I’m still busy travelling, because hysterical climate change alarmists like me infected by the woke mind virus don’t believe in airplanes, but I have to comment briefly on what’s happening in my homeland right now, as I’m still in the proper sober mental space for it.
Another week, another 437 people who left this world prematurely. There is no heatwave going on, so that’s not it. It has been steadily building up the past few weeks, spiking now.
We can see very clearly what it correlates with: SARS2 RNA in wastewater.
Any moron can figure out that if you vaccinate people against a virus like this, you will select steadily more virulent variants. Normally mild infections induce no antibody response at all, so the population would find itself discriminating against virulent variants.
Right now, your population is discriminating against variants that have not yet shortened the immunogenic loops in their N-terminal Domain and added glycans to it. Good luck with that.
That’s why you can also see that the excess mortality steadily grows worse every year. In fact, if you would correct the numbers to account for the deficit mortality you’re supposed to be seeing, you would realise how ugly the picture really is.
Everyone else is now busy chasing the LSWM substack bux, including van den Bossche apparently. But everything I post on this topic is free and will remain so.
The one place where they can’t cover up the excess mortality with statistical trickery is in young children.
Here they run into two problems:
-The kids don’t result in deficit mortality later on.
-The kids don’t have immunity from previous infections so the rising virulence becomes apparent.
What bails them out here, is that when you zoom in on any demographic with few baseline deaths, the signal tends to be drowned out by the noise.
Tern on Twitter has posted about this, others have too.
I don’t have much new to say on this. I could sperg about every single detail, but that can come later.
But it’s therapeutic to mention and i think it’s useful for everyone else, who feels like they’re being gaslighted. If you feel like something is wrong, yes, that is because something is wrong.
They didn’t solve it, they made it worse.
I don’t know why they peddled these vaccines. Lately, looking back at some conversations with some insufferable friends of friends, I think the answer may be simple: The vaccine was the magical ceremony necessary to get the most insufferably bourgeois middle-class morons to consent to ending the unsustainable idiotic lockdowns that were killing droves of poor people in the 3rd world and causing crops to rot away unharvested in the fields in countries like Australia.
But yes, if you were wondering this is why everyone is coughing in the middle of summer (including the people in the seat in front of me), that’s why you get weird headaches in the area above the nose, that’s why you feel more tired than usual. Your immune system is forced on high alert again, in the middle of summer.
You’re not crazy, you’re not a hypochondriac, they just screwed up and now decide to cover it up.
As an actual far right aryan man, this is why it’s important to state my distaste for men like Donald Trump.
“operation warp speed! :)”
Let’s not forget who did fuckall to free the citizens imprisoned by lockdowns. Did he send the military? Did he pass laws to free his people? Of course not.
Then a couple years later, the dolts who were locked in their homes are still excited to go vote for that fat turd. Outstanding.
I honestly don’t care what happens to republicans at this point, I just want my investments to go up.
Thank you.
All this unironic fellating of Trump annoys me.
He pushed for a catastrophic experiment that killed millions.
And he has never shown any remorse for it.
Trump isn’t a microbiologist and he doesn’t have your awesome autistic research talents, RR.
NO president could have resisted the inevitable tidal wave rollout of mRNA technology in 2020. He actually “lost” the election because he was blasted in the media for not doing enough to keep the proles safe.
Trump has good instincts and hopefully RFK Jr will get a good position in his next administration. Maybe Director of HHS or Tony Fauci’s old job.
Did you hear their recent leaked phone conversation?
I don’t want to whitewash Trump for anything, eventhough in the past I wrote about his virtues.
But it has to be said that
1) he was trying to solve the health crisis with free/cheap antivirals like HCQ (I am not sure if he knew about IVM),
2) he didn’t want the lockdowns (if they hadn’t happened we would have had herd immunity by now, and we would have never met each other lol), and
3) there is one missing factor in the equation: he didn’t order the MASS vaccination.
GVB says the problem stemmed from (a)mass-vaccination-(b)in-the-midst-of-a-pandemic-(c)of-a-fast-mutating-virus-(d)with-leaky-vaccines.
You need all 4 for this mess. Trump was responsible for authorizing the ‘warp speed’ development of leaky vaccines, which would have happened any way.
And our host says that the mass vaccination was a magic ritual to stop the lockdowns, which Trump never wanted in the first place.
