Propaganda is subtle, it appeals to the emotions. It generally doesn’t try to convince you with facts and logic. It’s the meandering sounds you hear, emanating from a speaker in the background as you wander through a shopping mall.
Most of the propaganda we’re fed, is this sensation, this feeling that tomorrow will look the same as yesterday, with some minor tweaks. But we’re already living through the collapse. This is what it looks like. In 2022, 6% of the population of the Central African Republic died. Most of them died of disease and hunger. The failing harvests cause migrations, which then cause conflicts. You’ll never hear about this on the news.
So what is the propaganda? The propaganda is this attempt at conveying a sense of normalcy to you. To keep doing what you’re doing. To continue business as usual. “Oh it’s a place you never heard of. It has always been politically unstable. It’s the Wagner group’s fault. It’s a brutal dictatorship.”
Everything that happens to you, is sold to you through propaganda as a choice you made. If you don’t have children, it’s not because you can’t afford to, it’s because you’re “queer”, so you choose to live with roommates into your thirties, in a giant metropolis. When I speak to these people, they don’t feel like an impoverished proletariat, that can’t afford to reproduce. They imagine themselves to be the upper middle class, whereas in Egypt or Syria, people in their situation would be participating in a bread riot.
And why wouldn’t they? The Dutch government departments fly their “progress flag”. Biden poses on the White House lawn with their flags behind him. This stuff was invented by some disabled anarchist, sure. But systems of control amplify messaging that fits their own objectives.
The propaganda we receive isn’t so much left wing or right wing. It’s a cultural force, that serves to stabilize society. Degrowth is ultimately the same phenomenon. It’s a cultural attempt, to rebrand something that’s already happening to us, as something we actually chose. Nobody is immune to propaganda. It’s not so much a technique to make us want what elites want. It’s to make us want what is inevitable.
I think a lot of the constant anger that right wingers feel could be addressed if they could just allow themselves to accept that the future is a lie. But they came up with their own brand of propaganda, which serves the exact same purpose, of convincing them that everything is normal. They imagine there to be a shadowy cabal of globalists, who teach them things are not normal.
Unprecedented droughts are normal, unprecedented heatwaves are normal, unprecedented downpours are normal. The lack of insects on your windshield is normal. And if you think it’s not normal, you were brainwashed by the old bald German man who sounds like a Nazi and wants to make us all eat bugs. That’s the emergent propaganda. It’s spontaneously produced, by people who don’t want to understand what’s going on.
It’s anesthesia, it’s a bag of ketamine handed out at a party. When you spend your afternoon, making your soyjack eat the bugs Klaus Schwab comic with the based Chad who says “Yes.” and post it to Twitter or 4chan, you’re the guy who brought the bag of ketamine to the party. You’re the one who helped us all forget, what we already know. In Brave New World, you don’t need the government to hand out Soma. You just need the government to look the other way, then people will do it themselves.
But reality is hard to accept. If you always knew at some level that none of this is normal, then you can gradually build upon it. Ten year old me knew it’s not normal that we put animals in cages and eat them for food. I didn’t yet know this breeds superviruses, antibiotic resistant bacteria and deforests the Amazon, but those are layers you can then stack on top.
But if you don’t figure it out at a young age, then you become forced to puncture a dam as an adult, that holds back a massive wave of water. That’s painful. My mind never built that dam. I always saw that it’s not normal. If you tell me the Panama canal no longer works because the droughts are causing a lack of fresh water, it fits neatly into what I already knew.
The problem is that the water is not going to stop rising. You can keep building your dam higher. Eventually you’ll be living in an alternative reality, you’ll become convinced that India is suffering HAARP induced droughts so that they will accept a Rothschild controlled central bank digital currency. But I don’t think that’s the path to inner peace. Once you can accept what’s happening, you can enjoy the time we have left.
Out of all the spiritual ideas I’ve heard, the one that annoys me the most is the notion that we should accept the sufferings and evils of the world as some kind of ‘blessing from God’ and ‘make peace’ with them. I think a lot of it comes from the dharmic and new age branches of spirituality. How could someone make peace with a world where something like factory farming, or climate change, or genocide occurs regularly? A lot of the stuff like what you describe is really tragic and atrocious, and I think we should fight it. But you’re right, people are conditioned into complacency and into thinking that things ‘just are the way they are’. But it has to be a personal battle, you know? Like going vegan and convincing your friends to, or even dropping out of society to the maximum extent that you are able to do so. I think you can be happy with yourself in the sense of ‘inner peace’ like you describe, but sometimes people take this concept and twist it around into a slave mentality, which is where you get concepts like ‘spiritual bypassing’ from.
To accept the sufferings and evils of the world as some kind of ‘blessing from God’ and ‘make peace’ with them is I think a Christian concept.
The Hindus (Budhhists too?) accept sufferings as a consequence of their own previous wrongs, not as blessings from God.
In my view, the gnostic interpretation is the most accurate: that we are a slave race from the cosmic-scale view, imprisoned here by a malevolent force. Karma is bullshit – to believe in it is to imply that every child who was raped, every animal that was factory farmed, or every person who otherwise had to endure an abusive situation is merely receiving their comeuppance for some evil they previously did themselves. It doesn’t allow for the concept of genuine abuse of the innocent to exist, it posits that the universe operates by a system of justice that it simply doesn’t, and it offers a misleading and incomplete view of our actual situation.
I don’t expect anyone to believe me just from my saying it, but I’ve had some very rare and extreme types of spiritual experiences that inform my beliefs on this matter, and I am certain of them. Material reality is a place to be escaped from, not embraced. And more people are getting ‘god’ and ‘satan’ confused than you would realize.
Is the malevolent force and ‘satan’ one and the same?
What is ‘god”s roll in all this?
If we are a slave race by a malevolent force, would not all of us be suffering?
There is the Golden billion who is suffering very little compared to the most wretched on earth.
Does the malevolent force also favour some?
I would rather believe in some system of justice than in malevolent or benevolent forces.
