The issue of low birth rates is lately coming up again in my country. The leader of the party I reluctantly voted for brought up that our fertility rate is well below replacement level, whereas Africa’s population is exploding.
Well the thing is, none of you people really deserve Europeans. That’s why we decided to die out. The politicians won’t solve it, they can’t even practice what they preach.
Europe spends its days trying to save the world from global warming, while Americans spend their days setting up ponzi schemes. But we are rewarded with a Russian invasion, whereas the Americans are rewarded with the whole world buying their inflated tech stocks.
The Indians are going full steam ahead building coal plants, the Brazilians chop down their rain forest, the Indonesians are building a new capital city in the middle of the pristine rain forest of Borneo, the Africans say that God will provide for their children.
Well I’m flattered you consider us God, but it’s over. We’re done. Sorry kids, dad is off to buy a pack of cigarettes.
You people are all going to be on your own within a generation or two. It’s what you all deserve.
Dutch people are eating vegan seaweed burgers that taste like vomit. They’re gathering used coffee grounds in local restaurants on bicycles here in Rotterdam, to grow mushrooms on them.
People are chaining themselves to gates in the harbor here, to keep the cruise ships full of fat Americans away from Amsterdam.
There are ugly solar panels that don’t work in winter, on every fucking roof in this country. What are the rest of you doing? Where are the solar panels in Jakarta? You have the sun year-round, we don’t. You will die of the heat, we won’t.
Young blonde Dutch women in cities like Amsterdam and Utrecht are walking around in rags with holes in them, bought at “vintage” stores, that smell like cigarettes and granma’s old perfume, to be “sustainable”. Americunts, brownoids, what are you doing?
You people all deserve each other. Is it our responsibility to save you all from yourselves? The Norwegians are paying Brazil not to cut down their rain forest.
What have the Saudis, Qataris and Iranians been doing with their trillions in oil wealth exactly? Is it our responsibility, to be the world’s paypig?
The Americans and the Chinese can’t even admit it, when one of their reckless virus experiments blows up and starts killing people.
Now there is a monkeypox outbreak in Africa and the whole world basically just takes it for granted that Europe will have to figure out how to solve it.
Come to Europe in one of your leaky boats if you can afford to. But hurry up, you won’t find any white people left here otherwise.
You realize we figured out the party’s coming to an end, right? We stopped inviting people over and now we’re preparing for the inevitable MDMA comedown blues.
The rest of you just seem to have no clue. When I look at these right wing Americans, yapping on about the declining European birth rates, it’s like looking at some douchebag at a party who really can’t read the room.
We’re done with this party. The rest of you can enjoy each other’s company.
It’s not just the rest of the world that the Nordics/Aryans are trying to save through financial aid and technological ingenuity, but also their neighbors in southern Europe. The PIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) are all economic basket cases that would be seriously struggling were it not for their tourism industry.
No offense @Apollo, it’s not your fault. Goldman Sachs destroyed your country. Plus, you still have the title of “cradle of Western Civilization” to be proud of.
And unfortunately the Dutch cannot always save the day. Look at the terrible job that Erik ten Hag is doing LOL.
Don’t worry, Kevin! No offense taken. I can rant about what Greece has been doing wrong. But I will focus on this: We were led to think that we are the cradle of western civilization, we have a strange, short-sighted, obsession with being considered part of the “West”, and the good child thereof.
The West is in decay, including a population collapse. Just like Rome.
Unlike Rome, we don’t want to consider being saved by Christianity. To make a family, you need to love and be willing to sacrifice your time, and the “have fun” lifestyle.
PS Tourism is a big scam in Greece. We have x2 the visitors of Portugal but less revenue!! LOL
As it stands, it’s only destroying our frail infrastructure, and making us even more spoilt… Instead of tourism, we should have focused on fishing (small/medium boats), farming, planting trees etc.
PS2 Greece was accepted in the Eurozone bc we didn’t have private debt, and the German banks desperately needed to give loans.
Greece was accepted in the EEC (now EU) on one condition: to destroy our industry. We used to be like modern Turkey. Cheap prices, ok quality of products.
We would be better off building a confederation with Eastern Europeans…
Natural population increase has stopped around here as well.
Stopped decades ago.
Life becomes too miserable when there are too many people, so we naturally stop having large families. Instead of accepting this natural state of affairs, TPTB wanted to keep the economic growth going and so they brought in migrants. The population here has increased, rounding up, by about 50% since the 80s and that increase is entirely comprised of migrants.
