Woke people genuinely hate you and want you to die

If it wasn’t obvious yet, I love conservative working class white Americans, particularly the heterosexual men. They’re the people who are not interested in status climbing or virtue signaling. They mostly just want to be left alone by the government and they want to be capable of providing for themselves and their families without depending on government or giant corporations. That’s the hope that Thomas Jefferson had for his country, that it would be a nation of yeoman farmers.

Of course they are also the main people you’re allowed to shit on in today’s culture. And it shows. White men make up seven in ten suicides in the United States. Deaths of despair are surging among working class white American men. This is not happening here in Europe. We don’t suffer an opioid epidemic among middle-aged working class white men in Europe, nor do we witness an epidemic of suicides or other deaths of despair.

There’s a particular demographic that enjoys shitting on conservative working class white Americans, particularly on the heterosexual men. It’s woke people, mostly middle class urban liberal white leftists, who are really proud of their college degree that required them to sign up for a lifetime of debt slavery. I don’t see the kind of hatred for working class white American men coming from Hispanics or even from most black Americans. It’s the urban aspiring middle class that is desperate to distance itself from the working class.

And of course it needs to be said that the hatred for working class conservative white American men is entirely unjustified. When people hate you, they try to make you believe that you caused it, that it is your own fault. And yet, nothing could be further from the truth. Working class conservative white Americans are tolerant people. They are perfectly happy to vote for a black man who shares their values, as you can see in the current recall election in California and everything I see suggests that they mean no harm to anyone, they just want to be left alone.

When the Nazi’s invaded my country, Holland, they told people that the Jews had to be taken away, to protect the Jews from the “righteous anger” of the people. We’ve seen what hatred looks like here in my country. I hate to break it to you, but I see a similar type of hatred emerging among Americans that leaves me very worried. That’s why I decided to carry out a social experiment. I went to a woke subreddit, /r/whitepeopletwitter and decided to make a post that says “I hate uneducated working class right wing conservative heterosexual rural white men”.

Here you can see the post:

And so how did people respond? Well, see for yourself:

I tried to make it as hateful as possible. I was worried that people would see through the satire, but they don’t. They just upvote it, because this is genuinely how they feel. They’re filled with hatred, for conservative working class white American men, who are generally at the bottom of the American social totem pole. Working class white American men already know this. After all, they see their sons smeared in the media, because a boy wears a hat of his president and is called a racist because he stands and smiles when a guy bangs a drum in his face. And the people who are hated see this, they respond to the hatred they receive. Here’s how that looks:


I want to make it clear that the rest of the world doesn’t feel this way. We don’t hate working class conservative white Americans. Be strong, hold onto your guns, you’ll get through this.


  1. Oh come on with this.

    This is the thing I really disagree with you on; you continually give cover and sympathy to people who really don’t deserve it because you want to score a few points against the “Wokies” back home.

    Are you just going to ignore all the hate that comes from the other side?

    Do you think all of this hostility came from nothing?

    So, some 20-something girl with colored hair is a menace for passively tweeting gleefully that the White American population is in decline, but when some flyover-country reject reposts the Christchurch massacre video on Pornhub saying “5 stars awesome gangbang”, he “means no harm to anyone”. I can assure you that vicious hatred of Muslims is VERY popular with White, Southern, “White trash” Americans and not at all marginal or uncommon. And, this hatred has grown to encompass pretty much anyone who isn’t also trapped in the dark, hellhole that is flyover-country America. This hatred is born of self-loathing and resentment, the darkest kind. Someone who is decent-hearted, as I believe you desire to be, should not make excuse for this evil.

    And don’t play the facile, dirty games of ignoring the obvious; “It’s OK to Be White” is just an innocent motto, why would libtards get so triggered?


    Everyone knows what it really means, just like everyone knows what the Red Hat really means. And the Covington students were clearly being provocative and combative, this was settled years ago, and right-wingers are still mentioning it as if they’ve learned nothing. That is, of course, typical as they always lie and count on the stupidity and forgetfulness of their audiences.

    You gravely discredit yourself every time you defend these people, whom you would despise as well if you actually knew them in real-life and who would despise you as well.

    • >So, some 20-something girl with colored hair is a menace for passively tweeting gleefully that the White American population is in decline, but when some flyover-country reject reposts the Christchurch massacre video on Pornhub saying “5 stars awesome gangbang”, he “means no harm to anyone”.

      Well there’s the difference. We have always had mentally ill people attracted to political extremism. That’s not new. 4chan culture is ironic hyperbole, where offensiveness is used by marginalized people (NEETs with autism) to communicate with others who don’t fit into polite bourgeois culture. You take the belief system with the lowest possible status and you endorse it. If you’re a woman you get “tits or GTFO”, if you’re jewish you get the happy merchant, andsoforth. It’s pretty much what punk subculture used to be in the 1970’s.

      Wokies on the other hand, have the Fortune 500 companies, the US government, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Hollywood and the media behind them. So when they glorify and celebrate the deaths of a particular ethnic group, then that has me worried.