I know people jump from Federalism to Autonomy of States according to the issue, but I am not American and I don’t know what was the President’s power to do anything on the State level. On the Federal level, did he order a national lockdown? I think not, but I’m not sure.
I recall Trump mentioned taking vitamins like zinc as well.
I recall he was roundly slammed by the mainstream media and leftists for quackery for these and other suggestions, such as his ‘thought bubble’ of injecting bleach.
“Let the eggheads people tell us what to do Trump, you are out of your depth, so just stop it with your homespun quackery and suggestions of wearing a scarf, eating zinc, C and D, ivermectin, HCQ, and injecting bleach – let the eggheads do their science thing instead!”
Something like that anyway. Then the science sacrament injectable thing got done.
More broadly, to me, Trump rides on a wave of entirely understandable anger from LSWM’s and other working class and poor people who have been shafted by neoliberalism. This is one of the reasons why the left lost their collective little minds over him: they hate the poor and working class with a passion, even though they purport to represent their class interests.
The left have been for decades, generally speaking, class traitors. Trump and Brexit and the rise of right-wing parties and so forth is the utterly foreseeable and understandable consequence of screwing the poor and working class for decades.
Because I am working class, I support Trump and Brexit and populists, etc. warts and all. It’s not perfect, we are still screwed in the long run, but there it is.
I am not ashamed of this at all, no matter what a blue haired woman yells at me.
Obviously, I do not endorse injecting bleach and do not suggest anyone do this. Although, if everyone had indeed followed this ‘thought bubble’ instead of injecting useless and dangerous “vaccines” we may well have ended up in a better place than where we are now with a population with a broken immune system.
Yes, to Charlie the Scorpion. Why does this even need pointing out?
Why do people get things so backward? The vaccines were not ‘needed’ because of the virus. The virus was ‘needed’ to unleash the vaccines.
As were the lockdowns. The vaccine was not mandated so ‘they’ could then end the lockdowns. The lockdowns were imposed in order to ‘persuade’ people to take the vaccines.
The vaccine was always the objective.
The UK’s ONS changed its weekly death reporting, and what would have prevously been 4k or so excess deaths YTD by the previous methodology is now -20k excess deaths. That’s how they adress this problem.
> Tern on Twitter has posted about this
Yeah, Tern is still taking the boosters as of January 2024. Not just himself/herself, BUT ALSO HIS/HER THREE CHILDREN:
“Until the end of January you’re able to get a booster vaccination for ages 5 and up at many walk in sites in England. The simplest eligibility criteria is that you’re caring for a vulnerable person. You don’t need to be caring full time, you could be doing it for five minutes once a month.”
“We’re starting supporting someone vulnerable as a family, so our three kids are now all eligible. Very quick, very simple, no fuss.
Job done.”
Similar story with Anthony Leonardi. It’s not about following the science anymore, it’s almost like these people are part of a cult. I’m pretty sure that you’ve written about this phenomenon in previous blog posts. It seems to be psychological, once you take the vaccine yourself you become unable to stomach the reality that it is the VACCINES that have caused this massive problem. They’re no longer able to examine this issue in a critical/rational/objective manner, and all logic and sanity goes out the window, to be replaced with denial and wishful thinking.
The world needs laughter, so here’s a hilarious comedy skit/sketch of a Catholic priest joking about cannibalising his fellow Catholic priests while they are all lost in an underground cave:
Graham Norton is an amazing actor.
“The vaccine was the magical ceremony necessary to get the most insufferably bourgeois middle-class morons to consent to ending the unsustainable idiotic lockdowns”
The lockdowns was the magical ceremony necessary to get the most insufferably bourgeois middle-class morons to consent to the vaccine.
Fixed it for you.
Quote: “You’re not crazy”
Normality is what the majority does. There is no absolute normality.
Therefore I’m crazy, if I want or not, if I’m clever or not, if I’m right or not.
In regards to Sars2 RNA in wastewater, what are the tests in reference to?
Was this a common tool used prior to 2020? I can’t really find much on it.
New research pointing to the increased evasiveness of the current variant leader: KP.3.1
Well, there’s nothing for it but to wait and see what happens.
At the moment the body count still seems low: as in there is nobody walking the streets ringing a bell and calling “Bring out your dead!” which gives people the space to not think or talk about this.
