal drug to keep our brains from turning to mush in the face of attack by rintrah-ian viral gremlins? (Assumes that our brains are not already mush.)
I am definitely going to go the subcutaneous route.
I’m sure our host would dismiss this guy as just another schizo LSWM, but if you would like to read an intelligent alternative viewpoint about ivermectin, read this article, it’s the ultimate black pill:
Ivermectin & Population Control Poison: a Deep Dive into a Nobel Prize Winning Medicine
“Alexa, write a paper for me using Chatgpt that causes people to doubt the origins and efficacy of ivermectin.”
Really, it did read like was AI produced.
At the same time, it is salutary to look at these things more closely, so it’s helpful that you posted it.
I have dogs. There are about a zillion studies on the efficacy of ivermectin in dogs. They weren’t all done by people who had some scheme in mind. The stuff does prevent heart worm disease, which is a really, really nasty way for a dog to die. It’s not all a scam. And loads and loads of people in Africa take the stuff, and the population of the areas where it is used hasn’t exactly declined since it was introduced, so if it is a depopulation agent it’s a pretty poor one.
Replying to your comment below asking what it is like to take large doses of methylene blue (reply button not present on that comment): I did not notice a difference, except of course bizarre Martian urine — bright green-blue.
Is the California chart from wastewater?
Yes. It’s wastewater in San Francisco.
If you want to see a real nightmare, you have to plot all the wastewater graphs in the same chart, but that causes some bias, so I picked just San Francisco.
It looks like the winner variant that can help the CO2 emissions decrease significantly would be a xenomorph, that transmits well from person to person in a short initial stage. However once inside a jabbie, it would become a chronic disease that takes a few months to infect the brain. This time gap would ensure that the initial spread is not hindered by public health measures, because it’s one of the many variants floating out there that only gives you the sniffles when you catch it first. For purebloods the immune system would clear it, but for future zombies, doom would be sealed. Lethality would probably be mis-attributed to whatever variant were in circulation when the delayed payload of the real killer is going off.
*for some purebloods
How do we reach herd immunity at this point? The cynic says that most people will be culled as the virus mutates in a way to clean up the gene pool. Do we have any historic examples of what may occur?
>Do we have any historic examples of what may occur?
Historical examples won’t help us much to determine what will happen, because we never before lived in an era with 8 billion people, traveling around the world by airplanes, with many of them elderly and immunodeficient.
By now there are also numerous variants that have jumped from our species into other species. Delta is supposedly still circulating in deer.
It’s ultimately anyone’s guess whether herd immunity can still be reached.
Back in 2020 it looked far more likely, because there was just one variant and for a long time it didn’t mutate much.
But then they started vaccinating…
I mean, it does seem pretty likely that the versions that shorten the loops in the N-Terminal Domain will struggle to survive in the long term. After all, the other Sarbecoviruses don’t survive in our species for very long either.
In a sense, what happened is pretty similar to what happened with the bird flu in Asia. They had these deadly viruses jumping into poultry. They started vaccinating against these viruses in the 90’s. The viruses grew deadlier and more neurovirulent and the mutations that emerged to avoid the antibodies made it easier to jump into other species too. In other words, basically just the exact thing we saw happen with SARS2 since we started vaccinating.
For birds, the bird flu nightmare never ended, it’s continuing to this day, decimating wild species.
Relation between HIV and SARS-2.
Here’s a 2020 Indian paper (Pradhan et al, withdrawn) showing early on the potential engineering of SARS-2 to include key sequences from HIV. Withdrawal came in the fury of anti lab-origin sentiment which has now been shown to be criminally false.
We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.
This article has been withdrawn. Details:
Yeah it has been withdrawn because it’s embarassing bullshit.
I explained this before.
Explained around what date or entry please?
I find it baffling how so many people here avoid using the search function for whatever reason. All you have to do is type “HIV” into the search bar, press the enter key, then voilà!
In which field of study did you earn your Ph.D, do you mind me asking?
