Allow me to start off, by congratulating the Americans on having their first concentration camp. Nice job! Guantanamo bay will now be used to house prisoners, they’re building a camp for 30,000 undocumented immigrants. Juan who climbed over a fence back in 1994 and spent the next thirty years harvesting vegetables for three dollars an hour for a guy who inherited his dad’s land now has to ponder in the morning whether he’ll end up indefinitely in a concentration camp where he has no legal rights.
This is your dream come true, right low IQ low status white males? And when they kick out the brown people and the farmers start paying the legal minimum wage, you want your teenage kids to go off to harvest those vegetables, to get some job experience, right? You’re already busy packing your bags to move to rural Idaho, right?
Hey, you know what the first German concentration camps were for? Criminals and the “asocial”.
What do I care?
Well, we have these little metal bricks everywhere in Rotterdam:

We have those little metal bricks, because the Dutch Jews were taken from their homes, to “protect them against the righteous wrath of the population”, according to our reigning government at the time. We’ve seen this stuff up close here in the Netherlands, it’s kind of hard for those of us who are not shallow self-absorbed sociopaths to ignore it when it starts happening again elsewhere. Hey, you know what the Dutch Jews were upto? Usury? Corrupting the youth with pornography? Some other dumb shit you read on X by some guy with a 92IQ?

In Germany, the German Jews were busy until 1918, bleeding for their emperor in the trenches. Jewish Germans died and were wounded at higher rates in the war, than non-Jewish Germans. Hitler’s own Jewish commander recommended him for a medal nobody of his rank would normally receive. But, let me show you what the Dutch Jews were upto. They were gathering Dutch folk stories, to make sure they would not be lost to time. There’s a reason conservatives like Ernst Junger hated the Nazi’s, they were dishonorable traitors and opportunists. It’s not a left-right thing, sometimes society just goes to shit and the government starts killing people who did nothing wrong.
I was reading some Dutch folk stories from this book the other day, they were gorgeous and wholesome, I will narrate one for a video at some point. I looked at the author and I saw his name was Josef COHEN. His book was being read by Anne Frank too, while she had to hide from the invading German low IQ low status white males, led by some guy who was going to make Germany great again. Josef survived, his brother died in a concentration camp.
When this shit escalates, you won’t be able to shut it down anymore. They’re building their first concentration camp in Guantanamo bay right now. For the love of God, shut it down before it gets really dark. You American low IQ low status white males think to yourselves: “Musk and Trump are on the side of low IQ individuals like me!” Nope, you are entirely disposable to them.
First they shut down USAID, now they’re shutting down the department of education. Eventually they’ll take EVERYTHING from you. But the worst thing they will take from you, is your honor, because they will do terrible things in your name. So far, there are 300 babies who caught HIV, because Musk shut down USAID. They lied to us about the HIV aid continuing uninterrupted. This is just the start.
So, why are they dismantling the government? Why is Musk spending his days shutting down various government agencies, isn’t he too busy running a bunch of companies to concern himself with that?
It’s pretty simple. In 2017, Trump passed a tax cut. The tax cut halved corporate taxes, allowing the corporations to use that money to buy back their own stock on the market, thereby boosting prices higher, which in turn boosts CEO pay, which is generally tied to stock performance. The tax cut also allows the billionaires to use their yachts and private jets as a deduction on their taxes.
The Trump tax cut also doubled the estate tax exemption, to 27 million for a married couple. This tax cut is now expiring in 2025. To extend it, requires about 400 billion dollars per year. So to keep this tax cut, requires them to cut expenses, as they can’t just keep growing the deficit. The tariffs seem to be motivated by the same problem they’re having. It’s a way to raise money by having the poor pay more for their groceries. When they saw the stock market crash in response, they delayed them by a month.
All the billionaires benefit from these tax cuts. They’re all sitting on bubbles that could easily pop. But there is no billionaire who benefits more from these tax cuts, than Elon Musk, because his wealth is almost entirely fictitious, it is almost all paper wealth.
