You’re not angry enough

Sometimes things are seen as being in poor taste when you talk about them, so we just never talk about them. Fertility rates, are one such thing. I just can’t really wrap my head around the fact, that I grew up in a world where people just allowed this to happen. I understand the boomers had good, happy, easy lives. But did they really not see, that this was going to cause problems?

Fertility rates are pretty much the exact inverse of what sane people would like to see. I can’t think of anyone who wakes up in the morning and thinks to themselves: “Man, I wish the world had fewer Japanese people.” I also can’t think of anyone who says: “Well, I hope when I die, I reincarnate in Somalia!”

The Americans spent twenty years occupying Afghanistan and spent a total of 2.13 trillion dollars, then Biden declared that he didn’t care and it was all in waste. But apparently, during those twenty years, these guys never figured out that this should not be the country with the highest fertility rate in all of Asia!

These generals and politicians send men off to die in Afghanistan. There are 20 year old Dutch boys, who died because their truck drove over a bomb in Afghanistan. They died for nothing. This shithole country is now back to doing its own thing, raping boys and reproducing like rabbits, ensuring a steady influx of refugees for the rest of the world.

Did it never occur to any of these generals and presidents, that you can’t have a functional country with a fertility rate of six children per woman? I just hope to myself that all these former bigshots in the Pentagon spend the rest of their lives waking up in the morning, suffering nightmares of the guys who drove over IEDs there, guys who had their whole life ahead of them, only for it to all be in vain, because nobody is willing to call a spade a spade. But I doubt they do.

Ignore the dysgenics issue for a moment. In Afghanistan they rape boys, in Somalia they cut off the genitalia of girls, in Yemen they marry girls. And that’s where the world’s children are now being born. I don’t need to give you some pie chart with violence rates correlated to MAO-A polymorphisms to prove to you that degenerate morons reproducing is bad for the gene pool. Children are just being born in circumstances nobody should have to live through. Even if bad behavior is not genetically inherited, the very notion of being born as a child in Somalia today is ultimately just a human rights violation.

It just kind of blows my mind, that people just insist on this tiresome process of sending people off to die there, achieving nothing, dropping the occasional million dollar bomb on the local warlord with four wives who is then replaced by his brother, never really getting anywhere, the whole tumor just growing and growing in the meantime, until the cells begin to infiltrate neighboring organs. That’s why I can’t help but feel some degree of sympathy for Israel. What else are you supposed to do? Are you supposed to just let the tumor fester?

It just mystifies me, that nobody in the Pentagon ever thinks: You know what, let’s start over. Call the Chinese, call the Russians, tell them enough is enough, agree with each other to detonate an underwater nuclear bomb off the coast of Somalia, wait until all the bodies are flushed down the toilet and repopulate the place with the sort of people we wish we had more of. Nobody wants to visit Somalia, nobody wants to move to Somalia, nobody wants to be born in Somalia, so why does it exist?

They will call you Hitler if you propose this. I say, go talk to one of those thirteen year old girls who was stoned to death in Somalia after being raped, in a public stadium with an audience of a thousand people. The soft meek liberals don’t comprehend how horrifying life can be, there are a lot of people wandering around in this world more evil than the Austrian painter. Somalia should not exist. It serves no purpose, it’s just an utter error in God’s design. Just realizing that most children alive today were born in these kinds of shithole countries is enough to make me psychotic.

I think people are just not angry enough, about what kind of mediocre shithole this world has become and how no serious attempt is made to solve things. No, everyone is just busy trying to insulate themselves from the consequences of a failing society. You have your nice seven figure job at the Pentagon, the ladies think it’s very sexy when you walk around in your uniform and when a bunch of twenty year old boys die for nothing in Afghanistan, that’s someone else’s problem.

If I decided to apply for a job tomorrow, got hired and the next day some dude mailed this essay to the lady at HR, that would be the end of it. “He spends every day, writing these angry racist rants for his obscure blog that are read by a handful of people.” People would be angry at me. But I think to myself, that you need to be angry at the fact that 690,000 children were born in Japan this year, while 755,502 children were born in Somalia this year. And I can’t think of anything more important than pointing that out.