That’s going off my own very limited experience though. I’m only in contact with a few people outside my nuclear family these days, having lost almost all social connections with others over the course of covidworld, and none of those with whom I am still in contact are even remotely interested in this issue.
I just don’t think most people are interested in this anymore.
It seems like an odd point in time for Geert to start charging now that interest is waning, or perhaps even totally gone if my own experience is a common one. Maybe Geert sees charging as the equivalent of shutting the door and turning off the lights: “Party is over folks, but if you insist on staying, I’m going to start charging you for it.”
I think that’s what happened with Geert.
He mostly said what could be said.
The governments are obviously not interested in doing anything else than cover-up.
The least they could do is to give free IVM, but that would hold them accountable for their past actions.
Also, I think he wants some peace of mind (like, blocking the doubters by a paywall), and decent discussions with like minded people.
>It seems like an odd point in time for Geert to start charging now that interest is waning, or perhaps even totally gone if my own experience is a common one. Maybe Geert sees charging as the equivalent of shutting the door and turning off the lights: “Party is over folks, but if you insist on staying, I’m going to start charging you for it.”
Thanks for this. I was not aware of this.
When Radagast made mention of Geert in his OP, I was not quite sure what Rad meant.
But now I think I understand it.
This allows me to ask a question of this blog’s audience that has been bubbling up in my mind for the past few weeks:
Assuming most readers here are “skeptics” (in some sense) of the Covid-19 vaccines, has anyone here PERSONALLY observed anyone in their immediate family or extended friendship network who initially endorsed the vaccines, took the vaccines, but has later felt regret about the vaccines, expressed “second-thoughts” about the vaccines?
The details don’t matter. I’m just wondering if the needle has moved at all, between the “vaxxers” and the deplorable “anti-vaxxers?”
Are both groups still in their silos (“echo chambers”)?
Has there been any movement towards a general understanding that the Covid vaccines were not the panacea they were advertised as?
This question might deserve its own blog post. Either here or elsewhere.
“Has there been any movement towards a general understanding that the Covid vaccines were not the panacea they were advertised as?”
I’m not in much of a position to say when it comes to my personal experience.
Covidworld completely destroyed my social life and whatever remained of my relationships with extended family, so I have no way of personally testing ideas like this anymore against a group of people in person.
That said, there are two people that I still converse with regularly apart from my wife (Like me, my wife remains interested in this, and is unvaccinated). Both of those people have ZERO interest in this subject. They both got injected, multiple times, and I’m sure that they both find the fact that I still talk about it annoying.
Both of them may have reservations about the “vaccines”, but I don’t think either of them is on the same page as I am about them.
I don’t see this getting much airplay in the mass media. The facts/stats seem to be getting suppressed as well.
Everyone is still getting sick, worse than before even.
There’s not a good story to tell, I guess, so the authorities don’t want to say anything, or be reminded about it.
That’s my guess. And the people who did take the shots don’t want to know about it either – they are not interested at all.
They’d rather talk about football.
But no, I haven’t seen anything like lots of people making a total ‘about face’ when it comes to this subject.
Maybe a grudging acceptance that they didn’t work very well.
I had a discussion, relatively recently, with a Nurse who was telling me how great the vaccines are and how I should get them. Even after all that has transpired. . .
She was telling me how the covid vaccines saved lots of lives and was asking me if I hadn’t seen the footage from Italy. . .
I was telling her that the “vaccines” didn’t kill the virus, didn’t prevent infection, or transmission, were encouraging the evolution of mutants, were injected into pregnant women and children, caused adverse side effects. . .
Etc. Etc.
We ended up agreeing to disagree.
Going off that experience, and my apparently permanent exclusion from my old family and social life, I don’t think many people have changed sides.
>Going off that experience, and my apparently permanent exclusion from my old family and social life, I don’t think many people have changed sides.
Day by day, it’s getting louder
And day by day, it’s getting stronger
But when I can’t scream no more…
and I need reassurance…
…I listen to the crowd.
Listen to me, just hear me out: if I could have your attention!
Just quieten down for a voice in the crowd.
(In the crowd)
I get so confused
And I don’t understand.
I know you feel the same way — you’ve always wanted to say
But you don’t get the chance; just a voice in the crowd.
(In the crowd)
I don’t know the score anymore
It’s not clear anymore.