‘Sa’Satan’ means ‘adversary,’ and yes, they are one and the same. If you ask me, it would appear to me that the malevolent force actually favors psychopaths and evil people in general, most likely because they aid it, and I can’t really think of any decent person here who is not suffering to some degree or another. The white-collar office worker whose soul is being slowly sandpapered away by the drudgery of corporate america, is merely suffering in a different way to the person living in an impoverished country, yet they both suffer, even if one form of it is more abstract than the other. But beyond the suffering there is also a more abstract loss of freedom: we are being reincarnated here without our consent, our memories of what came before having been wiped, and we are placed into flesh bodies that require us to kill and consume other living beings in order to survive, being made to exist within a reality with arbitrarily constructed physical laws that limit the scope of what we can do. It is we who are the manifestations of god, being held captive here in this reality at the moment. It is related to the fact that the creation of this reality as it presently exists involved a rape of the feminine aspect of god, and if you read between the lines of the apocryphal texts, Christ understood this as well. Believing that this universe operates on some system of justice on a cosmic level is a nice fairy tale people tell themselves, and that’s about it. The reality of it has nothing to do with what one would prefer to believe: love is an entirely alien concept to the beings who have architected this place, and they are knowingly acting against our best interests.
Your post brought to mind two things for me. I’m not sure why and am not going to expand on it much. Also, have you mentioned why you don’t have children? I have the impression you don’t want children but can’t recall all your posts.
First, the disembodied head in That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis.
Second, this from a Tao translation. Letting go of our beliefs.
Everybody on earth knowing
that beauty is beautiful
makes ugliness.
Everybody knowing
that goodness is good
makes wickedness.
For being and nonbeing
arise together;
hard and easy
complete each other;
long and short
shape each other;
high and low
depend on each other;
note and voice
make the music together;
before and after
follow each other.
That’s why the wise soul
does without doing,
teaches without talking.
The things of this world
exist, they are;
you can’t refuse them.
To bear and not to own;
to act and not lay claim;
to do the work and let it go:
for just letting it go
is what makes it stay.
Bringing kids into the world now is like inviting someone to a party at 2AM. By the time they arrive, they party is already over and they can help the host clean up the vomit.
I feel like there have been many times people held that view of the future and sometimes they even ended up right. More often things don’t come to pass.
I’m reading about early Christians and of course after Christ it was various types of the end is coming and a new kingdom is imminent.
Are we in for some dark ages? Maybe, probably, everything ends and begins again, thats just how it goes. Gradually I came to feel doing what I could to involve children, but thats just me.
I met a women a few weeks ago who after a long conversation confided how she doesnt know what to teach her children in light of the self harm she sees by people. Who ever is offering up a clear way of acting I’m skeptical of, it’s too easy. We find the best of ourselves and others in disorder.
>Bringing kids into the world now is like inviting someone to a party at 2AM. By the time they arrive, they party is already over and they can help the host clean up the vomit.
Perfectly stated.
Yes, the ruling elites learned quite early to control the masses with propaganda.
When normal propaganda fails, the fear of being invaded is brought in.
What makes the masses so stupid to believe the propaganda?
I have been reading about lately about Alexander Dugan. It kind of hit me as an explanation for covid. Wither it was a scam to make money, of a new system of control with central bank digital currencies. Heres the quote ” Committing monstrously evil acts opposes God’s will to the greatest possible extent. The perpetrator of these acts considers that such active opposition to God’s will puts him on a level with God, because they involve treating God as a being who is not to be feared or obeyed. This self-exaltation to equality with God is considered by followers of the ‘Left-Hand Path’ to actually confer divinization, to lift the perpetrator above the category of a mere creature.” So covid really about transhumanism, the elites becoming gods.
I think you are looking at this the wrong way. There are many upsides to the collapse of civilization. There is no one predicting a sudden collapse of the biosphere before 2030. Everyone, peak oil/Club of Rome and climate hysterics, like yourself, see 50-100 years timeless where we can somehow “adjust”.
I don’t know. Complex adaptive systems do collapse suddenly. But does it matter when? We got the short end of the stick. Shalom to Palestinian amputee children.
Not everyone is feeling so sanguine about where we’re currently at, let alone where we might be in 50 to 100 years.
Barring a miracle, collapse is baked in, and it is causing plenty of problems to choose from as examples already – extinctions, etc.
Also, the stable world that all the modelling is based on is going away fast, and collapse will be uneven, so having faith in it all lasting for 50-100 years (or some other distant time that is conveniently outside the lifespan of anyone here) is a risky proposition. Seeing as you brought up the Club of Rome/Limits to Growth stuff, here’s an extract from a recent review that seems apt:
“It is to be expected that the complex socio-economic relationships will be rearranged and reconnected in the event of a collapse. World3 holds the relationships between variables constant. Therefore it is not useful to draw further conclusions from the trajectory after the tipping points. Rather, it is important to recognize that there are large uncertainties about the trajectory from then on, building models for this could be a whole new field of research.”
In other words, nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen once this shitshow really starts nosediving in a mere couple of years, let alone in 50-100 years.
There are plenty of others who’re gravely concerned about falling off a ‘Senneca Cliff’ rather than a gentle downwards glide, so not ‘everyone’ thinks we have lots of time to adjust.
And there is always the chance that competition for diminishing resources could lead to a very sudden and abrupt collapse indeed in the event of a nuclear war — nobody would have time to adjust to that.
So, after decades of screaming alarm bells, perhaps it’s finally time to lose some of that complacency? Maybe work out what kind of world we want to leave for whoever is left (if anyone)? Do things like bury nuclear waste somewhere deep while we still have the capacity and resources to manage complicated problems like that? Etc.
I don’t think ‘we’ will though, because if one thing seems clear at this point, it’s that ‘we’ are a bunch of idiots, and/or ‘we’ aren’t actually in rational control of what we do/events, and/or we’re in denial, etc.
I don’t think any of that’s hysterical – it just is the way it is.