I wish that was what made you angry. I wish that had you fuming with rage. And our brightest minds, our autistic young men who manage to pierce through the bullshit, are not working on solving this problem. They’re playing poker or bridge for a living against old people. They’re daytrading cryptocurrencies with each other. They’re keeping each other from killing themselves with edgy memes. They’re supposed to be in a submarine right now, placing that underwater nuke off the coast of Somalia.

I think what’s going on is that I look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali and think to myself: “That’s just another human being. That could have been me.” But that’s not how most people operate. You’re a doctor who works at some refugee camp in Ethiopia and some parents come in who just mutilated their daughter and you’re not really conscious of the fact that these are just humans. You dissociate. To function as a person, you have to believe at some level that reality is your dinner dates in Manhattan with your old group of friends, not what’s going on in the refugee camps. But I had a Somali girl in my class long ago and I can never forget, that they are just strangely human. Too human.

Afghanistan, where it is prohibited for women to sing or speak in public, will produce 1.5 million new children this year, who will in all likelihood have to live their whole lives in Afghanistan. That’s more children, than South Korea, Japan and Taiwan put together.

We all die at some point. If I got shot tomorrow, it would rob me of sixty years of life expectancy at best, it would not somehow rob me of immortality. For people to die is not some sort of huge tragedy. What is a huge tragedy is when people have a shitty life. If you’re born in Somalia, you’re going to have a shitty life. The reason they have those weirdly shaped heads is not because of some genetic trait, it’s because they have an impoverished diet almost entirely devoid of vegetables.

In a sane world, we would have seen Somalia turned into a Japanese colony by now. There would be a second Bhutan in the mountains of Afghanistan. But you know what’s actually happening? The Netherlands is turning into another Somalia. There are an estimated 4200 girls in the Netherlands expected to be circumcised in the next twenty years.

The cancer is exporting its cells to other organs. And our immune system, rather than smashing the cancer to pulp, insists on tolerating it. It solves the problem by pretending it’s not a problem. It’s like we all had a brain designed by Pfizer and Moderna installed back in 1945.


  1. The colonization of the Americas was the only instance the said process went right, i.e. when the losing race was raped into near-extinction. The same as the British should’ve done to India, the Americans to Japan, and the French to Shitfrica. You let their bloodline live, and you haven’t solved anything.

  2. “And our brightest minds, our autistic young men who manage to pierce through the bullshit, are not working on solving this problem.”

    in fact they make it worse by choosing mosquito nets as their highest impact charity project, so we get more africans that can’t make their own mosquito nets.

  3. Like the germans said: “Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen”. (The world should heal through German nature.). The older I get, the more I see in this world, the more I see the truth in that proverb.

    Look at Egypt or some other african country how they treat animals in the most brutal ways. Even not in the middleages in Europe they treated animals like this. Those people are human garbage on this planet and I wish someone will shoot them some bullets in their dumb bulbheads one day.

    We should clean those countries and grab us the natural ressources we need for our civilization. For Russia the same applies.

    • Wont that happen anyway?

      They rely on far away systems and have no backup. The West lacks many forms of backup too. But there are vast stretches of land where the global supply chain of ENERGY is not a big local input. Look up the empty diagonal in France, the Appalachian range, even high density countries like Switzerland can collapse to half a million ppl and still have many of the smaller towns functioning (the nukes are another, giant problem) and a huge agriculture left over.

      Egypt is 100mio. in a delta. Jakarta, Lagos or half of South Africa are huge cities sith three main supply lines. They gone, city gone – and all their surroundings, bc they are structural energy sinks. Same for Randstadt, Hamburg etc. They rip out half of Europe, but Thüringen, Bavaria, Vorarlberg and half of Eastern Europe will be fine. Different, but fine.

      As long as jet fuel is being produced, nothing will collapse and become exponetially worse. That is the global wildcard. Not CBDCs. They suck for a moment. Air traffic sucks for generations, as explained in TFA.

      • Yes, Japan is similar to South Korea, with most people in Seoul. People live miserable lives in cold, tiny apartments in large cities, with the countryside in decline and abandonment. No wonder they do not want to date and have children. It is for their good. Something has to change.