I can’t tell right from wrong anymore
I just don’t understand.
I was just sitting here thinking of exchanging a new world for old
Like changing the channels on TV, or the dirt that we stand in to gold.
When I was young, my father told me just the bad guys die
At the time, just a little white lie.
It was one of the first, but it hurt me the most,
And the truth stung like tears in my eyes
That even the good guys must die.
There’s no reasons, no crimes, and I never knew why
Even now it still makes me cry.
If there’s somebody up there could they throw me down a line?
Just a little helping hand, just a little understanding.
Just some answers to the questions that surround me now.
If there’s somebody up there will they throw me down a line?
Just a little guiding light to tell wrong from right.
Just some answers to the questions that I’m asking you.
I keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing here is ever what it seems.
You stand so close, but never understand it.
For all that we see is not all that it seems…am I blind?
And you sit there and talk “Revolution”
But can you tell me just who’s in command?
When you tell me the forces we are fighting
Then I’ll join you and gladly make plans.
But for now just our T-shirts cry “freedom”
And our voices are gagged by our greed
Our minds are harnessed by knowledge
By the Hill and the will to succeed.
And if that’s not what you believe,
Would you just let me know I’m not standing alone
That I’m not just a voice in the crowd..?
If there’s somebody up there, would they throw me down a line?
Just a little helping hand, just a little understanding
Just some answers to the questions that I’m asking you.
If there’s somebody up there, just throw me down a line
Just a little guiding light to tell wrong from right
Just some answers to the questions that I’m asking you.
I’ll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing is exactly how it seems.
You’re reaching out, you’re so close you can touch it
But it all disappears when it’s always so near
But one day we will find that we stand in the light
Until then I’ll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Nothing here is ever is ever what it seems
I’m scared to shout in case I draw attention
From the powers that preside over our minds and our lives.
When they find what I want is the deadliest weapon —
— that is Truth.
Day by day
It’s getting louder
And day by day
It’s getting stronger.
But when I can’t scream no more…
and I need reassurance…
I listen to the crowd.
(And the boy stood, and stared at the hill. And the hill stared back.)
Now that is some excellent 80s Neo-Prog
One gets the feeling Rad knows what a “Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors” is all about.
He and I just draw different conclusions, is all.
I’m curious, do you get the sense that there has been a significant shift in thinking?
Most people don’t seem as fervent as they once did about this, but the authorities are still pushing the vaccines, even though people generally don’t seem as keen to take them and have perhaps become a bit skeptical about them. But, interest does seem to be dying down in the vaccines and the virus more generally. So those are changes, but how significant are they really?
There doesn’t seem to be widespread fear about consequences of the virus or the “vaccines”, certainly not the kind of doom we hear about here.
There doesn’t seem to be a groundswell of anger against the eggheads who developed this biological Chernobyl, or against any other aspect of the brainwashing and propaganda and whatever else got rolled out.
It’s more like people have moved on, or want to move on maybe.
Is that significant?
It’s just kind of petered out. Seems kind of anti-climactic. Nobody wants to talk about this.
Now that I think about it, I did talk about it to another guy I used to know relatively recently, a few months ago maybe, and he seemed to think I was crazy for thinking what had happened was ‘unusual’ – tried to trap me into saying that I believed everyone was cyborgs now or whatever.
So there you go.
One Nurse who says to get vaccinated. One old acquaintance who thinks I am crazy. Oh, and two people who would rather talk about the football.
Is that significant?
It doesn’t really feel like it to me.
Maybe I am crazy.
I feel like we’re headed for the edge of the world, and it’s time to reef in the sails; only everyone else on board is basically saying “hold fast”, or “steady as she goes”, or even “give it more power chief!”.
They don’t seem to think there’s a problem up ahead at any rate. Or if they do, they’re better at hiding it than I am.
Have I made some bad decisions on the back of pessimistic thinking that doom would inevitably manifest, which it hasn’t? Yep, I’d say I’ve made some bad calls. Maybe not about these “vaccines” though – I think declining those was a good idea, at least from a physical and spiritual point of view.
Nevertheless, despite this little victory, I think we’re screwed, and I reckon that this will become increasingly obvious to everyone over the next few years (if not the virus/vaccine issue, then the ‘Polycrisis’ aka overshoot and its numerous problems will keep on building momentum etc.), but I don’t see any ‘significant’ steps being taken to address this.