“Do we have any historic examples of what may occur?”
Perhaps HIV/AIDS?
Or at least it seems possible that the wonky immune systems of the constantly infected “vaccinated” will give out at some point and they’ll develop ‘long covid’, or some other euphemism for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
So, maybe massive scale AIDS.
Upticks in weird fungal infections (among other things) might be a sign of this happening, if it happens.
I’ll just leave this here.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome correlation with SARS-CoV-2 N genotypes: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2319417023000872
And this:
That’s the neat part; you dont
Don’t know if you read Thailand medical news but Delta seems to have made a reappearance.
a rather surprising turn of events
If things are this bad in summer, what happens when the annual flu season ramps up, when people’s immune systems are at their weakest? Added into the mix is that the 20% of libtard dopes still taking shots will be out getting their 10th (11th?) booster starting in September, for a completely obsolete variant, adding a new wave of shedding and immune pressure that only has one net effect: they rapidly drive the evolution of new escape variants. At this point it is basically a genocide campaign. Everyone knows and they keep doing it.
“At this point it is basically a genocide campaign. Everyone knows and they keep doing it.”
Could be for the best.
It all did seem to start getting really bad around 2020. . .
I doubt anyone would try to kill most of the population on purpose though. Sure, it might buy some time, but surely modern civilization would end up in the same place either way, and in the interim, one would make one’s own life ‘uncomfortable’ sooner rather than later.
It’s hard to believe anyone would do anything like that on purpose when they could just try to live it up for another decade or two instead.
Not that it’s impossible to believe, but it seems just as easy (or maybe easier) to believe that a ‘happy coincidence’, or series of ‘accidents’, or the unconsciously operating self-organizing system, etc. was responsible.
Anyway, the good news is that the end of civ is penciled in to happen sometime in the next two or three decades at most.
It’s not impossible for some of us to live long enough to see it.
Should prove to be an exciting and interesting period to live through (among other things).
Maybe if you believed it would promise to deliver you a better life you’d do it?
Maybe if you had something like plans for a new civ that would rise after killing off the old one?
Something like a ‘great reset’ maybe?
And/or dreams of uploading yourself to the interwebs to become an immortal digital god?
It’s not as if there seems to be a limit to the evil humans are capable of.
At least not one that I can imagine.
There was an interesting article on substack by Daniel D the other day. He suggested that perhaps “they” are on some kind of deadline. I don’t either believe or disbelieve this; however, it certainly feels like it could be true.
Fascinating, thanks for sharing.
There’s some cool ideas in there. Factoring in the spiritual dimension does seem to help these weird events on the ‘mundane plane’ we inhabit make more sense. I mean sure, there is greed and incompetence or what have you, but the existence and influence of Satan fills in plenty of other blanks.
This civilization is on a countdown too – we can all feel it.
If ‘they’ are working to a deadline to achieve ‘Evil Outcome X’ (whatever that might be) with this system, then they haven’t got a lot of time left to pull it off.
As an aside, I can see why the techie goal of immortality is attractive to them now. It would be an attractive option to me as well if it’d keep me out of an even worse eternal hell that I’d already signed up for.
You didn’t answer the question: Who is warning more severe covid variants are coming???
(Couldn’t help it… I’ll see myself out.)
I now know yet another person with turbo cancer. It is true that he is old, but the details are strange. He went from fine eight months ago to having covid in January to now having metastasized lung cancer. Yes, I know old people get cancer, but it didn’t progress like this before covid; it used to take a couple of years to die. He is not vaccinated; he is one of the very few people I know who isn’t. Since he is 81 y.o. and has been into Theosophy for decades he is okay with his fate; the only issue is housing; he is a Vietnam veteran and lives in his van since he can’t afford rent. We are hoping he gets housing before he dies, but I am guessing he will just die in the hospital. A couple of months ago he was sleeping in his van outside the VA hospital, and all seemed good, but then he realized he was totally coated with tiny ants. If you are healthy that is just gross but if you have advanced cancer it is no joke, although he did find it funny. If he ever smoked it was at least 50 years ago.