  4. This is why I am of the view that, in reality, God hates the Jews.

    For every Palestinian child that is ethnically cleansed, 50 more are born.

    No matter how many Palestinians are subject to genocide, they still exponentially breed.

    The more you kill them, the quicker the population grows.

    Jews can never win.

    They should all just give up and move to Florida.

  5. “it’s just an utter error in God’s design”
    Ok RR, I agree with many of your points, but you sound more and more like the psychopathic elites.
    The problem of the elites is that they think they know better than God, and they want to shape the world according to their limited vision. They kill without mercy if that serves their f*cking vision of utopia, or anything they think.
    Let me remind you: you’re not smarter than God. Leave the problem of Somalia or Afghanistan to God, don’t propose killing just because you think that should be goo. That’s extremely stupid.

    If you want to think as a Buddhist, then leave things to Karma, Pratītyasamutpāda or dependent origination/ or dependent arising. People being reborn there was their own Karma/ conditioned arising. Help them if you can, or just leave them to solve it themselves, not try to kill them. It’s extremely stupid to think you can prevent them being reborn there by killing them. They will just be reborn in those situation again, when the conditions allow it!

    In short: don’t try to play God, that’s how they’re destroying the world!

      • @Alex you just don’t understand what I said
        What I said was not being inactive. What I said was you can do something as human, help people, but not play God and try to shape the world according to how your limited brain think.
        What RR wrote in this post was definitely playing God and decide who to live who to die.

  6. At least you are realizing population control is the root of the problem. It’s pretty stupid to worry about CO2 with 8 billion people, soon to be 10 billion. It’s too late. They all need more cities, housing, roads, schools, factories, farms… That ensures more natural areas will be cut down and covered in concrete.

    If I could play god, only whites would be allowed to have babies. The problem solves itself in one generation without murdering anybody. Yes, that would make me the genocide god, but I would be saving the planet. Animals would only go extinct because another animal out competes them. If that makes me worse than mustache man, so be it. Every one of your friends and neighbors are too if you could read their minds.

  7. Actually the old testament contains commandment of God that the Israelites (Nordic Aryans, not Rev 3:9, the Christ killing kikes*) are supposed to exterminate the cursed seed of Cain, which is the seed of the negro, preserved through the flood of Noah via the curse of Ham.

    It quite literally is the holy duty of God’s Race to cause the extinction of the negro and all with negro blood.


    Matthew 27

    22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.

    23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.

    24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.

    25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

    26 Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.

    1 Enoch
    There I saw the spirit of a dead man making suit, and his lamentation went up to heaven and cried and made suit. Then I asked Raphael, the Watcher and the holy one who was with me, and said to him, ‘This spirit that makes suit—whose is it—that thus his lamentation goes up and makes suit unto heaven?’ And he answered me and said, ‘This is the spirit that went forth from Abel, whom Cain his brother murdered. And Abel makes accusation against him until his posterity perishes from the face of the earth, and his posterity is obliterated from the posterity of human beings’ (22:5-7).64

    • You’re saying that the Old Testament God (Amen/Zeus) “commands” that whites kill negroes (Nehesu) because Cain (Set/Khonsu/Herakles) killed his brother Abel (Dionysius/Ausar)?

      The same Abel (Dionysus) being raised in Nysa (Great Lakes Region of Africa) aka Nyasa near Mt Meru (Mountain of Meru-The bantu people).

      You should question that Semetic lie…which is where that interpretation comes from

    • The Negro-Nehesu has Abel’s name aka Ausar/Asa. Nehesu named from Nysa/Nyasa. The Lake (Ny or Ni) of Ausar (Asa). People still named Meru…from Mt Meru where Ausar lived near.

  8. I watched the movie Captain Philips (played by Tom Hanks) recently that’s apparently a true story of a cargo ship that gets taken by Somalian pirates (around 2005, I think).

    It hits home how at least these Somalians have next to no options but to steal, rob, kill. Watching that made me furious that we waste so much money on (American) war projects in other countries just making the world shittier, more broken, and more pissed off.

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