It follows that taking those steps must be a losing proposition, I guess, or people would be doing that.
I guess it also follows that nobody is keen on ripping the eggheads and authorities limb from limb over the “vaccines” and the virus they created, or that would be happening too.
They’re not even getting a slap on the wrist.
Is that significant?
Things change, but until they really transform, I’m going to say they’re not significant. Something like that anyway.
I’m rambling now. Time to put down the laptop.
> “… has anyone here PERSONALLY observed anyone in their immediate family or extended friendship network who initially endorsed the vaccines, took the vaccines, but has later felt regret about the vaccines, expressed ‘second-thoughts’ about the vaccines?”
There’s definitely a lot of disillusionment (how could there not be?), mostly kept quiet and probably internally rationalized in all sorts of ridiculous ways, but the one concrete datum I can point to from my acquaintance: my friend, still a normie in most ways, won’t acknowledge that everything in the name of fighting covid was done to destroy her; her first child, born 2018, vaxxed; second child, born 2022, no vaxx.
Yeah, so maybe a little disillusionment, a few reservations, a little new skepticism etc.
Hardly a revolution though.
Doesn’t even seem to make the grade for ‘regret’, or ‘second thoughts’.
Still, what was anyone expecting?
There probably won’t be any really significant change until there’s a significantly unmissable pile of bodies from the virus/”vaccines”.
Something so obvious, that nobody can miss it in their day-to-day life. Otherwise, it’ll be just another nothingburger.
I have a friend that took one Pfizer, along with her husband, at the intense pressure of her in-laws. She regrets doing that now, and although I don’t believe she keeps up with the science we discuss here, she knows they do damage to the immune system, and her one jab affected her horribly.
The longer I stay clean, the darker I become.
“Normal” solutions are impossible from now on, only brutal solutions.
A nuclear war or a deadly pandemic, that are the only possible solutions.
Diogenes: >> The longer I stay clean, the darker I become. “Normal” solutions are impossible from now on, only brutal solutions.
Groups that hate each other and wish to destroy each other are simply tools for the Manipulator.
For example, the periodic “Satanic Scares,” witch hunts over organized child abuse, and all TV media-events are viewed first as jokes, and then as proof that this particular species has reached the end of its utility.
The species is simply a resource for the latent, hidden viruses of this planet — much as this planet may be a resource for another planet.
The entire process is a food chain which the Master actively supports and utilizes for his comfort and fun. He knows that everything is part of the problem and that there are no solutions from a conventional point of view. He knows that millions die
daily and millions are born to take their place. He knows that the planet is alive as a stomach is alive — it digests everything.
Diogenes: >> A nuclear war or a deadly pandemic, that are the only possible solutions.
Every human, no matter what he tells himself, knows that simply by being alive, he has run into a brick wall in every aspect of his life. This world is a world of in-voluntarism, of Zombies.
And the final brick in the wall is involuntary death.
The power of death lies not simply in the cessation of life, but in the reality that death always feels like the “other,” and forces most people to feel a distance between their self and their “here and-nowness.”
Death is alienation — the final negative outcome.
This is why the housewives of the world are seen everywhere pushing baby carriages and sipping tea as the mushroom clouds form.
The Master, on the other hand, always keeps his coffin handy.
Death, which we have been taught can neither be killed, endured nor cured, is the ultimate wound to the self.
The Toxick Magician knows otherwise. He knows that once the right forces
are in play, death becomes optional.
If he has the mental organization, the active will, and the stamina to exercise his power, he will have immediate control over his adversaries. This allows him to buy time. And isn’t buying time our most interesting and perverse activity?
Hey Retard, you censored my other comment – fuggen post it.
They are fixing this problem by importing the third world scum.
The refugee masses have a healthy bias.
How do I know, ….
…. let’s say that I just do.
Kind regards,
Quote Retard: “…third world scum…”
With such comments you only show that you are the scum.
I am a retard, retard. Are you that retarded, that you do not know that I am retarded?
If you were a retard, you wouldn’t be able to write a complete sentence like this.
I am a retard, retard.
Therapeutic indeed to prevent mental distress from the large gaslighting show.
Quote Mehen: “And isn’t buying time our most interesting and perverse activity?”