Tesla is a car company valued at 10-20 times what other car companies are valued at. The main reason the price is so inflated is because it’s a meme stock. Young guys in South Korea with nothing left to lose buy this stock on leverage, if the price were to drop 50%, they’re forced to sell, crashing it further.
Tesla stock could easily collapse by 90% overnight, in which case it would be valued as a normal car company, but Musk would be left with nothing, as he borrowed heavily against his Tesla stock to buy Twitter, becoming the most in debt CEO in the US.
So billionaires like Musk depend on the continuation of the American stock market bubble. Even just the babyboomers dying in droves could be enough to trigger a stock market collapse, if their children are forced to sell some of the inherited stock to pay taxes. But with high exemptions, they don’t have to pay taxes on their stock.
They’re dismantling the government, to keep their stock market bubble going. And when the time comes, they’re going to let you die of hunger, to keep their stock bubble going.
The leaves of the tree of liberty are starting to turn brown. Do something about it.
You missed something even better: they will have in El Salvador a concentration camp which will also take US citizens: https://apnews.com/article/deportation-criminals-us-citizens-el-salvador-prison-948be810e523600baa1f82e4238e6e87
Also, Trumpstein is going to have a Sovereign Wealth Fund, like Norway. This is very unusual for a country that has net debt. Is going to come in very handy as a holding vehicle when they come in with emergency power, confiscate the assets in private retirement plans, and replace them with long term government bonds, that get paid back in devalued currency. Then all those stocks can be nicely used for trading games, further enriching muskrats.
Finally, please be careful with the calls for violence. Those of us on the right have seen many alt media outlets closed over the years, and people arrested for things like that.
Everything cited in this post, from shutting down USAID to granting tax exemptions, means laborers keeping more of the money they earned legitimately.
USAID was established in 1961 by Presidential Executive Order 10973. It is overturned by EO just as easily.
This short period is a magnificent inflection point for humanity and beneficial in the long term.
Rad sounds even more hysterical than the US liberals. They lost because the voters are smart enough to tell fact from fiction. The left thinks they can say anything and all the little NPCs will fall in line. It’s time to stop gaslighting and trolling. It does not work. You’ve made yourself look like a nut job.
And yes, your diatribes sound a lot like what the globalists/zionists have been serving up. I’m not surprised you are getting that kind of flack. I’m not in that camp because your opposition to the covid vaccines doesn’t fit.
Just as I suspected.
You are a goddamn Jew.
Not the interesting polydrug addict you have portrayed yourself as.
I’m glad you feel afraid.
You people deserve it after all this time.
You are not CHOSEN
You just have a bit more verbal dexterity, and the fact that this dexterity has given your people riches is an historical anomaly.
The pendulum is swinging back and I am for once curious about what is to come
You pose as a humanitarian while endorsing the burning of Palestinian children.
You pick and choose which aspects of “evolution by natural selection” suit you.
When “evolution by natural selection” favors your goals, you endorse it.
When “evolution by natural selection” means the chickens and cows get slaughtered, then it’s a different story.
When I was a Randroid in my younger years, there was the talking point that “environmentalists” just “hate humanity”
I never found that talking point compelling, it just seemed so over the top.
But now I wonder…
What value is there in an Earth deprived of humans, only populated by animals?
There would be no one there to appreciate the animals.
The Hard Truth is this:
You either “choose Life” and all the attendant hypocrisies and contradictions…
…and the end of that road is anti-natilism
No more reproduction.
No more suffering and trauma and horrors
Mehen – A little rough, don’t you think?
> What value is there in an Earth deprived of humans, only populated by animals? There would be no one there to appreciate the animals.