Looking past the billions of deaths, I agree though that there could be upsides to collapse, but it’s the billions of deaths bit that’s a bit of a sticky point for lots of people.
On a personal note, now that I’ve come to accept our fate, I do feel a bit better actually. I’m less angry and more forgiving of my fellow moronic humans – I’m sure there are other benefits as well.
I’m surprised it’s taking this long actually for collapse to play out.
Even more surprised that other people don’t see the symptoms of too many people consuming too much stuff piling up all around them.
It’s like this virus/”vaccine” issue in a way.
Taking too damn long.
It’s as if God is protecting us, or in light of Tryptie’s Gnostic sounding post above, maybe Satan wants to keep us all trapped here on Earth for a bit longer.
It was quite a thing to see the apocalyptic fires in my country. They were really something.
Perhaps it takes seeing something to believe it?
Maybe things need to be personally experienced?
That could be the difference between me and a lot of people. I put a fair amount of weight on reasoning something out and relying on those conclusions, but in addition to that, I’ve actually lived long enough to see some awful things and to see things change.
But even so, almost everyone I’ve talked about these matters, even people my own vintage from my own background, have fallen on the deeply skeptical/denial side of things.
I have to put it down to a lack of depth of personal experiences.
Or maybe they just haven’t been paying attention?
Maybe they don’t notice the topsoil that comes down in the rain, or the rivers that make your skin itch, or the absence of insects, or the cities like something out of Blade Runner, or watched the domes of skyglow coalesce and link up over the years, etc. in the same way that I have.
But it’s been pretty fucking hard to miss from where I’ve been sitting out here on the edge of the world looking in.
Even those Palestinian kids you are praying for, how many of them would have been blown up if countries weren’t jockeying for steadily diminishing resources?
Even the skyglow, that’s no small thing around here.
It’s pretty skinny country up in the Australian alps, so the critters rely on migrating Bogong moths for an injection of calories.
Fucking skyglow has fucked up the moths that navigate by the light of the moon.
I imagine that losing the moths is akin to losing migrating salmon up in the northern hemisphere.
No salmon = no food for bears = no bears = no bear shit = no forest. . .
There are sensitive ecosystems up in the Alps, including plants that purify water for everyone downstream. . .
Do you think people downstream give a fuck about those moths?
Too many idiots turning on too many fucking lights.
And for what?
What value do all these extra people in these ever-growing cities actually add?
Just more humans building more houses for more humans – buildings that the stupid cunts give black roofs because it’s fashionable! Ha, ha! Vast tracts of new housing around the Western Suburbs of Sydney is hot enough to fry a fucking egg!
More humans to cut their hair, etc.
But what qualitative difference have they all added?
Enough to cover the cost? I don’t think so.
Bring on the collapse!
I’d trade all of the Western Suburbs of Sydney to see my little mates the Christmas beetles again.
Chuckle. . .
Gone off a bit there.
But I’m enjoying myself 🙂
But I am serious – I would trade them all.
People are no more special than beetles, or moss 😛
You are right bro. Fossil fuels are a one-time inheritance that makes it all possible. Human supremacy is coming to an end. This is why I don’t get Radagast, when civ collapses all the industrial farming is done. Shalom to all the pig farmers.
Oh Wombat, thank you – your ramblings resonate, don’t stop ?
I don’t think the study on the Central African Republic is credible. The anonymous donor funding, John Hopkins University, blaming Russia in a country with a long running, civil war encouraged by foreign interests. I am not an expert on the area but the study strikes me as part of a USA and or French backed PR campaign as they are unhappy about being pushed out.
I’m pretty drunk right now. I can definitely understand how people become addicted to alcohol. I’m feeling very relaxed.
I’ve come to the conclusion that reading this blog is a bit like driving on the highway when you suddenly see flashing blue lights in the distance. Tragically, there’s been a fatal wreck. As you approach, you know that you shouldn’t look at the totaled vehicles, for fear of giving yourself PTSD. And yet, you can’t help but crane your neck as you slowly drive by, to see for yourself the mangled and bloody bodies strewn across the road.
Similarly, we subconsciously know that reading about the tragedy of SARS2 and climate change on this blog will make us sad and melancholic, and yet, in a sort of morbid fascination, we are still drawn in to learn more about the nightmare that awaits us.
I really need to get off my ass, stop procrastinating, and order those shrooms on Telegram pronto so that I will be psychologically prepared for the fact that we are all mortal and there will come a day when we will close our eyes forever. Psilocin completely removes the fear of death from terminal cancer patients, so they will help me, and all of us, to cope with this uncertain future that we now face.
“We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die, because they’re never going to be born.”
– Professor Richard Dawkins
God bless you, Rintrah Radagast.
It’s been a highway to hell and heaven for me. Just, uhhhh, it might not be best to share every thought you have when you’re high online…. People might think you’re a schizo.
Good point, thanks. I typically only drink alcohol very seldomly. But today I was meandering around Dublin city centre and for whatever reason decided to go into a traditional Irish pub and get pretty shitfaced. I’m also sleep deprived (was up all night) and had 3 cups of coffee this morning. Certainly an interesting state of mind to be in. I’ll feel better tomorrow:
Yeah bro, that’s pretty hardcore, but I think that’s your subconscious getting used to altered states of mind to get you ready for the shrooms. I started drinking more than ever before I took the shrooms, had one terrifying experience on booze too (Drank too much) Just be safe, don’t overdo it.
Very true. I need to be more careful not to get online after I’ve been drinking.
I just splurge out all sorts of nonsense.
See above, for example.
I might have to try the shrooms myself, see if I can’t rewire my brain.
Being fearless sounds pretty attractive.
Or maybe I should get my hands on whatever Soma this muppet is taking:
>I’m pretty drunk right now. I can definitely understand how people become addicted to alcohol. I’m feeling very relaxed.
Ethanol, benzodiazapenes and GHB act upon the GABAnergic system, a neuromodulatory system given short shrift on this blog by its author (who favors serotonergic systems and tryptamines)
Why is this the case?