While being young, yes. But I wish I could sell or gift my remaining time. Suicide is no option for me, I tried this long ago and learned that there is something powerful in me which is stronger and prevents it. Since then I know I have to live my life until the bitter end, if I want or not.
If you know you just have some years remaining, this makes buying more time senseless, it makes all plans and all activities senseless, you only wish it’s finaly over. That’s how I feel it. Every day feels like “Groundhog Day” for me.
To be integrated into a good social environment could maybe block such feelings, but hey … only few of us have that luck at the end of their life.
Quote Mehen: “… has anyone here PERSONALLY observed anyone in their immediate family or extended friendship network who initially endorsed the vaccines, took the vaccines, but has later felt regret about the vaccines, expressed “second-thoughts” about the vaccines?”
I made some more strange observations:
An old friend told me always he is unvaxxed, but up and then he made statements which led me to the conclusion that he took the vax … and is now denying it. From others and from himself.
My brother (who died last year), told me too he is unvaxxed. But at the beginning he hired for a job in a vaxx-center. I’m absolutely sure he had to take the first of the two doses before start working there. I told him he should leave that job because he helps killing people there. He then quit the job. I guess he persuaded himself that he is not vaxxed because he only took the first dose, but not the second.
Therefore I think that many vaxxed repress their memories like my friend and my brother did.
Now that’s an interesting observation.
We’re still not talking about anyone directly expressing ‘second thoughts’, or ‘regrets’, which would suggest conscious awareness of the issue, but that this is observable in repressed memories/denial instead.
Which suggests something like fear, if not terror, against expressing those sentiments.
If that sort of phenomenon is widespread, what does that say about what they did psychologically to everyone at a population level that they would force large numbers of people to mount such incredible psychological defenses or face catastrophic psychological damage?
I guess that’s what happens when the authorities lay a lot of psychological pressure on people, full monty psychological warfare stuff really.
So maybe people are feeling it but cannot express it. Yucko. Horrible.
Sorry about your brother.
And people cannot say anything, or get ostracized, which is how things have been going for a long time now on various issues.
IF this is true, then this kind of major repression will surely manifest in some kind of equally unpleasant expression sooner or later.
It has the same kind of inevitability about it as the killer virus Geert predicts will emerge.
Wombat, there’s a lot of denial. One older brother and a neice , cancer two years after vaxx, refusal to believe any linkage between the two. My renters two heart attacks after vaxx. My wife’s increasing memory loss, lots of denial, LOTS. They are all whistling as they walk through the graveyard.
Yes, only an extremely small percent expressed remorse for bullying the unvaccinated..
A couple of days ago I was watching some Aussie journalists sort of regreting what the aussie government did to Novak Jokovic. I thought that was very nice of them. While on the other hand, on those same days, some spectators of the Wimbledon final even booed him(!!!)
Rene Girard was so right about the scapegoat mechanisms. In another era, the mob could easily lynch the greatest tennis player of all time, just for having the spiritual strength to be healthy and not a sociopath.
Quote Wombat: “If that sort of phenomenon is widespread …”
I’m sure it is widespread.
How should they be able to regret if they can’t remember?
Imagine what will happen if this blockade will vanish one day in many of them.
Can only result in total chaos and violence.
Therefore we should better hope it does not happen and their denial will continue until their end of life.
I realize Radagast is busy right now doing drugs at a music festival, but I am eagerly anticipating his return.
What I want right now is audio of Rad speaking in his gentle voice with his thick Dutch accent. It’s like ASMR to me.
I was so smitten with his voice that I looked up “Dutch accent ASMR” on JewTube, but I am sorry to report that what I heard was a poor rendition compared to our beloved host.
No homo.
(Or maybe…I AM!!!)
I want to hear Rad reading bedtime stories to me as I try to fall asleep.
I’ve always had sleep issues due to my overheated psyche.
I visited Amsterdam once.
It was way better than my environs.
It’s perfect.
A Dutchee venting his spleen against all that is rotten in my country.
I want to hear it.
In his gentle voice.
Like a baby, I will fall into blissful sleep.
Coo coo
(Not sure if this will post)
The only other Dutch accent that reminds me of Radagast is this one.
This chick is super hot.
Eh, sorry about that. There is no speaking in that disgusting porno.
I was probably thinking of another clip where she was being groomed and nudged by a Dutch guy.