The other person I knew personally who died of turbo cancer was 77 years old and it was also lung cancer; he was dead about a month after diagnosis. He didn’t smoke. He was vaccinated.
Also, the co-founder of Google, Susan Wojcicki, just died at age 56 after two years of non small cell lung cancer. Since she surely had the best care, they could drag it out more, I guess. I cannot believe she ever smoked; well off white women in CA don’t smoke, really hardly anyone in CA smokes.
I think the lung cancer is covid and the vaxxes screwing up the immune response.
>I think the lung cancer is covid and the vaxxes screwing up the immune response.
Yep. The IgG4 is going to be mostly concentrated in the lungs.
It fools the immune system, it discourages the immune system from killing cancerous cells.
Cancer rates increase in people with AIDS.
“At least the good news is everyone is gradually abandoning the idea now that this would just turn into another benign respiratory virus.”
Maybe some of the researchers whose studies you read are coming to see this, but nearly everyone I know in the real world is convinced that it is growing ever milder. They don’t see people in the hospital for covid anymore, so they think it is benign. But I check the obituaries for the area I grew up in and there have been a huge number of deaths during this wave (though I doubt any of them were attributed to covid). Yes, they were mostly old people, but definitely not all.
Rick Bright posted this on X ten hours ago:
“Can anyone remind us where people in CO can contact to get urgent help w/ testing for #H5N1? Asking for a friend (several).”
A number of people replied; they suggested local health authorities and state labs. But I guess that was a dead end, because 8 hours ago, he posted this:
“Other than @CDCgov or a CDC-connected State Public Health Lab, does anyone know where people in CO can get an #H5N1 test? Are there any private labs (people or animal) that have ability to test for H5N1? Feel free to send me private DM if you prefer.”
Bright is a real “straight arrow” kiss up to authorities type. However, he does seem to be honest within his constraints. Something is really going wrong here if he is giving up on the CDC. Of course he is right to give up on the CDC, but for him to do it makes me wonder what he is learning of, and what the CDC is refusing to acknowledge.
Yeah, there are a lot more human cases than they are acknowledging. That became obvious to me once they found antibodies in random farm workers.
Acknowledging this is going on would just cause another economic meltdown, so they don’t want to know it.
The worst part is that there are probably mild infections that never result in an antibody response that can be distinguised as H5N1 specific.
We have no clue how many people are getting it.
“We have no clue how many people are getting it.”
Or how many cats. And mice. A question is how the indoor-only cats caught it. Despite all the press that raw milk gets, almost no one in the U.S. buys raw milk. And if the indoor-only-cats were the pets of farm workers, they would have said so.
mrmickme2 is expecting avian-bovine flu to mix with the regular annual flu that is presently being spread by birds along their usual migration routes; he thinks that may cause the regular flu to be more virulent. Of course he has never mentioned or discussed the vaccination-induced IgG3 to IgG4 shift. As you have explained, because of similarities between the regular flu and covid, vaccinated people may have a worse time with the regular flu; their bodies may see it as something to not worry about. So the question is how the vaccinated would respond to a bovine-avian/regular flu mix.
I bet those random farm workers were vaccinated for covid; that is how it would be in a state like Colorado. So I wonder if their mild cases were in part due to an IgG3 to IgG4 shift.
Do you think then that the consequence for the people vaccinated with Chinese Vaccine, or Oxford’s astrazeneca or completely inactivated virus would be the same as of one with mRNA?
All these vaccines cause problems in the long run, because they encourage the body to deal with this virus in an unsustainable manner, but the mRNA seems to be the worst.
Curious if you think Novavax cold be an option I think it will always have a problem keeping up with latest variants. Slower to produce and slower to get FDA approval. But maybe safer and longer lasting protection without the class switch. Or is it best for older but fairly healthy people to just stick with their natural immune system?
I guess you did address that already, by saying they all cause problems in the long run.