This is what happens when your world view stipulates that non-human animals and other living beings are mere objects, and that only humans are actually ‘people’. To make this statement seems to imply that in the absence of humans, animals would exist as a collection of objects with no one there to observe them, that their own lives are meaningless outside of the value ascribed to them by humans; it takes the same general form as if you said, “What value is there in abandoned skyscrapers, when deprived of humans? There would be no one there to appreciate them.” Animals are not objects, they are agents with their own lives, different from ours perhaps but still with their own intrinsic value. Many people treat their pets as though they were human members of their family, but will not extend that type of generally humane consideration to other animals as well, even if intrinsically it’s the same type of being overall.
When you treat something like an object, it is inherently a psychopathic mode of behaviour, a one-way relationship where you assert total control and domination over the other. Humanity’s psychopathic collective treatment of animals, stems from their general belief that animals are mere objects for our use. Our collective ailments more generally are closely intertwined with the fact that an ever-wider array of our daily interactions are with what we consider objects, and fewer and fewer of them are with what we consider to be living beings.
When you say that you flirt with the idea that ‘environmentalists just “hate humanity”’, it is to imply that the only interests which are worth considering, are the short-term interests of the humans, absent even the ecosystems on whose existence and health their lives depend. People who think like this, want a world with only humans and objects. They rarely have the self-awareness to realize that humans are also animals, and that one day if this atrocity that we call the “accumulation of capital” – the progressive transformation of the world into a series of objects – progresses further, it will only remain a world of objects, without even humans remaining – a dead world. I’d like to reiterate here that this world is the corpse of a child-goddess, and ask you to consider this in light of what I’ve written above, too.
shut up mehen. this is retarded. maybe our host is jewish, maybe not. not everyone who worries about a holocaust is a jew. i agree that he has some normie shitlib views, but he’s certainly more interesting than average…
now, here’s my 93iq take as to why it’s *not* a holocaust: did the deported jews speak dutch? had they been there for generations, productively running businesses? or did they just move in less than a generation ago, fail and/or refuse to learn your language, absorb welfare spending while failing to pay taxes due to their lack of documentation, and completely change the character of your small towns and neighborhoods on the timescale of decades?
sorry, there’s really no comparison unless the ww2-era jews were being imported by one political party to solidify their grip on power at the expense of middle and lower classes and literally to change the character of the people (the great replacement “conspiracy theory” has been admitted to). no one’s claiming they are being sent there for their protection, it’s a temporary (or possibly not-so-temporary) confinement until final deportation.
the rest of the post about dismantling the government is… possibly right. but dumb ol’ 93iq me sees that mass deportations are gonna hit the stock market hard as real estate prices drop.
Mehen, don’t let these idiots gaslight you. Pretty sure Rintrah is posting under multiple identities. You’re way smarter than these losers, what you said above is right on.
Alright Big Bird I’ll give it to you straight, this is actually a Order of Nine Angles wesbite we use to scare and horrify boomers so we can feed off their suffering. We’re satanic Nazi vampires who have sold our souls to the Great Satan and his jewish minions for immortality and power. This is all a pysop. We’re actually manifesting a holocaust of Mexicans right now. Elon Musk and Trump are our best friends, they’re Zionists too.
“Radagast” just uses an AI bot to write his stuff nowadays, this is all written by Chat GPT, we had access to Chat GPT before normies had access to it. The reason why Radagast seems incoherent sometimes is because she’s too lazy to write anymore so she just uses a a literal bot. Radagast is actually a sexy goth girl in real life. Anyway the chat GPT stuff works just as good at harvesting loosh, since Klaus Schwab released his brain damaging virus people are easier to cull than ever.
I’m not even a zoomer, I work for the FBI as a informant and infiltrate extremist groups like Patriot Front and Antifa for a living. I love betraying and sending low status white males to jail, it gets me rock hard. I’m partially Jewish myself, and I do that as revenge for the holocaust.
Everything I just said was a lie but you should believe it anyway because your paranoia is funny and I want to feed into it. I’m a bad person.