Whatever. She’s hot.
Yeah I also enjoy the sound of the Dutch accent.
I particularly like how Rintrah pronounces the word “path” in this clip at 3:35:
I don’t mean to be superstitious, but his YouTube channel currently has 666 subscribers, please LSWMs, someone subscribe and make that number go away.
The “2nd Smartest Guy in the World” has an interesting speculation in his newest post:
In Short: For a security update three reboots are required, and after the first reboot the server is vulnerable. Means, they have maybe installed malware on any affected server in preparation for the next bad thing.
And as a Bonmot a Klaus Schwab quote:
“But since the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict what, predict, and afterwards you can say, ‘Why do we need the elections?’ Because we know what the result will be. Can you imagine such a world?”
“You’re not crazy, you’re not a hypochondriac, they just screwed up and now decide to cover it up.”
What adds to this “crazy” feeling is the fact that those who took the injections don’t experience this. They are either “fine” or they are hideously sick with a “breakthrough infection.” So our reality is not their reality. But make no mistake, all of them are carrying and spreading SARS-COV-2 around, all of the time.
On the topic of “vaxx-regret” I have witnessed none of this. The best they can do is ignore the issue and stop taking more shots. But the main thing is that they don’t want to talk about it. And they greatly hate and resent you if you start bringing it up, because you are like sand in the groin – causing flare ups of cognitive dissonance which is extremely painful to them.
Our society has been mind-fucked. That’s the part of this whole thing not talked about enough. It’s not just about a bioweapon virus. They mind-fucked the population before, during and after the release to craft the current situation we are in. Their goal is depopulation without a fight back. They have achieved it. So I strongly resent the use of term “screwed up” – this was all planned.
Quote Tibor: “But the main thing is that they don’t want to talk about it. And they greatly hate and resent you if you start bringing it up”
Isn’t this a proof for the memory blockade they all have?
All of this is perfectly normal. This is what we do. This is who we are.
Well, it’s confirmed then – if this is normal, then I’m crazy, and/or alienated.
If this is normal, then I never will understand these people – their thinking is just too foreign to me.
It might be time to accept it, withdraw and pray.
LSWM Lives Matter;
> Yeah I also enjoy the sound of the Dutch accent. I particularly like how Rintrah pronounces the word “path” in this clip at 3:35:
Yes, exactly.
It’s music to my ears.
Welp, I’m drunk as hell once again, but it might be for the last time.
I’ve noticed some change in my lungs from the cigarette smoking, and it’s the drinking which compels me to chain smoke. And there is the fact that a heavy night of drinking gifts me with high anxiety and tremors the next day. For many months now I have been able to persist with these drawbacks, but I have an intuitive and physical sense that I have reached my limit. There is nothing worse than feeling like your lungs are incapable of drawing in air like they used to. I’m kinda spooked so I am stating here for the record that I will stop drinking for the foreseeable future. I’m not quite ready to quit cigarettes entirely, I will allow myself one cigarette after every meal.
Unfortunately this means that I will no longer be present on this blog or any other blog. I only poast when I am inebriated. The rest of the time I’m “locked in” to my psychological dysfunction.
I will leave you all with this. This is for the older misfits who both post and lurk here. We are getting older. I don’t have any good advice to give you, but music and art always help. Tiny heroes fighting big battles.
“Kiss My Disease” by the underrated GenX band “Virgos Merlot”
That reminds me — I am a VIRGO (Aries rising)
That also reminds me that I wanted to ask Tryptie what he thinks of the science of astrology?
Praying hands grasp a throat
Searching for a song they wrote
Heater just won’t warm a frozen spirit
Just a man with a cause
No reward and no applause
If there was a call he did not hear it
Tiny heroes fighting big battles
Mind of stone breaks and rattles…
The only thing I need — kiss my disease
And make it all better
Clean me when I bleed — justify me
Make words of my scattered letters
Hunger pains take control
Growling at the tired soul
When the body just won’t meet the
Growing older, growing weak
Going nowhere, future’s bleak
Need another spark to fire up the plan
Tiny heroes fighting big battles
Mind of stone overcomes the rattles
The only thing I need — kiss my disease
And make it all better
Clean me when I bleed — justify me
Make words of my scattered letters
You can use nicotine lozenges; you don’t have to give up nicotine, just don’t consume it via cigarettes.