GABAnergic systems modulate anxiety. Anxiety is a physiological state of all prey animals. A prey animal can never rest easy — it must always be on “alert” lest the poor critter get gobbled up by a larger animal. Anxiety serves a survival function for prey animals/victims.
This state of affairs, which is extensive in the animal kingdom, is what Radagast rhapsodizes as a kind of Eden. No matter that he oversees this twisted and cruel system from a remove — to him it is beautiful and something we as humans should aspire to and adapt to. Little does his overly romanticized and idealistic soul appreciate the true horror of most mammals’ existence.
So he offers serotonergic psychedelics as a salve. But it is only a salve.
In my view, understanding Terror Management Theory, and utilizing things like Reichian/Tantric Bioenergetics to gain mastery over the nervous system is critical in becoming more than just another victim/prey, buffeted by internal and external threats.
Interesting points. Yes, just the thought of the amount of suffering seen in nature does indeed cause me suffering. However it’s important to remember that the bodies of the prey being attacked by predators are producing enormous amounts of adrenaline at the time of their death, which acts as a potent painkiller. So presumably the amount of suffering that they experience is greatly reduced, and much less than it to appears to us whenever we watch a David Attenborough documentary.
From that Dawkins video that I linked above:
“Yes, and alas, there are deserts and slums, there is starvation and racking misery to be found. But take a look at the competition. Compared with most planets this is paradise, and parts of earth are still paradise, by any standards.”
It is also worth noting that these prey animals are in prime physical condition, as they are engaged in an evolutionary arms race with the predator animals. Imagine how nimble and agile a gazelle must be in order to evade the capture of a 60 mph cheetah. If there were no cheetahs on the Savanna, these gazelles would become lazy and slothful, like the average privileged human, which brings on its own kind of suffering.
If you read Dawkins’ “The Greatest Show on Earth”, there is a chapter titled “There is grandeur in this view of life” which discusses these ideas in more detail.
“understanding Terror Management Theory, and utilizing things like Reichian/Tantric Bioenergetics to gain mastery over the nervous system”
Interesting, I’ll have to research this, thanks.
“The lack of insects on your windshield is normal.”
Weird! Hard to say, with memory biases, etc., but that really struck me as something that was pretty routine in the past, and now seems like a distant memory.
Insect doom is truly frightening.
Yes, I do remember tons of healthy bugs full of pollen splattering all over the windshield, difficult to clean off. No more.
Billions of tons of pesticides sprayed to benefit crops isn’t going to work long term, or for much longer.
Tryptie, the malevolent force actually favors psychopaths and evil people in general, that I find logical.
But I think the material suffering of a white-collar office worker is nothing compared to real suffering we see in the world.
Is Satan reincarnating us here without our consent?
How does this process of reincarnation work?
Someone dying on this earth is being reincarnated here or brought here from somewhere else?
What happens to a ‘good’ human being who dies here and to a ‘bad’ human being who dies here?
What is the role of ‘god’ in all this?
It defies logic that ‘Satan’ can do all this while god sits idle and watches.
Isn’t all this a nice fairly tale of a scapegoat (Satan) to excuse ‘god’s’ complete impotence or non-existence?
At least believing that this universe operates on some system of justice is a better fairy tale as most people believe in justice.
To me at least, karma and its consequences makes more sense than ‘god’ and ‘satan’ playing games at our terrible expense.
Jesus was here a couple of thousand years ago. Any idea when these games between god and satan will end?
This is my personal belief not intended to change your beliefs or that of others.
>At least believing that this universe operates on some system of justice is a better fairy tale as most people believe in justice.
No, that’s the worse fairy tale. It sets human against human, with endless and recursive accusations of guilt and blame for what is essentially a deterministic puppet species.
Imagine angrily blaming a paraplegic for not walking — that is the reality of this world.
>To me at least, karma and its consequences makes more sense than ‘god’ and ‘satan’ playing games at our terrible expense.
Lol. You sweet summer child.
“God” and “Satan” are merely the antipodes of the same monistic Demiurgic “One”
How does holding one’s own karma responsible set human against human?
Tryptie, another thought struck me.
Was a vegan like Radagast reincarnated here by Satan against his will?
Then he must be defying Satan terribly.
If anything bad happens to him, which I hope will not, will it be Satan’s doing or his own previous bad karma?
If anything good happens to him, which I hope will, will it be Satan’s doing or his own previous good karma?
There’s loads of stories online of young children recalling past life events. They seem to forget them as they get older.
I’m still a doubter. What exactly gets reincarnated and has its memory wiped? A soul? A disembodied ghost? When we look within, which Easter religions place great emphasis on, we find just a jumble of thoughts and emotion. There is no identifiable person as such. In other words, the self that we hope survives death doesn’t even exist in life.
>and has its memory wiped? A soul? A disembodied ghost? When we look within, which Easter religions place great emphasis on, we find just a jumble of thoughts and emotion. There is no identifiable person as such. In other words, the self that we hope survives death doesn’t even exist in life.
Yes! You are getting close to the truth.
The evidence for reincarnation can be compelling, but as you point out — if every memory of our individuality is wiped out in between incarnations, what exactly is being RE-incarnated? What is the element that persists?
(There are those like Tom Campbel who propose there is an enduring “soul” for whom their “life lessons” are imprinted in some abstract way upon an amorphous flux of energy, but I’m not convinced)
Non-dual philosophies like Advaita Vedanta have the best take, IMO.
We as human individuals are all deterministic meat-puppets, and the only reason we puppets have the sense we “exist” as “real individuals” is because the monistic “God” (the only thing which REALLY exists) is looking out from each of our eyes.
It lives through our little pathetic lives.
I first had an inkling of this long before I read esoteric philosophy when I had my first mushroom trip. Me and my roommates were tripping and while gathered in the kitchen, I looked into each of their eyes and I had a flash of realization that every single one of us was looking out from the same vantage point. That the “see-er” within each of us was the same.