Thanks for being honest. Doesn’t it feel good to finally speak the truth?
Yes my Little Bird, I quite enjoy telling the truth. That was all a lie but I think it’s funny how confirmation bias works. That is the truth.
The actual truth is that I smoke a lot of weed and convince myself of crazy shit all the time. I was convinced I was the physical incarnation of Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan at one point. Sometimes I’m convinced Loki from Norse Mythology is going to send a bear to eat me when I don’t follow the will of the gods. Last year I had a delusion like that before I got raped by a shadow person. The other day to defeat this phantom I used a machete to destroy Templist Canon while the voice in my head was screaming at me and doing everything it could to get me back into Templism.
When I was in Middle School I invented a religion about Gecko Jesus “Blessed he be from the clouds above” and I would preach to my classmates and strangers to amuse myself. One time I dressed up in a Gecko quilt that my grandmother’s friend made me and walked door to door like a Jehovah’s witness preaching about the glory of the Gecko. This Mexican guy called me scary, and a fat naked boomer slammed the door in my face. I stole the concept of Gecko Jesus from a Fallout New Vegas modder named Alchestbreach
One time I starved myself for fifty days, drank lemon water, and shit out what looked like churned butter as I felt like I was fucking dying. Then I hallucinated Lord Shiva with a thousand staring eyes just looking at me.
Another time I was in bed and my whole body vibrated before I saw a Aztec death mask that I felt hit a brilliant hippie warlord philosopher who I was having a conversation with in the higher realms.
None of that was a lie, the truth is more absurd than reality.
>truth is more absurd than reality.
Lmao, I meant the truth is more absurd than the lie.
Mehen you should be herded into Guantanamo Bay like all the other spics and gassed. You’re Jewish AND Mexican so it would be a doubly hilarious double holocaust. Low status white males would feast on McDonalds atop your grave, they hate Jews AND Mexicans so you’re the perfect target for the next genocide.
ALright, so I’m going to leave this comment up here, for the sake of transparency.
But I’m also going to explain to you all: This is not some guy’s substack. I’m not making these posts with some clickbait title and some conservative cliches designed to maximize engagement from low IQ low status white males.
I’m not asking for your money, so unlike the substack crowd, I’m not just going to let you splatter diarrhea in my comments as long as I get your five dollars a month. If I wanted money from low IQ individuals, I would be making posts about how MUSK AND TRUMP ARE SHUTTING DOWN THE DEEP STATE WOOO!
No, over here, low IQ low status white males who behave like this get banned. You would get banned on other sites for less.
You must reject and denounce both the Talmud and the 80-year long ongoing Palestinian genocide, otherwise, implicitly, you affirm both. Standing in silence = support and affirmation.
Remember, do not listen to what ((they)) say, look at what ((they)), in fact, do.
Well, guess we know the answer to that one.
The silence is deafening.
“There would be no one there to appreciate the animals.”
All living beings enjoy themselves. You never saw a cat hunting a butterfly or a bird or just hangin’ around in the sun enjoying live.
Humans are brutal demons on earth, and I hope they will be wiped out someday. That happens when monkeys start eating brains of each other: their brains start to grow but the humans go totally crazy as a result (or punishment for doing that). Just read some Oscar Kiss Maerth, there you go:
All of those social programs involve left-wing grifters and patronage along with subversion.
Also isn’t this the human depopulation you hoped for?
RR wants us to deindustrialize to save the planet but is raging because the US cut some foreign aid. You can’t have both.
yup. so close.
Yeah Rad should be more racist Michelle, niggers all deserve to starve to death and die of aids. Spics being herded into camps is also based. Only white people and animals matter.
>niggers all deserve to starve to death and die of aids. Spics being herded into camps is also based.
I’m asking you to stop with this.
Sometimes I think normies should be reminded of what they’re actually saying. But I will stop.