It’s not that easy because a cigarette is also a play tool for the nervous hands. Nicotine plasters or lozenges can’t be used as play tools.
Yes, that is true. I used to smoke. But if he thinks his lungs are deteriorating he has to stop smoking. And he is more likely to succeed if he doesn’t try to give up nicotine. It is nuts to still have a cigarette after each meal; that will not save his lungs. Maybe he could crochet while sucking the lozenges. But seriously supposedly a toothpick will do.
Quote: “It is nuts to still have a cigarette after each meal.”
I have COPD and still smoke ~40 cigarettes per day.
That’s way more nuts.
In the words of Yul Brynner:
Just. Don’t. Smoke.
As a former smoker myself, that’s the sum of my advice on this matter too.
That and keep on trying to stop until it sticks, and remember that nicotine withdrawal is unpleasant, but that it doesn’t cause physical pain.
Each time you stop smoking, you will get a little better at tolerating the unpleasant withdrawal, and your willpower will improve.
If the nicotine drugs help, use them, but they have side effects as well – I have had some very, very nasty side effects. . .
But anything is better than finding it hard to breathe.
Eventually, the side effects of the nicotine drugs will get too unpleasant, and you will stop using them as well – if my experience is anything to go by at any rate.
But as I said, anything is better than not being able to breathe.
Think of the withdrawal sensations as yourself defeating the addiction
Think of this in positive terms
You are not ‘quitting’ anything, you are not ‘giving anything up’, but you are instead GAINING something, which includes the ability to breathe more easily
My husband lives on nicotine lozenges; he eats so many I am constantly ordering them. We usually get the Kirkland version in little screw top tubes via Amazon; presumably the vendor steals them from Costco and then unloads them online. The cherry ones are especially tasty. He’s been chowing down on them for decades; they don’t seem to be doing him any harm. The smoking was really bad; this is so much better. You can even split the lozenges in two or four so that you can consume them continuously. Quitting nicotine is too hard for crazy people; nicotine is an antidepressant; the lozenges are fine.
People, please, I have stopped with alcohol and weed since 3 weeks.
If you say: “Just.Don’t.Smoke”, then that’s ruthless. It would make me going total crazy.
I’m not an Ubermensch.
Yeah, quitting nicotine certainly wasn’t easy for this crazy person.
It can be done, but take the lozenges by all means.
I personally used all the methods at one time or another: for a long time too. I wasn’t a big fan of the patches, and tended to prefer the gum, lozenges, and sprays – probably for the fidget factor. I had no plans really on stopping using the nicotine drugs for many, many years. It was too hard, as you say.
Eventually, I had a reaction that I found unacceptable, and it all just had to go.
Eventually. . .
By that stage, I’d been working on beating addiction for a looooong time and it wasn’t so hard for me.
Breathing easier is worth the struggle, and the nicotine drugs do take the edge off.
So yeah, use the nicotine drugs by all means, they do help.
The shortness-of-breath problem is really ugly, but with the time I learned to deal with it.
The most common cause of death when having COPD is not suffocation, but heart attack, because the heart must beat faster to compensate the lung problem.
And honestly I must say I would welcome that, I’m old an have enough, and let my self-destructive instinct do the job.
“I don’t know why they peddled these vaccines.”
It was about the vaccines from the start. The propaganda was already there in March 2020: vaccines were the only way out, the race for a vaccine had begun. The hate propaganda against anti-vaxxers was already there: these were crazy people who were into conspiracy theories about 5G and micro-chipping and you shouldn’t listen to them. The propaganda about mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports was already there. There were articles discussing how people who didn’t take the covid vaccine could be excluded from society as early as May and June 2020. All this propaganda was one of the main things that gave me the feeling there was something really funny going on with the covid situation, and led to my decision not to take the vaccine.
“The vaccine was the magical ceremony necessary to get the most insufferably bourgeois middle-class morons to consent to ending the unsustainable idiotic lockdowns…”
Why the need for the extremism and coercion (here in Melbourne anyway) in the form of vaccine passports and vaccine mandates? The government here was deadly serious about getting a 100% vaccination rate. They could of easily gotten 70% of the population to take the vaccine without any kind of force, and then claimed that this would bring herd immunity. Really, they could have made up any kind of lies they wanted to (as they did anyway) and most people would have believed them.