But it’s a stupid growth, on paper the digits go up, but in the real world everyone’s share has been shrinking.
Turns out there’s no magic pudding.
But TPTB are getting richer off the real estate Ponzi it creates. The rest of our economy has been reduced to the economic complexity of Uganda by globalization. All that is left is digging holes and exporting minerals, immigration to maintain the economic growth of the cancer cell, and a housing ponzi. And all against a backdrop of ecological destruction on an incomprehensible scale.
We all got betrayed by Ponzi lord Mammon worshippers.
Native born people should really fight harder for their interests, but when they do, the woke demoralization kicks in and they are told that they’re racist etc.
All the bases are covered. You have to hand it to them really. There’s no escaping whatever their system is going to send down the pipe.
I for one will quite enjoy it when George Bush rises from the grave and and puts things back together for the United Empire of America. When George W. comes around Fernando and his friends are being sent packing, and Europoors will be forced to dress in frilly dresses and service Imperial soldiers just like the the good ol days of WW2.
I’ve given up on meaningfully contributing to the conversation btw.
This seems to be a fair accounting of our current situation.
It manages to account for the paradoxical love Radagast has for LSWMs, while at the same time he tries to teach them there are larger forces in play LSWMs might be unaware of.
Sorry, that was the wrong link.
This is the correct one.
Ah fuck it. That wasn’t what I wanted to share but I’m super drunk right now.
Bottom line: Rad has the intelligence to understand the concerns of the HSWMs, and agrees with them on the scientific merits, and also understands that humanity is cognitively stratified, but at the same time has the sensitivity and intelligence to understand that the “elites” have their own blind spots, and that the deplorables sometimes have a thing or two to say.
Did I get that right, Rad?
Do you have any evidence of the effect of eating, or not eating, meat on mental health, political affiliation and general tolerance and ideation? I have a feeling that my vegan diet affects how I perceive people. I never dieted to save animals BTW.
Igor, please don’t allow your diet choices determine your perspective.
Rad will probably tell you some bafflegab about how eating solar panels will open your third eye and save the cute animals, but that’s just notional ideology.
In all probability your veganism has simply spared you from the ultra processed foods, so you are now free from inflammation and gut dysbiosis. This clears your mind, and you now perceive the world in a new way.
Don’t make the mistake that this had anything to do with eschewing meat.
You are what you eat, but more importantly, your brain is programmed by what you see.
This subconsciously determines your mental state.
So stop watching negative images for a few weeks and assess your mental status.
No more videos of animal abuse, horror movies, war, disturbing goth girls and so on.
You may think you like it because of the dopamine shot you get while watching, but it actually works the other way around.
Revenge dopamine for past traumas makes you think you like negative shit.
Its like if you watch too much porn for a long time you get erection problems.
I eat pussy.
There’s also an energetic component to it all as well. People who look at porn or gore or pop music about cannibalism, that’s been encoded with negative energy by occultists in the music industry, will gradually tend to end up with negative entity attachments over time. It’s part of the explanation for the present state of affairs in this world and why everyone appears to be so utterly deranged.
I should additionally mention that one potential effect of such attachments can be thought manipulation. It becomes clear after a certain point that many of the thoughts people have, particularly intrusive thoughts but also to an extent the others, are not really generated by ‘you’ in a sense but are the result of negative entities, implants, and so on. It’s also the underlying explanation for certain psychiatric issues such as schizophrenia, which medical science has heretofore had a difficult time finding a comprehensive materialist explanation for. They’re also typically the main underlying causal factor for depression and other issues. Fortunately these thoughts tend to clear away as you learn to erase such things and work on increasing your own energetic strength.
Mehen, I am not vegan to save animals. My attitude towards animals hardly changed. I do not eat meat because I am trying to be healthier.
And yet I notice changes in me, like less frequent feelings of rage and lessened intolerance towards certain minorities. (I do not act on my feelings of rage, I just feel it)
And before someone comments on testosterone, it was LOW before I went vegan. Now it is 550, smack in the middle of normal range
I also blocked all hateful “conservative journalists” and shit stirrers like Matt Walsh, Andy Ngo, Libs of Tik Tok, etc, which helped me a lot and I am much less upset and less often
Certain white people are having many children.
Skip to minute 9
I’m just going to say that conservative/right-wing White families are having more children than leftists who are busy indulging in the joys of castration, abortion, miscegenation, and homosexuality, so White people are drifting more to the political right.
Evolution at work.