I intuited that this material universe was predetermined and etched on stone, created by “God”, and that He/It entertained itself by “diving” into each of our individual lives for a few decades, and then later, at His whimsy, would dive into the other person’s life at another iteration of the same universe.
God is essentially a lonely child in an empty room trying to make sense of His solitude by entertaining himself with finger-puppets.
And we are Its finger-puppets.
“There are those like Tom Campbel who propose there is an enduring “soul” for whom their “life lessons” are imprinted in some abstract way upon an amorphous flux of energy, but I’m not convinced)”
I believe this to be true, it’s called the law of karma. Remember, God is a Clown, so he enjoys playing jokes on the characters he plays. God finds it amusing for rapists to get raped, carnivores to get eaten, etc. The subconscious moral soul is metaphor and a symbol for people learning their fucking lessons. People who go through the most suffering tend to be the nicest (Or the craziest) You do lose memory when you die, but not subconscious fears. This is why phobias and sexual fetishes exist.
Get raped to death in your last life, maybe raping other people to death will seem like a bad idea in the next.
>I believe this to be true, it’s called the law of karma. Remember, God is a Clown, so he enjoys playing jokes on the characters he plays. God finds it amusing for rapists to get raped, carnivores to get eaten, etc.
You are still projecting your own personal and subjective biases on to “God”. You WANT Him to “have your back”. You NEED Him to affirm your priors.
However, just a few moments of sober-minded, clear-eyed perception of this world is all that is needed to show that Bad Things Happen To Good People, and that this world is fucked up and that psychopaths rule the roost. Your petty little morality-plays which you use to assuage your anxiety never seem to play out in the “real” world. Well, to be fair, they do from time to time, but that is just the bait that “hooks” you into ignoring all the instances of horrific injustice that occur millions of times daily on this planet.
The reality is far more sobering. Just ask yourself what motivates YOUR choices in film consumption. You might enjoy a bucolic film set in the Italian countryside. Another night, a comedy of belly-laughs. Another night you might be in the mood for a horror film. And for certain of you, you might be in the mood for what can only be found on the Dark Web..,,
God is entertaining Himself, and “filling time” just as we do
God is capricious.
(Capricious, that is, from our little perspective anyway)
>The subconscious moral soul is metaphor and a symbol for people learning their fucking lessons.
“There is no opposition or conflict or *necessary* evolution except by the way Hegel or, for that matter, anyone has conceptualized the multifaceted, ever changing, intertwined living process. There are simply intertwined differences and similarities. However, these ‘appearances’ are not enough for most men. They are too weak for life’s luxury. In the end it is always weakness that demands too much understanding and not enough doing. What makes Karma an explanation? Can it really be an explanation or is it just a wish for some, and a nightmare for others?”
“If a person were to try stripping the disguises from actors while they play a scene upon stage, showing to the audience their real looks and the faces they were born with, would not such a one spoil the whole play ? And would not the spectators think he deserved to be driven out of the theatre with brickbats, as a drunken disturber ?… Now what else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk on and play each one his part, until the manager* waves them off the stage ? Moreover, this manager* frequently bids the same actor to go back in a different costume, so that he who has but lately played the king in scarlet now acts the flunkey in patched clothes. Thus all things are presented by shadows…”
Erasmus, “In Praise Of Folly”
[*”manager= Demiurge]
>However, just a few moments of sober-minded, clear-eyed perception of this world is all that is needed to show that Bad Things Happen To Good People,
Yeah, and they committed sins in their past life. The little girl that gets raped, raped little girls in their past life. Karma cares not for good and bad, it cares only for give and take. The only way to end the cycles of suffering is to not take suffering from others. If you want to see a real-life example of karma, understand how people who rape children tend to have been raped themselves, and their children in-turn will typically get raped (By them reincarnation tends to follow family lines, so a parent raping a kid is literally raping a part of their own soul and consciousnesses. Which they will subjectively experience in their next life, time is a illusion.)
>God is entertaining Himself, and “filling time” just as we do
God is the collective consciousness of the universe. God is all of us, the trees, the rocks, the plants, the machines, everything. Every thought that has ever existed is God, so God is doing everything. God is a trickster, a Christ, a Clown, a self-hating fetishists, a Devil, all of it. It’s simple, when suffering is taken from others, you sully your soul with that energy, and it will bite you in the ass at some-point.
You like to imagine yourself as some badass strong man, but in actuality you’re a weak little bitch who’s too weak to even accept the reality that you will be punished for your sins. Fundamentally, you’re just a nihilist. I will laugh at you when you face your doom, because you had the blessing to have a mind that could comprehend, but chose to live in ignorance anyway. You believe you’re powerless to prevent your inevitable fate of suffering, when your own mind is the most powerful force in the universe.
“The little girl that gets raped, raped little girls in their past life”
How can you possibly know this?
Simple, the soul of a father and his raped daughter is the same, simply divided, and that division is eliminated when the divided souls mixes with the energy of another. This is the same for all souls. When you die, the self non-self distinction is gone, and you get to subjectively experience the lives of the other souls you mixed with in your life. Consuming others beings, having sex with them, and having children are all ways you mix your soul with theirs, to become more part of the whole of God. So, cum inside a girl, you get to be her, you’ve mixed your soul with hers.
How do I know this? It’s a religious belief, I’ve felt it to be true and my research into religion makes me believe it’s true. The Norse and Hindus both believed in reincarnation, and karma. It’s very typical and not at-all a strange belief. The idea of a Hel is a metaphor for you getting to enjoy your own sins.
If you didn’t get why monks of all types live in the mountains and refuse to have kids, now you know. They want to rejoin God (Return to being everything by having as little subjective experiences as possible) So they minimize the impact they have on the world to live as little lives as possible to get there. I just want to live good lives, so I want to keep my interactions with others mostly cordial. Remember, reincarnation doesn’t care about distinctions between man and animal. Abuse animals, you will be abused yourself. You will become the creatures you eat, you rape, you kill. You will also become the children you have, the women you fuck, etc.