Echo Radagast, and bravo. That conversation needs to stop. Ad hominim attacks are an indication of poorly arranged thoughts and no valid argument. This blog exists at the pleasure of the host, whom its commenters serve… not the other way around. Feel free to delete comments at will as far as I am concerned, Radagast. More power to you!
You are being more patient about this than I would be. Racism adds nothing of value to any conversation.
Calm down, no one is getting gassed in Guantánamo. It’s not racist, it’s just math. As RR has noted many times, the west is slowing de-instrializing and the USA is quickly spending itself into insolvency. These cuts will happen sooner or later. Do it now as a voluntary cut or wait a few years until the collapse and it happens involuntarily.
Fuck you, Rintrah.
Fuck you SYM
(LSWM Lives Matter, you’re cool)
(Kareninca, you’re cool)
Mehen you have reminded me why racism is based. The low status white males are right on the money when they think stealing your children and putting them in cages, it’s what you deserve anyway for eating the pigs. Now Fuhrer Trump is planning to depopulate Gaza of shitskins to the benefit of vegan Jews which makes me like him more.
Sorry that you had to get yourself banned Mehen. I will miss reading your comments (even if I don’t necessarily agree with some of your viewpoints). Thanks for the compliment. I hope that everything is OK with your kidneys, as you commented in a recent article. But most importantly, stay free:
<3 🙂
I will miss him too.. I wish we could stay in touch somehow.
Mehen is bipolar; this is his up mode. Or it is possible that he is mono polar always up (I knew a woman who had that variety). If he is taking lithium and that is why he is having kidney problems, I hope he looks into fisetin to help support his kidneys; you can get enough by eating strawberries.
They could all have applied for citizenship.
But they did not.
Now they have to go back.
You really need to lay off the lefty kool aide. Your covid analysis is excellent and incredibly valuable but you see American politics through the lens of a European. You sound like hysterical blue haired they them on TikTok.
Education in America has not really improved since the Department of Education was created in late 1979. The biggest thing that changed since the Dept of Education was created is that there was a sharp increase in the number of people working as administrators in public education. I think people have to get out of the habit of thinking that what departments are called is what they mean. For instance, despite being called the Department of Defense, it’s really a Department of War. Also, there are stories from the past about USAID being a CIA front. Just because it’s called USAID doesn’t mean its main function is aid. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t offer some aid. Years ago, I went into a restaurant with my then-boyfriend. We were driving and passed a random restaurant, realized we were hungry, and then went inside to eat. Inside, the phone was ringing almost nonstop. “Waiters” were scurrying around. And, strangely, we were the only customers though it was dinnertime. The food we received was mediocre. The phone kept ringing, waiters kept scurrying around, and no other customers came in. By the time we left, we’d decided the restaurant was some kind of front for criminals — drug dealers??? We had no idea! Everything is not always what it looks like — the restaurant served food, but that doesn’t mean its main function was serving food.
Look, it is fine to support the government giving aid to Africans. I disagree, and think it worsens their lives, but whatever, that is not relevant.
What you cannot do, and claim to have any kind of moral fibre, is to support these organisations classifying what they are doing. Come on.
If they are doing good, why do they need to keep it a secret? Why is exposing it such a problem?
The US gives ‘aid’, much spent in the USA or by Americans in the ‘recipient’ countries, fostering dependency and creating a local compradore caste loyal to the USA. China builds infrastructure, so that the countries can produce, consume and trade their way out of poverty.
This week, on “Weird Autistic Nazi Vegan”:
Trump is Hitler! But, not the right kind of Hitler, like a Vegan Hitler. The wrong kind of Hitler who doesn’t like Europeans.
Next week, on “Weird Autistic Nazi Vegan”:
I smoked a bunch of datura and now dogs are giving me cryptocurrency advice!