    • I have very little patience for the anti-semites, they’re kind of stupid. The thing they don’t seem to understand is that everything they blame on Jewish college professors as part of some sort of “anti-white” conspiracy is stuff that they endorse for themselves as well. The types who want to “deconstruct whiteness” tend to hate Israel too. The types who want to “deconstruct gender” don’t have a lot of biological children themselves. It’s the kind of mental illness human beings develop while working on a Phd.

      These people think most of the hatred for marginalized rural conservative white people is coming from Jewish people, but the reality is it’s mostly coming from college educated middle class urban liberal white people, among whom Jews just tend to be overrepresented. It’s class bigotry, not ethnic bigotry.

  2. Agree, but why do you focus on the American working class? It is no different in Europe, in each country in a different, specific way.

    The demographic situation of European hetero males might look better than their US counterparts, but the working classes are here, too, the scapegoats and the laughing stock of their postgraduate betters.

    • I don’t think this is true. Militant bourgeois wokism is an American export product. There’s a handful of people in Amsterdam addicted to Twitter, but other than that, it doesn’t really manage to get a foothold here.

      • I guess you are right, but Europe has a nationalistic and religious angle that is missing in the US. So you might not hate the tokkies, but that’s because you can channel part of your hate towards other groups, like the Germans, the Gypsies, the lazy Southern Europeans…

        This is probably a sweeping statement, but I think that the Dutch equivalent of wokesterism is Protestant morals.

  3. > makes a fake tweet, posts it on a subreddit

    > gets a few pity upvotes because marginally funny satire

    > help i’m being opressed

    i am just going to suppose you are joking

      • So, are you endorsing the “White Genocide” theory, then?

        I mean, this is the crux of the issue: Either there is an organized conspiracy to target the “marginalized” Whites, or the Whites simply drew a bad hand in the game of postmodernity.

        If the latter, then you can’t go around whining about how the Whites are poor victims of bigotry from the upper classes when that is true of many other groups and in much worse ways. Why is the suffering of Whites worse than the suffering of Arabs or the suffering of American Indians or the suffering of Africans?

        It’s true that those groups are given a certain niche importance in the paradigm of “Wokeness”, but only because they are more reliable bases of support for contemporary leftist parties which have lost their erstwhile proletarian White core.

        The obvious solution is for the Whites to join forces with the the other downtrodden groups, but, instead, this group (at least in America, I understand the situation is very different in Europe, and some European leftist parties still retain strong support from their ancestral European constituencies) has categorically rejected the notion that they have anything in common with “niggers”, “spics”, “takers”, etc.

        This attitude is completely indefensible and unjustifiable, and the only reason it has become so pervasive is because this group of people really is afflicted with severe emotional and social pathologies which are evident to everyone else from the outside, hence the animosity you complain about.

        • >The obvious solution is for the Whites to join forces with the the other downtrodden groups, but, instead, this group (at least in America, I understand the situation is very different in Europe, and some European leftist parties still retain strong support from their ancestral European constituencies) has categorically rejected the notion that they have anything in common with “niggers”, “spics”, “takers”, etc.

          Do you have some empirical evidence to back up this assertion?

          It looks to me more like you’re attacking some sort of strawman created by Vox.com, Reddit or Buzzfeed, rather than actual working class rural white American conservatives.

  4. Incidentally, in the countries/nations where the leftist parties have retained strength (e.g Scotland, Portugal, Spain, Greece, maybe Italy, maybe Switzerland), the kind of “wokeness” you complain about is more or less nonexistent.

    I think, you as a Dutchman, the problem is simply that you (or perhaps your country) has become too Americanized. America is a cancer that corrupts and destroys everything that is noble or human or civilized. Inviting the American “ideas” and the American spirt into your life has also invited a vertitable Pandora’s Box of troubles. More than anything, you and your nation would be immensely renewed and restored by being EUROPEAN again. And, the only path back to your true spirit is to forcefully reject America, root and branch. Neutrality is not an option anymore.

    I think it can be shown that it is the most Americanized European countries that have suffered most from the problems you allude to. The list of countries I adumbrated above is of those that are among the least Americanized Western European nations. The pattern is difficult to overlook.

    • America is surrounded by oceans, so when Americans want to hate someone, they must look among themselves. Because of geography, Americans can only hate other Americans.

      But Europe has plenty of nations, all of which have hated each other fiercely until 70 years ago, and in most cases until more recently. So there is a limit to how much you can hate your own people, because you will need them to help you out when the people from the next village come to rob and kill you and rape your wife and daughters.

      So a rich Californian girl with a MSc in Anthropology and Gender Studies can virtue-signal and wish the death of white trash, but her Dutch counterpart will have to keep herself in check.

      I remember the abandon with which Europe destroyed the Greek and Italian economies after 2009, and the consequent rediscovery of negative stereotypes on both sides. The fly-over counties of Europe are all in the South. That is why wokestery does not exist (much) in Italy or Greece: we are the deplorables.

      >you and your nation would be immensely renewed and restored by being EUROPEAN again

      Are you sure? American occupation gave us decades of peace and affluence, our European roots gave us a long list of massacres and humiliations.

      • Good point. Europeans enjoy our own internal rivalries too much. But it never quite reaches the level of hate I see in the US.

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