“You will also become the children you have, the women you fuck, etc.”
I seriously hope that is not the case, particularly the latter lol
You will definitely become your kids, your soul and your partner’s is divided to create a child, Germanic Pagan societies believed souls were passed down through family lines. The women you fuck one is less likely, but you still share a bit of your soul with a sexual partner, so I believe you’ll probably still get to experience their life before you rejoin God. Don’t stick your dick in crazy or evil, probably should stay monogamous too.
Afraid I’ve already stuck it in both. Although there is a difference between a drunken shag and making love. I can imagine some kind of spiritual fusion occurring with the latter but not a meaningless shag.
So the “jumble of thoughts and emotions” may be separate or separable from the real self? Or as Sartre commented on Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am”, the “consciousness that says ‘I am’ is not the consciousness that thinks.” (Derived from recent reading of Tolle, Eckhart)
What I mean is there is no ‘real self’ to be found. It’s an illusion. We construct a personality to try to fit into this world, a world which we can only tenously grasp, especially for Autists. I’m a bit drunk btw. Thursday night, I usually drink so I can get a very long sober night sleep on Friday night.
Why does it have to be “I think therefore I am”?, why not “I walk or I wank, therefore I am?” If you do calm abiding Buddhist meditation you can see this quite clearly. It’s similar to what Mehen said about God and the sock puppets – we do this too, we create a sock puppet (our own personality, the ghost in the machine) to try to fit into this deeply strange fucked up world.
And yeah Mehen, I’ve had that realisation on Acid more than once and its deeply unsettingly. You’re definitely onto something.
Whatever gets reincarnated has to be the continuity between the different incarnations. Otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense.
As far as I know, Hindus believe that the soul gets reincarnated. Which means the same soul in different incarnations.
As far as I know, Christians believe that Adam’s progeny are suffering because of Adam’s sin.
That is like hanging a child for the crimes of his father which would be deemed unacceptable in western society today.
Is there a soul or is there not and what happens to it if it exists?
>Whatever gets reincarnated has to be the continuity between the different incarnations. Otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense.
What is the nature of that continuity?
>Is there a soul or is there not and what happens to it if it exists?
Good question.
As on a computer chip attached to a pet, the continuity would have to have its full history on it.
What will continue to heaven following ‘judgement’?
If it is the dead body, would it be when it was 1, 10, 20, 30 or whatever years old?
Not all Christian denominations hold that mankind suffers due to Adam’s sin. Some do, some don’t.
That’s true. Besides, the narration in the Genesis appears to focus more on other things. Very poetic and deeply wise chapters, by the way.
In general, it seems to me that the Bible is truly the work of humans-in-relationship-with-the-Lord. We have to keep working on this relationship, grow, and maybe this will lead to a better and better understanding of the Bible as well.
This soul/reincarnation concept sounds like some kind of video game wherein our bodies are just meat bots in the game, operated by ‘souls’/users from outside in another realm.
While inside the game, we/our ‘users’ have no knowledge of what has happened or may happen in the realm outside of the game.
If a user experiences any continuity in between games, it is only knowable outside of this game/realm. Same goes for any lessons learned in a given game. Or at least I personally have nothing that I would call a memory form a past life.
In between games, in another realm, perhaps the user/soul remembers things, but perhaps not. We can never know, because the answers are in another realm.
Why does it always seem like the answers are always hidden in another realm? It’s no good looking for them either, because you won’t find any of them here. The best you might be able to do is make some inferences, but ultimately, you will get no solid proof or confirmation of anything because the actual answers always lie beyond the horizon.
And even if you could get into the soul/users’ realm to confirm continuity between lives, how would you then know to a certainty that you weren’t being used by a user in another realm?
Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.
Whatever the case, I am pretty sure that this realm will not let anyone really know anything to a certainty. Perhaps uncertainty is necessary to its operation.
> y. Perhaps uncertainty is necessary to its operation
>The little girl that gets raped, raped little girls in their past life.
That’s a hell of a statement.
Does your karmic principle apply to children with terminal cancer, as well?
I’d love to see you say that to their parent’s face, if so.
>Karma cares not for good and bad, it cares only for give and take. The only way to end the cycles of suffering is to not take suffering from others.
Sorry to break it to you, but the mere fact of existing as a human being necessitates the need for your interaction with other living beings, even if you “live off the land.” Did you not see my other post about how we all live off the sweat and blood of other people and other people live off of our sweat and blood?
There is no escaping what you call “karma” — which is just another word for the system of control built into this Hell Realm. And as you note, we will be exposed to our own karma at the moment of death, as countless Near Death Experiencers attest during their so-called “life review” where they are sadistically exposed to the effects their actions had on other conscious beings. The primary problem with this arrangement is that humans have no free-will and are creatures formed by their biology and environmental influences, so it is particularly cruel for your God to expect His creations to have acted other than they are. And to make them feel guilty for it! As I said previously, it’s like blaming a paraplegic for not being able to walk. Fuck your “God”
The Toxick Magician knows there is no way *not* to create what the Hindu’s have called Karma. Karma is good!
He knows this fact very well, and he is also aware that most people live in a superstitious world of “causes and effects.”
The Master knows how to take advantage of every superstition because he understands that “causes” as we “know” them also create “effects” as we *can’t* know them.
He knows that everyone lives in *bubble(s) of superstition(s)* where magical rewards and punishments lurk and abound. But somewhere in the dark of perceived order there is a monster hiding, ready to devour the “innocent.”
He loves to walk down the street in pride and certainty, knowing he’s but one moment away from an attack of diarrhea. This makes him unique among the masses. The Toxick Magician always views his adversary with his head in the toilet bowl.
The Practitioner knows, for example, that, if the pro-abortionists win by controlling population, it is the *wrong* population that will be controlled.