You won’t know what you had until I’m gone
>You won’t know what you had until I’m gone
The Feds have stopped the CDC from updating infectious disease data. This after they started massaging the wastewater data. They have something to hide — maybe LP.8.1, maybe Chinese bioweapons being deployed, and they try to avoid the panic. No wonder they would try go demoralize the best analyst into quitting. Just disable comments wholesale for a while and you’ll be alright.
I appreciate you!
Love you man!
Most of us do understand what we will miss when you are gone, and that is why you keep getting advice that we hope will be helpful, whether or not it actually is helpful.
Accusing various historical figures of being ‘autistic’ is just an attempt to hide the huge increase in autistic children, almost certainly due principally to the huge increase in infant and childhood ‘vaccinations’.
The Tsarist regime, who got into WWI for nothing, was rightfully hated by people. The leaders of the revolution were driving the train towards an even worse place.
I’m afraid we’re headed towards an oligarch-led neofeudalism. The disregard the new leaders have shown towards the Constitution and towards checks and balances is telling.
I will miss Mehen’s alcohol-fueled ravings. Good luck with renal failure.
People yap and yap, I have patience. I will wait for media stories of brown people voluntarily leaving the US as it collapses financially into an agrarian backwater. The US is getting ready to shed its population of non whites without all the trouble and expense of running them through gitmo or the like.
Three guys at a bar – the Indian says my people were many but now we are few. The black guy says we got whitey all tied up in knots an our numbers are huge!
The Texan knocks back a whisky and says “we ain’t played cowboys and niggers yet.”
Patience, lswm. Our former glory as gas station attendants and bread truck drivers is just on the horizon.
I want to be a fruit picker comrade simba! I want to pick fruit and smoke cannabis!
“What do I care?”
Mr Trump seems to imply that someone killed 500,000 people in gaza. Ironic given who did it.
Surely Andersonville was the first US concentration camp. Killing the Indigenous did not require camps, until they were removed to ‘reservations’, and in the Philippines they just murdered the ‘Flips’ as they came across them.
You should not get your information about US politics from European Mainstream News. They print intentionally deceptive articles.
You fell for this with the Ukraine stuff and now you are falling for the same trick again. Their framing exploits your lack of knowledge on these subjects by constructing a completely wrong image in your head. Mostly through a simple lie by omission.
In this case, USAID was used as a vessel for the US government to fund an enormous variety of questionable junk around the world. All the actually respectable causes are a tiny fraction of the overall money spent and serve as nothing but a red herring for people like you to not question this system.
They gave millions to media companies to produce propaganda,
including the media PR for the vax.
They funded socially divisive NGOs around the world to de-stabilise countries with far left extremism.
They misused an obscene amount of taxes to enact their imperialist control around the world.
The only reason why wired is even writing about this is because they got funding from this shit too and are now trying to defend their paycheck by what they do best. Producing worthless propaganda.
It is rather disorienting how he seems so holistically critical of all that is mainstream, only to credulously refer to mainstream media for political theatre. I remember wholeheartedly buying into the “Putin is an evil, expansionist dictator” narrative when it first made the rounds, but eventually managed to settle on a more dispassionate observation that war sucks, everyone sucks, passing blame is futile, and the US definitely provoked the war, but Putin ultimately started it.
Nietzsche isn’t even a philosopher btw, his shit is waffly poetry at most; if you want to give him even that much credit. if you want to read an actual philosopher, try David fucking Hume. Hume is Anglo and so of a higher racial character than a German anyway.
Some of you are not familiar with the seal of the Theosophical Society:
There is the ancient Egyptian Ankh, surrounded by the Star of Remphram, which is itself encircled by the Ouroboros, with the meeting point of the mouth and tail a swastika.
With the ancient symbol of “OM” as a cherry on top.
It’s all a game, my friends.
Pick your sides.
Abuse of the innocent, as is done in this reality, is never a “game”. To reduce it to one, is psychopathic. Be careful with the type of informational garbage you ingest.
I will take ‘what is an Indian reservation’ for 300, Alex.