This is one of the key principles of Toxick Magick: whether, for example, the Church gets its way or not in terms of abortion is quite irrelevant. *It is the quality and nature of the forces set in motion for which the Toxick Magician strives.*
He knows that whatever is the most gross will triumph in the end. Whatever levels the playing field triumphs for a while.
He knows that the faster technology develops, the greater will be the collisions and destruction within the species which developed the technology. Inertia must always viewed from the psychological perspective of indolence. Indolence, in one form or
another, leads to farce.
Regardless of social strictures, laws or anything else, the masses will continue to breed. The goal is 66.6% *illiteracy* in the Civilized World and not the reverse. The goal of literacy is simply a ruse, a ploy of the Toxick Magician to set into motion those forces which interfere with the natural give and take of intelligence and stupidity, and power and impotency.
Thus, every so-called worthy goal is a ruse and the fuse of destruction. In the end, all goals reduce to control, and the means used to gain control are irrelevant and quickly forgotten.
What difference does it make to the average individual or organization that 10 or 20 million lives are destroyed after a week or two? It is only important that there is a fresh chicken in the pot. This is called “Voodoo Mechanics.”
>Does your karmic principle apply to children with terminal cancer, as well?
No, you don’t understand how souls work and how they apply to subjective experiences. The man that rapes the girl literally gets to have the subjective experience of the girl he rapes.
>I’d love to see you say that to their parent’s face, if so.
Hmmm, some parents could enjoy the thought their child’s rapist will end up experiencing the exact same rape the kid went through at their hands.
>Did you not see my other post about how we all live off the sweat and blood of other people and other people live off of our sweat and blood?
Doesn’t matter, existing doesn’t mix your souls with other people. You don’t have any direct connection too. The transfer of emotions is how karma works. This is why the lion doesn’t end up the gazelles it eats. All humans have some understanding that animals are living beings that can feel pain, so this is why karma applies to us when it comes to eating meat or raping for example. Emotions are the energy of the soul. You can literally taste the suffering in animal flesh, there’s a reason why westerners try to go cruelty free while Chinese torture their beasts, it changes the very nature of the meat. But meat is still built off suffering either way.
>it is particularly cruel for your God to expect His creations to have acted other than they are.
It’s life, you’re just a little bitch. When I talk about God, I’m talking about the Godhead, all lesser Gods (Like the ones I give tribute to) and lesser spirits are just as constrained by its existence;because the metaphysical laws of the Godhead are no different from something like the law of physics. They just are. God is everything, saying “fuck God” is just as inane as saying “fuck existence” or “fucks physics”
>This is one of the key principles of Toxick Magick: whether, for example, the Church gets its way or not in terms of abortion is quite irrelevant.
Cool, I don’t really care what others do either. Honestly, I am completely selfish. Go rape animals all fucking day, I don’t really care anymore. Enjoy when you get to be on the other side. I’m going to laugh at you.
>The goal of literacy is simply a ruse, a ploy of the Toxick Magician to set into motion those forces which interfere with the natural give and take of intelligence and stupidity, and power and impotency.
Yes we get it, your a wannabee slaver but you spend all day shitposting on obscure forums instead. “Il-literacy is the goal” You learn this from an anime villain? You’re ridiculous. Do you larp as a rapist too as one of your “Insight roles?”
>Thus, every so-called worthy goal is a ruse and the fuse of destruction. In the end, all goals reduce to control
Yup, and sometimes self-control is the strictest and harshest, it’s worth it when done to control one’s own fate however.
>What difference does it make to the average individual or organization that 10 or 20 million lives are destroyed after a week or two?
The law of karma only applies if they’re responsible. For Hitler, it mattered quite a bit. For the average lowbrow NPC who refuses to think with anything but its holes, they obviously don’t care.
>It is only important that there is a fresh chicken in the pot. This is called “Voodoo Mechanics.”
Lmao, you steal that Skyrim?
Thanks for the relatively substantive reply, this one actually forced me to think for once.
>>Does your karmic principle apply to children with terminal cancer, as well?
>No, you don’t understand how souls work and how they apply to subjective experiences. The man that rapes the girl literally gets to have the subjective experience of the girl he rapes.
The problem as previously noted is that beings which exist by virtue of having an *identity* possess no free will or ability to be other than what they are. So while you and other common men might relish the thought of Bad People getting their “just deserts” what is actually occurring is one unfortunate Being was “compelled to vice” at one time, and then at a later time, punished by his fellow men, who themselves are compelled to “seek justice”. And the punishment is not simply the rational application of strictures applied to the “bad actor” (as we would to a hurricane or a rabid dog), but there is an additional “moral” element in which we affirm the belief the malefactor could have acted other than he did, so we are thereby justified in indulging our sadistic impulses to “punish with extreme prejudice.” This is but one example of how this world is a Hell Realm, and gives credence to Carlos Casteneda’s observation that the Predators/Flyers/Archons gave humanity an element of their own mind so that we too could indulge in their cruel and sadistic “morality plays.”
>>I’d love to see you say that to their parent’s face, if so.
>Hmmm, some parents could enjoy the thought their child’s rapist will end up experiencing the exact same rape the kid went through at their hands.
You are insane if you honestly believe this to be possible.
>existing doesn’t mix your souls with other people. You don’t have any direct connection too. The transfer of emotions is how karma works. This is why the lion doesn’t end up the gazelles it eats.
I’m pretty sure the lion feels a great pleasure in sating it’s hunger, and the gazelle feels great anxiety at being eaten.
(Speaking as a schizoid, does my overly cerebral nature and numbed emotions mean I am free from your purported karma?)
>>it is particularly cruel for your God to expect His creations to have acted other than they are.
>It’s life, you’re just a little bitch.
This is hardly a meaningful reply to my contention regarding free will.
>When I talk about God, I’m talking about the Godhead, all lesser Gods (Like the ones I give tribute to) and lesser spirits are just as constrained by its existence;because the metaphysical laws of the Godhead are no different from something like the law of physics. They just are. God is everything, saying “fuck God” is just as inane as saying “fuck existence” or “fucks physics”
This is interesting. In a certain sense, we agree. I am indeed saying “fuck existence” because I recognize your God is the author of it. But at the same time you seem to be proposing the idea that the Godhead is itself constrained by certain Laws, and can not Itself act in discordance with those Laws. (This is an interesting philosophical/theological debate we could pursue). In any case, what I am saying is that what you regard as the “Godhead” is what the Gnostics have identified as YALDABAOTH. The difference between you and I is that you fall to your knees in reverence whereas I and others stand and rebel.
>Yes we get it, your a wannabee slaver but you spend all day shitposting on obscure forums instead.
^this^ is what is known as “projection.” You are hardly one to be throwing around accusations of “shitposting”
>Yup, and sometimes self-control is the strictest and harshest, it’s worth it when done to control one’s own fate however.
This is sensible. To be fair, I think your previously stated strategy is not unreasonable. I’ve considered it myself: wall off, go silent, take no part in the nonsense games of this world, cultivate a clear conscience, and hope for some sort of redemption or release in a general sense. Howdy Mickowski recently had a video where he recommended ways to “escape the Matrix” which sounded similar to yourself. I can respect this strategy.
But I would ask you to just take a minute to step back and consider what you are saying: you as an intelligent and aware being has concluded this reality is one full of seductive delights that titillate you and rely on your weakness in order to become ensnared in its traps. And further — not only would you regrettably suffer the consequences of such traps in THIS world, by say, becoming a drug addict or producing offspring, but that in your afterlife you would be judged as deficient for your missteps. So what you are saying is this world is full of land mines, it is “THE FLOOR IS LAVA” or “STEP ON A CRACK, BREAK YOUR MOMMA’S BACK”, and that the land mines are cleverly disguised as beautiful beckoning Sirens…
How on earth could you not judge the Creator of such a world as a sadistic, narcissistic psychopath?
Of what possible purpose could such a world serve other than the Creator’s sadistic impulses?
>Lmao, you steal that Skyrim?
I don’t play video games, other than the one I am playing with you right now.
>The problem as previously noted is that beings which exist by virtue of having an *identity* possess no free will or ability to be other than what they are.
Human beings are different, we have the Holy Spirit, the knowledge of good and evil. This is why the laws of karma apply to us, because we do have free will. Even NPCs have some free will, just not much. (It could be argued the lowest among them are the same as animals. But I’d disagree since they are still disconnected from much of their higher instincts, i.e, they still have some free will.)
> This is but one example of how this world is a Hell Realm.
Well you could argue that what you say makes the world a Hell Realm, but I don’t see it that way. We punish in order to teach, to make better (A punishment which is not this is vengeance.) The pedophile who rapes kids learns what its like to be a kid that gets raped, if the lesson sticks, that soul will grow and become better through that hardship. Crime and punishment is not a inherently evil concept. Even animals sometimes need to be taught harsh lessons, it’s life.
>You are insane if you honestly believe this to be possible.
You’re right, this is why stupid people need to be told bad people go to some magical realm of fire, instead of what I see as the truth, that we create our own Hells through our actions.
>I’m pretty sure the lion feels a great pleasure in sating it’s hunger, and the gazelle feels great anxiety at being eaten.
Yes, but they don’t have the Holy Spirit or free will like humans do. Animals do not have the knowledge of good and evil. A lion cannot even conceptualize the idea that they’re bringing harm to another being through their actions, that’s just how they think. Even sociopaths know they bring harm to others through their actions. Animals are living in a trance, their lives are like a dream.
>(Speaking as a schizoid, does my overly cerebral nature and numbed emotions mean I am free from your purported karma?)
No, because you have free will, you are capable of having this conversation, you can understand what suffering means. You’re just more sensitive in some ways, and less in others.
>This is hardly a meaningful reply to my contention regarding free will.
In my eyes, free will is a test, a test that allows us to become greater. Decrying the harshness of the test in my eyes is weak. I’m sorry, I don’t really hate you. My life as of late has been a haze, and I’m only just now recovering. I’ve been too sensitive lmao. You’re a cool and smart dude, even if we disagree.
>How on earth could you not judge the Creator of such a world as a sadistic, narcissistic psychopath?
God is all those things, worshiping the Godhead by itself is stupid. This is why we worship lesser deities, they represent specific aspects of God, the better ones. The Godhead however is also everything, so it is also empathetic, humble, and kind.
>I don’t play video games, other than the one I am playing with you right now.
I was more projecting myself onto you, kinda laughing at myself there, sorry, lel.
Thanks, many points you made that I would like to address.
But as I expected, we are both spinning around the issue of free will. As I’ve said for years now, it is my belief that most disagreements regarding politics and philosophy are split apart depending on what people understand about free will vs. determinism.
Here is a debate between two luminaries who take opposite sides.
Take a gander and get back to me.
“Does your karmic principle apply to children with terminal cancer, as well?”
The whole point of karma is one reaps what one sows.
Unless you bring in ‘god’ and ‘satan’ and their power struggle, the best explanation for the poor child’s terminal cancer, would indeed be karma.
To believe in karma, you would have to believe in reincarnation and continuity of what reincarnates (the soul according to Hindus).
One thing that can be said for sure is that the poor child didn’t do anything wrong in its present life which would have terminal cancer as a consequence.
As for saying it to the parent’s face, a sensible person would try their best to comfort the parent.
It would not be the right time to make philosophical points.
It was calculated in the 50s how long industrial society could theoretically last based on energy availability. It is essentially forever without growth or degrowth, and a few thousand years with further exponential growth (i.e. endless exponential growth IS NOT sustainable but not on the timescale we are witnessing which is basically two human lifetimes).
There is in fact something else going on. Planned or unplanned. This is just basic physics.
You’d have to provide a source for me to take this seriously.
Is this a type of witchcraft? Where you warn of a potential lab leak in 2018. But because you warned everybody, you obviously didn’t do it.